A Match Made in Heaven

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A Match Made in Heaven Page 20

by Zev Chafets

public acknowledgment of Evangelical Christian beneficence

  on Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell

  Stand For Israel Conference of

  economic disinvestment

  Edwards, Edwin

  Egle, Don


  Eisenhower, Dwight

  Elcott, David

  Embree, Jim

  Emerson, Steve

  Emmanuel Baptist Church

  End of Days. See also Armageddon; Second Coming of Jesus

  End of Days: Fundamentalism and the Struggle for the Temple Mount

  Episcopal Church

  Eshkol, Levi

  Evangelical Christians. See also Christians; Christian Zionists; Falwell, Jerry; Judeo-Evangelical alliance; Robertson, Pat

  American Jews and

  Armageddon and End of Days (see Armageddon; End of Days; Second Coming of Jesus)

  Barna Group survey of

  David Ben-Gurion and

  George H. W. Bush and

  George W. Bush and

  Christian conversion issue (see Christian conversion issue)

  Christian theocracy issue (see Christian theocracy)

  Yechiel Eckstein and donations from

  Adolf Hitler’s anti-Semitism and

  Holy Land tours (see Holy Land tours)

  International Christian Retail Show

  Israel and

  Mainline Christians vs. (see Mainline Christians)

  political affiliations

  sin for

  talking in tongues

  Eric Yoffie’s speech to


  Faith Exchange Church

  Falwell, Carey and Garland

  Falwell, Jerry

  on Armageddon

  Menachem Begin and

  Christian theocracy issue and

  on dual covenant

  fund-raising strategies of

  Israel and

  Liberty University and (see also Liberty University)

  Republican Party, Moral Majority, and

  on Second Coming

  on terrorism

  Eric Yoffie and

  Family Christian Center

  Famous Hebrew Christians

  Felson, Ethan

  females. See women

  Filner, Bob

  527 Organizations

  Fleisher, Ari

  Focus on the Family

  Forward, The

  Foxman, Abraham

  Frank, Emmet

  Frankel, Max

  Freedom of Religion

  Fuller, Melville


  American Jews and Democratic Party

  American Jews and support for Israel

  Yechiel Eckstein’s

  Jerry Falwell’s

  Gaebelein, Arno

  Gardner, Carl

  gay marriage

  Gaza settlements

  Goldberg, Michelle

  Goldman, Ari

  Goodell, Charles

  Gorenberg, Gershom

  Graham, Billy

  Green, John

  Greenbaum, Norman

  Grieves, Brian

  Grossman, Yitzhak

  Gulf War. See also Iraq

  Gutherz, Tom


  Hagee, John

  Haggard, Ted

  Hamas. See also jihad

  Haq, Naveed Afzal

  Har Megiddo

  Harrison, Benjamin

  Heflin, Ruth Ward

  Henry, Carl


  Herzl, Theodor

  Hezbollah. See also jihad

  Hirschson, Avraham

  Holbrooke, Richard

  Hollings, Fritz


  Holy Land. See also Holy Land tours; Israel

  Holy Land tours. See also Israel

  Antichrist discussion

  baptism in Jordan River

  Christian conversion discussion

  Christian principles and love of Chosen People

  Christian Zionism and

  Har Megiddo as Armageddon

  International Fellowship of Christians and Jews and

  Israeli attitudes toward

  Bnai Menashe lost tribe and

  Migdal Or and Yitzhak Gross- man

  Nazareth and Catholic churches

  Palestinian men and

  Palestinian terrorism and

  religious supermarket and replacement theology

  Sea of Galilee

  start of, in Jerusalem

  talking in tongues discussion

  Temple Mount

  Tiberias health spa

  homosexuality issue

  Huerta, Carlos

  Human Rights Watch

  Hunt, Dave

  Hussein, Saddam. See Saddam Hussein

  IFCJ. See International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ)

  intelligent design

  International Christian Retail Show

  International Family Entertainment

  International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (IFCJ). See also Eckstein, Yechiel

  founding of

  Holy Land tour for

  staff meeting of

  status of

  Stand For Israel Conference

  survey of Evangelical Christians by

  International Mission Board




  American invasion of

  American oppositon to war with

  Israeli bombing of nuclear reactor in

  invasion of, by George W. Bush

  Scud missile attacks on Israel by

  Israel. See also Judeo-Evangelical alliance

  American Jews and

  American relations with

  author’s experience of

  Bible references to

  George W. Bush and

  Christian theocracy issue and

  Bill Clinton and

  conversion to Judaism in

  Yechiel Eckstein and

  economic disinvestment and

  Evangelical Christians and

  Jerry Falwell and

  immigration to

  Iraqi Scud missile attacks on

  Iraq war and

  jihad and

  Lebanon, Hezbollah, and

  Pat Robertson and

  tours of (see Holy Land tours)

