The Billionaire's Heir: Billionaire Obsession (Tycoon Billionaires Book 4)

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The Billionaire's Heir: Billionaire Obsession (Tycoon Billionaires Book 4) Page 17

by Julie Farrell

  Jake rushed forward and stood menacingly over Langdon, pointing his gun down at him. He didn’t flinch at the sound of the approaching police sirens, but Samira guessed one of the staff must’ve called the cops because of all the shooting.

  “I should fucking kill you for trying to set me up like that,” Jake shouted at Langdon, looming over him.

  Samira ran to Ivan, who wrapped her up in his embrace. Her heart pounded painfully in her chest, and she bit back her tears – relieved he was okay, but terrified about what was about to happen next.

  Langdon covered his face with his arm, preparing himself for the impact. Jake was bleeding badly too, but the adrenaline was obviously pulling him through.

  “No, Jake!” Ivan shouted. “Don’t you fucking dare kill him – I’m not losing you to the electric chair.”

  “No… I won’t kill him. I’ve got a better idea.” Jake locked his gaze on Langdon. “I’ll let you live if you give Samira your late-wife’s identity. And then leave her alone after that. That way she gets to stay in the country and you get to live. Do we have a deal?”

  Langdon nodded frantically. “Yes, we have a deal.”

  Jake stepped down just as the cops reached them. “Everyone freeze. No one move! Someone call paramedics!”

  Jake turned to face the cop who was doing all the shouting. “You’ve got an injured drugs baron in the house and a concussed rockstar in the plane. And here… this is Mrs. Langdon. Right?”

  Samira gazed up into Ivan’s eyes, then she walked forward to speak. “Jake, I appreciate the thought, but we need justice for the real Mrs. Langdon. I can’t steal her identity. Her husband murdered her, and he would’ve murdered me. He needs to go to jail.”

  Jake nodded, indicating that he understood. He opened his mouth to talk to the police, but he collapsed to his knees, finally giving in to the gunshot wound in his shoulder. Samira wanted to run over and thank him for the sacrifice he’d made, but the paramedics rushed to attend to him.

  She glanced over at Langdon who was also being attended to. Then she turned to Ivan. “I hope they both survive. I couldn’t bear it if anyone died… Not even Langdon.”

  Ivan put his arms around her, holding her tight. “You okay?”

  She laughed at the craziness of it all. “I think so.”

  “I’m proud of you, sweetheart. You’re a good person, and I love you so much.”

  She buried her face in his chest. “Oh, Ivan. I love you too. The only person I ever want to be from now on is Samira Quinlan.”

  “Sounds good to me, baby.” He kissed her tenderly. “Come on, let’s go get your passport.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Samira held Ivan’s hand as she watched Jake lying on the hospital bed, sleeping. After he’d been rushed here from the ranch, he’d spent the last few hours in surgery to remove the bullet from his deltoid muscle, but the doctors assured them he was going to be fine. It’d been a tense night though. Mr. and Mrs. Quinlan had flown to Texas straight away, bringing little Quin with them, who was currently snoozing in Ivan’s arms, resting his head on his daddy’s shoulder. Dylan had come too, because he’d been worried about Joseph – who was fine after his concussion – and was now with them all, waiting for Jake to wake up.

  The hospital décor was dull and functional. There was a large window, but it was covered by a navy curtain. The bedframe was gunmetal grey. It was gloomy and uninspiring. Samira had no idea what time it was – all she knew was she was exhausted, but relieved.

  Mr. Quinlan gazed at the paper cup in his hand. “If only the coffee was better in these places. It might not seem so darn depressing.”

  Joseph leaned forward. “I think he’s waking up.”

  All heads turned toward Jake. His eyes flickered open and he blearily took in the faces around his bed. His biological parents were on one side, Joseph and Dylan were at the foot of the bed, and Samira and Ivan were standing on the other side.

  He threw them that cheeky grin of his, still half-dazed. “Hi, everyone.”

  “Good to have you back with us,” Dylan said, gently squeezing his foot.

  “How are you feeling, honey?” Mrs. Quinlan asked. “We were so worried.”

