Soldiers of Pearl 2: Healing Souls (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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Soldiers of Pearl 2: Healing Souls (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 2

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “I’m a deputy, not the social director for town. Coming over here has nothing to do with my job, but with the fact that I want to be friends.”

  She shook her head in confusion. At his tone, his body language, and the way he kept that hand on the butt of his gun that sat in the holster. That damn sensation in her gut erupted. Maybe she had an ulcer? She needed to talk to Doc Jones.

  “Friends?” she asked.

  As she said the word her body tensed and her mind had flashbacks to the men who approached her claiming to want to be guardians to her and the kids. They weren’t even regular residents of Pearl, and they sure didn’t want long-term relationship with her. They wanted sex. Plain and simple. The fact she had two kids out of marriage made them think she was an easy lay and one who would protect herself from getting pregnant again. No one wanted someone like her. She was used goods, and this deputy was no different as far as she could tell.

  He walked closer, blocking the sun that had been making her squint and place her hand over her eyes so she could look at him. He was a big man, with lots of muscles, just like his friends he was always with. They lived together, were a team when they were in the military, from what Brock had told her. She didn’t want to think about them. She focused on Cason and the attitude this deputy had with her today.

  “Yes, friends. Don’t you know what friends are?” he teased, changing that annoyed and aggravated attitude like a light switch. She recognized that ability. He wasn’t being forthright with her. She felt a little notch of empowerment at being able to identify such a thing.

  He adjusted his stance and watched her, his eyes roamed over her body, and she felt this tingling sensation and then an abrupt sense of fear. It wasn’t anything new.

  She swallowed hard. She needed to reply to his sarcastic question.

  “Well?” He pushed for an answer, a reply. Typical of a bossy male who felt the need to force a woman even to reply to his stupid question. She trudged up the ability to be strong and answered him.

  “Of course I do, but I just don’t need any right now,” she said, as she smoothed out her skirt and looked away from him. She could do this. She could start establishing a new attitude and make an impression of the kind of person she wanted people to see her as instead of the impressionable fool.

  Cason’s deep voice invaded her ears.

  “We all can use a friend, Cora.” She tilted her head up toward him, trying to figure out what exactly he wasn’t saying with that tone, and that calm, interrogating expression. He must have sensed her attitude and noncompliance with his suggestion of them being friends. She didn’t need guy friends.

  “Well, I best get back to work. I’ll see you soon. Maybe at the party next weekend at the Main Street Inn? There’s supposed to be some dancing, and a live band too.”

  “I don’t know if I’m going.”

  He appeared upset.

  “You should. Maybe even save a dance for me?” he asked and winked. Her heart hammered inside of her chest and her mouth went dry. But before she could stutter and make an ass out of herself, Cason winked, tipped his Stetson, and made his way back to the deputy patrol car. As she watched him head out she spotted one of Cason’s other roommates, Beau. The man all dressed in black looked like some sort of military commando. All he was missing were the guns. His dark black-and-gray camo pants stood out. With muscles and mega-huge biceps like his, the tight black shirt accentuated those features, drawing her eyes directly to his physique. As not to look like she was gawking, even though that was exactly what he was doing to her now, she turned away to see two young women walking down the sidewalk right toward Beau. They said something to Beau He nodded politely but then looked back toward Cora.

  She swallowed hard. She felt the anxiety begin to grow deeper in her chest. It took very little to upset her, make her feel unsafe and in danger. Right now, having the conversation with Cason, retired military, now law-enforcement officer who seemed to want to be her friend, to now seeing Beau, lethal enforcer, she felt about ready to puke.

  Both men were military at one time. Now Beau was still recovering, only having been retired a year. He had that drawn-out look in his eyes whenever she saw him. He looked on guard, sad, unapproachable. She knew he attended counseling in town with Spocko. Her own therapist Camille said Spocko was a great man who helped a lot of soldiers transition into civilian life.

  Perhaps if Anthony had someone like that, things would have been different and maybe her kids would actually have a father, a male figure in their lives who could love them. But that wasn’t the case. The man was evil, and he was on the run from the law. He could show up at any time, and that was what got her to gather her things and ignore Beau. She didn’t need retired military men as friends. She needed to protect Julia and Liam. That was her top priority, and nothing else mattered more.

  Chapter 1

  Blade was talking on the phone to one of their clients in Dallas. He had just gotten home twenty minutes ago and was tired. It had been a long week. The flight home had been delayed, he had finally arrived back in Pearl, and he hadn’t even carried his bags upstairs when his cell started ringing. The client he and his team had for two years was very wealthy. It seemed like just as he and Beau finished up one job, the man was hiring them for the next job. They should really be the man’s personal techs. They had a knack for security systems, surround-sound systems, everything high-tech and having to do with tricky wiring. They even did home entertainment systems, bulletproof windows, panic rooms, and special soundproof rooms for the clients with particular interests.

  “I understand. So the deal went through an hour ago? That’s great news for you, Calvin. I’m sure Beau can come up with some ideas for however secure you want that location to be. Okay, I’ll wait to receive the details and we’ll draw up the contracts. Bye.”

