The Huntress

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The Huntress Page 8

by Michelle O'Leary

  With a low growl, Stone spun on his heel and stalked out. Warren chuckled to himself for a minute while Regan eyed him sternly.

  "Katie used to call that instigating."

  "Honey, I call that just plain fun!" His eyes were twinkling merrily, and Regan couldn't help but laugh.

  Chapter 9

  For Regan, the rest of the day was spent exploring the ship and spending time with her shipmates. She finally got to see the cargo, though going back into the cargo bay had been hard after what she'd been through with Bragan. But there was little trace of what had happened, except two empty spaces where the destroyed cryotubes had been. She made a return trip to the infirmary where Ema gave her a thorough physical and pronounced her fully healed while entertaining her with a long, rambling rant on hunters in general.

  She didn't see much of Mea, who was constantly being called to the com for conversations with Uncle Mike and the technicians who found Bragan's ship. After chasing Stone around the ship, she finally managed to convince him to teach her how to throw a knife. They practiced this to her delight until supper. After eating, she accompanied Mea on her nightly inspection of the 'meat popsicles' and got the woman to tuck her into bed. Forehead still warm from Mea's kiss goodnight, Regan fell swiftly asleep with a smile still on her face.

  Something woke her and she sat up slowly, looking around. There was a change in the movement of the ship. Regan slid out of bed, making short work of showering and pulling on her clothes. The others were in the control room, tensely watching the viewport.

  "Morning, short stuff," Warren said and Mea smiled vaguely in her direction, but most of their attention was elsewhere.

  "What's going on?" Through the port Regan could see that they were coming up on a blue and green planet, which looked a lot like Earth, except that it was larger and had three moons.

  "We're almost home, but it seems Uncle Mike has decided we need an escort." She pointed at the view screen in time for Regan to see two small ships flash by. They turned and then matched course and speed on either side of the Starfire.


  "He's a little angry with me," Mea murmured casually, but her expression was foreboding and Regan gulped.

  She wanted to ask a million questions—What does he know? Did they find out about Stone? Is everything going to be okay?—but the presence of the android kept her silent. After all the work Mea did to change Warren's memory, she didn't want to be the one to blow it.

  The Starfire slowed and angled for entry into the atmosphere, the two little ships still flanking. Regan was nearly dancing with pent up tension by the time they settled on a landing pad. Mea powered the ship down and took a deep breath.

  "Let the games begin," she murmured softly, and Warren looked at her sharply.

  "He's not going to punish you for taking down a rogue. He can't! This garbage with the escort and him yelling at you for hours is just for show. He's got to play the boss for the Coalition."

  With an affectionate smile, she ruffled his hair and stood. "Hold down the fort and don't let those techies push you or Ema around. You have rights, too, you know. If they get frisky with you, just tell 'em to stick their probes where the sun don't shine. Got me?"

  "Yeah, I got it." He was shaking his head and grinning when they left.

  There was a bunch of official looking people already standing on the ramp when the hatch opened, and Regan looked up at Mea in alarm. The woman seemed serene, but Regan slipped a hand in hers anyway for reassurance and received a gentle squeeze.

  "Ah, Belata. Home sweet home."

  Stepping out onto the ramp, Mea lifted her face to the morning sunshine and closed her eyes, a blissful smile on her lovely features. Regan turned her own face up when she felt warmth like gentle fingers on her skin. It had been a very long time since she'd been planetside. The sun felt like a welcome and in spite of the situation, her lips turned up at the corners.

  "Hunter Brin, we have orders to bring you directly and without delay to Chief Conley."

  Mea ignored them completely, looking around at their surroundings with a deep sigh of satisfaction. Then she stepped forward unhurriedly, still holding Regan's hand. The officials parted before them, except for one who reached for Regan, face expressionless.

  "I'll take the girl to—" was as far as he got before Stone struck like lightning over Regan's shoulder to grab the man's wrist.

  "Hands off."