  “I’m okay... I think.” He turned his head and smiled at Samira. “Did you get everything fixed?”

  “Yes,” she said. “I told the police the truth. They said if I can testify as a witness against Langdon then it should help my case to stay in the country.” She cringed. “And they were so pleased they caught Andreas – the drug baron. He’s going to jail for a long time.”

  Jake nodded pensively. “That’s the best news I’ve heard all day… You’re a more honest person than me, Samira – you could’ve totally gotten away with stealing Mrs. Langdon’s identity.”

  She shrugged. “It wouldn’t have been right. I can’t live a lie.”

  Ivan kissed the sleeping Quin, and put his arm around his wife. “Jake, I still think you’re a mercenary ass, but you made a huge sacrifice for us.”

  “I did?”

  “Aw, come on. You must’ve known Langdon would retaliate once you shot him, but still you did it. You took a bullet to save us. Thank you.”

  His expression remained blank. “Well, let’s just hope Clara’s friend at immigration can work his magic. We can’t lose Samira after all this.”

  “I’ve been thinking about that,” Dylan said. “We can always employ Samira at Quinlan Brothers. Sponsor her to remain in the country until she gets her visa cleared.”

  Warm gratitude fizzed in Samira’s heart. “Thank you, Dylan. That would be awesome.”

  Dylan shrugged. “Hey, you’re a part of the family now.”

  Mr. Quinlan Senior cleared his throat. “Jacob… you did good, son. You’re a true Quinlan. Welcome to the family – at long last, huh?”

  Jake nodded. “Thanks… dad.” They shared a smile, causing tender vibes to resonate around the room.

  Joseph broke the moment by holding up today’s newspaper. “By the way, we made the front page…”

  Samira read the headline out loud. “Exclusive! Drug-bust blaze of glory! Joseph Quinlan saves day!”

  “What a lot of exclamation points,” Mrs. Quinlan said with a chuckle.

  Jake smiled. “Wow, Joe – turns out you’re the hero… Did Ellie write that article by any chance?”

  Joseph laughed. “She might’ve had something to do with it.”

  Mrs. Quinlan rubbed Jake on the arm. “You should come stay with us in New York for a while. Until you feel better.”

  “I’m okay. A gunshot wound is becoming familiar territory for me.”

  “Well we don’t want it happening again,” Mrs. Quinlan said.

  “You know what you need?” Samira said. “You need to find the love of a good woman. And let her take care of you.”

  “Nah… People like me don’t fall in love. And besides, I’ve got a legacy to find.”

  “What’s that?” Ivan asked, gently rubbing Quin as he slept in his arms.

  “Some of the money that Quinlan Senior… I mean, Dad… stashed from the gun-running. You and your gang hid it somewhere, right, Dad? When the cops started sniffing around. That’s what my dad told me.”

  Mr. Quinlan frowned. “Well now, Jake, I honestly couldn’t tell you where that money is. It might be gone. I can probably point you in the right direction. But don’t forget it’s dirty cash. I don’t want anything to do with it.”

  “Good,” Jake said. “More for me.”

  Ivan shook his head. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

  “Yeah, I do. I’m going on a treasure hunt.”

  Dylan folded his arms across his chest. “Actually, Jake, Adam and I have a job for you – we need a private investigator we can trust.”

  Jake flicked his eyes at Ivan. “Did you tell them I needed a job? Because I don’t.”

  “Nothing to do with me,” Ivan said.

  “No, nothing to do with him,” Dylan said. “My lawyer�
��s been bugging me on the phone all night. We urgently need someone to check a few things out for us.”

  Jake tried to sit up, but couldn’t manage it. “What do you need investigating and how much are you paying?”

  “We’ll pay you well, of course,” Dylan said. “But Jake, don’t forget that we’re family now. You’ve got to stop being so spiky all the time. We Quinlans stick together.”

  “Yeah, yeah. So what’s the job?”

  “We’ve got a government health and safety woman on our back. There’s a product we’re interested in investing in, but it’s being dragged through this huge insurance claim, so the woman is working onsite with us, going through all the paperwork…”

  “And where do I come in?”

