It's Always The Pretty Ones

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It's Always The Pretty Ones Page 8

by Howard, Vonda

  Colbey looked in Dazzy’s eyes and saw nothing but pure hatred. Then she looked over at Angel’s sweet sleeping face. “I feel so sorry that this sweet innocent baby has to have your crazy-ass as a mom. How did you find out where I lived anyway?”

  “You don’t worry about that.” Dazzy chuckled. “You would be surprised the things I know about people. Like the real reason you’re back in town?”

  Colbey was silenced.

  ‘Whoops! Didn’t think anyone would find out about that huh? I wonder what Anton would think about it?”

  “You are evil.” Colbey said through clinched teeth.

  Dazzy smiled and hunched her shoulder. “Maybe so. I’ll be a crazy bitch with Anton though. You have a nice day, okay?” She smiled as she turned and headed down the hallway towards the elevators.

  Chapter 14

  Krystal rolled over, gliding her hand along the smooth ripples of Romeo’s chest. She lifted her head up and looked up at him still sleeping. How is it he was still sexy as hell, knocked out? She slid herself up bringing her face-to-face with him. She took a moment to study the features of his face; his thick and dark eyebrows and eyelashes, his smooth, brown skin, and his perfectly shaped lips. She smiled as she rubbed her nose against his and kissed him softly, waking him. “Good morning.” She smiled.

  “Morning.” He smiled, barely awake.

  “Have I told you recently how unbelievably sexy you are?”

  “Maybe once or twice. I’m always up for reminders, though.” He reached over and pulled her on top of him. “How about one of those ‘special’ morning kisses?”

  She kissed him once again. “Sorry, sweetie. I have to get out of here. I have an all-day rehearsal.”

  He poked his lips out.

  “Aww.” She said as she squeezed his cheeks. “I know. We just have a lot of work to do for the opening tomorrow. Did I say how absolutely terrified I am, by the way?”

  He stood up from the bed and wrapped his arms around her from behind. “You will do great, just like you always do. Besides, I will be front-row-center, cheering you on.”

  She turned around and looked into his eyes. “You are so special to me, you know that? I love you.”

  Romeo smiled to mask the screaming in his head. He always cut and ran for the hills whenever women spoke those three words to him. He knew he had feelings for her, he just didn’t know whether it was love or not. He started to open his mouth to say something, anything back, but she put her finger over his lips.

  “It’s okay. I know you’ll say it to me when you’re ready.”

  He smiled, but he felt terrible that he didn’t return a response.

  She grabbed her jeans off the back of the chair. “I have to get home and take a shower. Reina and I are going to the rehearsal together.”

  “How long have you two been friends?” Romeo asked.

  “For about 6 years now. We met when we both were auditioning for the same part.”

  “Oh, okay. So you guys are pretty close.”

  Krystal smiled and gave him a curious look. “Yes, she’s my best friend. Is everything okay?”

  “No, everything is fine. I just want you to be careful, is all. Not everybody is your friend.”

  “Did something happen I should know about?”

  He walked over to her and kissed her on the forehead. “No. I just don’t want to see you get hurt.”

  “Hurt by who? Reina?”

  “She just seems a little jealous, that’s all.”

  Krystal sucked her teeth as she slid on her shirt. “That’s just Reina. She’s harmless.”

  “Okay, if you say so.”

  She held his face with her hands and pulled him down into a kiss. “I know so. I’ll see you later?”

  “You can bet on it.” He smiled as he patted her on the behind.

  They both walked out into the living room and came upon Anton sitting at the bar trying to piece back the photos that Dazzy had destroyed.

  “Oh, no! What happened here?” Krystal picked up one of the pieces.

  “Dazzy, is what happened.”

  “Why would she do this? She had to know how important these pictures were to you.” She gingerly placed the piece back down.

  “‘Cause the bitch is crazy, honey.” Romeo said.

  “She ripped and tore up every piece of clothing I had over there too.” Anton shook his head. “I just don’t know what I did to deserve this.”

