The Huntress

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The Huntress Page 4

by Michelle O'Leary

  "Damn it, woman," he snarled as he moved toward the hole, "what the hell do you want from me?"

  "I want to save you in spite of yourself. Warren will send the schematic of the buildings and sewers to the tracer."

  He paused in a crouch at the side of the hatch, looking up at her warily. "You aren't coming?"

  "No, but don't get any bright ideas about taking off while you're down there. I have Warren monitoring your position and if you bolt, I'll hunt you myself."

  He swung without comment into the hole.

  "Don't get lost and don't dawdle." She keyed the door closed over his head. "Keep an eye on him, Warren. He went in there way too easily."

  "I'm on it. Bragan's about five from your location."

  "Get in the air, then. This is going to be close."


  Mea swung up onto a venting structure and flattened herself, blending neatly into the darkness. He took a little more than five minutes, which was all for the good as far as she was concerned. Breathing shallowly, she watched him sort out the web of traces on the roof and then disappear down the hatch after Terrik.

  "When you're sure he's down far enough, get into pickup position and wait for Terrik," she whispered, slipping off her perch silently.


  Mea used the grapple to swing over to the other building. Prowling the roof swiftly, she found the hatch and concealed herself, settling in to wait. It wasn't long. The transport arrived first, settling with a gentle bump on the roof. The door on the side slid open, but Warren didn't come out.

  "Good boy. Be ready to leave quickly."

  "Yes, boss lady," he snapped, but she didn't respond. He was always sarcastic when worried.

  Terrik came out of the hatch moments later, but didn't immediately move toward the transport, scanning the roof intently. Mea sank out of sight and waited, muscles tense. He hadn't bolted yet and she wasn't sure why not. Long heartbeats later, she heard Warren swearing and the sounds of a scuffle. She grinned. So that's what he'd been up to. Had to admire the balls of the man, trying to steal her transport.

  She relaxed as she listened. She wasn't worried about them hurting each other—Warren was basically immune to injury and he was programmed to be incapable of causing harm to any human. He was also about three times stronger than an ordinary man. It didn't take long.

  "Let's go, Mea. He's secure." Warren sounded irritated.

  "Take the transport out of Bragan's hearing range and park it. I'll be along shortly."

  "What are you doing?"

  "Keep the comlink open and make sure it's recording."



  He grumbled under his breath, but the transport lifted away. Mea removed her eyewear, letting her eyes adjust to the dimness. Then she stepped out into plain view and folded her arms, watching the hatch. The other hunter came out with his back to her.


  He whirled, gun ready. Her lip curled in anger as he kept it trained on her for long seconds after he'd recognized her.

  "Brin, what are you doing here?"

  "I was going to ask you the same."

  With an impatient noise, he turned away, looking around him for Terrik's trace.

  "I'm on a damn hunt. What d'you think?"

  "On my territory?" she asked coldly, but he ignored her, following the trace to its end.

  Then he turned to her, adjusting his eyewear to filter out the trace and holstering his gun. She let out a silent breath of relief. She would have taken a shot if she'd had to, but pulse fire hurt like hell and could leave a nasty scar.

  "Where is he?"

  "Where's who?" She put confusion in her tone, but gave him a knowing smile. His face tightened in response.

  "My prey. What'd you do with him, Brin?"

  "You're hunting on my ground, and you ask where I put your prey?" she asked indignantly, but her expression was mocking. "Bragan. Show some respect."

  "Look, I don't know what game you're playing…"

  Mea shrugged the rifle off her shoulder and dropped it to the ground, stepping towards him aggressively and allowing anger to harden her features. "I don't play games."

  He bared his teeth and clenched hands into fists. "There's penalties for interrupting a hunt and taking another hunter's target, Brin."

  "I didn't steal your target, Bragan." Her sneer and challenging stance said otherwise. "Are you going soft in the head? I think you owe me an apology. First you barge into my territory without even the common courtesy to greet me, then you fling insults at my head."