  The man jerked out of his grip and straightened aggressively, face hard and angry. "I don't know who you think you are, mister—"

  "Oh, I wouldn't do that, son," Mea drawled with malicious humor and Regan glanced over at her to see a dark smile move across her lips.

  The man ignored her, trying to stare down Stone.

  With an impatient hiss, Mea pulled Regan out of the way and slid between the two adversaries. "Let me put this another way for you. Until he says otherwise, this man's my partner. Which means he deserves the same respect you would give to any hunter. But if that means nothing, and you still want to get your ass kicked, than by all means…"

  She glided out of the way and made an exaggerated gesture for them to continue. The man came to attention, eyes on Stone and face in bitter lines.

  "Yes, sir. Hands off, sir. This way."

  He spun stiffly and led them to a transport. Regan walked between Mea and Stone, eyeing the man with great distrust. She wouldn't put it past him to grab her again—but then he'd just get his ass kicked. She ducked her head to hide a smile and climbed aboard. The seats were long and plush, and there were tinted windows.

  "Good of him not to put me in chains right away," Mea muttered under her breath, but Regan heard and stared at her worriedly. The woman grinned and ran a hand over Regan's head. "I'm just kidding. It'll be fine."

  She wasn't sure if she should believe that. She sat down next to Mea with Stone across from them while the official moved to sit up front with the pilot.

  Stone was staring at Mea pointedly. "Partner?" he murmured in a low voice and she shrugged.

  "It's in your best interest not to say otherwise until later."

  He snorted, folded his arms across his chest and stared out the window.

  Regan didn't get to see much of the scenery on their way to Hunter Headquarters—she was too busy worrying about what was going to happen. She didn't get to see much of the headquarters either, since they were hustled quickly into a building and up a lift. The other officials must have followed them in another transport, because they were all there, surrounding the three as they left the lift and walked down a corridor.

  At the end of the corridor, they entered a waiting area that had a few comfortable looking seats against the walls and an older woman seated behind a desk in front of them.

  The woman looked up as they entered and began shaking her head. "Duck and cover, Mea! That man's been in a snit all day, growling like a bear at the least little thing." She paused, raising her eyebrows imperiously at the officials. "What are you still doing here? Go on, away with you."

  As they left, the intercom chimed. "Is that her?"

  "Yes, sir," the woman said politely at the angry voice, but rolled her eyes at them.

  "Front and center, Hunter! Now!"

  A door opened behind the desk, and the woman gave them a sympathetic look as they went by. Regan felt her stomach tighten in a painful knot as she got her first look at the bear of a man standing behind his desk. He was very large and formidable, glowering from under his lowered brows. His anger was a live thing, focused mainly on Mea. Regan pressed closer to Stone and gripped his hand tightly.

  "You are in a load of shit this time, girl! What the hell were you thinking?"

  Mea stepped in front of his desk, placing the backs of her hands in the small of her back and squaring her shoulders. She looked calm, but Regan didn't know how she could be. The man actually sounded like he was growling.

  "Why? Because I saved you the trouble of tracking down a rogue?"

  He waved a di
smissive hand. "No, not that! Because of him!" One thick finger stabbed through the air, pointing unerringly at Stone.

  Regan shrank back even farther, squeezing Stone's hand in panic. He knew! How could he know? She was amazed to see Mea glance over her shoulder at them with what looked like a genuinely puzzled expression.

  "Stone? Why?"

  He moved the finger to Mea. "Don't you play me, girl! I know what you did." Placing his large hands flat on the desk, he leaned toward the woman standing calmly in front of him. "He's a murderer, for Christ's sake! What's wrong with you?"

  "Murderer? I don't think so, Chief."

  Shaking his head, he sagged down into his chair. "Give it up, Mea. I don't have the recorders on. Why the hell did you do this?"

  "Do what? Would you quit talking in circles and tell me what the hell's the matter with you?"

  Glowering like a devil, he sat forward, leaning on the desk.

  "Fine. You want to play games?" He paused, looking Regan's way.

