Teacher's Pet: A New Adult Wedding Romance (School's Out Book 2)

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Teacher's Pet: A New Adult Wedding Romance (School's Out Book 2) Page 7

by Amanda Heartley

  “Are you serious?” he splutters. I narrow my eyes back at him, which only fuels his laughter. “Oh, God. This is priceless. He’s going to kill you when he finds out. The guy is ripping himself apart, thinking he seriously fucked up. He nearly tore me a new asshole this afternoon, just for asking him if he wanted to go fishing. Honestly, I’ve never seen him so fired up.” He pauses for a second, then turns to me again, his face all lit up. “Hey, can I be there when you tell him what you did? I wanna get a pic for Facebook.”

  “Fuck off, Rick. You really can be an insensitive ass, sometimes. I’m dying here over what I’ve done.” I feel the blood drain from my face as I take in Rick’s words. I know he’s completely right. Everything he’s saying is true. The worst thing is, I realize I’m the one who’s seriously fucked up. I’ve made the man I love doubt himself, made him feel pain and torment. Something I’d never want to do, ever. Yes, Lennon is going to kill me. I just hope he can forgive me.

  “I have to go,” I say. Cindy and Emily stand and give me a hug as I kick my seat back, then race off, leaving my drink and friends at the bar. I know there’s only one way I can fix this.

  I need to find Lennon… now.


  My heart is racing, knots in my stomach as I take a moment to clear my head. Running my hands through my hair, I close my eyes and think. Where is he? I’ve looked everywhere, but there’s no sign of him. I even tried his parents’ hotel room. His mom had frowned, and looked me up and down like I was trash to her when she’d opened the door. She’d made it obvious I’d inconvenienced her for making her answer it. I’d never felt so uncomfortable in my life, and she was very quick to tell me she hadn’t seen him before slamming it in my face.

  When I’m around his parents—and particularly, his mother—she won’t even hide the fact that she doesn’t like me. I’m not sure if it’s the fact I was his student, or just that no woman is good enough for her son, but I must admit, it hurts, and I wonder if it’ll always be this way.

  Where did he go? Where would I go? Suddenly, it comes to me, but I try not to get my hopes up. I stalk out the back of the resort, through the gates leading to the beach, where I take my heels off and carry them with my purse, letting my toes sink into the soft sand. Sure enough, halfway down the beach, I can just make out a Lennon-sized body in the fading light, laying a little way back from where the waves are rolling in.

  I sit down next to him, my heart racing, and relief flooding through me when I see he’s breathing. I’m sure he’s going to be angry at me and, to be honest, he should be. I cringe every time I go over it in my mind. What the hell was I thinking, playing a sick joke like that on him? How would I have felt if he’d done that to me? I lay down next to him. He turns to face me and manages a small smile, but there’s pain in his eyes. Pain that I caused. Pain that I put there.

  “You probably think I’ve been avoiding you,” he says in a low voice. He reaches for my hand and wraps his own around it. “I need to tell you something,” he says. “Darcy, I’ve been—”

  “Shh. Me, first. Please,” I add, turning and placing a finger on his lips when he looks like he’s going to argue. He looks at me intently, then finally nods his agreement. “Okay,” I take a deep breath, and sigh, “One of my cousins who’s coming to the wedding is someone you haven’t met, yet.” Holy shit, this sounds even worse as I try and put it into words. “Well, that’s not entirely true. You kind of met her this morning when she knocked on your hotel room door.” My voice rises so high at the end that sentence, it’s almost a squeak.

  He looks confused, and I hold my breath while I wait for him to figure it out. Should I explain it? I open my mouth to elaborate when he speaks first.

  “You set me up?” he asks, his head snapping around to face me. I nod, my heart almost pounding its way out of my chest.

  “I’m so sorry, Lennon. It was meant to be a joke. It seemed hilarious in my mind at the time, but seems it didn’t go that way.” I shake my head at my own stupidity. “God, looking back now, it wasn’t even funny in the first place.” I squeeze my eyes shut. I’m close to tears and too ashamed to even look at him, though I feel his eyes burning into me like lasers. “It was a ridiculous, foolish thing to do, and I’d take it back in a second if I could. I just…” I roll my head on the sand. “When Rick told me you had no memory of your bachelor party, I thought it would be funny. God, I don’t know why I thought it would be funny,” I mutter.