  "Don't pull this shit with me, you little bitch! I want him and I want him now!"

  Mea was amazed at his restraint. He looked like he was chewing on glass, but he didn't make a move towards her. He'd always been easy to provoke, though, and she knew which buttons to push. Smiling with real malice, she spoke softly. "Don't blame me for losing your prey. Maybe it's not just your head that's going soft."

  That did it. With a growl he lunged at her, hands clawed. "Goddamn bitch! Give him to me!"

  Whipping to one side, she dove past him, catching the hilt of a knife attached to his thigh. Rolling to her feet, she positioned herself to throw it.

  "Whoa, Hunter! What's the matter with you?"

  He jerked to a halt, staring at her, muscles clenched. Turning the corners of her lips up in a mocking smile, she relaxed and tossed the knife back to him. When he caught it, she attacked. She didn't give him time to put the knife away and after a few good hits, he became enraged enough to use it. She dodged a few of the swipes, but slowed at one point to allow the blade to slide with quick bright fire through the meat of her left shoulder. Unfortunately, pulling away from the strike placed her in line for a blow to the face. She was quick enough to make it a glancing blow, but the blood flowing down her chin from a split lip was a good incentive to end the match.

  Diving and rolling away from him, she came back to her feet with the shock rifle in hand and fired. The shot took him squarely in the chest, and he went rigid, body arching like a bow before slamming full-length into the roof.

  Chapter 5

  Bragan was roaring in pain and rage as Mea sprang away across the roofs, but she knew he wouldn't be in any shape to follow. Usually a shock blast caused convulsions and spasms that took several minutes to pass.

  "Warren, get me the hell out of here! He's gone crazy!"

  He didn't bother to answer.

  She could hear the hum of the transport already, but didn't slow even when it began to land in front of her. The door was still sliding open when she vaulted through. Rolling to her feet, she switched off her transceiver and began to laugh softly, wiping blood off of her chin. "He's easier than I remember."

  "Have you lost your goddamned mind!"

  Warren had turned around, staring at her with a mix of fury and concern on his face.

  "I'll explain later. Get us to the ship."

  Swearing softly, he swiveled back to the controls.

  Putting pressure over the slice on her shoulder and wincing absently at the pain, she turned to see Terrik webbed to the wall, watching her with his usual stoicism. "Found out he was an android, huh?"

  He gave no indication that he heard her wry comment and with a sigh, she began undoing the straps.

  "Hey!" Warren's voice went up an octave. "It took work to get him there!"

  "You don't win someone's trust by keeping them tied up." Not pausing to see Terrik's reaction to freedom, she plopped herself into the copilot's seat, fingers moving swiftly over the panel in front of her.

  "Hunter Brin to Tower."

  "Tower here."

  "I need immediate clearance to take off."

  "Well, there's a searcher vessel slotted for—"

  "Don't run me a line of shit, boy! Just get it done." She cut the controller off and continued keying the panel for another moment.

  "All right, the ship's up and ready. Just waiting on you to get us there."
br />   Warren shot her an annoyed look. "What do you think I'm doing over here?" His expression altered as he glanced at her shoulder. "You should put something on that. You're getting blood all over the console." He looked down. "And the chair. And the floor."

  "Your concern is touching."

  She again put pressure on the gash, but didn't move to bind it, swiveling her seat around. Terrik was leaning against the side of the transport, arms folded. His goggles made his expression inscrutable.

  "At least," he said in his deep voice, "I'm not the only one you play games with."

  She scowled at him. "You look delicious, handsome, but you've got a whole sewer thing going on there. The sanitary's in the back, if you'll decontaminate?"

  He disappeared into the back and returned much cleaner just as they were docking.

  Standing, Mea stepped over to him, looking up solemnly. "Please don't try to escape. I can still do this with you drugged and strapped in, but it leaves more room for error."

