The Billionaire's Heir: Billionaire Obsession (Tycoon Billionaires Book 4)

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The Billionaire's Heir: Billionaire Obsession (Tycoon Billionaires Book 4) Page 7

by Julie Farrell

  Samira let out a shriek and grabbed the handrail as Ivan steered the truck straight past the private investigator’s BMW, scattering dust between them. He yanked the steering wheel downwards – which caused the truck to skid sideways – then he positioned them directly behind the private investigator’s car – blocking him with nowhere to go.

  Without turning off the engine, Ivan threw open his door and strode over to the BMW, then he reached in and pulled out the struggling guy, pinning him against the hot metal.

  Samira jogged over to join them. “Ivan, don’t hurt him.”

  The private investigator wriggled in Ivan’s grip. “Let me go!”

  Ivan pulled back his fist, threatening to punch him. “I’m going to ask you again, and this time I want the goddamn truth. Who are you and why are you following her?”

  The private investigator pushed Ivan hard, making him stumble slightly. This guy was stronger than he looked.

  Ivan grabbed him again and growled in his face. “I asked you a fucking question – answer me, asshole!”

  The private investigator smirked. He had an annoying way of finding things amusing when he should be quivering. “Listen, Ivan, this has nothing to do with me – I mean her no harm. Mr. Langdon hired me to report back on what his wife’s doing – he wants me to keep an eye on her.”

  “We know that,” Ivan said, shaking him. “But why.”

  “I honestly don’t know.” He held Ivan’s gaze. “But I’ve been doing some investigating for myself and I’ve discovered the truth about you, Ivan Quinlan.”

  Ivan was ready for this. “Oh yeah, planning to blackmail me are you?”

  “No. I’d never do that to my own brother.”

  Ivan froze. The hiss of a rattlesnake in the scrubby bushes pounded in his head, but he ignored it, focusing on nothing but this bombshell. He released his grip. “Brother? What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “I’m your long-lost brother Jake… Jacob – Clara’s twin. Your parents… our parents had me adopted.”

  He’d said it so casually. Surely there was no way… Ivan tightened his grip on Jake’s shirt again. “Oh really, my long-lost brother, huh? You must think I’m fucking stupid.”

  “No I don’t, Ivan. In fact, I know you’re pretty fucking smart.” He reached up and wrapped his fingers around Ivan’s hands. “Now if you’d care to let go of my shirt, I’d be happy to explain.”

  Ivan faltered. His heart thrashed with confusion… Now that he was taking the time to look properly, he could see that Jake did bear a striking resemblance to Dylan. And his grin was just like Joseph’s. And his eyes were definitely like Adam’s… But surely this was impossible. “This is bullshit. I don’t know what the hell you think you’re doing, but I…”

  Ivan shook his head, feeling a loss of power that he wasn’t accustomed to. He stood tall and clenched his fists.

  Jake nodded. “Yeah, you’re thinking about Clara’s twin brother that died, right? The one your mom was heartbroken over? Well, that’s me.”

  “You’re lying. How did you get this information about my family?”

  “Because I am your family.”

  Samira stared at Jake quizzically. “Can you prove what you’re saying?”

  Jake shrugged. “You’re welcome to see my birth records, ma’am. One good thing about being an ex-cop is that I–”

  “You’re an ex-cop?” Ivan asked.

  “Hey, don’t say it like I’m scum. It was what my dad did so I just followed in his footsteps.”

  “Your dad?” Samira asked.

  “My adoptive dad.”

  The world shifted around Ivan like a surreal fairground carousel. He considered himself a good judge of character – he wasn’t someone who was easily duped. And this guy seemed sincere. But… did long-lost brothers just show up like this?

  “Bit of a coincidence isn’t it? Us both being in Texas – on the same ranch?”

  He shrugged. “I guess fate has a sick sense of humor. So… you want to know what happened?”

  Ivan turned away from Jake and ran his fingers through his hair. Samira could see he was shaken. Ivan had mentioned Clara’s dead twin to her – it had been a huge upheaval to the family, and even as a child Ivan had found himself comforting his mom. It would be amazing if this really was a long-lost brother. But what if this guy was just using their family’s background information to… to what?

