Out at Home

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Out at Home Page 12

by JL Paul

  When they exited the theater hours later, the sun had already set. He held her hand as he walked her to his car.

  “The MVP break is next week you know,” he reminded her as he opened the car door for her. “It’s in Chicago.”

  “I know,” she said as he closed the door and climbed in on his side. “Don’t tell me all your fans hopped on the bandwagon and voted you in at the last minute.”

  His melodious laugh rang out and her heart flipped three times. “No, sorry. Not this year. But Miyerson and Pitner made it in.”

  She nodded. “I heard. That’s great.”

  He pulled into the light traffic and headed back to Somersville. He grasped the wheel with his left hand and rested his right arm on the console separating the seats.

  “Well, Kyle and some of the other guys are thinking about going. He wants me to go.”

  “You should,” she said, biting back her disappointment. She had been looking forward to spending that time with him, especially since her birthday fell on the MVP break that year.

  He laced his fingers through hers and squeezed gently, keeping his eyes firmly on the road. “I want you to come with me.”

  “Brady, I don’t know,” she said, her erratic pulse racing.

  “You don’t have to share a room with me; I’ll get you one of your own.” He sighed quietly, quickly glancing at her from the corner of his eye. “I just thought it’d be fun. And I want you to be with me. I wanted us to spend some time together.”

  He sounded so much like a whiney, tired child that she had to smile. “I’ll see what I can do but I can’t promise anything. I’m still working on that mall story.”

  “Tell your boss you’ll cover the MVP game and the Homer Contest,” he said matter-of-factly.

  She snorted. “Yeah, right. You want me to get another reporter in the office upset with me?”

  He glanced at her once more before returning his eyes to the road. “What’s the deal with that jerk, anyway?”

  Groaning, she gazed at the streetlights whipping past her window. “He’s just mad because Luther gave me your story and then the mall story. Those two stories are the biggest ones we’ve had in our little town in a long time.”

  “So he’s ticked because Luther gave his best writer the biggest stories?”

  She blushed at his compliment. “Well, Henry’s been there a lot longer than I have.”

  “Don’t sell yourself short, love,” he ordered, tightening his grip on her hand. “I’ve read your stuff and you’re amazing. I never did thank you properly for the story you did on me.” He paused to turn off the highway at the Somersville exit. “Remember that poem you did in our English class? The one I asked you if I could have?”

  She eyed him curiously. “Yeah, I remember that.”

  “I still have it.” He grinned when her jaw dropped. “It was so amazing. I couldn’t believe someone our age wrote it. I remember showing it to my mom and she nearly cried.”

  Taylor sat speechless. Her heart softened as her eyes misted. “You still have that?”

  He turned on her street and smiled. “Of course. It was the only thing I had left of you.”

  When he pulled into her driveway, he shut off the car. She turned in her seat to face him.

  “I’ll work it out with Luther, Brady. I’ll come to the MVP game with you.”


  Taylor changed into a pair of gray, cut off sweat shorts and an old, tattered Notre Dame t-shirt before stepping out onto the small balcony of her hotel room. Although it was late, the night was still very warm and humid.

  After convincing Luther that she needed a break and that the mall story was currently stalled, she’d packed a bag and left that morning with Brady for Chicago.

  Although he had very much disapproved of her plans with Brady, Josh had promised to keep an ear open for any new leads and would call her if anything developed.

  They’d checked in that afternoon and had taken a short tour of the city. Later, they’d met their friends in the hotel lounge for dinner. They hadn’t attracted as much attention as Taylor thought they would because the whole city was teeming with professional baseball players. She smirked; you couldn’t spit without hitting one.

  The Homer Contest was scheduled for Monday night and the MVP game Tuesday. No one from the Racers was to participate in the Homer Contest but Taylor was excited to be going just the same. It was her favorite part of the festivities and she recalled the previous years when she’d made bets with her father on who’d win. The loser usually wound up making ice cream sundaes or milkshakes and had to clean up the mess afterwards.

