Hot for Talia: An Erotic Transgender Romance

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Hot for Talia: An Erotic Transgender Romance Page 207

by Bloom, Julian

  He lapped at the tip, running his tongue down the hardened length and then taking it in his mouth once again, using his hands, his mouth, his teeth, he brought Alex to the surface and stopped again, again and again he repeated the act, his dick sensitive to how turned on he was making Alex.

  "Stop toying with me you bastard and make me cum.” Alex whispered in frustration. It was a good thing that they were behind closed doors this time, because Ethan was determined to not stop until he had Alex screaming in a foreign language.

  He sucked, taking it in, deeper than he had ever taken it before, as he felt it at the back of his throat. Alex's breathing became harder, the fact that he was seriously turned on was evident, and he couldn't take it anymore, he came, using his hands to stop the scream that nearly escaped his lips.

  "Fuck!" He said, making Ethan smile, he had done this to his man, he had given him an orgasm so explosive that he was going to need a minute getting up.

  Chapter Six

  Ethan’s wedding was still scheduled to happen and was fast approaching, but he and Alex were still having stolen moments at any chance available. From the church to the hotel, they hadn't been able to keep their hands off each other no matter how hard they tried. It was obvious that a few of the wedding party were noticing how close the two of them were with each other. The rumors were about to start flying.

  “Maybe they will think you guys are best friends.” Maggie—the only person that knew their real status— had joked one afternoon.

  But Ethan didn't care, and Alex loved it! For once Ethan was care free and playful. He was not over thinking everything or carrying the weight of the whole world on his shoulders. He had let go of every reservation he had when Alex had first come to Dubai and was making sure to treat Alex like this was a mini vacation between them. Alex could almost be happy, almost, except for the fact that Ethan had still refused to call off the wedding.

  He remembered what had transpired between them the night before, what had brought him to the staggering realization that he needed to start taking care of himself now. He had done the bulk of the work to save their relationship. The other man had to meet him half way this time and prove that he really mattered to him. He needed to stop confusing him. The ultimate sacrifice as far as Alex was concerned, was that Ethan should call off the wedding, but it looked like that was never going to happen.

  "I don't have to call it off" he said, "she's just my cover-up, to give my mom and the family what they want," as he rolled over to look Alex in his eyes. "You are the one I want, the one I'm with and the one I love.”

  "That's not enough Ethan," Alex had replied. "I refuse to be anyone's dirty little secret” He had said.

  "But don't you see Alex?" This is a way to make everyone happy.” Ethan had tried to reason with him but he was having none of that hog wash sob story this time.

  "I'm not happy.” He said. He would never be happy being someone else’s dirty little secret, no one could ever be happy that way.

  "C'mon love, don't be like this.” Ethan chided. “You know I love you right.” Yes, Alex knew that, but he was beginning to wonder if love was really enough to keep their relationship afloat.

  "I'm serious, we might as well have the best break up sex right now because if you marry that girl on Sunday, that would be the last you will see of me.” He wondered if he even cared enough for the threat to take hold, but even that thought was quickly forgotten as Ethan made him pay in different wicked ways for making that statement.

  But now he was going. Sunday was tomorrow and Ethan was still holding the wedding. He had packed his bags and was ready to leave for the airport. Maggie had insisted she go with him but he knew she had to be at the wedding, representing her family, so he had refused. He needed to go alone, be alone.

  As he dragged the bag from the bed and turned, he saw the hotel door slide open, saw Ethan’s mother enter the room, closely followed by Ethan.

  Alex was surprised to see them together, what fresh hell was coming his way now? He hadn’t told Ethan he was leaving, what was he doing here?

  Ethan’s mother carefully accessed him like he had stolen her Botox or something like that. “Is this him?” she asked, sparing a glance behind her.

  “Yes mother.” Ethan said. “This is the man I love and I want to marry.”

  What? Hold up….say what? He hadn’t heard that right, had he? Ethan walked towards him.

  “What’s going on?” Alex asked, the look on his face one of total cluelessness.

  “I did it babe.” Ethan replied. “I came through for us.” The next thing was a haze of emotions, crying, hugging and a whole lot of dramatics.

  “Mother not only accepts, she actually approves! And by the way…I love you.” Ethan whispered against their conjoined lips. “And I want is you to be happy.”

  “I love you more.” Alex conceded. “You just made this the happiest day of my life."

  The End

  The Millionaire’s Virgin

  A Gay Romance

  By: Julian Bloom

  Chapter 1

  As soon as Ross got home, he grabbed a couple of beers, flopped down on the sofa and kicked off his Nike runners. He’d had enough of the day and wanted to bring it to an end as soon as possible. Upon reflection, he got up again, put on a stack of hard rock CDs, and added a fifth of Johnny Walker to his collection of sleep inducers. With any luck, he wouldn’t have to get up again, until hopefully a better day was well underway.

  He had batted zero all day. It started off when his math teacher took him aside to say he was going to fail math, and therefore wouldn’t be able to major in Mechanical Engineering, which was the only career he ever wanted.