  Eventually, I pluck up the courage open my eyes. I turn to look at him, and realize he’s propped his head up on one elbow and has a huge grin on his face, his body shaking with his stifled laughing. Even in the dusky light, I can see his eyes have that sparkle that I’ve missed so much and haven’t seen all day. Thank, God, he can see the funny side of it.

  “You are crazy, woman. I should probably be annoyed at you, but honestly, I’m just relieved,” he murmurs. “I hate myself for drinking so much, I didn’t know which way was up. I don’t like that feeling of not being in control over what I do.”

  “So, you forgive me?” I say, holding my breath.

  “Well, not just like that. I mean, you have a lot of making up to do. Lots of groveling… definitely a spanking, and may be a few—”

  I roll over and kiss him, cutting him off. I press my lips firmly against his as his fingers stroke my hair. I sigh as our bodies press together in the warm, soft sand. He pushes my skirt up over my ass, his fingers stroke my thighs and I glance around to make sure we’re alone before I wrap one leg around his waist and grind myself against him.

  “You’re such a tease,” he growls, his cock hardening against me. I grin and raise my eyebrows.

  “You think this is teasing?” I ask. “What does that make this, then?” He groans as I unbuckle his belt, undo his jeans and dip one hand inside his underpants, palming his stiff erection and gently squeezing it for a second, then pulling it out.

  “Oh, fuck. Now that is a tease,” he groans. I’m aching to feel it inside me, but I want this to be all about him. I get on my knees and pull his jeans and underwear over his hips, revealing his cock. I lick and gently suck his balls, feeling them move involuntarily against my tongue, then upward, the entire length of his shaft from the base to the tip before I take him in my mouth. He gasps, his fingers raking through my hair. He grabs a handful of it, forcing himself deeper inside my mouth. I moan and hum against his engorged cock as his length hits the back of my throat, the taste of his pre-cum making me want him more.

  The moon is rising above the horizon, bathing us in a pale light, and with my eyes on his, I suck him hard, every thrust inside my mouth inching him closer to exploding. I alternate between stroking his balls and pumping his shaft. I feel his head expand, and he grips the back of my head, cursing as he releases in my mouth. I swallow, gently sucking and my tongue licking around his shaft as his hips buck furiously and his head lolls from side to side.

  “Fuck,” he growls, his arms reaching out for me to come to him, his body limp. Breathless, he pants as his orgasm subsides. “That was amazing. Fucking amazing.”

  I smile, wiping my lips with a slurping sound, and he laughs. I move my way back up to lay on him, resting on his chest, and kiss his neck while his fingers make gentle circles on my back.

  “Holy crap,” he says. “That’s got to be one of the strongest orgasms I’ve ever had. You took me to the stars there, babe.”

  “I’ll take that compliment,” I say, rubbing my nose against his. I’m just about to kiss him again, curious as to whether I can stir up another erection and have him come again inside me, when that familiar sound of a cellphone ringing breaks the relative silence of our beachside boudoir.

  “Ignore it,” Lennon says.

  “What if it’s important, honey? I mean, it’s got to be at this time of the evening,” I reply.

  Groaning, I roll off him, our moment of passion, gone. Talk about timing. At least, it wasn’t while I was otherwise engaged. Mom’s always told me not to speak w
ith my mouth full. I glance at it and roll my eyes to heaven. It’s the hotel. I can’t ignore it, as much as I want to.

  “Hello, Miss Stanfield?” an unfamiliar voice asks. “It’s the hotel manager here.”

  “Yes, that’s me,” I say, my heart racing. Why are they calling me so late, I wonder? What’s wrong? I’m running through about ten different scenarios in my head, each one worse than the last. “One second, please.”

  “Who is it?” Lennon whispers.

  “It’s the hotel,” I whisper back. “Now, shh.” Lennon sits up and chuckles, then tries to distract me by pointing to the corner of his mouth, then mine, suggesting I still have some of his come on my lips. I frantically wipe my mouth with the back of my hand, but, of course, he was joking, and he rolls around on the sand, laughing that I fell for it. Ha, fucking, ha, I think to myself as I give him a stern scowl. He stands and dusts the sand off his ass and retrieves his clothes while I carry on with the call.