  “We need someone to make sure the company isn’t covering up anything. You just need to work alongside this health and safety woman, and make sure she’s not trying to fuck things up. She’s almost as much of a pain in the ass as you.”

  “Okay. I can do that and go on my treasure hunt at the same time. Give me her details and I’ll look into it.”

  “Great, Jake. I’m sure looking forward to working with you. You’re definitely going to be an asset to this family.”

  Jake closed his eyes and smiled, looking more content than Samira had ever seen him. This was the end of an adventure for them both, and she couldn’t wait for the beginning of the next one.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Samira loved New York City. It was bustling and vibrant, and this penthouse apartment on the edge of Central Park gave her the tranquility she needed. There was a chill in the air now that the nights were drawing in, and Samira was sad for the loss of summer, but it wasn’t going out without a fight – the trees looked spectacular in their early-fall reds, yellows, and greens. It was truly a work of art. And the musty scent of fall made her want to snuggle up on the couch with Ivan and Quin… and then just with Ivan after they’d put the baby to bed.

  She gazed out the window and hugged herself, feeling content and ‘at one’. But – as always – thoughts of her impending letter from the immigration department drifted into her mind.

  She sighed, trying to put it aside – there was nothing she could do at the moment, and she was delighted that both Langdon and Andreas were safely behind bars. It’d been a stressful couple of months, but now it was over and she could start building her life in America… if they let her stay.

  Ivan’s gorgeous voice pulled her out of her thoughts. “Hey, daydreamer. Quin’s sleeping soundly… time for mommy and daddy to play…”

  She grinned as her body washed with love and affection. He came up behind her and nuzzled her neck, kissing her with his wonderful lips.

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  “I love you, too.” He held an envelope in front of her. “And this letter just came for you.”

  Her heart pounded with terror as she realized that the return address was from the immigration department. She took it with quivering hands, then glanced up at Ivan. His expression was cool and caring.

  She chewed her lip nervously. “You open it.”

  “We’ll open it together.”

  He wrapped her in his arms, and she tore open the envelope. This was infinitely more terrifying than the day she’d received her exam results… the information within this envelope could ruin her life – or make her dreams come true. With shaking fingers, she pulled out the flimsy piece of paper, on which her future was written. She closed her eyes, then unfolded it quickly – like ripping off a Band-Aid.

  “You read it, Ivan.”

  He read it silently, then he sighed heavily, causing her heart to sink. Shit… she’d obviously failed. Her mind raced with what she should do next. Maybe they could appeal? Or Ivan could move with her to wherever she was allowed to go. But whatever happened next, this was terrible news…

  Ivan’s voice was steady and low. “It says…”


  “It says, Samira Quinlan… you are allowed to stay in America indefinitely!”

  Her eyes sprung open. “Really!”

  “Yep! You can work, pay taxes… you can even apply for citizenship. How about that, babe – you could apply to be an American citizen!”

  Samira leaned into him, feeling as if her knees might give way. “Oh my god – this is awesome!”

  “It’s perfect – just like you.”

  She threw her arms around him, hugging him tightly and trying to let this fantastic information sink in.

  Ivan dropped the letter to the floor and kissed her hard. “We should celebrate.”

  “Yes,” she said. “I’ll call your parents and see if they’d like to come over. Also we can ask your brothers too. And their partners…”

  His expression froze with worry. Samira burst into laughter. “I’m joking. Come on, lover, let’s go to bed.”

  She started to lead him by the hand toward the bedroom, but he picked her up in his arms and carried her like a movie star, making her squeal with excitement.

  He dropped her down on the king-sized bed, then showered her with kisses – caressing her breasts, ass, and back with his strong commanding hands. She braced herself for some seriously sexy celebrating…

  Ivan pulled her T-shirt off over her head, then unclasped her bra and flung it to the floor, before stripping off his own shirt to reveal his gorgeous body.

  “Lie down,” he said. “I want you at my mercy…”

  She grinned and positioned herself on the fluffy pillow, waiting to discover what thrills were in store.