  He disconnected the call and fell into the large, leather seat in the home office. He closed his eyes and rubbed them. He could use a hot shower and two days of sleep, but that wasn’t going to happen. He had a meeting with Brock and Smith from Liberty Construction and Development for a new home being built. The homeowner was a friend of theirs who was a high-profile businessman that insisted on the best security. God knows why the man would need a panic room, bulletproof windows, and security cameras throughout the estate. But Brock and Smith didn’t seem concerned. Blade had dealt with plenty of businessmen who took extra precautions. Installing panic rooms was a large part of Blade’s business. Even he and his team had one installed in their own home. Hopefully they would never need it, but at least they had it.

  Blade was going to have to subcontract out to friends of Brock and Smith’s, Dale and Virgo, along with their cousins Matt and Quaid from Pearl Security in town.

  This was going to be a big job. He more than likely would have to call York and Zin to see if they could cover the job for Calvin. That would free Blade up to work here in town for a few months and then just take some short weekend trips out to Dallas to check on the new project there for Calvin.

  He opened his eyes and looked out the sliding glass doors that led to the patio. The sun was shining, the pool was calling to him, but exhaustion was winning the battle here. Besides, there was some bad weather coming in tonight. He thought about being outside and enjoying the nicer weather and recalled the BBQ at the Main Street Inn that was coming up. Hopefully the weather would be clear by then.

  He loved this house. He really enjoyed living out here in Pearl with the rest of the team. His troubles, his life and past, seemed to be a distant memory. He didn’t even like to think about his stint in the service and what it cost him. Every time he did he wondered about the man he could have been if he had only given more of himself to his personal life. He thought about Eileen then shook the thoughts from his mind as he attempted to rub the exhaustion from his eyes as well as the memories of his pain.

  He was definitely overtired to think about his ex-wife and all the damage that was done from years ago. He was over tha
t. Over her, or so he kept telling himself that every time he watched a group of men, retired soldiers in town, fall in love with some woman and share her.

  There was probably a whole reasoning behind that idea of a ménage relationship. But that was something he didn’t want to think about or face. That wasn’t for him. He would never open up his heart and let another person in to tear it up. He leaned back and closed his eyes, trying to get the images of her face from his mind. She was dead to him. She moved on and he lost his chance at loving Eileen because of his obsession with the service and his lack of care for her.

  He could fall asleep right here in the chair. He heard the front door open and then the heavy footsteps.

  “Blade?” Beau called out.

  “Yo,” Blade responded as he sat up and instantly put on his commander face. No one would know the pain he felt and the feelings of inadequacy from deep within him.

  Beau walked in and Blade gave a wave.

  Beau nodded his head. The man seemed to have truly forgotten how to smile. Like I’m one to talk? Eileen did worse to me than any stint in war. I truly am a heartless bastard and workaholic.

  He shook the thoughts from his head and bit the inside of his lip while watching Beau.

  “How was the trip?”

  “Tiresome. I can’t wait to hit the sheets.”

  “Well don’t worry about the job we’re doing for Gabe and the new construction. He doesn’t plan on living in the house full-time anyway. He got involved with some business in Salvation now with Gunny McCallister. Not sure what it is, but he says he won’t be heading out here for a month. That gives us plenty of time to finish the job. Any last-minute fixes and additions, we can do when he’s out of the house again.”

  “Sounds great. I’m actually looking forward to being back in town for the month at least. I’m tired of flying.”

  “You won’t have to go to Dallas at all?”

  “Maybe a weekend here and there. Calvin just called me with another big job.”

  “Shit, Blade. We just finished up the last one. It took six months.”

  “I know. As soon as you’re feeling up to putting in more hours I could use your help,” he said and watched Beau’s expression change a little. He knew it was hitting a sore nerve with Beau. He was only out of the service entirely for the past year, having stayed on doing special jobs for their old commander. His last assignment had sent him over the edge to near self-destruction.

  That had been the final straw for Beau. Blade had been shocked when he got the call that Beau was shot. The commander told Blade, Avery, Asher, and Cason that the doctors hadn’t had hope of Beau recovering. They all immediately headed out to the hospital in Germany Beau was being cared for in. Thank God Beau was such a fighter. He pulled through, shocking all the doctors but not his team. They knew the man was strong. Beau Spade was a warrior through and through.

  Six months of counseling with Spocko seemed to be helping Beau, but the nightmares still rocked his evenings. Blade wondered how he was doing with those, but didn’t ask. He didn’t want Beau to think that was all they focused on. The team was close, they were brothers even if not related by blood. Well, Avery and Asher were twins, but Beau, Blade, and Cason all came from other parts of the country. They were a team in the military Special Forces for many years. Now they owned a business together, lived together, and were finally feeling like they belonged to a community and fit in.

  “I’ve been doing more, and spending a lot of time organizing this mess of an office and this system you think works so well. But I have to say, it isn’t easy,” Beau told Blade.

  Blade looked around the room.

  “It doesn’t look any different. I swear, man, we need to hire someone to help out with the paperwork, filing, answering the calls, setting up appointments. I do so much on my cell phone I dream about texting and answering e-mails,” Blade told Beau.

