It's Always The Pretty Ones

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It's Always The Pretty Ones Page 6

by Howard, Vonda

  ‘”Umm…it’s in the shop.” He scoffed.

  “Oh, ok.” She smiled.

  “Here they are.” He said as he walked toward the car as it pulled up. “Hey Dazzy, I wanted you to meet an old friend of mine, Colbey. Colbey, this is Dazzy, and back there is my little Angel.”

  “Hi Dazzy, Nice to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you!” She said bending over looking through the window.

  “Have you, now?” Dazzy said with a straight face.

  “Aww! Hi Angel! She is absolutely beautiful!” She smiled as she looked in the backseat.

  “Thanks.” Dazzy replied curtly. “Anton are you ready to go?”

  Anton mouthed “sorry” to her from Dazzy’s rude behavior. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Okay.” Colbey smiled. “Dazzy, it was nice meeting you.”

  “Yeah.” Dazzy answered in a very agitated tone.

  Anton was furious as he sat down in the front seat. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “What’s wrong with me? You bring some little bitch down here to the car, smiling in my face and you have the nerve to ask what’s wrong with me?”

  “Dazzy, there was no reason for you to be rude like that. I just wanted her to meet you and Angel. That’s it.”

  “Yeah right. What did you mean an ‘old friend’, anyway? What type of friend was she?”

  “We dated for a while, yes, but she is just a friend now. Nothing more.”

  “You guys dated? For how long?”

  “Why is that important? I’m with you, for now.”

  Dazzy’s eyes got big. “What the hell do you mean, ‘for now?”

  “Honestly Dazzy, if you keep on acting the way you do, I don’t know how much longer I’ll be around.” He shook his head as he looked out the window.

  “How could you say that to me? You would leave your daughter for some bitch?”

  “Whoa.” He said putting his hand up. “I never said I would leave Angel. I said I would leave you.”

  Dazzy’s lips tightened with anger as she started to grip the wheel tightly.

  “Wow. Silence. That’s first.” He turned and reached in the back seat to give a fretting Angel her pacifier. While he was turned slightly, Dazzy took her fist and slammed it down on his crotch.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you!” He said bend over holding himself.

  “Don’t you ever speak to me like that again! You will not leave your family for some trick bitch! You got that?”

  “I never said…”

  “Shut up!” She interrupted screaming at the top of her lungs.

  Angel started crying from the commotion.

  Anton gathered himself, still in pain, and reached back and held Angel’s hand. “It’s okay, baby.” He looked over at Dazzy staring straight ahead. “You’re crazy, you know that?”

  “Don’t you say that to me!” She shouted banging the wheel. “I’m not crazy! You are just trying to put me down so I’ll feel bad and you can leave us! I’m not crazy!”

  Anton just looked at her in amazement. Frankly, He was afraid to respond. He looked in the back at Angel sucking her pacifier and holding his finger.

  “I have to get us out of this.” He thought to himself.

  Chapter 10

  Romeo and Krystal arrived back at her house after dropping her friend Reina off at her hotel.

  “So, you had a good time, tonight?” Krystal asked digging in her purse for her keys. “Reina is crazy isn’t she?”

  “Yeah, she’s something else.”

  She unlocked the door and walked inside. “I’m glad you guys hit it off. It’s important to me that the two people I care about the most like one another.” She closed the door behind him once he entered.

  “Well, I better get out of here; I have an early meeting in the morning.” He walked up to her and gave her a kiss.

  She wrapped her arms tightly around him. “You’re not leaving, are you?”

  “That was the plan. Why? You got a better idea?” He said pulling her body in close to his.

  “Maybe.” She said with a flirty smile. She reached up and put her arms around his neck pulling him down into a kiss. Her breathing got heavier, the deeper and harder he kissed her. Bodily, he lifted her up to him and carried her over to the couch. Still kissing her, he laid her down on the couch. Her skin tingled as he left her lips and made his way to her neck, leaving warm kissed in his path. She moaned as his hand slowly slid down the curves of her side and made its way up her skirt. She lifted her bottom slightly so he could get her panties down.