  Not only that, if he failed math he would be in danger of losing his wrestling scholarship. Without that, he couldn’t graduate and would stumble through life without a degree and even worse, there would be no wrestling trophy to give him the status he craved among his team mates. Accomplishing a position as the premier heavyweight wrestler at State U was very important to him. Without it, he would have no street cred at all.

  It was all very well Mr. Mathers telling him to study. The fact was that higher math skills were well beyond him. He could add, subtract, divide and multiply with ease. He could measure and calculate as fast as anybody, but calculus just bewildered him, and the fact that it was required, although it was of no use to him, set up blocks of resentment. Bloody fucking calculus could go to Hell. Except it couldn’t.

  He’d slouched through the day like a bear with a bad tooth, unable to concentrate on anything or anybody for more than a couple of seconds. What was he going to do?

  As Murphy’s law would have it, after his last class, he had had to drive his Aunt Dorothy to the doctor. He actually didn’t mind driving her and he’d do absolutely anything to help her. To say that she had been the centre of his life from the time he was six would be an understatement. When his parents had died in the Twin Towers, she had taken him in, lavishing on him all the love and care her childlessness had prevented her from giving free rein to. She had supported him at every opportunity, religiously attending his wrestling matches (though he was pretty sure her interest in wrestling was minimal), giving him the advice he needed but not the advice he didn’t.

  She did everything she could to bolster his ego when girls began to appear on the horizon. Of course, like many women in her position, she dreaded the day when he would transfer his prime affections to some other female, but unlike some, she did everything she could to encourage and equip him for it, knowing that it was right. Perhaps because of the trauma of being orphaned, he was particularly inept at the dating game. Superbly confident on the mat, and expert in the give and take of male society, he became shy and tongue-tied in the presence of any girl who showed the slightest interest in him personally.

  Many did so, for he was handsome in a rugged masculine way, and superbly fit without any tendency towards the excess musculature that plagues heavy weight wrestlers, football t
ackles and weight-lifters. He moved with a leonine grace that promised excitement in the sack. His piercing blue eyes caused blushes in any girl who looked into them, which should have encouraged him, but instead frightened him, so it had the unfortunate effect that he avoided meeting their eyes, but chatted with them looking at the sky or his feet.

  It wasn’t that he didn’t want sex. He was as continually horny as any of his mates and had just as many wet dreams as they. He enjoyed the masturbatory play the team indulged in, he plastered his room with posters of actresses, and devoured Playboy and Penthouse just as they did. He could talk the talk with the best, but when it came to translating fantasy into something real, he was a total failure. He gathered willing girls like a stallion gathers mares, but as soon as anything began to be developing, he panicked.

  This was a source of special stress as his mates soon winkled out the truth and he was referred to as their team virgin, like a kind of a mascot, which was humiliating.

  At this point, he was determined to finally break through the barrier. He had been on several dates with a cheerleader named Louise and found her unthreatening as well as attractive. She had the lithe body of a cheerleader, but didn’t flaunt it. She was warmly friendly in an understated way, and made him aware of her availability almost subliminally. He was determined to end his virgin state with her as soon as possible – that night, in fact.

  But before that, he had to be Aunt Dorothy’s driver. As he sat in the doctor’s waiting room, flipping through the dog-eared magazines that were the only reading material available, his mind was on Louise. There was nothing in the magazines to direct his attention elsewhere and he began to fantasize about what he hoped would be their evening’s activities, trying desperately to supress the swelling in his groin it produced.

  When his aunt came out of the office, the look on her face instantly stopped all that. She looked composed, as she always did, but she was grey and haunted.

  Ross leapt to his feet and met her in the middle of the room. “What’s happened?”

  “Not here. I’ll tell you in the car.”

  After they had settled in the car and had entered traffic, she told him. She had been diagnosed with Lou Gehrig’s Disease. The progress could be fast or slow, but there was no cure. She would gradually lose her facilities and would need increasing medical care and help. Though she had medical insurance, it would cover only some of her expenses. She would no longer be able to give him the financial help she had done. She didn’t mention it, but Ross saw clearly that even if he kept his scholarship, he wouldn’t be able to make ends meet. He would have to leave university and find some kind of job to help support them both. He had no choice; to leave her in the lurch was unthinkable.

  Neither of them was ready to talk the thing through, consider alternatives or make plans, so when they got home Dorothy made no objection when Ross said he had a date. It was a relief to both of them. Later, when the shock had muted, they would talk.

  Chapter 2

  When Ross got to Louise’s, his agenda for the evening had gone out of his mind. As much as he wanted to lose his virgin’s status, he couldn’t concentrate on it. Louise, fortunately, saw that he was seriously bothered about something and drew Ross out. She was one of the few women Ross could talk to as long as he wasn’t striving for consummation, and it wasn’t long before he had poured his whole unfortunate situation into her sympathetic ears. Together they went back and forth over each problem, looking for a solution. As her mother was a nurse in a neurosurgeon’s office she knew quite a lot about Lou Gehrig’s disease and could give him a pretty good idea of the prognosis. It was not going to cheer him up, but she was mature enough to realize that being cheered up was less important at that moment than getting a clear picture.

