A Rogue for a Lady

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A Rogue for a Lady Page 15

by Rose Pearson

  A look of sheer fury crossed his face and Amelia saw his hand tighten on the dagger. She wanted to cry out, wanted to warn Lord Northfell that Ridlington meant to lunge for him but before she could do so, Lord Northfell himself reacted.

  It was over in a moment. Lord Northfell had thrown a swift punch to Ridlington’s face who, suddenly dazed, had lunged wildly with the knife, catching Lord Northfell’s arm. However, Luke had leaped forward into the melee and, together, both he and Lord Northfell had brought Ridlington to the ground.

  Amelia drew in huge breaths, her body rippling with a mixture of shock and relief as the knife was kicked away. She staggered over towards Harmonia, who was still soothing the little girl, and leaned heavily against the wall.

  There were a few more thumps, a loud groan and then Lord Northfell and Luke both got to their feet, looking down on the unconscious form of Mr. Ridlington.

  Leaving Luke to stand guard, Lord Northfell ran over towards them, his arms outspread for his daughter. Elouise rushed into them at once, calling ‘papa’ over and over as he hugged her tightly. Amelia felt her throat clog with tears at the sight of them reuniting, her vision blurring as she watched him brush his fingers through Elouise’s delicate curls.

  “You were so very brave, my dear little one,” Lord Northfell murmured, holding his daughter by the shoulders. “I am very proud of you. You do not need to worry about anything now. Mr. Ridlington will not be coming near us ever again.”

  The little girl’s eyes shone with tears. “I was very scared,” she whispered, reaching out to pat her father’s face. “But I knew you would find me, papa.”

  “And I did,” he said, smiling at her whilst carefully hiding the sight of his left arm from her. Amelia noticed that a large red stain was beginning to show through his sleeves and hid a gasp of fright, her eyes darting to his.

  He smiled, calming her at once.

  “Elouise, this is Lady Amelia and Lady Harmonia. They are very good friends of mine.”

  Amelia managed a bright smile as the little girl looked up at them. Her heart surged with sympathy for the child, who was looking both pale and utterly exhausted.

  “Lady Amelia,” Lord Northfell continued. “Might you take Elouise to your home? If it is not too much trouble, of course. I will need to stay for an hour or so to sort this mess out.” He glanced down at his arm and then back over at Luke and Mr. Ridlington.

  “Of course, I would be delighted,” Amelia said at once, reaching for the little girl’s hand. “Elouise, would you like to come to our home for a while? I have two other sisters who I know would be delighted to meet you.”

  “And you shall have hot cocoa and whatever treats you desire,” Harmonia added, taking Elouise’s other hand. “What do you say to that, my dear?”

  Elouise looked up at them, her gaze going from one to the other as she considered them both carefully. Eventually, a small smile spread across her delicate features and she nodded.

  “I will come as soon as I am able,” Lord Northfell promised, dropping a gentle kiss on his daughter’s cheek. “You will be quite safe with them both.”

  For a moment, Elouise looked as though she might either cry or protest but Amelia squeezed her hand gently and Harmonia began to talk about all the wonderful cakes their cook might have and soon the little girl’s smile was back. The conversation continued as they made their way out of the room, although Amelia could not help but glance back at Lord Northfell.

  He was watching them leave, a most peculiar expression on his face. As their eyes met, he gave her a warm smile, his eyes filled with a deep, inexpressible emotion that she could not read. Amelia felt her heart flutter in her chest as she held his gaze for as long as she could, before she was pulled away by both Harmonia and Elouise.

  Chapter 23

  Once home, it did not take long for Elouise to eat her way through four separate cakes and drink a large cup of cocoa – only to fall asleep on the couch, her head resting in Amelia’s lap. Amelia brushed her hand over the child’s soft curls, her heart full.

  “Here, let me take her to bed,” Harmonia murmured, coming to pick her out of Amelia’s arms. “I will ask Jacintha or Jessica to sit with her, so that if she wakes up she will not be alone.” She lifted Elouise gently, smiling down at her sleeping face. “She is a beautiful child and has such a strong spirit. It is no wonder Lord Northfell loves her so.”