  Brady had been so attentive and sweet that she’d actually pinched herself on a couple of occasions, just to be certain she wasn’t dreaming. Of course he’d ruin it by opening his mouth. She would just smile; he wouldn’t be Brady without that bit of arrogance.

  She bent over, resting her arms on the iron rail and closed her eyes as the soft breeze ruffled her hair. Brady had somehow managed to worm his way deeper and deeper into her heart each and every second they spent together. She’d fought valiantly against the feelings that had flooded her heart with warmth and shrouded her head with confusion.

  Releasing a long breath, she brushed a strand of hair from her eyes. She couldn’t deny what was happening and she just needed to let go and trust her instincts. She shoved away from the railing, walked back inside, and stopped at the door connecting her room with Brady’s. She bit her lip and knocked softly, opening the door at his muffled invitation.

  He was dressed only in a pair of black shorts and a Racers’ Spring Training t-shirt. He was sprawled on the bed, propped up against the headboard, legs stretched out and crossed at the ankles, listlessly flipping through the channels on the television.

  “Everything okay, love?” he asked, sitting up, lazy grin tugging at the corners of his mouth.

  “Can’t sleep,” she responded, shifting nervously from foot to foot in the doorway.

  His grin widened as her stomach flipped and her heart melted. He patted the spot next to him. “Well come here. I have something for you.”

  Curious, she kept her eyes on him as she made her way to the bed. As soon as she climbed up next to him, he jumped off the bed and rummaged through the bag he’d tossed on the floor earlier.

  “I was going to wait until tomorrow but since you’re here now…” he drifted off over his shoulder.

  When he returned to the bed, he handed her a beautifully gift wrapped rectangular box. He bounced like a little boy as he watched her. “Go on, open it.”

  “What’s this for?” she asked, fingering the pretty navy blue and white paper. Racers colors.

  He halted his enthusiastic bouncing to raise a brow. “Did you think I didn’t know tomorrow is your birthday?”

  She stared at him, mouth hanging open, eyes as big as saucers. “How did you know?”

  Grinning at her reaction, he pecked her lips. “You told me when we dated in school.” He rolled his eyes at her and ruffled her hair. “I told you, I remember everything.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “Really?”

  “Yes,” he exclaimed. He pointed at the rectangular box. “Now open it.”

  She gingerly tore the pretty paper to reveal a plain, white shirt box. She yanked the lid off and pushed aside the glittery tissue paper. She smiled as she drew out a blue and white official Racers jersey.

  A grin fought for possession of his face. “Turn it over. Look at the back.”

  She flipped it over and printed on the back in block letters was NOLAN with the number five below it. Laughing, she immediately pulled it over her t-shirt.

  “I told you I was going to get you one for your birthday.” With a lazy grin, he resumed his earlier position against the headboard.

  She threw her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his. He explored her mouth briefly before tearing away to take slow, steady breaths.

  “There’s something else in there,” he said, pointin
g at the box.

  She blinked a couple times, then rifled through the tissue paper until she found another smaller box. She lifted it out and opened it slowly to reveal a gold, oval locket with two hearts engraved on the front, suspended from a fine, gold chain. With shaky fingers, she unclasped the locket and flicked it open. On one side was a small picture of her smiling mother and the other, a picture of her father laughing. Tears ran down her face as she gazed lovingly at her parents. A soft touch to her cheek brought her out of her trance as she met Brady’s tender, green eyes.

  “Teddy helped me out with that one. I hope you like it.”

  She couldn’t speak. Instead, she looked down at the locket once more before launching into his arms. “I love it. Thank you so much.”

  “You’re very welcome, love,” he responded while squeezing her tightly. He kissed the side of her head. “Happy birthday.”