  She wished she could shrink down to nothing. Anything to get out from under that glare—she didn't know how Mea was looking so composed.

  "You two! Sit down."

  Regan immediately moved to comply, tugging Stone along with her. He went, but it took some pulling on her part.

  "You changed his genetic trace, Hunter Brin. His real name's Seth Terrik, and he's late for his execution for eight murders. Before I incarcerate both your asses, I want to know why."

  His eyes were glittering darkly and Regan began to tremble.

  "Good god, Boss! Where the hell did you get that idea?"

  "Well, let's see." He sat back, folding his thick arms across his chest. "My codes, including my top security code, have been used in both the log and purged records at a time when I know I wasn't in either one. But you were in the list records just before, calling up both Terrik and Stone. Warren has major fading in his memory, and Ema was conveniently out of commission when you 'fixed' him. This little girl was on the same ship as Terrik according to its manifest and then shows up on your ship with this man. You provoked Bragan—no, don't give me that! I heard the audio, but I know you, girl. You provoked him into attacking you so you could get on his ship and update his genetic traces. You gave that man Baynard Stone's identity. Why?"

  Mea relaxed her stance, placing hands on hips and shaking her head. "Uncle Mike, you need to cut back on the stims. They're pushing your imagination into hyperdrive."

  With a loud boom, he slammed his hands on the desk and surged to his feet. Regan jumped a foot and cringed in her seat.

  "Why?" he asked in a deceptively calm voice.

  "Bragan was always too easily provoked—he went rogue. Regan got away from Terrik and was rescued by Stone. Warren had a memory glitch, Ema was being an ass, and it sounds to me like you've got a security breach with your codes. I suggest changing them."

  When he did nothing but snarl silently at her, she continued in a softer voice, "Don't you trust me, Uncle Mike?"

  It was like watching a deflating balloon. He collapsed in his chair and glowered up at her beneath his bushy brows. "I used to trust your judgment in men until you married that idiot."

  Regan felt Stone tense next to her as Mea pointed a finger across the desk at her boss.

  "Don't give me that! You loved him up until the bitter end."

  "I did not! I never liked that moron."

  She leaned forward with hands planted on the desk, and Regan actually heard humor in her voice. "Liar. 'He's like the son I never had' was what you said that time you were so drunk and—"

  "All right!" He cut her off with a wave of his hand, shifting uncomfortably. Darting a look at the two sitting behind Mea, he ran a hand around the back of his neck. Then he sighed and looked up at the woman before him, sinking a little into his chair. "No one knows but me. I could still save your ass. Just tell me why, girl."

  She rounded the desk and, leaning on one corner, placed an affectionate hand on his chest. "Poor Uncle Mike. You work too hard. I'll tell Bella to let up on you."

  He placed a hand over hers and looked at her with such a pleading expression, Regan was amazed. He hardly seemed like the same roaring bear she had cringed from a few minutes ago.

  "Just give me a good reason, Mea."

  Regan held her breath as the two of them stared at each other. Several heartbeats later, Mea leaned forward and whispered something in his ear. A variety of emotions chased each other across his rugged face.

  "What? You —" He slapped a hand to his forehead and groaned. "Oh my god."

  Mea laughed softly and stood, running a hand through his graying hair. "Poor Uncle Mike," she murmured, laughter twining through her words.

  "I can't believe this. You did all that for—"

  She put fingers across his mouth, cutting off what he was going to say. "I don't know why you think I did what you said, but I swear to you, everything will be fine."

  They looked at each other for another long moment until he finally sighed, expression defeated.

  "You always did charge in full bore—and it usually came out in your favor, thank god. All right, fine. Nobody will know. The evidence all points to Bragan going rogue, which even if you provoked him, he basically did do. All my hunters are trained to handle provocation in all forms. So for taking him down, I thank you and so will the Coalition. I just hope like hell you know what you're doing with your man over there."

  "I know Stone's record isn't spotless, but everyone deserves a second chance."