  “You must have put it on her!” Romeo said as he looked the photo confetti on the counter. “This chick is tripping!”

  “Never understood the whole ‘psycho baby mama’ thing. Do these broads actually thing that acting like asses is going to get the guy to want them?”

  “I don’t know.” Anton said taping the photo of his mom back together.

  “Well, I’ll see you guys later.” She rubbed Anton’s back. “You‘ll be okay. Just keep your head up.”

  Anton breathed a sigh of relief once he taped the last piece of his favorite photo of his mom back together. “All this is just blowing my mind, man. I just can’t believe I didn’t pick up on this girl.”

  “Why would you?” Romeo said as he made himself a cup of coffee. “How would you have known she was crazy just by looking at her?”

  “My uncle always told me before he died that ‘it’s always the prettiest ones that were the craziest’. Dammit if he wasn’t right!”

  Romeo laughed. “I don’t think that’s true. I have met some relatively sane pretty women.”

  “Exactly.” Romeo pointed at him. “Relatively.” They had a little crazy in them though, right?” He chuckled.

  “Yeah, but only where it counted.” Romeo smiled. “What do you have planned for the day?”

  “I don’t know. I wanted to see Angel, but Dazzy hasn’t returned any of my phone calls and she wasn’t there when I went over this morning.”

  “I’m sure Angel is just fine.”

  “Oh, I don’t have any doubts about that. Like I told Colbey, the one thing I am sure about with Dazzy is that she loves Angel and would never hurt her. I just don’t want my baby caught in the middle of all this.”

  Romeo walked around Anton and patted him on the back. “Well, maybe she just needs time to cool off. Then maybe you guys can talk rationally.” He headed back towards his bedroom.

  “We’ll see.” He looked at the photo of Angel he had gotten from the apartment.

  Krystal had just stepped out of the shower when he doorbell rung. “Damn. I know that’s Reina.” She muttered as she slipped on her robe and went to open the door.

  “Hey girl, I see you are running late as always.” Reina said as Krysal opened the door for her to come in.

  “I know.” Krystal laughed. “I really tried to be on time too. I just got caught up with Romeo.”

  “With Romeo, huh? You guy are pretty serious, huh?” Reina followed her into her bedroom.

  “Umm, kinda.” Krystal blushed.

  “Has he said the ‘big three’ yet?”

  Krystal slipped on her jeans. “Well, no not yet. I’ve said it to him though.”

  “He hasn’t said it back to you? That is never a good sign.”

  “What are you talking about?” Krystal asked buttoning her shirt.

  “I’m just saying. Romeo is the type of guy that will probably never really love a woman because he’s a ho.”

  “You just met him? How can you say anything about him?” Krystal said slightly irritated.

  “I have dealt with enough men like him to know.”

  “Well, you don’t know him like I do. He has made some major changes for me. I know it’s just a matter of time before he tells me he loves me back.”

  “How long have you guys been seriously dating, again?” Reina asked leaning back on the bed.

  Krystal hesitated slightly. “Three months.”

  “So, three months and he has yet to even hint around that he may love you?”

  “Why are you hating, Reina?” A shado
w of annoyance crossed Krystal’s face.

  “I’m not hating.” Reina sat up. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt, that’s all.”

  “Well, he has been trying really hard and I think he’s done a wonderful job. That says love to me! Love is a verb.”

  Reina rolled her eyes in her head. “Have you been strolling around in a Hallmark store or something?” They both laughed. “Love is a verb” Are you serious?”

  Krystal grabbed her purse. “All I’m saying is that he has made a conscious effort to be with me and I appreciate that.”

  “If you say so.” Reina smiled as they headed out.

  Anton felt a bit more relaxed after he had taken a nice hot shower. He walked into the living room and turned on the TV. He was restless, and missed Angel like crazy. He picked up his cell phone and tried to get through to Dazzy again with no luck. He had left her messages to call him so he could see Angel, but he wasn’t getting responses. He was actually starting to worry a little. Just as he went to put his phone down, it rang.