  Israel, Islam and Armageddon: The Final Battle for Jerusalem (video)

  Israel, Steve

  Israel Project, The

  Jackson, Jesse

  Jenkins, Jerry B.


  Jerusalem Report

  Jesus. See also Christian conversion issue)

  Jesus. See also Christian conversion issue; Second Coming of Jesus

  Jesus is Coming

  Jewish Agency

  Jewish Council for Public Affairs

  Jewish Federation terrorist attack

  Jewish Observer

  Jews. See American Jews; anti- Semitism; Chosen People, Jews as; Israel; Judeo-Evangelical alliance

  Jews for Jesus

  Jezreel Valley

  jihad. See also Muslims; terrorism

  Christian theocracy issue and

  Jerry Falwell and

  Hamas and

  Hezbollah and

  Jews in U. S. military and

  Judeo-Evangelical alliance and

  Seattle Jewish Federation attack

  “Jihad Against Jews and Crusaders”

  Johnson, Lyndon

  Jones, Beth

  Jones, Prophet

  Jones, Walter B.


  Jordan River baptisms

  Judaism, conversion to

  Judeo-Evangelical alliance. See alsoAmerican Jews; Evangelical Christians; Israel

  American Christian theocracy issue (see also Christian theocracy issue)

  American Jewish response to

  author’s background for this book about

  Christian conversion issue
(see also Christian conversion issue)

  Christian Zionism and (see also Christian Zionism)

  Yechiel Eckstein and the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (see also Eckstein, Yechiel)

  Evangelical Christian Holy Land tours (see Holy Land tours)

  Jerry Falwell and Liberty University (see also Falwell, Jerry)

  Iraq war issue (see also Iraq)

  Israel-Hezbollah conflict and

  Jewish political affiliations (see also political affiliations, Jewish)

  Mainline Christians and (see also Mainline Christians)

  Pat Robertson and Regent University (see also Robertson, Pat)

  Eric Yoffie’s speech at Liberty University

  Kadima Party

  Kennedy, D. James

  Kennedy, John F.

  Kerry, John

  Khamenei, Ayatollah Ali

  Khomeini, Ayatollah

  Kibbutz Megiddo

  Kickasola, Joe

  King, Martin Luther, Jr.

  Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism

  Klein, Danya

  Knesset, Israeli

  LaHaye, Tim

  Land, Richard

  Lantos, Tom

  Late Great Planet Earth, The

  Law of Return, Israeli


  Lefkowitz, Jay

  Left. See Democrats

  Left Behind book series

  Lerner, Michael

  Levy, Simon

  Lewis, C. S.

  Lewis, Peter

  Lewis, Sam

  Liberal Party, Israeli

  liberals. See Democrats; Reform Jews

  liberation theology

  Liberty University. See also Falwell, Jerry

  author’s experience of

  code of conduct of

  debate team

  status of

  Eric Yoffie’s speech at


  Lindbergh, Charles

  Lindsey, Hal

  Lippmann, Walter

  Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll

  lost tribe of Manasseh

  Lynchburg, Virginia. See also Liberty University

  Mainline Christians. See also Christians

  American Nazi march and

  George H. W. Bush as

  Christian Zionism and

  economic disinvestment in Israel by

  Holy Land peace pilgrimage of

  sin for

  Malone, Tom

  Mamo, George

  Manasseh, lost tribe of

  marriage, gay. See gay marriage

  Mashal, Khalid

  McCain, John

  McCormick, Cyrus

  McGovern, George

  Mearsheimer, John

  Medal of Honor winners, Jewish

  Megiddo as Armageddon

  Mehlman, Ken

  Migdal Or

  military, Jews in U. S.


  morality, public

  Moral Majority

  Moran, James

  Morgan, J. P.