  The disease is one of the nastiest there is. Its symptoms are unpleasant and its progress completely unpredictable. Its symptoms are the deterioration of every facility, usually ending up by making every human activity difficult or impossible. Sooner or later, Aunt Dorothy’s care was going to take every resource she and Ross had. In fact, even with her medical insurance, he wasn’t going to manage unless by some miracle he found a well-paying job. His life as he knew it was over. No university. No wrestling medals, and what seemed to him at that moment to be perpetual virginity.

  After several hours of conversation, he felt more at ease with Louise than he had ever felt with a woman before. She had let him weep on her shoulder and had held him in her arms giving him what comfort she had to give. If they had been starring in a movie, this would have led inevitably to something intimate. He could see it in his mind. All he had to do was reach up and with his hand on her neck, gently bring her lips to his. Within moments what started as a friendly kiss would become something else. Her lips would part and he would press against her teeth with his tongue. With a sigh of pleasure, she would place her hand on his fly and massage its contents gently. And then things would proceed more rapidly without his having to say anything at all. Perfect!

  But it didn’t happen. He couldn’t do it. He was simply too terrorized by the thought of rejection. He waged a fierce battle in his mind, but in the end lost it, and after a moment he withdrew from her arms, thanked her effusively for her help, and practically ran out of the house fighting tears. He drove home at a speed that would have drawn every cop in the neighbourhood had there been any, and set himself up for oblivion on the living room couch. Damn and Hell! Shit and fuck!

  Chapter 3

  The next day, Ross and his aunt had a long talk, really an argument, though there was too much love between them for it to become a fight. Dorothy was adamant that Ross should not be responsible for her care. She would carry on as long as her own resources would last, hoping that the progress of the disease would be rapid. If, as might happen, her life outlasted her resources, she would seek assisted suicide, insisting that her life wouldn’t be worth living then anyway. Ross might have to leave his education and get a job, but it wouldn’t be because he had to support her, but because he couldn’t make his own ends meet.

  Ross couldn’t even begin to accept that. He felt very strongly that now was the moment he should begin to act like an adult male and take over her care as she had taken over his when his parents had been killed. He had no one else; and now she had no one else. It was payback time and, despite the hardships, he was ready, even eager, to prove himself a man. In fact, he felt a deep need to repay his Aunt for her love; it would give him the ultimate affirmation he craved.

  They had to agree to disagree – and to see if either’s position softened as things progressed. They parted with a fierce hug to affirm that although they disagreed, they weren’t estranged.

  Ross had a birthday dinner invitation that night from his best friend, Joel, and he was inclined to cancel. He didn’t want to ruin a happy occasion. But when he rang and explained, Joel was almost angry at the thought. Joel particularly wanted Ross to meet Joel’s uncle Tim, who was also invited.

  “Ross, you asshole. Are you my best friend, or not? Haven’t we shared everything ever since primary school? I’m hurt that you want to break us up. What kind of a friend runs and hides the moment things look difficult?”

  “No, Joel. Of course that’s not it.” I just don’t think a disaster is the best conversation for a birthday party. Especially when there’s a stranger there.”

  “Ross, don’t you know you’re the best birthday gift I could possibly get. And I know you’ll like Tim. He’s one of the coolest and most sensitive guys I know. Trust me!”

  “Well, OK. But if I become a bore or drunk, send me home or lock me in the basement. I’ll trust you to do that.”

  “You’ve got it!”


  Joel and Ross had got together in primary school when Ross had rescued Joel from a third-grade bully. Joel had a strong spirit, and was fully ready to fight back, but he was physically weak, having suffered from a heart condition from birth. He tried to give the bully what he deserved, but it w
as hopeless. Ross who was already a budding athlete intervened successfully, and that started the beginning of a lasting friendship. Through the rest of primary school, they were inseparable, but in secondary school their paths diverged. Ross was the athlete; Joel was the humanities nerd. Nevertheless, though they saw each other less, they did not grow apart, making frequent opportunities to get together, if only over a cup of coffee. Both felt blessed by their close relationship, and enjoyed the many celebrations of brotherly love that Joel found in stories of literature, history and scripture.

  Ross was the only person to whom Joel revealed his first suspicion that he was gay. Ross had had no inkling. In fact, he really hadn’t come in contact with gays, except for disgusting comments about “queers” among his jock friends. His dear Aunt Dorothy had well trained him in tolerance from the day he arrived at her house. So, although momentarily stunned and bewildered, he just accepted that Joel was Joel and his sexual preference was his own business. “Sorry,” he said. “That’s going to be a problem for you, I guess, but not for me. If I can help out in any way, let me know.”

  Joel, who had been uneasy, though he had expected the reaction he got, hugged Ross, and said, “Thanks, just continue to love me like you always have.”

  “No fear. We’re solid.”

  And so, they remained through the next few years. Joel wanted to “come out” but didn’t want to traumatize his father, whom he loved, so stayed in the closet, conducting a number of clandestine affairs, which he revealed to Ross, without giving him any details. He never made any advances to Ross, and they continued to enjoy brotherly hugs as they always had. Tim, who was openly gay was the only other person who was aware of Joel’s proclivities.


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