  Ivan stepped over to Samira and pulled her close. He was tense and distracted, but even in the heat and confusion she felt proud to know he wanted to extract comfort from her. She gazed at Jake. He’d clearly had a tough life – he was more rugged and rougher around the edges than the other brothers.

  But he was definitely a Quinlan…

  “I’ll show you my birth records,” Jake said. “I’ve got all the proof you need. Ivan… this is really true.”

  Ivan spun to face him. “This is fucking insane. Why the fuck would my mom and dad separate Clara from her twin? They’d never do that. They’re good people.”

  Jake held up his hands. “Okay, here’s what happened. Your dad – my biological father – was involved with a drugs cartel just after he left the army. I assume you know about that, right?”

  Ivan shrugged. “I’m not saying anything. You tell me what happened.”

  “Sure, okay. Well, he was gunrunning for them – but he got caught and arrested. Arrested by my dad. Some of the money’s still stashed somewhere – I’ve been trying to find it ever since my mom told me the full story just before she died. Does your dad still know where the money is?”

  Ivan restrained himself from punching Jake. “I don’t give a shit about money – I’m asking the questions here… Is your adoptive dad still alive?”

  “Nah, he passed away ten years ago. My parents were older when they adopted me. All they’d ever wanted was a child, but they were too old to adopt… that’s why my dad offered our biological parents a deal…”

  “What the fuck are you saying?”

  “Basically, I was the bargaining tool. I kept your dad out of jail. If I hadn’t been adopted, Quinlan Senior would probably still be behind bars now. You surely know the penalty for smuggling drugs and guns?” He glanced at Samira. “You know that, right, ma’am?”

  Samira glanced down at the ground. The intense sun pounded down on the three of them – out here in the middle of nowhere. Ivan wrapped his arms around her again, pulling her close, refusing to let Jake derail them. “You’re saying your parents… your adoptive parents… blackmailed my mom out of a child? Out of you?”

  Jake nodded slowly. “Yeah… I was devastated when my mom told me all this, of course. I always knew I was adopted, but I couldn’t believe even my old man would do something like that.”

  “Does my mom know you exist?”

  Jake grinned like the shimmering heat haze. “Well, she gave birth to me then handed me over, so I presume so. I’ve been trying to pluck up the courage to contact her – I know her address because being a private investigator and ex-cop gives me certain, you know, info. But it’s pretty hard.” His face lit up. “Hey, I can’t believe Joseph’s a rockstar! How about that? My little brother’s a rockstar. And Adam and Dylan are –”

  “Shut the fuck up… I’m trying to think.”

  Jake shot his brother an insolent look. “Pardon me for fucking breathing.”

  Ivan sighed. “Listen, Jake, I’m going to need to see proof before I believe any of this. I don’t want you upsetting my family.” He leaned toward him, tensing his muscles. “I’m warning you now – stay away from my parents until I give you permission to contact them. Alright?”

  Jake’s expression remained impassive. “Actually, we’ve got more pressing concerns than that.”

  “Oh yeah, and what would that be?”

  “I’ll be blunt here. Are you and Mrs. Langdon having a relationship?”

  Samira shook her head. “I’m not really married to Mr. Langdon.”

  “Oh? Well anyway,
whoever you are… I think Langdon has something sinister planned.”

  Samira planted her feet on the dusty ground. “Like what?”

  “I’m not sure yet. I’ve been suspicious ever since he hired me. Hey, how about we go somewhere and talk.” Jake smirked. “I need to know how much you’re planning to pay me to help you investigate Langdon. I know your family’s worth a lot of money, Ivan. And I gather Mrs. Langdon means a lot to you, right? I bet you’ll pay me pretty well to turn double agent, won’t you?”

  Ivan gazed at him in disbelief. “Wait… after this little family reunion you’re telling me all you want is a good price to help us?”

  He shrugged. “My dad left me with a lot of debts and I need to pay them off. So how much will you pay me to spy on Mr. L for you?”

  “Nothing,” Ivan said. “Because we’re leaving Texas and never fucking coming back.”