  Morrison, Toni

  Mount Zion Fellowship


  Munsey, Frank

  Munsey, Kent

  Munsey, Steve

  Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation

  Muslim Brotherhood

  Muslims. See also jihad

  Christian missionaries to

  Lebanese Christian massacre of

  Mount of Olives mosque

  Muslim Brotherhood

  Republic Party and

  National Association of Evangelicals (NAE)

  National Council of Arab Americans

  National Council of Churches

  National Federation of Temple Youth

  National Organization of Women (NOW)

  Native Americans



  Netanyahu, Benjamin

  Netanya (Israel) terrorist attack

  New Israel Fund

  New York Times

  Niebuhr, Reinhold

  9/11 Commission

  Nisan, George

  Nixon, Richard

  NOW (National Organization of Women)

  nuclear weapons

  O’Donnell, Brett

  Olasky, Marvin

  Old Time Gospel Bible Hour

  Olmert, Ehud

  On the Wings of Angels

  Orthodox Rabbinical Council of America

  Orthodox Jews. See also American Jews; Israel

  Laura Bush, Jay Lefkowitz, and

  conversion to Judaism and

  Yechiel Eckstein and

  Evangelical Christians and

  proto-Zionist movement and

  Republican Party and

  Oslo Accords



  Passion, The

  Pearl, Daniel

  Pence, Mike


  Pentagon attack. See September 11 terrorist attack

  People for the American Way

  Peretz, Amir

  Phillips, Kevin

  philo-Semitism. See Christian Zionists

  Pipes, Daniel

  political affiliations, Evangelical Christian. See also Christian theocracy issue; Democrats; Republicans

  political affiliations, Jewish. See also Democrats; Republicans

  George W. Bush speech to AIPAC

  Bill Clinton and

  Yechiel Eckstein’s bipartisanship

  history of

  Jewish political activism

  Republican Jewish Coalition

  Israel and

  Stand For Israel Conference, Shira Dicker, and


  Posnanski, Gustav


  Powell, Adam Clayton, Jr.

  Powell, Colin

  Praise the Lord


  Presbyterian Church (USA)

  Protestant Garden Tomb

  Protestants. See Christians

  proto-Zionist movement

  public morality

  Qadafi, Muammar

  Rabin, Yitzhak

  Reagan, Ronald

  realism, foreign policy

  Rebbe, Lubavitcher


  Reed, Ralph

  Reed, Thomas

  Reform Jews. See also American Jews; Israel


  Bible and

  Christian theocracy issue and

  conversions to Judaism and

  debate between Yechiel Eckstein and David Saperstein

  Democratic Party and

  Adolf Hitler’s anti-Semitism and

  Iraq war and

  Eric Yoffie and

  Regent University. See also Robertson, Pat

  Ehud Barak at

  Christian theocracy issue and

  status of

  replacement theology

  Republicans. See also Democrats; political affiliations, Evangelical Christian; political affiliations, Jewish

  Christian theocracy issue (see Christian theocracy issue)

  Evangelical Christians

  Jerry Falwell and

  history of Jewish

  Israel and

  Jewish vote for George W. Bush

  Mainline Christians and

  Republican Jewish Coalition

  Stand For Israel Conference and

  Respect the Spiritual Values of People (RSVP)


  Revolutionary War, Jewish soldiers in

  Ricksecker, Sue

  Right, Christian. See also Republicans

  right of return

  Rios, Sandy

  Roberts, Oral

  Robertson, A. Willis

  Robertson, Pat. See also Regent University

  American Center for Law and Justice of

  Menachem Begin and

  Christian theocracy and

  controversial remarks by

>   early life of

  Yechiel Eckstein and

  Yitzhak Grossman and

  Israel and

  nepotism of

  political affiliation of

  on Second Coming

  Rock, Jay

  Rockefeller, John D.

  Roman Catholic Church

  Roosevelt, Franklin Delano

  Rosa, General John, Jr.

  Rosen, Moishe

  Rosenberg, Joel

  Roth, Kenneth

  Roth, Sid

  RSVP (Respect the Spiritual Values of People)

  Rudin, James

  Rushdoony, Rousas John

  Saban, Haim

  Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center


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