  “Indeed,” Amelia murmured, as Harmonia left the room.

  Drawing in a long breath, Amelia reached forward and poured herself some more tea, fresh from the pot. She poured one for Harmonia too, knowing her sister was going to want more than just one cup after what they had been through! She was glad she had been able to change into her soft slippers on arriving home, for her feet ached from having walked so much through the streets of London.

  Amelia could not help but think of Lord Northfell, her regret over her hasty engagement to Luke piercing her heart.

  “Everyone makes mistakes, do they not?” she murmured to herself, absently stirring her tea. “Yet you were so quick to judge.”

  It could not be denied that the hurt he had caused her in keeping the truth about his daughter from her was still etched into her soul but she too carried blame. Not once had she ever considered Lord Northfell’s position in taking on such a child as Elouise. He could have, very easily, turned his back on the girl or sent her somewhere far away but, instead, having realized his responsibilities, he kept her with him. It was obvious that Elouise knew exactly who he was to her, given that she had called him ‘papa’ and the love between the two of them was undeniable. Instead, she had turned her back on him entirely, considered him entirely unworthy of her and had ignored the love in her heart that had refused to disappear no matter how often she reminded herself of what he had done.

  And, Lord Northfell loved her. She knew that to be true. It was not just the words that he had spoken but the depths of emotion in his eyes whenever he looked at her. Goodness, her desire for him could not be denied! Amelia set her cup down onto the table and put her head in her hands. Whatever was she to do now? She had told Luke she would marry him, the engagement had been announced and, as far as both he and her father were concerned, the entire matter was to continue as planned.

  “Except I do not love him,” Amelia murmured to herself, lifting her head as the door opened.

  It was not Harmonia who entered, however, but Lord Northfell. The door was left ajar and, from outside, Amelia could hear Luke and Harmonia talking.

  Amelia got to her feet at once, seeing the worry on his face as he looked all about for Elouise. “She is sleeping in my sister’s bedchamber,” she said, softly, seeing the relief in his face almost at once. “I can take you to her, if you like?”

  He sank into a chair, closing his eyes for a moment. “I think I will have something to eat, if I might intrude on your privacy. I will be honest, I am quite famished! I don’t think I remembered to eat all day.”

  Amelia indicated that he should help himself to the delicacies on the tray, pouring him a fresh cup of tea.

  “Is your father most upset by all the commotion?”

  Amelia laughed, her eyes twinkling. “My father is gone to bed,” she replied, smiling. “He retires early and so has missed all this! I will inform him in the morrow but you need not concern yourself over him. He will be quite all right.”

  “I am glad,” Lord Northfell said with relief. “I had not thought to intrude so much on you and your family, Lady Amelia, but I had no-one else I could think to turn to.”

  “I am very glad you did,” Amelia replied, gently. “And I am ever more glad that you have got your dear little girl back safely. She is a beautiful little thing and, although quite exhausted, was telling us all that had happened.”

  He frowned, his worry evident. “And was she quite terrified by it all?”

  Amelia shook her head. “I think she is quite resilient, Lord Northfell. She will be quite well after a good night’s rest, I am sure. I
do hope you will allow her to sleep here tonight?”

  Lord Northfell smiled, inclining his head. “You are very good to offer such a thing, Lady Amelia. I would be delighted to accept your offer, I thank you.” The smile faded from his eyes as he cleared his throat. “And may I offer you my congratulations,” he continued, a little hoarsely. “I hear you and Lord Darnsley are engaged.”

  A lump coiled itself in Amelia’s throat. “Well, yes, we are, but I….” She trailed off, not knowing how to explain herself. Hope leaped into Lord Northfell’s eyes as he saw her confusion, leaning a little further forward in his chair.

  “What, Lady Amelia?”