  She reluctantly left his embrace in order to put the locket gently back into the box and set it on the table next to the bed. She turned back to Brady and studied his face. All her misgivings slowly seeped out of her body as she crawled over him. She ran her hands up his chest and connected them behind his neck. She leaned in and kissed him slowly at first, gradually adding more passion as it shot through her body. She eased him down on the bed and shivered as his hands gripped her hips.

  She broke away from his mouth to slip off the jersey and straddle him. He ran his hands under her t-shirt and traced intricate patterns on her stomach, igniting sparks in her groin. She crushed her mouth back to his, nipping at his bottom lip.

  “Are you sure about this, love?” he asked, mouth still on hers, hands rubbing her back.

  She lifted her head far enough to look into his bright green eyes. Her heart skipped at the desire that filled them. “I’ve never been more sure of anything.”

  He shifted so that she was on the bed and he was over her. He planted a kiss on her chin before rolling off the bed to snatch his wallet off the dresser.

  "What are you doing?" she asked, her voice husky.

  Opening his wallet, he rifled through it until he produced two square packages. A sheepish grin overtook his face as he returned to the bed, a little bit of red in his cheeks.

  "I almost took these out of my wallet - I didn't know if you'd somehow accidentally find them and think I'm some sort of…" he said, suddenly shy.

  A wave of sympathy washed over her as she took the condoms from his hand, set them on the nightstand, and tugged him closer.

  "I'm glad you didn't take them out of there," she mumbled into his mouth.

  "Me, too," he said, totally recovered from his bashful spell. His hands worked their way under her shirt, scorching her skin. In one fell swoop, he shoved her t-shirt up her body and over her head.

  A little impressed, she couldn't help but smile. "Nice."

  "Just wait," he said, trailing his lips from her mouth, over her chin, to her breasts. She wriggled in anticipation, struggling to get his shirt off. He paused to help her out.

  When he resumed his ministrations, he kissed his way from her breasts to her stomach, leaving a blaze of fire behind him.

  "Brady," she gasped, urging his face back to hers.

  He kissed her, leaving her breathless. "Something wrong, love?"

  "I want you," she said, her chest heaving.

  "We're getting there," he said, attempting a smile.

  Apparently, his need for her was just as strong as her need for him as he quickly rid her of the rest of her clothes before ditching his on the side of the bed.

  As he ripped open the condom, she shuddered, a smile toying with her lips. She couldn't wait for what was coming next.

  Hovering over her, his concerned eyes searched her face. "Have you…you know…been with anyone since me?"

  Shrugging a shoulder, she shifted her eyes. "Maybe once or twice."

  He kissed her cheek. "I'll be gentle but it might hurt."

  Nodding, she closed her eyes, gripping his shoulders. She winced, waiting for the pain. When it came, it wasn't nearly as bad as she'd thought it would be and didn't last long either. It quickly gave way to pleasure as Brady began a slow rhythm, carefully watching her face.

  All too soon, her body overheated, causing her to arch into him, digging her nails into his flesh.

  He pressed her to his body with one arm, supporting their weight with the other. Once the shudders stopped, he eased them both to the bed.

  She curled into his side, tired but happy.

  After shutting out the light, he kissed the top of her head. "I'm so glad you're mine again, love. I swear I'm never letting you go again."

  In the dark, she smiled.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Taylor inhaled the morning air as she propped her forearms on the balcony rail and watched the sun make its way to the sky. The smile on her face refused to leave, especially when she recalled details from the previous night. Heat rushed to her cheeks as she closed her eyes to relive the sweet, gentle way Brady had explored her entire body. Her skin still tingled and burned from his soft touches and urgent kisses.

  But the best part, she thought, was how he'd held her afterward. He'd wrapped her up in his arms until she’d drifted off to sleep. When she woke, he still held her firmly; as though he was afraid someone would come along and take her away while he slept.

  She'd stayed in his embrace, listening to his heart beat and his soft snores until the pain in her kidneys reminded her it was time to get out of bed and visit the bathroom. She'd reluctantly untangled herself from his strong arms and snatched off the floor the t-shirt he had discarded sometime that evening. She'd pulled it over her head as she made her way to the bathroom. She hadn't been able to think of a better way to start her birthday than waking up in Brady Nolan’s arms.

