To Date A Disaster (Southern Sanctuary - book 6)

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To Date A Disaster (Southern Sanctuary - book 6) Page 18

by Jane Cousins

  She’d taken off the slightly too tight pants and stood before the mirror in nothing but her underwear and the black silky shirt, which admittedly did look good against her dusky gold skin. And her hair, in all honesty, was looking particularly good these days. The freshly washed tight curls spiralling down almost to her waist, glossy and frizz free. Even her eyes, behind her newish frames looked a sparkly blue and held a kind of knowing.

  Knowing? Huh, what did she know? That her thighs and ass were too wide. That she jiggled when she walked for pity sake. Okay, so Erik had made it pretty clear he liked her breasts, but that was just a guy thing, right? Except, he hadn’t stared at Saffron’s perky tits when she’d arrived at the library in her see through wet top, he’d been too busy watching her, trying to gauge her reaction.

  Cara gripped the marble bench top as the small hot molten ball between her legs uncurled, warmth spreading through her lower extremities. Maybe Erik was telling the truth, perhaps he really was attracted to her. Oh my… oh my, heat coursed through her body, colour staining her cheeks.

  Exiting the bathroom fast she began to pace back and forth in front of the large king sized bed. Um, what should she do? Abruptly she stopped pacing, was Erik right that in fighting her attraction to him she’d just swapped her generalized panic attacks for focused panic attacks?

  Had she really been trying to keep Erik at a distance? Not kill him, but hurt him to scare him off?

  It was true, the one trigger her panic attacks had in common over the past eighteen months was when she was feeling threatened somehow. Had she been subconsciously trying to hurt Erik in order to protect herself? What if… Merda, what if the major reason her powers had changed just after she arrived in Haven Bay was because she had intuitively sensed that Erik Valhalla was the biggest threat to her peace of mind, her equilibrium, her heart… that she had ever faced before?

  He was right. From the moment she’d first laid eyes on him she’d been attracted to him on a deeply fundamental level, enough to scare anyone, especially someone who had spent eighteen months alone and on the run. Afraid to get close to anyone, confide in anyone, nerves stretched to the limit not knowing who to trust, who she might accidentally hurt or where the next threat might emerge from.

  So her recent attacks, whilst directed at Erik, were really about protecting herself. Cara frowned, thinking back over all the incidents that she had instigated over the past eighteen months… they had all occurred because she… or someone innocent nearby was being threatened. Even her first initial attack at the funeral home had been about protecting her mother’s memory. Okay, so it had gotten a little out of control, but her powers… they weren’t about hurting people, causing chaos for chaos’s sake, they were about protecting people.

  Her shoulders sagged in relief. She wasn’t bad or evil, as she had secretly feared.

  In her research, ancient scholars often used the words chaos and challenge interchangeably. Chaos didn’t have to be a negative thing, it could just as easily mean unexpected, surprising an unpredictable. Cara found herself smiling. She could be a force for chaos, facing and overcoming new challenges… if she could just learn to be unafraid and control her powers.

  But first things first, what to do about her attraction to Erik?

  He hadn’t talked about love or commitment or anything permanent. He had talked about them having fun together. She’d never been a casual kind of girl when it came to sex and men, but maybe if she wanted to spend time with Erik she could learn to be that kind of girl. She just needed to relax, go with the flow… and above all else, not accidentally kill the man. Yeah, fun.

  * * *

  Erik stared at the ceiling unseeingly. He’d over played his hand, she wasn’t coming. Damn his over confident hide. He should have made a move in the kitchen, kissed her until she couldn’t think straight, stripped her and taken her right there on the table.

  Crap, he needed to stop thinking like that or he was going to have to seek medical attention, his poor cock was so hard that it was beginning to border on painful. It couldn’t be good for any man to be this aroused and not seek some sort of relief. Reaching down he palmed his erection. So much for praying Cara would overcome her fears and admit that she was just as attracted to him as he was to her, it looked like he had no choice but to take matters into his own hands.

  “You started without me?”