  "Oh for god's sake, girl, I folded already! Quit with the song and dance. Now—" He turned and his eyes focused directly on Regan. She froze, feeling her skin tighten with dread. "We deal with your little passenger."

  He tapped the intercom. "Bella? Did you send the stooges away?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "Get 'em back, please."

  "Yes, sir."

  He sat back and watched Regan through narrowed eyes.

  "I've sent a communication to your aunt and uncle on Callabran. It'll take a few hours for them to reply—they're out there pretty far on that colony." His face softened. "Come over here, squirt. Let me take a look at you."

  The familiar nickname loosened Regan's muscles enough for her to get up slowly and step forward. Unable to look him in the eye, she ducked her head shyly while Mea came around the desk, standing close. Regan snuck a hand into Mea's and received a reassuring squeeze from the woman.

  "Until your family comes through for us, you're going to need a place to stay, young lady. I know you've been through a lot, and we'll try to make this time as painless as possible for you. I've sent for—" He was interrupted when the door opened.

  Regan darted a look that way only to feel a sick drop in her stomach at seeing the bitter official from the port.

  "Ah, here we are. This man will take you to Child Security, and they'll give you anything you need until your aunt and uncle can get back with us."

  A black despair dropped over her like a suffocating blanket as all her hopes disappeared. The man stepped toward her and she couldn't hold in a frantic wail.


  The effect of her cry was instantaneous. Suddenly she was bracketed by her two heroes, Mea in front facing her boss and Stone behind facing the official. With a sob of relief, she dropped her forehead against Mea's back.

  "She doesn't want to go."

  "Mea—" the big man growled in a stern voice.

  "Come on, what's the harm of her staying with me until we know she has a family to go to? You did say as painless as possible."

  There was a short silence and Regan held her breath, trembling violently.

  "Please, Uncle Mike."

  "All right. I did say painless." He gave a big gusty sigh.

  Regan could barely stand, knees watery with relief. Mea turned to hug her and Regan hung on for dear life.

  "All right, you three. Get the hell out of here. I've got real work to do."

  Regan hung back until she was sure the bit
ter official was gone before moving with her two companions toward the door impatiently. She couldn't wait to get back to the safety of Mea's ship.

  "Hold up, Stone."

  Regan winced and turned reluctantly with the others at the big man's forbidding voice.

  "I'll be watching you, convict. You take one wrong turn, and I'll hunt you down. You hurt Mea and I won't wait for the execution—I'll kill you myself. Got that?"

  Without a word, Stone turned away, but Mea didn't.

  "By the way, Mike, don't ever lie to me about the recorders again."

  She propelled Regan out the door, but the girl had seen the shock on the older man's face and looked up at Mea.

  "He had recorders on?"

  "Umhmm. Hey, Bella, he's going to need a stiff drink."

  The older woman rolled her eyes again, but didn't comment, pointing with a lifted eyebrow to a man seated on their right. Regan watched with mouth open as the most handsome man she'd ever seen rose to his feet. His hair was a dusty gold, eyes sky blue, and face chiseled like a model. He smiled confidently as he approached them.

  "Mea, welcome home. Giving the old man trouble again?"


  Regan heard a sour note in the woman's voice and tore her eyes away from the vision to see a crinkle in Mea's upper lip like she'd smelled something bad. What surprised her even more was Stone stepping forward as the other man drew near. The blond glanced at him, smile fading and eyebrows arched.

  "Who's this?"

  "This is my new—potential—partner, Bay Stone, and the short stuff here is Regan Freya."

  A frown passed swiftly over that handsome face before he smiled like an archangel and held out a hand to Stone. Regan noticed that he ignored her completely and any burgeoning crush she might have had died a swift death.

  "Good to meet you. I'm Mea's husband, Job Hammond."

  "You're my ex-husband and ex-partner, Job."

  Mea sounded disgusted, but Regan was watching Stone not shake the other man's hand. The two of them faced each other and the tension built. Regan was almost sure that there was going to be a fight until Mea broke the tension.

  "What did you want, Hunter?" she snapped.


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