  Before he could answer, the door slid open and they could see Regan dancing impatiently outside. When she saw Terrik, her face lit up like there was a sun behind those big eyes. "Terrik!" Her running start faltered and her face blanched when she saw the bloody mess of Mea's left arm. Her eyes turned back to Terrik. "Did you do that?"

  Warren snorted. "No, that was the Huntress' own goddamned fault!"

  Mea thought that her android might make a good floor mat when this was over, but the child's relief was evident.

  "Is it bad?" Regan asked in a tiny voice as Mea passed her.

  "Don't worry about it, honey. Think of it as stage dressing."


  Mea didn't answer and Regan fell into place beside Terrik with Warren bringing up the rear as they made their way to the control room. She gestured Terrik into a seat at the back of the room. He just stared at her, not moving.

  "It's a little late for second thoughts, tiger. I'm in this too deep to let you have a choice, so either you sit or I knock you out and strap you down."

  Warren moved in close behind him. "I can't hurt you, but I can restrain you, as you know."

  Regan took his hand, little fingers folding tightly around his. "It'll be okay. She won't hurt you."

  Mea thought it was for the child's sake that he hadn't tried to escape and now it seemed clear when he looked down at the girl, then sat. Mea pulled a panel over and tapped it quickly as he leaned back into the cushion.

  "Try not to tense up. It'll only hurt more." He sat back up and she put a gentle hand in the middle of his chest, pushing him down with a chuckle and trying not to show how much she enjoyed the feel of him. "Just kidding. Warren, if you'll take over here?"

  Mea sat in the pilot's chair and ran her fingers over the panel to her right. A screen came down, flickering briefly before a man's face appeared. He was older, with gray streaking his dark hair and lines fanning out from his eyes.

  "Yeah? Oh, Mea. You look like shit, Hunter."

  "Thanks, Boss. You're a dream come true yourself."

  "Got a full load?"

  "I've got more than that and trouble besides. I think Bragan's gone over the edge or at least real close."

  "What happened?"

  She turned so that her shoulder was fully visible. It was a gory mess. "You think I cut myself shaving?"

  He swore imaginatively.

  "Look, Boss, I'd love to chat but I want to get off this rock before he decides to try again."

  "Are you filing a formal complaint, Hunter Brin?"

  "I am. He at least needs a stop at the psych office if not pulled from active duty outright."

  He rubbed the back of his thick neck for a moment, conflicting emotions chasing across his rugged face. Then he slumped, seeming to lose whatever internal battle he was waging. Leaning forward with a fearsome scowl, he spoke in a low voice, "How bad is it?"

  Mea rolled her eyes, voice thick with humor. "For god's sake, Uncle Mike! If it was bad, would I be sitting here talking to you?"

  "I worry about you, girl. You take too many chances." Sitting back, his craggy features hardened into uncompromising lines. "You be in my office with a full report the second you get back, you hear me?"

  "You've got it, Chief."

  "And get that arm fixed, Hunter. You're makin' a mess."

  Shaking her head in amusement, she flicked the screen off and jumped up, striding quickly to a panel on the wall. "Almost done?" she asked, pulling a coagulation pack from the receptacle and securing it over her wound. Warren was lifting the retinal scanner away from Terrik as she spoke.

  "Not a hitch."

  "Great. Regan, strap yourself in. We're getting off this rock." Pushing the girl gently to the other rear seat, Mea turned to Terrik. "Up and out, handsome. It's my turn."

  He got to his feet smoothly, pulling his goggles back on, and Mea had to consciously pull her eyes away from him. Before she could sit, however, Warren got her attention. "Ah, Mea? We still don't have clearance to leave."

  Hissing impatiently, Mea stomped back over in front of the screen. When it lit, a young woman smiled tightly at her.

  "Yes, Hunter Brin?"

  "Tower, if you don't clear me a path within the next thirty seconds, I'll clear one myself," she snarled, staring into the controller's eyes with grim challenge.

  The woman lost her smile as she looked down briefly, making adjustments to the panel in front of her. Her mouth was pinched when she looked back up. "You are clear, Hunter Brin. Safe voyage."