  “I’m sorry for calling you so late, but I’m aware that your wedding is in two days. I don’t even know how to say this but there’s been a fire in the restaurant, and the kitchen has been damaged.”

  “A fire?” I repeat, my voice flat. I can’t believe this is happening. This a prank call, right? “Is that you, Rick?” I ask, then the soft wail of sirens I hear in the distance removes any doubt that this might have been a joke.

  “Rick? No, madam. My name is Maurice. Anyway. I’m so sorry, but there won’t be any events in the restaurant for at least the next week. Even our pre-Christmas functions have been cancelled,” he adds, as if that matters one jot to me. “Whether you want to make alternative arrangements, or delay the wedding, we will work with you—”

  “Delay my wedding?” I shout, my eyes stinging with tears, and my outburst got Lennon’s immediate attention. “Are you crazy? After flying everyone halfway across the world to celebrate with us, your solution is to put off the wedding? Will you pay for everything? Hmm?” I demand. “The cost of flying everyone back again? Are you going to cover their expenses, or is your solution that we simply pour more money we can’t afford into this?” I’m ranting, and when Lennon wrestles the phone from me, I’m grateful for his intervention.

  I lay back in the sand, covering my face with my hands while he finishes the call. He’s being much more polite and calm than I was. How can he be so damn understanding? I know it wasn’t their fault, but how can he not feel like this whole thing is just one giant mess?

  Lennon ends the call and places the phone on the sand next to me, not saying a word. All I can do is laugh, but it’s hysterical laughter.

  “Why didn’t we just elope,” I say, looking down at the sand. “Things would’ve been a hell of a lot easier. Now we have to tell everyone the wedding is off.” My voice breaks. Nothing is going right, and I’m about to lose it.

  Lennon nods, and I can see his eyebrows creasing in the moonlight, as if he’s thinking intently about something. “We can still do this.”

  “How?” I laugh. “We have no reception and no minister. Our families are expecting more—”

  “The people who really matter will understand,” he interrupts. “Those who don’t, well, who cares? I forgot to mention, but Rick has found another minister. We just need catering. I’m sure we can still make this work, sweetheart.”

  “You know which of those two categories your parents fall into, don’t you?” I tease.

  “They’ll be annoyed,” he agrees, a twinkle in his eyes. “That’s half the appeal.”

  “Okay,” I grin. “Then let’s do it. I mean, things can’t get much worse, right?”

  He groans, but with a smile. “Will you please stop saying that?”

  Chapter Seven


  I walk Darcy back to her room, and wrap my arms around her slender waist when we reach her door. God, she’s so fucking perfect. The way she smiles, the way her eyes sparkle every time she looks up at me. I lean down, cupping her chin with my hand, and tilt her face up to mine. We kiss, and I’m gone again.

  “Let me know if you figure out the catering, for the wedding breakfast situation,” she says, all business-like. “You’d better go,” she whispers, gently pushing me away. “Or I won’t be able to let you leave.”

  “So, don’t,” I grin. “Two days and we’ll be married, anyway. It’s not like your ‘no sex’ rule hasn’t flown out the window already.”

  She narrows her eyes at me. “So, I fell off the wagon once—”

  “Twice,” I correct her. “Well, three if you count the time I made you—”

  “Okay, so I have no willpower,” she growls. I chuckle, loving how cute she is when she’s annoyed at me. “Go, before I call security. I have a big day ahead of me tomorrow, getting myself all beautiful for you.”

  “You’re always beautiful,” I whisper, kissing her lips. “We’re really going to go all day tomorrow without seeing each other? That’s gonna suck, big time.”

  She smiles at me. “It’s bad luck for you to see me the day before the wedding.”

  “Says who?” I protest.

  “Me,” she grins. “Now go. The next time I see you, we’re going to be saying ‘I do’.”

  I laugh and step back as she moves inside the room, blows me a kiss and closes the door. With my hands shoved deep in my pockets, I walk down the hallway, still thinking about her when I hear a familiar voice behind me.