  Ivan positioned himself between her thighs and leaned forward to suck her nipple, sending delightful jolts of pleasure into her body. She arched her back and pushed herself into him, enjoying being attended to by her gorgeous man. He glanced up, and they grinned into each other’s eyes, then he reached down and pushed up her skirt, running his fingers over her thigh and circling the silky material of her panties – which was quickly becoming wet. She gasped as his masterful fingers probed inside her panties, causing her body to shudder with desire.

  He gazed at her with those sparkling eyes. “I need to taste you.”

  A wave of yearning lust swept over her. She loved it when he gave her oral. He shuffled up to kiss her on the lips, then he started to make his way downwards – lingering to suck a nipple and pausing to nibble her toned stomach. He lowered his face between her thighs and probed his tongue into her panties, pulsing molten desire through her body like a shockwave of joy.

  “Uh, yes, Ivan…”

  “Mmm…” he said, humming gently – which sent vibrations of pleasure into her pussy – enhancing the sensation of his tongue-tip caressing her throbbing clit. Samira ground herself into him, desperate to climax in his mouth.

  “So tight for me,” he whispered.

  He peeled down her panties and dropped them onto the floor, then crept his commanding fingers up her thigh and eased two fingers inside her – rippling sizzles of pleasure between her legs. She tilted her hips, rubbing herself against him – eager for more.

  “I need you inside me, Ivan,” she gasped. “Fuck me hard.”

  He gazed up her with a grin. “Your wish is my command, sweetheart.”

  He knelt back on his heels, giving her a show of his toned pecs and six-pack abs. Then he unzipped his trousers and tugged his erection free – gripping it in his fingers and pumping the shaft with his hand. His cock was so powerful – a perfect specimen just waiting to thrust her into a frenzy of ecstasy.

  “This what you want?” he asked, playing with himself.

  She gripped the comforter and squirmed. “Yes…”

  Ivan crawled back up to kiss her on the lips, covering her with his strong body. He kissed her possessively, pressing his hard cock against her thigh – reminding her of what was to come. Samira gazed up at him, feeling secure with his forearms planted firmly by her head, trapping her in place. It was like being covered with a blanket of pure masculine muscle.

  He dropped
his mouth to her ear. “I’m gonna fuck you hard, sweetheart – just how you like it.”

  He bit her neck and rubbed his cock between her thighs, so she ground her clit into his erection, already starting to feel the excitement take her.

  “You ready for me?”


  Ivan scooped his hips under, angling them upward, so the tip of his erection thrust into the opening of her pussy, sending tingles of mind-blowing pleasure into her soul.

  He grunted animalistically as he continued to thrust, kissing her tenderly on the face – making this erotic encounter romantic as well as hot. “You’re so tight and warm.”

  He reached his strong hands under her hips and tilted them upwards – continuing to thrust, and pushing himself all the way inside her.

  “You’re mine,” he whispered. “And I’m gonna make your body sing with ecstasy.”

  Samira allowed her head to drop back further into the soft pillow, as he pounded her into the bed. She ground her hips strongly into him, then she suddenly tensed and froze, skimming on the cusp of freedom and euphoria. She held her breath, knowing this was going to be a massive release. And then it came – the most overwhelming orgasm she’d ever encountered, pulsing through her body and possessing her mind, until she was filled with only bliss and Ivan Quinlan. The waves grew in intensity, rippling over her and carrying her along on the crest of a wave of delight. Her pussy contracted with each pulse of pleasure, pulling Ivan’s thrusting body further against hers – and pulling his glorious powerful cock further inside. Her legs gripped around his thighs and she drew him deeper still, rubbing her clit against him as his huge cock brushed delightfully against her G-spot, filling her with total joy.

  Just as she thought it was over, he shifted slightly and thrust even harder, causing the ecstasy to rise again, rushing across her body like a tsunami of euphoria. She clenched her fists and grinned wildly, allowing the delicious moment to continue onward. The pleasure climaxed even higher and she thought it might rip her apart – but in the most magnificent way. She groaned like an untamed animal, relishing this wonderful explosion of love and lust with her perfect husband.


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