  “Well then, let’s see if there is someone we can hire. Someone trustworthy and capable of dealing with your OCD.”

  “My OCD? Are you fucking kidding me, Beau? This coming from a man who lost it over the orange juice container being placed on the shelf on the door on the right side instead of on the top shelf next to the milk? Fucking really?”

  Beau squinted his eyes and gave Blade an annoyed expression.

  “Don’t get me started on you. So what’s your plan? How do we go about looking for someone?”

  “I’ll take care of it.”

  “You should go get some sleep. You look like shit.”

  Blade shot his head toward Beau. “I look like shit? What’s with you and the gruff on your face all the time? You forget what a razor looks like?” he teased. Beau rubbed his hand along the gruff on his chin and cheeks.

  “I think I like keeping this look. It makes me really feel like I’m out of the service and a civilian. No rules and regulations on the facial hair.”

  “That why you’re growing out your hair on your head too?”

  Beau had it pulled back in a rubber band. It was almost past his shoulders when he had it loose.

  “I’m not ready to cut it.”

  “Well, hopefully you’ll be ready soon.”

  “Are you jealous, old man?” Beau snapped at him.

  “Of looking like a dirtbag ready to kill someone? Hell no. I like blending in.”

  “Blending in, my ass. You, do not blend in.”

  “Well, you sure don’t all dressed in black camo pants and black T-shirts all the time. What look are you exactly trying to establish? Gothic mutant soldier, or perhaps just bad-boy mercenary for hire?”

  “If it keeps people from bothering me then what does it matter? Enjoy your nap, grandpa,” Beau said and headed out of the room. Blade chuckled and then got up. At least Beau was being more civil and calmer when they joked around. When he first returned home from the service he wasn’t exactly so friendly to any of them. Hopefully Spocko was right and time would heal Beau and eventually help him to learn to smile again. That would be great.

  Just as Blade stood up, prepared to go take a shower and lie down, his cell phone rang. He lifted it to his ear.

  “What’s up, Asher?”

  “Glad you’re back in town. Got this problem with the security cameras.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “They sent the wrong models and they sent too many.”

  “Too many? How the hell did that happen?”

  “Well, I guess somewhere along the way you and Beau ordered the same thing. What do you want me to do?”

  “Damn, we really need an office manager. I’ll deal with it. I could probably have them pick up the other order or I can use part of the shipment for another job. We can store the remainder in the storage shed here on the property. It will depend on whether or not they’re going to charge us double shipping costs.”

  “Okay. I’ll leave it here for now. Let me know later what the plan is. Avery and I have a few more hours of work left for today.”

  “No problem. See you later.”

  Blade ran his hand through his hair and tossed his cell phone on the desk. He looked around the messy home office which had once been so nice looking. He felt instant stress and he didn’t like it.

  “We need a personal assistant.”

  He picked up the phone and dialed Brock’s number. He would know who was trustworthy and capable of this job. He had to.

  * * * *

  “How was the park today?” Arabella asked Cora as they prepared lunch for the kids. As soon as Julia and Liam were finished at school, Cora walked them to the sheriff’s department and got a ride from Reno to their place. She and Arabella were working out a menu for an upcoming party Arabella was catering.

  “It was nice.”

  “Cason said he saw you there, and that he said hello,” Reno told them as he sat down and started eating a sandwich.

  Arabella looked at Cora, who immediately continued making the small turkey sandwich for the kids to share with some fresh sliced apple
s. She added them to the plate and walked them over to the table where Liam and Julia sat. Smith, Brock, and Rex were talking to the kids and discussing the upcoming BBQ at the Main Street Inn.

  “What did Cason have to say?” Arabella asked, placing three sandwiches down on the table for Brock, Smith, and Rex. They smiled and winked at her.

  “Not too much. Just hello,” Cora said then walked back toward the counter.

  “Just hello? Nothing else? I mean he’s always checking up on you. You don’t talk about more things?” Arabella pushed for answers, and Cora shook her head and bit her inner lip. She glanced up as Arabella covered Cora’s hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

  She locked gazes with her.

  “He said he wanted to be friends.” Arabella raised one eyebrow and then cautiously asked. “And your response to that?”

  She stared at her sister, who was perfect in every way and who had even found a special kind of love.

  “I told him I didn’t need any friends.”

  “What? Why would you do that if he was just being friendly?”

  “Because,” she said then turned to look at Liam and Julia, “I don’t need friends. I was actually thinking that I should look for a part-time job for when I’m not helping you out with the catering business.”

  “Really? That would be great,” Arabella said.

  “What would be great?” Brock asked.

  “Cora was thinking about looking for a part-time job. Something that could be flexible for when she has to help me out with any catering jobs. Right, Cora?” Arabella asked her, and Cora nodded as she brought her sandwich over to the table to eat next to Liam and Julia. Smith stood up and gave her his seat next to Liam. He smiled at Liam first before moving. Smith would make a great father just like Rex, Reno, and Brock. Seeing them around Liam and Julia brought tears to Cora’s eyes. She wished so much that their father had been a different man. Thinking of him gave her the chills.


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