  “I do not know!” she exclaimed, frustrated with herself and rising to her feet to walk over towards the windows. “I was angry and confused and so I convinced Lord Darnsley that I would be a good match for him.” She glanced at Lord Northfell over her shoulder, shame creeping into her features. “He has always wanted to marry into our family and I thought it would be the best way to erase the hurt in my heart.”

  When Lord Northfell got to his feet and made to come near her, Amelia turned from the window to face him, her heart quickening its pace as he came closer.

  “And did it?” he asked, softly, his features illuminated by the soft candlelight.

  “Did it remove the hurt and the pain?” Amelia said, with a wry smile. “No, it did not. If I am to be honest with you, Lord Northfell, I do not care for my cousin in the least. I find him most disagreeable.”

  “And yet you are to wed,” he murmured, looking down and catching her fingers with his.

  Amelia felt sparks shoot up her arms at his touch, her skin prickling with a sudden anticipation.

  “Is there no hope for me?” he whispered, looking up at her again. “Can you never forgive me for what I did? I know it was wrong and I cannot tell you how sorry I am for all the hurt I have caused you.”

  Amelia swallowed hard, her fingers tightening on his. It felt as though she were betraying Luke in some way to be standing with Lord Northfell in this fashion but Amelia found that she simply did not care.

  “I think I do forgive you, Lord Northfell,” she breathed, her throat constricting as she looked up at him. “I have found it impossible to get you from my thoughts, even though I left you in anger and hurt. I have seen the way you care for Elouise and I have seen the love she has for her papa.” Her lips curved into a gentle smile, her expression softening. “You have made mistakes, yes, but I see now that you are trying your best for her. I can understand – and even admire – that.”

  He let out a long breath of relief, his shoulders dropping. “You are too good, Lady Amelia,” he replied, his voice so quiet that she had to strain to hear it. “I meant every word I said to you before you left.” His gaze was so intense that Amelia found herself dragged towards him, her arms going around his neck of their own accord, feeling his own hands around her waist. “But you are going to forgive me again, for I am about to do something that will truly put everything into disarray.”

  Amelia was about to ask what it was he meant, only for him to lower his head and kiss her soundly. She melted against him at once, her heart’s desire finally being fulfilled. Her arms tightened around his neck, his embrace crushing her against him. This was no quick brush of his lips against hers, this was a declaration of love and passion, holding nothing back from her. Amelia rejoiced in their coming together, happiness bursting through her heart as his kiss seared and burned her, claiming her as his own.

  Eventually, Lord Northfell broke their kiss, his forehead resting against her own. Amelia drew in a ragged breath, her heart pounding in her chest.

  “My dear Amelia, I cannot think of life without you,” Lord Northfell began, still holding her close. “Is it quite wrong for me to ask when you are already engaged to another, but would you ever consider ending that agreement with Lord Darnsley? Do you think you could do me the honor of becoming my bride, Amelia?”

  A delicious sensation ran up Amelia’s spine as he brushed his fingers against her cheeks, trailing them delicately down her neck. “I would be honored to be your bride, Northfell. I cannot deny what my heart has long desired.”

  “Good heavens, what is the meaning of this!”

  Amelia broke apart from Lord Northfell almost at once, looking over his shoulder to see Luke and Harmonia framed in the doorway. Luke was looking both confused and a little angry, whilst Harmonia was doing her best to hide the wide smile on her face.

  There was no other course of action but to hide her face in Lord Northfell’s shoulder, her smile never fading.

  “I think this is going to be a bit of a scandal, I’m afraid my dear,” Lord Northfell murmured, as Luke began to rail at them once more. “Are you quite prepared for it?”

  Amelia looked up at him, her eyes shining. “More than prepared,” she whispered, capturing his face with her hands. “I love you, Northfell.”

  “And I love you, my dearest Amelia,” he murmured, wrapping one arm around her shoulders as they turned to face the wrath of Lord Darnsley.

  The following morning found Amelia, Lord Northfell and Luke closeted within the Duke’s study, each speaking one after the other.