  “Bring it, baby.” She said with squinted eyes.

  He smiled as he looked down at her unzipping his pants. She opened her legs wide so that he could see her pink wetness. “You want this pussy?”

  He nodded as he inserted himself inside her. She was everything he expected; warm, tight, wet. She gripped the side of the couch as he thrust himself deep inside her over-and-over again. He held her hips and pulled her body back and forth, as she squealed and screamed in ecstasy. Suddenly, almost effortlessly, he turned her around on her stomach. “I’m about to tear this ass up.” He said slightly out of breath.

  She buried her face in the pillows of the couch as he reached over her and pulled himself so deep inside her that she was sliding a little. She tried to moan out loud, but could not get any sound out. “Your pussy is so good.” He growled.

  “Oh, I think I’m about to…” She moaned.

  He smiled wide as he began to use shorter and faster thrusts.

  “Oh shit!” She yelled as her body shook and vibrated from her orgasm.

  “Yeah, baby.” He smiled. “Mmm, this pussy’s nice and wet now.” He said holding her hips and rolling his. “My turn.”

  “Do you, baby.” She said breathing hard.

  He turned her on her side holding one of her legs straight up and placing it on his shoulder. She squealed and squirmed as he began his deep exploration once again. He bit his bottom lip as he felt that warm feeling starting to rise within his balls. “Oh shit!” He wanted to go longer but was unable to stop the explosion that was coming. He quickly pulled himself out and released himself on the inside of her thigh.

  Anton woke up the next morning, still fuming from the night before. He was seriously contemplating his relationship with Dazzy. Over the past few months, she had become more and more of a pain. There was no way in hell, however, that he was going to leave his daughter with this crazy woman. He poured himself a cup of coffee and adjusted his tie, trying to figure out what he was going to do.

  “Good morning.” Dazzy said coming out of the room carrying Angel.

  “Morning.” Anton said taking a sip of his coffee.

  “I see you slept on the couch last night. You could have come to bed.” She laid Angel down in her bassinet and walked towards the kitchen to get her a bottle.

  He just looked at her as he walked over to Angel in the bassinet and gave her a kiss. “I have to go.”

  “Oh ok, so now you are ignoring me?” She took the top off the bottle and put it in the microwave.

  “No, Dazzy, I’m not ignoring you. I just don’t feel like fighting this morning, okay? I have to go. I have an early meeting.”

  “Will Little Miss Colbey be there?” She said in a jealous tone.

  “Well, considering she works in the office, I’m pretty sure she will be.” He said very annoyed at her accusations.

  “You are in love with her, aren’t you?”

  Anton shook his head in disbelief. “What?”

  “Well, you said you guys dated before. Are you still in love with her?”

  “I’m gone.” He grabbed his briefcase and walked out. He just shook his, trying to figure out what in the hell was in that girl’s head as he walked to his car. His phone rang just as he pulled out of the parking lot. “Hello?”

  “Good morning sunshine!” Romeo said on the other end of the line.

  “Yeah, what’s up?” Anton exhaled.

; “You don’t sound good. Dazzy, I assume?”

  “I don’t even feel like getting into it, man. What’s going on with you? How are things with Krystal? Things are getting pretty serious, huh?”

  “I think so.” Romeo said with a smile. “I really care about her, man. That’s saying a lot for me!”

  “”I know! Usually you would have gone through half the city by now!”Anton laughed.

  “Trust me. I have been tempted. Like last night, for instance. I met Krystal at Jaded, and she had an old friend there with her. Man, the minute Krystal left to go to the bathroom, this chick had her hands all over me!”

  “What? What happened?”

  “It took every bit of everything in me not to yank her up and bang her eyes out, but I held it back. She was fine though, dawg.”

  “Well, I’m proud of you.” Anton said with a smile.

  “Thanks man.”

  “A’ight, well I should be there in a few. I’ll catch you when I get to the office.”

