The Billionaire's Heir: Billionaire Obsession (Tycoon Billionaires Book 4)

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The Billionaire's Heir: Billionaire Obsession (Tycoon Billionaires Book 4) Page 9

by Julie Farrell

  Ivan grunted as he thrust. “Who do you belong to, Samira Quinlan, huh? Tell me.”

  “You… Ivan!”

  An overwhelming sense that she was a part of the universe engulfed Samira, as a glorious rush of ecstasy welled up from her hips and swept through her body – filling every cell with delight. She heard herself groaning as Ivan thrust extra deep, letting out a loud moan as he came. The orgasm swirled around them, binding them together, and possessing them both.

  Samira’s mind washed with contentment as she slowly glided back to reality. She bent her arms at the elbows, allowing her head to hang – recovering from the most amazing orgasm she’d ever had, out of breath, but grinning like crazy.

  “Oh my god,” she said, gasping.

  She glanced over her shoulder and saw that Ivan’s eyes were full of love. “It was awesome, sweetheart. You’re awesome.”

  “I love you, Ivan Quinlan.”

  “I love you so much, Samira. So much.”

  He respectfully withdrew and they kissed. They started to get comfy on the pillows, but Samira heard Quin cry out, so she went to get him – bringing him back to snuggle in Ivan’s arms.

  “He’s perfect,” Ivan said. “Just like his mommy.”

  “And his daddy.”

  “I can’t wait to see him grow up. This is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. You and him. My beautiful wife and son.”

  She kissed him. “I was so scared and alone without you.”

  He squeezed her tight, and they stayed like that together as a family, with Samira more determined than ever to go back to the ranch tomorrow and inform Mr. Langdon she was leaving. All she needed now was her passport.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Still swimming in the glorious feelings of last night’s amazing orgasm – as well as the beautiful wedding ceremony – Samira enjoyed the flight back to Texas, looking forward to keeping their lunch appointment with Clara at the little diner. She was dying to know whether Clara’s friend had discovered anything about her visa application – or her passport. But as Ivan parked the truck outside the diner, Samira saw Jake sitting in his BMW, waiting to meet them too.

  They all climbed out and stood in the Texas sunshine. Samira pulled Quin close, adjusting his sunhat to protect him from the heat. She kissed him on the cheek and blew a raspberry on his neck, making him laugh. He was such a lovely boy and Samira wanted to give him everything.

  Jake looked nervous today – humble somehow. “Hey, how was the wedding?”

  Ivan smiled. “Great. You got anything for us?”

  “Yeah, here.”

  Samira was hoping this would be her passport, but Jake actually passed a letter to Ivan, which he unfolded and read.

  Samira read it too. It was Jake’s official birth records – there was no doubt about it – his birth parents were Mr. and Mrs. Quinlan. A shiver flashed down Samira’s spine. So this really was her long-lost brother-in-law.

  Ivan slung his hand to his hip. “Well Jake, you’re either telling the truth or you’ve got a damn good forger.”

  “I’m telling the truth.”

  The silence crushed down on them as the two men sized each other up. Samira feared they might stand here all day trying to think of something to say to break the awkwardness, so she spoke instead. “Jake, did you get my passport?”

  He pulled himself back to reality. “No, sorry, Samira – I couldn’t see it in Langdon’s office. He was in there most the day yesterday, but I did look when I got the chance to sneak in.” Jake threw her a sincere smile. “Sorry.”

  She hoisted Quin up on her hip – he was getting heavy. “So maybe he has sent it to immigration.”

  “Who knows,” Ivan said. “But we need to get it back. Come on, let’s get out of this heat.” He turned to Jake and gestured to the diner. “Is Clara in there?”

  “I didn’t go in. You told me not to approach the family or you’d rip my nuts off – remember?”

  Ivan chuckled. “Oh I see… you’re scared about meeting your twin after all this time?”

  Jake smirked. “Shut up.”

  “Come on, I’ll introduce you. But not as her twin or long-lost brother, right. I don’t want to freak her out. We’ll just say you’re a private detective for now – which is true.”