  Amelia went first, explaining what had happened and indicating to her father that she had been most rash in her decision to wed cousin Luke. Luke, on hearing this, grew quite angry and spoke rather forcefully, reminding both Amelia and the Duke that an agreement had been made and that the news had already been spread throughout society. Indeed, toasts had been given in congratulations! To break off the engagement now would cause a scandal!

  Finally, Lord Northfell spoke. His voice was quiet yet powerful as he looked directly at the Duke. He confessed everything to him, going right back to when Elouise had first been left on his doorstep. He held nothing back and Amelia could not have been prouder of him, even though her father’s expression became somewhat dark.

  “I love Lady Amelia,” Lord Northfell finished, reaching for her hand. “And she loves me. I confess that I do not deserve her love, nor her commitment to me, but she gives them to me freely, knowing my past and myself in its entirety.”

  There was a brief silence, only for Lord Darnsley to snort in derision, launching into another speech about honor and propriety and the like. Amelia, growing irritated with how Luke was referring to her – as though she was something that could be bought and sold for a price – began to argue with him and Lord Northfell could not help but interject at times. Eventually, the room was filled with a cacophony of voices as each individual continued to speak over the other.

  Amelia’s father eventually waved a hand, silencing them all. Looking at Amelia, he shook his head, his forehead creased in puzzlement.

  “I must confess, I find all this very confusing.”

  Amelia smiled at her father, her hand resting gently on Lord Northfell’s. “I know, papa, but the truth is that I love Lord Northfell. Saying I would marry Luke was a mistake.”

  “A mistake!” Luke blustered, growing a little angry. “You said you would be my wife! I have already made some of the arrangements! I – ”

  “Luke,” her father interrupted, gravely. “It seems that you are going to have to accept that Amelia will not have you. I am sorry that this will cause something of a scandal but I will not have one of my daughters forced into an unhappy marriage.”

  Luke frowned, his expression growing almost petulant as he glared at Amelia.

  “Just think, Luke,” Amelia said, trying to smile. “Once news reaches the ears of the ton that I have chosen to wed another instead of you, a great many sympathies will come your way. It is I who will be seen as the inconsiderate, selfish lady whereas you will be the unjustly treated, sorrowful gentleman.”

  “That does not particularly help matters,” Luke muttered, darkly.

  Beside Amelia, Lord Northfell chuckled, squeezing her hand lightly. “What I believe my dear bride to be is trying to say, Lord Darnsley, is that you are about to receive a great d
eal of attention. I know that most of that attention will come from sympathetic mamas and their eligible daughters.”

  Luke’s frown began to lessen. “I see,” he said, slowly, his gaze moving away from Amelia and towards the window, as though lost in thought. “Yes, I see what you mean.”

  “There will be a great many ladies wishing to support you at your time of great need,” Amelia finished, hiding a smile. “And you are related to a duke, after all, so you will find yourself quite popular I believe.”

  “And there is always Harmonia,” Luke murmured, clearing his throat and turning back towards Amelia’s father. “I think I had best take my leave, your grace. I accept the ending of my engagement to Lady Amelia with as much good grace as I can muster. Do excuse me.”

  Amelia waited until Luke had quit the room before turning back to her father with a delighted smile. However, her father was looking at Lord Northfell, his gaze somewhat scrutinizing.

  “You think you can be a good husband to my dear Amelia?” he asked, quietly. “You are wise to tell me all about your past and your daughter,” he continued, with a frown, “but I confess that I worry still.”

  “What do you worry about, papa?” Amelia asked, interjecting before Lord Northfell could reply.

  He pressed his lips together for a moment before replying. “I confess that I grow anxious over whether a man can truly change for good. Is he going to continue to be the responsible gentleman who strives to ensure he does only good?”

  There was no doubt in Amelia’s mind, although she could well understand her father’s concern. “I will not pretend that Lord Northfell has not caused me some pain, papa, but I myself was too quick to judge. I thought him selfish and seeking my hand for the wrong reasons, but he has proven to me that he is not that kind of man. He wants to protect Elouise now, so that she will have a good future.”


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