  “Cool. See you here.”

  Anton called out for Colbey when she walked past his office after the meeting.

  “Hey!” She smiled.

  “I just wanted to apologize for how Dazzy treated you yesterday.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “No, no it’s not. She was way beyond rude.”

  “Well, she was, but I’d be jealous if I had you as my man too.”

  “No, you’d be lucky if you had me.” Anton joked.

  “You are still as crazy as ever.” She laughed.

  “Well, look at this!” Dazzy’s voice said from the doorway near Anton’s office.

  “Dazzy, what are you doing here?” Anton was very irritated by her surprise visit.

  “Well, I thought I would stop by and take you to lunch, but I see you’re already busy.” She looked Colbey up and down.

  “It is so not what you think.” Colbey tried to explain.

  “Shut up , bitch!” Dazzy shouted.

  “Be quiet!” Anton pulled Dazzy into his office.

  She pulled her arm away. “Don’t you tell me to be quiet!”

  “I think I should go,” Colbey said as she turned to leave the room.

  “I’m sorry for all this.” Anton apologized.

  “Why the hell are you apologizing to her? I’m your damn fiancée, not her!” She shouted once again.

  Livid and embarrassed, he grabbed her arm and drug her outside his office and into the stairwell. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

  “What’s wrong with me? Are you serious? I come here with the intention of taking my fiancé to lunch, and I walk up on you all up in another woman’s face!”

  First of all, I was not ‘all up in her face’. We were just laughing. That’s it!”

  ‘Whatever Anton, I’m not stupid. I have been through all this before. I will not be walked over again!” She banged her hand on the metal star rail.

  Anton squished his nose up. “Where is all this coming from? I have never given you a reason to distrust me, Dazzy. Why are you acting like such a psycho?”

  “Fuck you, Anton! I am not gonna let you talk down to me and make me feel bad about myself when you are the one that’s wrong! You and your bitch sister!”

  “What the hell does Jamelah have to do with any of this?”

  “Oh don’t try to play me, Anton! I know you guys talk about me behind my back.” Her eyes began to well.

  Anton couldn’t do anything but look at her, as now he knew she was truly disturbed. “I don’t know what to say to you, Dazzy. I have no idea where all this is coming from. None of it’s true.”

  “Yes it is and you know it!” She shouted at the top of her lungs.

  “Keep your damn voice down!” He whispered loudly. “Are you trying to get me fired?”

  Her tears somehow quickly dried up. “Maybe. Then you wouldn’t be able to be around that bitch.”

  Anton was fed up at this point. He held his head down and took a few steps back away from her. “Dazzy, I can’t do it anymore.”

  “Can’t do what?”

  “This. I can’t take your irrational and borderline-insane behavior anymore.”

  She tilted her head slightly. “What are you trying to say? Are you breaking up with me?”

  “Yes. I think we need to go our separate ways, Dazzy.”

  “What about Angel? You’re just going to desert your daughter?”

  “Of course not! We don’t have to be together for me to be a father to my baby!”

  “Oh, there is no fucking way you are going to be an in-and-out daddy! Either you are with us, or not.”

  “Dazzy, you truly need medical attention if you think for one minute you are going to keep me from my daughter!”

  “She chuckled. “Watch me.”

  Anton held his head down slightly as he giggled. “You are one crazy bitch. I should have listened when everyone, including my sister, warned me about you. I said ‘no, I wanted to do the right thing’. I can say one good thing came out of us getting together, and that is Angel.”

  Dazzy glared at him with burning, fury filled eyes.

  “I have to go. I’m sure I have a lot of answering to do. I will be by later to get my things.”

  Dazzy just stood staring at him filled with hatred and fury as she watched him walk out of the stairwell.

  “Is everything okay?” Colbey asked him once he entered the office.

  “Yeah. Again, I’m sorry you had to deal with that, but it’s over now.”

  “What do you mean? You broke up with her?” Colbey felt somewhat liable, but happy he got rid of her. “I feel so responsible.”