  “Sure, okay.”

  Samira smiled at Jake. He seemed different today. As if he wanted to get along with his family. She knew Ivan didn’t trust him. But Ivan didn’t trust anyone.

  They all strolled into the diner, and the Country and Western music hit them as hard as the cool air-conditioning. Clara was at her usual table, typing at her laptop and drinking coffee.

  Clara glanced up as she noticed them walking over. She looked stressed from whatever she’d been working on, but as she noticed Quin, her expression morphed to loving and maternal. She stood up and grinned at her little nephew. “Hello, young man – it’s so great to meet you. How adorable are you?”

  Jake flashed her a smile. “You’re not the first woman to greet me like that – and you probably won’t be the last.”

  Clara glared at Jake. “You? Aren’t you the enemy spy?”

  “We’ve persuaded him to come to the dark side,” Ivan said, as they all sat down. “He’s going to betray Langdon – for a good price.”

  Clara looked down her nose at him. “I see. How delightful.”

  Jake held her gaze. Samira could see he was suppressing his emotions – wishing he could throw his arms around the sister he’d once shared a womb with. He didn’t seem like the kind of person who’d be up for public hugs – and neither did Clara – but it was clear he was restraining himself. “Nice to meet you, Clara.”

  She opened her mouth to reply, but Quin started to wriggle in Samira’s arms, so Ivan took him and jogged him up and down on his knee. “Listen, Clara, don’t tell any of the others, but me and Samira got married last night.”

  Clara’s expression remained blank. “Married?” She closed her eyes despairingly. “Please don’t tell me, you took Adam’s jet to Las Vegas and got Elvis to perform the ceremony?”

  “No,” Samira said. “Elvis wasn’t available.”

  Clara laughed kindly. “You two are crazy.”

  Ivan threw Samira an affectionate glance. “We’re in love. And this little guy needs his mommy and daddy together.”

  “Aw… I love you.” Samira kissed him.

  Jake gazed out the window and drummed his fingers on the table.

  Clara cleared her throat. “Anyway, down to business. Samira, I’m afraid my friend says he has no record of your passport. It sounds like Langdon must still have it.”

  Ivan glared at Jake. “I thought you said you looked for it.”

  “I did look, but I couldn’t find it. But, seriously, I think you should just get the hell out of there, Samira. Something about this whole thing doesn’t add up, and I think Langdon’s planning something bad.”

  “But he has my passport. I need to find it before I can do anything about staying in the country.”

  “Well, I’ve been in this game for years, ma’am,” Jake said. “I know when someone’s acting sinister. I did a little research into him while you were in Nevada, but I was unable to find out anything too bad about him.”

  “So what’s the problem?” Ivan asked.

  “Well, just that your marriage is null and void.”


  “You do know that Samira and Langdon have been married for six years, right?”

  Samira frowned. “Mr. Langdon told you that?”

  “Sure. And I checked the marriage register – you two are definitely married, which surprised me after you ran off to Vegas like that. It’s funny because you look so young. You must’ve married him as a teenager.”

  Samira shook her head. “Jake, six years ago I was fifteen and living in Iran. I only met Langdon six months ago.”

  “But the marriage register says –”

  “I don’t care what the marriage register s
ays – I know what reality says. Langdon mentioned a late-wife. It must’ve been her information you saw.”

  Jake frowned. “Late-wife? There was no record of you… of her… dying.”

  “Well he’s obviously lying,” Clara said. “But why?”

  “Who cares?” Ivan said. “As long as she and Quin are safe. All we need is her passport.”

  “Well I guess I could have another look in his office when his back’s turned,” Jake said. “

  “Don’t bother,” Ivan said. “I’ll get it.”

  “How?” Jake asked.

  “The only way I know.”

  Clara sighed. “Wonderful, Ivan. You’re going to beat the shit out of him.”

  Ivan shrugged. “Hopefully it won’t come to that. We’ll go back to the ranch now and tell him we want it back. Samira, you can pack your things while we’re there. Jake – you can come and help.”