  “There’s my shirt.”

  Jumping, she turned quickly to find him leaning in the door frame, sexy smile curling his lips and crinkling his eyes. She clutched the railing and rested her back against it as she watched him approach clad only in the shorts he'd worn the night before.

  “You want it back?” she asked in a teasing tone. Her eyes raked over his chest, drinking in the fine lines and muscles. She blushed slightly when she spotted two small bite marks on his neck.

  “Well, hell yeah,” he said as he wrapped his arms around her waist. “But not out here. I don’t want anyone else seeing my sexy woman.”

  She released the rail to wind her arms around his neck. “Guess you’ll just have to wait. I’m still basking in the afterglow.”

  He kissed her slowly, immediately setting her whole body on fire once again. “It looks better on you anyway,” he muttered, mouth sliding down her jaw line. He grasped both her hands in his. “Want some breakfast?”

  She tilted her head and closed her eyes as his lips continued their seductive path down her jaw and to her neck. “Only if we order room service. I don’t want to go anywhere for awhile.”

  With a tiny smirk, he gently tugged her back into the room. “Hmm, I think I’ve created a monster.”

  “Oh, please,” she teased as she rolled her eyes. “It’s just been awhile.”

  He laughed as he bent over, picked her up, and carried her to the bed. “Maybe we need to make up for lost time.”

  “Maybe,” she mumbled as her lips found his.

  “Or maybe you just can’t get enough of me,” he responded as he dropped her softly on the bed and crawled over her.

  “That could very well be the case,” she said as she ran her hands over the smooth planes of his chest.

  Grabbing the hem of the shirt, he started slowly sliding it up her body when his cell phone rang. He groaned and rested his forehead on hers.

  “Don’t you even think of answering that, Brady,” she ordered, clinging to his shoulders.

  With a weary sigh, he sat up, resting on his haunches as he reached for the phone. “I have to answer it, love. If I don’t, they’ll come pound on the door.”

  She scoote
d to a sitting position as he answered the phone.

  “What?” he barked. “Oh, sorry, Tabby.”

  She watched in amusement as his cheeks pinked. He winked at her.

  “She’s um, here. Do you need to talk to her?”

  He passed the phone over to Taylor with a grin. “Tabby wants to talk to you. Apparently she’s been calling your cell all morning.”

  Her eyes widened as she grabbed the phone. “Hi, Tabby. What’s up?”

  “Where were you, girl?” Tabby said. “I was worried. I thought you were joining us for breakfast.”

  “Oh, um, sorry. I overslept and I guess I forgot to turn my phone back on.” Brady snorted so she gave him a push.

  “Well Zoey and I are going shopping. Do you want to come?”

  She looked at Brady watching her with his arms crossed over his chest and amusement gleaming in his eyes. “Thanks, but Brady promised to take me to the aquarium today.”

  When he lifted a brow, she gave him a sweet smile.

  “Oh, that’s cool. Do you want to meet us later for dinner before we go to the Homer Contest?”

  Edging closer, Brady moved her hair away from her neck. He brushed his lips lightly over her skin. She shivered and tried to shove him away. “Yeah, that sounds great. Where do you want to meet?”

  He continued to trail kisses down her neck as her concentration slowly evaporated. Finally, she dropped the phone, resisting the urge to chuck it at him, and glared instead. “I hope you know I haven’t the foggiest where we’re supposed to meet them later.”

  Picking up the phone, he tossed it on the night table. He eased her back on the bed and resumed his ministrations to her neck.

  “Who cares,” he mumbled against her skin, smiling as she trembled. “We’ll figure it out later. Now let’s get back to that other birthday present I was about to give you before she called.”


  “Do you think we should get up and do something constructive today?” he asked later as he played with her hair.


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