  “No, it’s not your fault. This has been building for a long time. I just finally got fed up enough to do it.”

  “Still, I feel really bad.”

  He touched her shoulder. “Don’t, okay? I am actually relieved that I’ve done away with her.”

  “Okay, well, just let me know if I can do anything.”

  He smiled at her appreciatively as he walked into his office, shutting the door behind him.

  Chapter 11

  Anton sighed loudly as he switched off his computer. He knew he had to go back to the apartment and get his things. He just wasn’t looking forward to it. He wished he could have a police escort or something because although he would not admit it out loud, Dazzy kind of scared him.

  “Hey heading out early?” Romeo walked in to Anton’s office.

  “Yeah. I need to attempt to go get my stuff. Who knows what she has waiting for me.” Anton sighed.

  “I still can’t believe she came up here and showed her ass like that!”

  “Me either.” Anton shook his head. “It was just the last straw for me. I refuse to take any more of her shit.”

  “I feel ya. I feel ya. Hey, why don’t you come with me and a few other folks down to the bar downstairs for a few drinks.”

  Anton switched off the lamp on his desk. “I don’t know. I really need to just take this thing head on tonight.”

  “I know. Just come with us and throw a few back before you go in to battle.” Anton chuckled.

  “I guess one drink won’t hurt.” Anton smiled as he followed Anton out.

  Dazzy sat in the living room silent, furious. “There is no way he is leaving us.” She muttered. She picked up the phone and dialed his office number. The phone rang a few times and was picked up by his secretary. “Dynex Security Consulting, how may I help you?” She said in a very perky voice.

  “May I speak to Mr. Dennis, please?” Dazzy asked in a very agitated tone.

  “I’m sorry he is gone for the day. Can I take a message?”

  “Oh is he? This is his fiancée.”

  “Oh, how are you?” She said with an audible smile. “He just went down to the bar downstairs with a few guys from the office to celebrate some success on a few accounts.”

  “Thank you so much.” Dazzy said gritting her teeth. “I’ll just call him on his cell.”

��No problem.” The secretary said as the call was ended.

  Dazzy shot up from the couch, grabbed her keys and knocked on her neighbor’s door.

  A grey-haired woman answered the door. “Hello Dazzy. Everything okay?”

  “Hi, Mrs. Wallace.” She said with a very convincing smile. “Would you mind keeping Angel for a little while longer for me? I have to go handle something really quick.”

  “Sure sweetie! You know I never have a problem keeping her.” She said with a warm smile. “You take care of whatever you have to. We’ll be here when you get back.”

  “Thank you so much. I shouldn’t be long at all.” Dazzy said as she headed for the stairs. “Kiss my baby for me!”

  “I will!” The woman said as she closed the door.

  Anton and Romeo entered 8 Ball, a billiard bar next to his office that the office workers would frequent for drinks and stress relief. The found an empty table and had a seat.

  “Dude, I am not looking forward to going to the apartment.” Anton said as he grabbed a handful of trail mix from a small basket on the table.

  “I can go with you if you want.” Romeo smiled.

  “No, I’m sure I’ll be fine. Besides, this is something I need to handle on my own.”

  “Okay. Remember, I am taking martial arts classes. I can put her in a hold while you get your stuff.”

  Anton laughed. “Man, please. You have only taken 3 classes!”

  “Yeah, but they gave me a black belt!”

  “Man, that came with the uniform!” Anton laughed.

  “Details. Details. You’re a hater.” Romeo laughed as he stood up pulling his cell phone out of his pocket. “I’ll be back. I need to call Krystal.”

  Anton leaned back looking at Sports Center playing on the TV’s still working on the trail mix on the table.

  “Is this seat taken?”

  Anton looked over to see Colbey standing in front of the table. “Now it is.” He smiled. “Have a seat.”

  “How are you doing?”

  “I’m doing okay. This has just been a very long day.”

  I know it has! Have you talked to Dazzy?”


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