  "Thank you." It hurt her lip, but Mea still smiled sweetly at the woman out of spite and cut the transmission.

  "Okay, let's do this." She sank down into the chair and activated the VR gear, hooking herself up. Darkness enshrouded her. "Warren, let me know when you're ready."

  Gravity shoved her down in the chair for a long moment as the Starfire leapt into space. She smiled in spite of the pain to her split lip at the almost inaudible throb of the engines. It was a good ship—sleek, powerful, and reliable.

  A few moments later, she heard Warren speak quietly.

  "Can you fly this thing, Terrik? Nothing fancy—just need you to keep from running into any suns while we do this." He must have gotten an affirmative, because his next words were directed at her. "Ready, Mea."

  "Don't let them sneak up on me."

  "You know I wouldn't."

  Color bloomed around her as she activated the virtual reality, and she felt as though she was floating before a huge, three-dimensional menu. Reaching out, she moved quickly through a tree of selections until she was racing through hunter territory. Categories flipped past her with gut-wrenching speed until she came upon "List Records." Here were the names and info of anyone ever sought by hunters. A tiny voice asked for authorization.

  "Mea Brin, alpha two three six one gamma." A retinal scan caused momentary disorientation and then she was in. So far, she'd done nothing out of the ordinary. She was well within her rights to seek this information.

  "Search: Terrik, Seth." A box floated out of the vast rows in front of her and she placed a hand on it.

  "Search: Stone, Baynard." Another box made an appearance. "Secured station." A little glowing room formed around her. In here, she was safe from any prying eyes, but she would also be unaware of anyone coming. She refrained from telling Warren to keep a close watch.

  Opening the boxes with a delicate touch, she made a thorough inspection of the contents, fingering the three-dimensional symbols carefully. When she was sure she knew all of the sections that needed to be switched, she sketched a careful line around each.

  "Release." The system chimed a query, confused. She had entered as a hunter, not a programmer and the usual activity of a hunter here was data retrieval only. Mea repeated her command and the system allowed the various pieces to float free of the boxes. With firm, quick movements, Mea placed the sections in their new location.

  "Secure." The system dutifully enfolded them, but Mea had no time for sighs of relief. Her work here was
not done and she was running out of time. Closing the boxes and punching through the side of the little room, she raced across the rows of information.

  "Mea, you're about to get company." Warren sounded as tense as she felt.

  "Stall 'em. Another minute is all I need."

  "Make it a quick minute."

  She fetched up against the Log Record and it asked for authorization in an impersonal tone.

  "Michael Conley, alpha zero nine five four alpha." She closed her eyes as the system tried to get a retinal scan.

  "Unable to verify."

  Undaunted, she keyed for manual entry and gave the system another code, one that her boss would be appalled to know she had. Uncle Mike's going to kill me, she thought idly, under no illusions that he wasn't going to find out what she'd done. These were his codes she was using.

  Pushing through, she called up the log of the date and time that she'd made the switch. Completely deleting the log would be faster, but that would leave a suspicious gap. Instead, she tweaked it delicately, removing only the information that pertained to the switch.

  "Come on, Mea, you're out of time!"

  "Almost done."

  She closed out of the Log abruptly and flipped through several categories with nauseating speed. When she found the Purged files, she again used Mike's codes to enter.

  "What the hell are you doing? They won't look there."

  "If they get suspicious, they will." Willing herself not to go too quickly and make a mistake, she completely deleted the information that had been sent here by her from the Log Records a moment ago.

  "You've got someone's attention—they're going to get a lock!"

  Not bothering to answer, she finished and closed out of the system so fast, her head began throbbing in reaction. Pulling the gear off slowly, she rubbed her aching forehead.

  "Did they get me?" When she didn't get an immediate answer, she opened her eyes and slowly sat up to look at the android. He was sitting with his head in his hands and she felt a momentary stab of fear. "Warren?"

  "No, but it was so close, if I was human I'd puke."


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