  “Lennon? Is that you, Lennon?”

  I whirl around, my heart pounding. That voice sounds familiar.

  “John?” I say, forcing a smile as I recognize my old boss, and Darcy’s former Principal at Findon Private. “What the hell are you doing here?” I ask in genuine shock. I extend my hand to greet him. “How are you?”

  “Good, thanks, and I could ask you the same question,” he says with a smile. “I booked this vacation a couple of months ago. Saw it in the window at Bird’s travel agency in town, and thought, why not? I’m guessing you saw it, too, huh?”

  “Yes, it was a stunning deal, so I snapped it up” I say, now regretting that decision. What are the fucking odds, right? Why didn’t I book something off the internet instead?

  “I couldn’t believe it was you when I turned the corner. This is some coincidence, meeting you here in the middle of the Pacific. We really must stop meeting like this,” he says, laughing at his own joke.

  “It’s a great place, for sure,” I reply, gritting my teeth. Oh, yeah. This is one hell of a worst nightmare coincidence, alright. I just hope I can get away quickly to avoid any more probing questions.

  “You know, we miss you at Findon. I wish you’d reconsider, and come back to our school. You were so good with the kids. Where are you teaching now?”

  Kids? Holy crap, and Darcy was one of them. I swallow the lump in my throat, hoping I can wrap this conversation up and get out of here.

  “I, uh, I’m between posts, but applying for a few jobs,” I say. “I had an interview over at Summerton High two weeks ago that seemed to go well.”

  “Oh, of course. They’ve been chasing me for a reference for you, but I haven’t had a chance to reply yet. I promise I’ll do it when I get back, though.” He grins, probably noticing the frown on my face. “Don’t worry. I have nothing but good things to say about you, Lennon.”

  “Phew, thanks,” I say, relieved. “I’m looking forward to getting back to work.”

  “That, right there, shows how raw you still are,” he chuckles. “Give it ten years and you’ll be dreading going back, especially after spending time in an oasis like this. What brings you to Hawaii, anyway? Christmas with the family?”

  “Um, just here with a few friends,” I say, uneasily. “One of them is getting married, and this is their last blast as a single. Speaking of which, I’m late for whatever it is they have planned for today, so if you’ll excuse me, John, I’d better get going.”

  He nods. “Well, have fun. Maybe I’ll see you around? Meet up for a drink, or something?”

/>   Oh, God. I hope not.

  “Maybe,” I say, not wanting to commit myself to that scenario. “If not, enjoy your stay, and thanks for the reference.” I turn on my heels and walk off in the opposite direction, praying he doesn’t see Darcy and put two and two together, to make the obvious four.

  She’s so stressed out as it is, and I don’t want to keep anything from her, but I also don’t want to make her even more anxious by telling her about this.

  Lord, can anything else go wrong to screw up our plans?

  Chapter Eight


  I can’t believe I’m getting married tomorrow.

  This whole week has been a whirlwind of stress, anxiety and tears, and to be honest, I can’t wait until it’s over. I’m sure Lennon has been as stressed as I have, though he doesn’t seem to show it. Having his parents here is a trigger for him, because he knows they don’t agree with this marriage, but he seems to be taking all the many challenges we’ve had in his stride. Then there was the little stunt I pulled with my cousin, which didn’t help. It hasn’t really sunk in yet that I’m about to become a married woman. Until now.

  Married at nineteen? The thought both terrifies and excites me. Things have moved so fast between us this past year, but it feels so right. I can’t imagine anything more perfect than being with him for the rest of my life. When I think about where I’ll be in thirty years, he’s right there beside me. That’s got to mean something, right? I can’t wait until it’s all over. Tomorrow, we can start our honeymoon and I can wake up with him next to me, forever. I pick up my phone and text him.

  Me: I know I said we can’t see each other today, but…

  Lennon: Can’t live without me?

  Me: Smart ass. Breakfast?

  Lennon: Ok. Meet you there xo

  I feel glowing as I walk into the café and spot Lennon. The usually quiet, laid back beach shack is bursting with energy today. With the restaurant closed for repairs, it’s the only eatery open within the grounds of the resort, and everyone’s piling in to get breakfast.


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