  “Hello?” He answered quickly thinking it was Dazzy.

  “Hey, Anton.” Colbey said through the phone.

  “Oh hey Colbey.” Anton said slightly disappointed.

  “O…kay. Try to hold back your enthusiasm.”

  “I’m sorry, it’s not you. I have been trying to get in touch with Dazzy since yesterday with no luck.”

  “Oh, I’m sure she’s fine.” She said knowing first hand.

  “Even if she is. Would it kill her to call me back?”

  “She doesn’t strike me as the thoughtful type, Anton.”

  “I know. I’m just sorry you had to get caught up in all this.”

  “It’s no big deal. Look, are you busy later?”

  “Unfortunately, no. Why?”

  “I need to come by and talk to you about something.”

  “Sure. I’ll be here. What’s it about?” He sensed her anxiety.

  “I’d rather talk to you about it in person, okay?”

  “Um…okay.” He could clearly hear she was pretty rattled by something. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I’ll see you around 7?”

  “Okay, see you then.” The call ended. He pulled the phone away from his ear and looked at it. “I swear it must be something in the water.

  Chapter 15

  It had been on Romeo’s mind all day. Why was it so hard for him to say that he loved Krystal? He knew he had strong feelings for her; he had even thrown away his ‘Book of Champions’ with all his phone numbers in it. He was serious about her, and made the decision that he was finally going to tell her how he felt…he was in love with her. He stopped off at a florist and bought a bouquet of her favorite flowers on his way to pick her up from rehearsal. His stomach was in knots as he walked up behind the stage and watched her rehearse from backstage. He smiled when he saw her; she was so beautiful under the lights. He had never felt this way about any woman before. He knew it was love.

  “Hey sexy.” Reina said from behind him. “Are these for me?” She grabbed the flowers from him, backing up, causing him to follow her.

  “No, Reina, they are not for you.” He whispered as he followed her trying to get the flowers back.

  “Why not?” She said continuing to lead him towards one of the empty dressing rooms. “Don’t I deserve flowers too?”

  “I’m sure you do, Reina. You just won’t be getting them from me.” He finally reached them and snatched them out of her hand.

  “Wow, you are uptight!” She said flirtatiously.

  “I don’t have time for this. I’m not here to see you. Frankly, you need to check yourself. Krystal is supposed to be your best friend.” She pushed the door closed so it was still cracked a little. “Whatever. You may have her fooled that you are Mr. Faithful now, but not me. She started to unbutton her shirt as she walked over to him. He tried his best not to look, but his eyes were drawn to the perfect shape and size of her breasts. “Mmm…I see you like, huh?” She noticed his eyes locked.

  “Yeah, they’re nice, but I’m not interested.” It was taking everything in him not to grab one.

  She walked up close to him and grabbed his hand placing it on one of her breasts. “You like that? That nipple is nice and hard isn’t it?”

  He pulled his hand away. “I have to go. You are one desperate chick, you know that? You don’t deserve Krystal as a friend.” He tried to walk around her, but was blocked.

  “Oh, whatever. She reached up and pulled him down into a very wet and passionate kiss. The feel of her swirling tongue in his mouth, amazingly, did nothing for him. He pushed her back from him.

  “Well, it’s nice to see that you two are getting along.” Krystal said standing in the doorway, tears blinding her eyes, and choking her voice. “I was starting to think you two didn’t like one another.” She attempted to swallow the despair in her throat as she entered the room.

  “Krystal, please listen to me.” Romeo pleaded pushing Reina out of the way.

  Listen to what? ‘It isn’t what it looks like? It didn’t mean anything?’”

  He reached out to grab her hand but it was forcefully yanked away. “Don’t touch me! Don’t you ever touch me!” Her voice quivered.

  Romeo stood with his face in his hands not knowing what to say. “He walked over and picked up the flowers he bought for her and tried to hand them to her only to have them knocked down. “Krystal please. She lured me in here. I was trying to get back out to you.”