  He froze, she was here, she’d come. He bit back a groan. Cara looked all kinds of sexy standing in the doorway wearing nothing but that black silk shirt. The candles he’d lit around the bedroom made her skin glow golden and her hair glimmer with fire. Her curls shimmering with flashes of red threaded through all that molten gold.

  “What took you so long?” He didn’t move, one arm pillowing his head, his other hand wrapped around his cock, a light sheet covering his naked body.

  “I had to brush my teeth.” Cara smiled slightly, liking the way Erik’s eyes played over her body, dipping down to her bare legs and back to her cleavage.

  Feeling naughty, she reached up and undid the top button of the shirt, took another step forward, undid another button, one more step towards the bed, undid another button.

  “Don’t stop.” Erik’s voice came out in a husky pleading tone that shot down her spine and made her nipples pucker with excitement. “I’ve been dreaming about seeing you naked again.”

  He made her feel wanton, powerful and beautiful, the way he looked at her, the way his voice deepened and roughened in obvious desire… well that and the undeniable tenting of the sheet.

  She undid the last button and parted the shirt, exposing her sensible bone coloured bra with the tiny trim of lace across the top and the matching knickers. Her underwear wasn’t glamourous, if anything it bordered on the practical, but the way Erik groaned made her feel like she was strutting down the Victoria Secret runway sporting something see-through and racy red.

  “You just going to lie there?” She was surprised at how confident and controlled she sounded. She was getting naked here and so far it was going rather well.

  “I’m hoping the show hasn’t finished.”

  Gulp, he expected more? Cara pushed the shirt back, letting it slide down her arms slowly, floating to the floor. She should probably take off her glasses next, fling them to the side and shake out her hair in a sexy fashion. But if she did that, she wouldn’t be able to see Erik’s reactions and knowing her luck she’d completely miss the bed and fall on her face.

  Erik bit back a smile as he watched Cara frown, hesitating, her fingers twitching, not quite knowing what to do next. There was his little shy librarian peeking out behind the sexy golden goddess front she was projecting, his cock twitched in his hand. Down boy, we play this right and this is only the beginning.

  “The bra.” He instructed. “Ditch the bra.”

  Hmmm, a wave of heat flooded Cara, who knew she’d get so turned on by a man telling her what to do. She couldn’t help but smile as she reached back an unhooked her bra. Bringing her arms around quickly to hold the material in place. “You really want to see?” Whoa, were those her teasing tones?

  “I really want to see.” He assured her, his eyes locked low.

  “What’s in it for me?” She enquired, gifting him with a flirty smile.

  Erik’s left eyebrow rose for a moment before he smiled devilishly, reaching down to throw back the sheet, unclasping his cock to let Cara look her fill.

  Oh God, she was so thankful she hadn’t removed her glasses. Erik really was seriously built. He was like one of those Greek statues she’d admired in her travel books, an athlete, a gladiator, a warrior. All hard muscle and reeking of vigour and strength.

  Her knees suddenly felt weak and her throat dry. He was kind of intimidating, yet the way he kept looking at her combined with the fact he was obviously… very obviously aroused by her, gave Cara the courage to lower her arms, her bra dropping to the floor. She resisted the urge to hunch her shoulders or snatch up the discarded sheet and cover her
self. She could do this, though so far it was proving a more daunting exercise than the fun one Erik had promised.

  That stray thought came back around… fun? Here was a man who obviously wanted her, and she really, really wanted him. To touch, taste, lick, kiss, caress and get sweaty with, and yet here she stood, acting the mouse, kind of sucking all the fun out of it. Big deal her waist wasn’t tiny, her breasts subject to gravity and her ass dimpled. So what if in the morning when the candles had all gutted Erik noticed all her flaws by the harsh light of day and decided they’d made a mistake. Embrace tonight Cara, do, touch, taste every square inch of this man while you have the opportunity.

  Fun… god damn it, she was going to have fun.

  Erik’s gut churned at the sudden determined look that entered Cara’s eyes and the decidedly brazen smile that graced those soft lips of hers. Just what was his Angel up to now? He appreciated the view as she hooked her thumbs under the waistband of her knickers and pulled, not too fast and not too slow. When they reached her ankles she kicked them away.