  “And why would Jake help you?” Clara asked.

  “Because I’m paying him a lot of money,” Ivan said. “Jake’s the sort of guy you can trust to turn against the hand that feeds him for the right price. And I’m paying him handsomely, right Jake?”

  Clara raised an eyebrow. “Conflict of interest in your clients, Jake? I suppose you’re still being paid by Mr. Langdon at the same time?”

  Jake smirked. “I’ll never pass up a business opportunity, ma’am. It’s a family trait of mine.”

  “Speaking of families,” Clara said to Ivan. “It’s Adam’s wedding tomorrow – and there’s a family gathering this evening – so make sure you leave Texas today for New York. My flight leaves in an hour, so I’ll see you there. Don’t you dare miss this, Ivan. I know you want Samira’s passport back, but Adam will never forgive you if you miss his wedding.”

  “Don’t worry, Clara, we’ll be there. But don’t say anything to Mom or Dad about Quin or Samira, okay?”

  “Sure, I’ll let you do your own explaining.”

  “Thanks. But first, we need to head back to the ranch and pay Langdon a visit. We need to get Samira’s passport back, and then we’ll be totally free of him – and whatever it is he’s up to.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Back at the ranch, Ivan went with Samira to grab her things. Her bedroom was stunning – it was huge, and contained an iron-framed bed, fitted closets, and a bay window overlooking the beautiful green fields. There was an attached bathroom, a massive TV, and an expensive sound system. Everything she needed was available here. But she wasn’t free.

  Ivan sat with Quin on the lavish window seat and watched as she grabbed a small black suitcase and started to throw in her clothes and belongings.

  “Nice room,” he said. “I can see why you wanted to stay here. But you deserve better than hiding out as an illegal immigrant and being used for shady drugs deals.”

  “I know. But he’s been good to me.” She closed the suitcase and zipped it up. “I’ll come with you to his office now, okay. I want the chance to say goodbye. To thank him. Apologize for running off like this.”

  “Alright, I guess that won’t do any harm.”

  “And Lola will want to say goodbye to Quin.”

  Ivan nuzzled his son’s neck, making him laugh. “She’s going to be his nanny in New York. Isn’t she, little guy?”

  Quin giggled. Samira lifted her case off the bed. “Really?”

  “I hope so. We’ll need to talk to her about it, but we’ll do that at a later date. Right now, we’ve got to get back for Adam or he’ll kill me.”

  “Okay. I’m ready. Do you need to get your things?”

  “I don’t have anything at this ranch apart from you two.”

  She smiled affectionately. “Alright. Let’s go.”

  She took Quin from his arms and kissed them both, then Ivan picked up her suitcase and they made their way to Langdon’s office.

  Ivan didn’t bother to knock on the heavy oak door, but burst straight in to find Langdon sitting behind his expensive desk, opposite Jake. Hopefully this new brother wasn’t currently in the process of asking for a pay-rise to triple-cross him.

  The office was finely decorated with wooden paneling and expensive furniture – Langdon clearly lived well here. There were two plain black suitcases leaning against his desk, similar to the one Samira had dropped off near the border the other day. Presumably other people were involved in the drop-offs too. This needed to stop... But right now there were more pressing matters.

  Langdon was an oily-looking guy. Not unattractive, but smarmy and shallow – wealthy from the toil of others. But at the moment he looked pissed.

  “You must be Langdon?” Ivan growled.

  Langdon stared at Ivan in shock as if someone had pressed the pause button in mid-sentence. Ivan dropped Samira’s suitcase to the floor, then leaned over the desk. “I’m eloping with your so-called wife.”

  Langdon swiped a glance at Samira. “Oh yeah, and who the fuck are you?”

  “I’m her husband.”

  Langdon clambered to his feet and glared at Samira. She held Quin tightly with both arms, protecting him. “Samira… what the fuck’s he talking about?”

  “I’m leaving with him. We’re married, it’s true.”

  “You fucking bitch. You told me you didn’t know anyone in America.”

  “Give me back my passport,” she said.