  She snickered. “Yes, I saw how much of a hurry you were in. I can’t believe I was so stupid.”

  “Girl, I told you he was no good.” Reina snickered buttoning up her shirt.

  Fury almost choked her as she walked over to where Reina was standing, smiling. “I guess it was no accident that you chose to do this in my dressing room? You dirty scumbag slut!”

  “Whoa! You need to back up, Krystal. I was only doing this to help you.”

  Krystal laughed out loud. “Help me? How is this helping me? Let’s be real Reina, we both know that all this was done on purpose.”

  “Why would I do this on purpose, Krystal?” She held Krystal’s hand in a phony attempt at sincerity. “You’re my best friend.”

  Krystal yanked her hand away. “Please. You are nothing but a hateful, spiteful, nasty ho and you always will be. Get the fuck out of my office.”

  “Whatever.” She said as she put her hand up in Krystal’s face and left.

  Krystal stood with her back to Romeo, not able to even look at him.

  “Krystal.” Romeo walked over to her and turned her around facing him. “I love you.”

  She slowly lifted her head to look at him and followed it with a slap. “You love me? You have the gall to say that to me now? You don’t love anybody but yourself, Romeo. Get out!”

  “Krystal.” He said trying to get her to listen.

  “Get out!” she shouted, tears streaming down her face.

  His face was bleak with sorrow and regret as he backed away from her and left the room.

  Colbey arrived at Romeo’s house at 7:00 P.M. to talk to Anton, just as they had planned. She took a deep breath as she knocked on the door. He opened the door with a smile and invited her in. “So what’s up? He asked.

  She sat down in the chair, her thin manicured fingers tensed in her lap. “This really hard for me to say this.”

  Romeo sat on the table directly in front of her. “What? What’s wrong?”

  “Dazzy came by my apartment this morning and…”

  “What! How come you didn’t call me, or even better, the police?” He interrupted. “How did she even know where you lived?”

  “That’s not what I’m here about…”

  Anton’s phone rang and it was Dazzy’s ringtone. “Oh shit! I am so sorry; can you hold on for one second?”

  “Fine.” She sighed.

  “Dazzy, where the hell have you been and why have you been ignoring my calls?” He said irritate

  “Anton, you have to get over here, now! Angel has a really high fever and I can’t get it to go down!” Dazzy said with pure fear in her voice.

  “What? I’m on my way!” Anton slammed the phone shut and made a mad dash into his room to get some shoes on.

  “What’s wrong?” Colbey asked, seeing the sheer panic on his face.

  “Dazzy said that Angel has a really high fever. I have to get to her, right now!”

  “Oh no. You go ahead, we’ll talk later.” She held the door as he open as he flew past her and down the hall to the elevators.

  Chapter 16

  Romeo put on his most suave smile as Tandy, one of his past booty calls opened her door.

  “Tandy, what’s up girl?” He smiled as she sashayed inside.

  “Umm, Romeo what are you doing here?” She stood with her hand on her hip, still holding the door open.

  He chuckled as he walked over and shut the door. “You know why I’m here. I missed you.”

  “Oh really?” She walked over to her couch. “From what I hear, you found you a new ‘boo’ and were trying to fly the straight and narrow.”

  He walked over to her and wrapped his hands around her curvy waist. “Now, you should know not to believe everything you hear.” He tried to move in closer and kiss her.

  She moved her head back, avoiding his kiss. “What happened?”

  “Nothing yet.” He smiled. “We are about to fix that though.” He smiled as he started to untie the traps of her silk nightie.

  She grabbed his hand before he could completely untie it. “You were into this girl, hard. So hard that you told me not to call anymore, remember?”

  “Well, I’m here now, so how about we get this thing moving?” He kissed her neck.

  She pushed him off again. “Romeo.” She looked him straight in his eyes. “What happened?”

  He rolled his eyes in his head. “Look, are you gonna come up off the pussy or not?”

  She tilted her head to the side and looked at him as if he was insane. “See, now I know something is wrong with you because you are not in my house talking to me like that.”


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