  “He’s got my passport, Ivan,” Samira said. “I need it back before we can leave.”

  Jake raised an eyebrow. “Maybe you can pay me extra to locate it for you?”

  Ivan growled. “Blackmailing’s really in your blood, isn’t it?”

  “Not my blood, Ivan. My blood’s Quinlan blood – just like yours. I know Joseph is on an anti-drugs campaign at the moment after his bandmate overdosed. Wouldn’t it be a shame if the press found out about Quinlan Senior’s criminal drug connections – I mean, how stupid would that make Joseph look? Perhaps the press might even find out about Mrs. Langdon’s involvement with those other dealers, huh?”

  “Stop calling her Mrs. Langdon.” Ivan shook his head. “You’re really a lowlife, Jake, you know that?”

  “Yeah, unlike you, I had a tough childhood.”

  “Fine, if it’s money you want, then that’s what you’ll get. But I’m serious about this: do not approach my family until I’ve found out what kind of person you are. I’m already beginning to realize you’re an asshole – they don’t need you showing up and shattering their world.”

  Jake chuckled. “They should’ve thought of that before they did what they did to me.”

  Ivan grabbed him. “You stay away from them, or I’ll kick the shit out of you. Understand?”

  Jake smirked. “Sure, whatever you say. My lips are sealed. Now what’s this about a passport?”

  Chapter Twelve

  With the windows wound down and the sun beating hard on the roof, Ivan skidded the truck to a halt in the driveway of the ranch, feeling as if his whole world had shifted in an instant. He couldn’t believe he had another brother. How cool was that?

  He smiled at Samira. “Well that was a fucking turn up, huh?”

  She chuckled. “It was.”

  “He seems like an asshole, though. Pretty mercenary.”

  She shrugged. “Understandable after what he’s been through. Sounds like he’s had a hard time.”

  Ivan leaned over and kissed her. “You’re always so understanding of people, babe. You’ve got a good heart. Me – I mistrust everyone ‘til they prove themselves.”

  “Then perhaps you’ve got more in common with Jake than you think.”

  He ran his fingers down her cheek. “Perhaps. But I wonder if he has what it takes to be a Quinlan.”

  “He is a Quinlan – if he’s telling the truth. And he does really look like you and your brothers. The family resemblance is clear.”

  Ivan gazed in his rear-view mirror as Jake parked his car then started to walk over to join them. “Alright, let’s see if he can prove himself.”

  They climbed out the truck and stood with Jake in the sunshine. Ivan draped his arm around Samira’s shoulders. Her body pounded with desire at his touch. “Ivan, stop it – Mr. Langdon might see.”

  “Let him see. I’m taking you out of here – we just need your passport back. And Jake’s going to help. Right Jake?”

  “As long as you pay me, I’ll do whatever you want. You should probably give me some gagging money, too. It would be horrible if–”

  Ivan grabbed him by the shirt. “Listen, you mercenary piece of shit. I don’t care who you are or how we’re related – if you don’t keep your mouth shut, I’ll fucking rip your balls off.”

  Jake laughed. That was something that really pissed Ivan off. He was so smug all time. Ivan guessed he’d probably been through a lot as a cop – as Samira had said. But still, he seemed unflappable, which was annoying.

  Jake pulled himself out of Ivan’s grip. “I just thought it was time to discuss money, that’s all.”

  Ivan released him. “Alright. Whatever Langdon’s paying you, I’ll double it.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  Samira slung a hand to her hip. “Doesn’t it break your moral and professional code to take on clients with conflicting interests?”

  “Yeah, but my morals are quite flexible, ma’am, depending on what’s on offer.”

  Ivan rolled his eyes at Jake’s cocky levity. He’d always thought there could only be one Adam Quinlan in the world… now here was someone almost as bad. But he loved Adam – despite his stupid jokes. Ivan knew he himself tended to be on the serious side – more like Dylan. Well, perhaps it was time for him to show his light side too.

  He turned to Samira and dropped to one knee. “Sweetheart, will you marry me?”

  She almost fell over in shock, then she burst into laughter. “Of course!”

  He stood up again, kissing her tenderly. “Great. Come on, let’s do it now.”