  Standing now completely nude, she smiled again, fuck, Erik almost came right then and there. As she knelt on the edge of the bed, one of her hands coming down to rest on his thigh, he sat up, salivating at the thought of finally getting his hands on those gorgeous curves of hers but Cara’s other hand came up and with surprising strength she pushed him back down. “Show’s not over yet.”

  He groaned as she pushed his legs apart and moved so that she was kneeling between them.

  Reaching up she pulled her glasses off, folded them and dropped them over the side of the bed. “Looks like I won’t have any trouble seeing what’s in front of me.” Her hand slid slowly up his inner thigh. “Luckily everything seems to be supersized.” She grinned, dipping her head and licking his cock from base to tip and back again.

  Erik sent up a prayer of thanks as his eyes crossed. Cara’s mouth on him was at once torturous and the best Goddess damn thing he’d ever experienced. His fingers dug deep into the mattress beneath him, his upper body arching upwards as Cara took hold of his cock, drawing it away from his body. Her hot warm mouth engulfed his length, her hand gripping the base, squeezing.

  Damn, there was no sexier sight in the world than watching Cara going down on him. The candlelight making her look like a fallen angel come to earth, her hair rippling down around her shoulders, her skin glowing and the radiant look of sheer delight on her face. More than anything that expression undid him, as if she were getting as much pleasure from the act she was performing as he was.

  Taking charge was kind of exhilarating. Cara was feeling empowered, yet at the same time essentially female as Erik groaned her name out between clenched teeth. She’d gotten that reaction from him… her! The librarian. Take that all you Erik Valhalla groupies.

  Hmmm, speaking of taking, logistically she wondered if she could take any more of Erik into her mouth. The man was on the large size all over, not that she was complaining, just a little daunted. Hmmm, perhaps a new strategy was required.

  Erik groaned again as Cara pulled back slightly to concentrate on the sensitive head of his cock, flicking her tongue back and forth, bloody hell. It felt incredible, it was torturous, wondrous, agony. He might have whimpered out loud as she kissed the very head of his cock, nibbling.


  Cara found herself flying through the air, landing with one bounce on the mattress and then suddenly the heavy weight of Erik was sprawled on top of her. He’d captured her wrists in one of his large hands and pulled them up over her head.

  She stared up at him in shocked surprised. “I wasn’t finished yet.” Her blue eyes blazing bright with frustration and need.

  “You get kind of bossy in the bedroom… I like that.” He bent down and captured her lips, giving her a hot sweet, all too brief kiss. He rubbed his lower body back and forth slowly and this time it was Cara’s turn for her eyes to cross as the length of him rubbed against her hot wet core. “But you need to learn to take turns when it comes to being on top.”

  Cara’s whimper was lost, Erik’s lips were back on hers, not teasing this time, but devouring. Hmm, she tried to pull her wrists free but his one handed hold was unbreakable. All she could do was wriggle under him, arching her back, scraping her hard nipples across the heated flesh of his chest.

  “Behave.” Erik demanded, as he broke their kiss, he was already too close to going off like a rocket.

  “Make me.” Cara arched upwards, biting down softly on his lower lip.

  Erik laughed, breathlessly, oh man, his Angel was a handful, he’d teach her. Pulling her wrists back further he rested the back of his hand against the steel of the metal bedhead. Magic zipped through his body, his cock couldn’t get any harder but at least with the aid of touching metal he wasn’t in any danger of disappointing Cara.

  Merda, the man was a machine. Cara tilted her head back as his lips nuzzled a trail of hot kisses down the side of her throat. His free hand blistered a path up her body, glancing over the sensitive skin of her tummy to her breasts. Her upper body arched up against his as he took possession of her right breast, lifting it to his lips, flicking his tongue back and forth across her pebbled flesh before sucking the nipple into his hot mouth. This time it was her turn to groan his name out between clenched teeth.