  Langdon took a step toward her. “After all I’ve done for you, you think you can just run out on me?”

  Ivan stood between them. “She’s leaving with me. And don’t even think about trying to stop her, or I’ll pummel your face into the floorboards.”

  Langdon’s face flashed with anger. “Well, Samira, if you leave here I might accidentally find myself telling the police that you’re staying illegally in this country.”

  Ivan leaned toward him. “And I might accidentally tell them what you’ve got in your suitcases.”

  “Suitcases? I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Listen, Langdon, I may be dressed like a fucking cowboy, but I haven’t got shit for brains. If you tell the police about Samira, then I’ll tell them that you’re harboring illegal immigrants and exploiting them to do your dirty deals across the border. Looks like we’re stalemate. Now give her back her fucking passport.”

  Langdon glared at Ivan. “I can’t give her something I don’t have, can I?”

  “Well, you’d better fucking get it, hadn’t you?”

  “But I –”

  “Look, I don’t have time to argue right now, but I’ll be back in a couple of days for it, so you’d better be ready for me.”

  Langdon opened his mouth to reply, but Ivan wasn’t interested. He turned to face Samira. “Come on, sweetheart, let’s go.”

  Being careful not to acknowledge Jake, he grabbed Samira’s suitcase and held her hand as they ran out the door into the sunshine-filled driveway. Ivan eyed up the truck, but Samira’s shiny Cadillac looked like a much better getaway vehicle.

  They exchanged a smile of excitement, then she handed him the keys and they left the ranch together with the top rolled down and the future laid out ahead.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Jake gazed at the furious Langdon and braced himself for trouble.

  Langdon pinned him with a glare, seething with anger. “I was paying you to watch her every move. How come you didn’t notice her fucking husband had showed up?”

  “Sir, I did tell you she was getting friendly with a ranch hand. I didn’t know he was–”

  “Don’t give me that bullshit, Jake – are you a goddamn detective or not?”

  “Sir, it’s not always as simple as–”

  “Shut up. I’m trying to think…”

  Jake sighed and leaned his elbows on the desk. Why did people keep telling him to shut up? He was just trying to earn a living like everyone else.

  Langdon ran his fingers through his hair, and set his expression to amiable. Jake’s instincts told him to run...

  “There is a way you can redeem yourself,” L
angdon said. “I still have a use for a lowlife like you.”

  “Oh yeah? Well I guess us lowlifes should stick together, huh?”

  Langdon let this go. “Tell me, Jake, have you ever killed anyone?”

  “Yes, sir, I have.”

  Jake stared at Langdon, waiting for his next question – he never gave away more information than he was asked for. Langdon held up his hands in frustration. “So who did you kill?”

  Some scumbag drug dealer, actually.” He let this hang in the air, then continued. “During a raid, the gangster boss shot me in the hip, then he ran off so I shot one of his cronies. What a big fucking mistake that was.”


  “I got kicked off the police force.”

  Worry flickered across Langdon’s face. “You’re a cop?”

  “I was. But like I said, I got kicked off for killing a drug dealer. No compensation for my injury – in fact they said I was lucky not to be charged for killing the bastard.”

  Mr. Langdon inspected Jake for a moment. Jake held his gaze. Langdon looked away, then he ambled over the window and surveyed his ranch. “Have you ever killed a woman?”

  “No, sir.”

  “Hmm… I have. And I would’ve done again.” He threw Jake a challenging stare over his shoulder. “Funny what we’ll do for money, isn’t it? When we’re desperate. Don’t let this beautiful ranch fool you, Jake. I owe some bad men a huge debt.”

  “I’m not sure I follow, sir. What’s this got to do with me?”

  He spun to face Jake, looking desperate. “I can split it with you. The money. If you do it.”

  Dread squeezed in on Jake. “Do what exactly?”

  “Need I spell it out? I want her dead.”

  “Mrs. Langdon? You want Mrs. Langdon dead?”


  “And you want me to do it?”

  “You’ll be set up for life.”

  Jake clasped the armrests. Yeah, set up for a very short life in the run-up to frying in the electric chair...


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