  “Now? Ivan, have you gone crazy?”

  “Isn’t she already married to Mr. Langdon?” Jake asked.

  “Haven’t you been paying attention?” Ivan asked. “No, she’s not.”

  Jake opened his mouth to argue, but Ivan got in there first. “That asshole’s been lying to you and everyone else on this ranch. And she never will marry him.” Ivan took ahold of Samira’s hands and gazed into her eyes. “I love you, okay. Let’s go to Vegas and do this right now. You get Quin. We’ll leave straight away.”

  She grinned – still reeling from shock. “Ivan, it’ll take fifteen hours to drive to Nevada from here.”

  “We’re not driving, baby. I’ll call my brother – he’s got a private jet based in San Antonio – we’ll find a pilot to fly us. We just need to drive to the airfield and we’ll be in Las Vegas in no time.”

  Her beautiful face shone with happiness. “Are you actually serious about this?”

  “Never been more serious. Go get our son and meet me back here. Don’t be long – we can buy whatever we need in Vegas. And obviously don’t talk to Langdon.”

  She kissed him, then walked off – almost skipping. He watched her striding away in the sunshine – her short dress swayed as she walked, showing off her gorgeous curves.

  He dragged his eyes away from her and slowly turned back to Jake, who was also watching Samira – a little too closely.

  “She’s got a great body,” Jake said. “I bet she’s good in–”

  “Do you mind?”

  Jake smirked. “Sorry.”

  Ivan stepped in front of him. “About that gagging payment…”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “Here’s my offer… You keep your fucking mouth shut, or you’ll be spitting out teeth thanks to my fist. Right?”

  Jake laughed. “Right, it’s a deal. So, what shall I tell Langdon? She’s run off with one of his farm hands?”

  “I’m sure you’ll think of something. Just remember how much you’re getting paid.”

  “I sure will.” Jake fell serious. “Hey, did you just say Samira’s kid was yours?”

  “Yeah. It’s a long story which I don’t have time to go into right now.”

  “Oh it’s okay. I know where babies come from – my parents gave me a good education.”

  Ivan stared at him. Then he laughed. “You’re a fucking joker, aren’t you?”

  “Something like that… But it’s nice to know I’ve got a nephew. I’m not super keen on kids, but I guess being an uncle might be good for me.”

  “You’re not his uncle yet. You need to earn that title.”

  “Look, Ivan, I know you think I’m an asshole, but I…”

  Jake trailed off. They both glanced up and saw Samira heading back with Quin in her arms. She looked beautiful. So light and free. The perfect combination of mother and lover.

  She grinned at Ivan and halted in front of him, making his heart flash with love.

  “Lola gave me his bag of things to… why are you both staring at me like that?”

  Ivan glanced at Jake. If he was checking her out again, Ivan really would rip his balls off.

  “Let’s go get married.” He said, opening the passenger door of the truck. “See you when we get back, Jake. Try to get her passport, okay?”

  “Sure, I’ll do my best.” He winked. “Enjoy your wedding night.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  As they flew into a little airfield on the outskirts of Las Vegas, Samira was fascinated to see that the city was a beacon of bright lights in the middle of a desert, surrounded by mountain ranges. It was stiflingly hot as they climbed out of the private jet, but the waiting air-conditioned limousine was cool and luxurious as it drove them into the center of ‘the strip’ – a four-mile straight road where all the action seemed to be centered.

  Ivan sat with Quin on his lap, pointing out the window and talking to him as if they’d known each other forever. It warmed Samira’s heart to see them getting along so well, and she allowed herself to be swept along with the excitement of the all-night party that was happening outside.

  Las Vegas billed itself as The Entertainment Capital of the World for a reason. It was as if polite American society had let rip and exploded into hedonism – buzzing with the excitement of when the circus was in town. But this entire place was the circus. The eighty degree heat at night meant that everyone here was scantily dressed – Samira had never seen this much flesh and bondage gear in public before, not even in LA. There were elated people everywhere, spilling over the road and waving into the car. It was as if a magic fairy had dropped glitter over this little part of the desert, and up had sprung Las Vegas.


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