  Her eyes threatened to roll back in her head as he swapped breasts, for which she was both eternally grateful but at the same time frustrated, she needed relief. She almost sobbed out loud as he let go of her breast, his hand trailing down her body even as his mouth remained, teasing and tormenting her pink tipped flesh. A tremor raced through her as his fingers raked through the red gold curls between her legs, his thumb coming to rest on her clit.

  In the back of her mind she realised her breathing was coming in short sharp pants and her heart was galloping. But she wasn’t having a panic attack, nothing could be further from the truth. A cavalcade of emotions seared through Cara. Huh, and she’d been worried she might start to overthink this whole decision to sleep with Erik, fat chance of that when she could barely parse more than two words together. She seemed to be stuck on repeat, interchanging Erik’s name and the Lord’s, in equal share.

  He pinched her clit and then started to circle it with his thumb. Cara writhed harder in Erik’s hold. She so badly wanted to touch him, to run her hands over his hard flesh, feel his muscles clench and spasm under her caress, run her fingers through his hair.

  “Enough!” She echoed his earlier statement in a final tone.

  Erik immediately let go of her wrists, wincing as her hands came down to fist in his hair, pulling his attention away from her breast. Their gazes met, cheeks stained with high colour, breath coming in matching harsh pants. Erik felt like he was frozen there for a hundred years staring into her sapphire bright eyes but it was only a second before her gorgeous lips puckered and she said the magic words in a tone that brooked no challenge.

  “Fuck me.”

  “Bossy Angel.” He grinned.

  Cara scowled, did the man think she was joking… she was thinking about biting or pinching him to let him know how serious she was when suddenly… Merda! Praise to the Lord and all the blessed saints, the breath left her lungs as the hand between her legs whipped around to cup her ass bringing her entire body flush with his, the length of him sinking into her hot wet, and more than ready, core.

  Erik shouted her name out loud, she was so hot, so tight… so perfect.

  Cara moved her hands to grip his shoulders, yes, no, that wasn’t enough, reaching down to grip his seriously tight ass, demanding more, rising upwards to meet and match every one of his thrusts.

  Erik’s lips found hers. Dipping his tongue inside her mouth, tasting her, revelling in her.

  For the majority of his life, art had ruled his soul, compelling him to find the essence of life in a lump of clay, a block of wood, a slab of marble or a pile of metal. Turning imperfections into features, lines into curves, twisting, carving, soldering, c
hiselling, hammering, sanding. Yet, his life’s work paled into the background with Cara in his arms. Every curve already perfection, every limb supple and toned, glossy silken curls, petal soft lips, creamy golden skin and the sublime heat of her wrapped around his cock.

  He was addicted, to the taste, the smell, the feel of her in his arms. Even though he was driving into her, it still wasn’t enough, he reared back, kneeling, settling her on his lap. Her eyes widening as his cock surged even deeper into her core, her back arching in delight as she gripped his shoulders.

  “Ride me, Cara.”

  Cara slammed her lips down on his, her whole body clenched at the feel of him as she lifted and then dropped her body causing pools of heat to bubble and explode within her. He grabbed her by the waist, urging her to go faster.

  Oh heavens, that felt so good, he felt so hard, so hot. He was like gasoline but she was already on fire… it was too much, he was too much, God, please more, yes, no. She didn’t know which way she wanted to go, she just knew she needed…. Merda, her whole body clenched tight as the orgasm rippled through her, Erik bellowing her name as the walls of her core spasmed and gripped him tighter still, sending him over the edge to join her.

  Cara collapsed back on the mattress, her hair spilling across the sheets, Erik’s warm heavy weight coming to rest on top of her. They panted, almost in sync, lying there dazed and sated. Oh my. Cara tried to prod her mush like brain into action. Shouldn’t she be doing something? Getting up? Leaving? Fun time was over, right? Hmm, she rolled over on her side like a rag doll, Erik immediately moved over to settle beside her, moulded to her, flesh to flesh, one of his arms wrapping around her waist, feeling reassuringly like a band of steel. Not trapping her in place, keeping her safe. Wearily she closed her eyes, just a few minutes rest and then she’d… do something.


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