Soldiers of Pearl 2: Healing Souls (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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Soldiers of Pearl 2: Healing Souls (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 7

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Hey, don’t mind him. Like you said, he hadn’t had his second cup of coffee yet,” Cason said and winked as he clutched her shoulder. She felt the warmth of his masculine touch and the spark of interest. Their gazes locked, and she ignored the sensations that appeared to be shared in the expression in Cason’s eyes. She stood up, feeling his hand fall away and also feeling the loss.

  “I’m fine. I’ll gather all the order forms needed for the first project. I didn’t have the chance to tell Blade that Gavin texted me this morning. He’ll be stopping in for the weekend to check out the house and how the security is coming along. He’ll arrive tonight,” she told Cason.

  “Tonight? Where is he staying?”

  “The Main Street Inn.”

  “How did he get a place last minute with the BBQ festival going on in town?” Beau asked, sounding surprised.

  “I called Sage and explained the situation. I negotiated a small deal to get Gavin the last room in the place. You can let Blade know. I’m going to get to work.”

  She knew she sounded angry, but she couldn’t hide the hurt she felt at Blade’s words. He was a real jerk. She wasn’t a bad person. She thought she was going above and beyond what was necessary and required with her position because she wanted to impress them. Maybe she was wrong. God only knew what Blade would say if he found out the reason she had been talking to Calvin so much in between was because Calvin had planned a small surprise for Blade for his upcoming birthday. The man took the fun out of everything.

  She hoped that he felt like an ass when Calvin and Gavin arrived to celebrate the birthday during the BBQ festival. They invited her to attend the party, and she would make the effort to show up to show face, but then she was out of there. Blade wasn’t worth her tears or getting emotional over.

  * * * *

  “You didn’t have to be so tough on her. She’s organized and very professional and I think she’s gone above and beyond her position,” Cason told Blade and him. Beau, Asher, and Avery sat at their kitchen table during dinner. Cora left at three o’clock after she took a call from Calvin. That had totally pissed off Blade.

  “I don’t know what she’s after. I don’t trust her, and she’s taking over the office in all aspects, plus she was late today,” he barked.

  “She’s doing a fantastic job, Blade. I’m impressed with her and she’s exactly what we’ve been searching for. I never had so much free time to get more of the blueprints ready for the jobs, and more time to be hands on at the job sites. Knowing that Cora is in the office handling all these details has helped ease the unnecessary stress for all of us,” Avery added.

  “I agree. I like her. She’s smart, she’s thorough, and let’s face it. She easy on the eyes,” Asher said, and Cason and Avery chuckled as Beau and Blade remained straight faced.

  “This is probably a good time to explain why she was late this morning and that we’ll have some guests tomorrow morning for lunch,” Avery added.

  “Guests?” Beau asked, and Avery explained about why Cora had been late and how they helped her in the parking lot with her two kids and wound up inviting them over the house for lunch and to play in the game room.

  “Wonderful, now she has you two wrapped up in her web of manipulation,” Blade replied.

  “There’s no web of manipulation. She was truly embarrassed this morning and her kids really didn’t want to leave her. They showed great concern for where she worked and who her bosses were,” Asher told them.

  “Well, I’m not going to sit here and entertain our secretary’s kids. You made the plans, you handle it.”

  “Blade, I think she’s just a sweet, friendly person. I don’t feel she’s being manipulative at all,” Asher told Blade.

  “That’s another thing, why is she getting so friendly with Calvin? He invited her onto his yacht,” Blade said.

  “He did? When was this?” Asher asked, sounding all annoyed too now.

  “This week while they engaged in other conversations. How do we know that she’s not just trying to snag a rich guy? Maybe she wants him to take all her troubles away and spoil her with his hard-earned money?” Blade asked.

  “Calvin is a smart man, he’d never fall for that. Too many women have tried before and failed,” Avery said.

  “I don’t know. She was chuckling on the phone when they were talking. I could hear her from the den,” Cason said this time.

  “Damn it. This is why I wanted to look deeper into her past,” Blade said.

  “Then let’s do it if that will give you peace of mind,” Cason told them.

  “And if we don’t like what we find out?” Asher asked.

  “Then I’ll take care of it,” Blade said, and they all got quiet, changing the mood entirely to one of somber and anger. Those were emotions they were used to. In fact, they were the emotions they had become accustomed to. But Cason had a twinge of hope that Cora wasn’t some scam artist and instead a good woman and person. She had to be, because he couldn’t see her as anything other than that. He really didn’t want to. His attraction to her was growing stronger and it seemed like he wasn’t the only one who felt that way.

  Chapter 5

  Cora wasn’t certain that she and the kids were still invited over to the house Saturday after Friday’s work day. Blade really was distrusting, and he seemed to take multiple steps back from her. But they still wanted her to come over, so she gathered Julia and Liam along with their bathing suits and headed over for lunch. Their place was out a ways from the center of town and up a long private dirt road. As Julia and Liam bounced in their car seats, excited about seeing Asher and Avery’s game room, the house came into view and her children gasped and carried on with oohs and aahs. They had never seen anything so big before.

  “It looks huge,” Julia stated.

  As they pulled into the long driveway, Cora parked where she usually did. Before she had the kids out of the car Asher and Avery were there to greet them.

  “You made it. Welcome to our home,” Avery told them, and Julia and Liam went running toward them.

  “Kids, slow down. Don’t attack them and be respectful,” she told them, and they abruptly stopped short right in front of Avery and Asher. They smiled at her and then at her kids.

  “How are you, Liam?” Avery asked as he stuck his hand out for Liam to shake.

  “Good, and you?” Liam asked in his cute little voice that made Cora smile. She locked gazes with Asher, and he winked before greeting Julia.

  Ten minutes later the kids were playing video games in the game room with Avery and talking about going swimming in their big swimming pool.

  Asher took a seat next to her on one of the couches nearby.

  * * * *

  “They’re very respectful kids. You’ve done a great job with them Cora,” Asher told her and she whispered a thank-you. He didn’t think she was a liar. He really felt that she was a good person and that she was just trying to make a better life for herself and her kids. It had to be tough, being a single mom and trying to work to make money. Things she said and her reaction to certain questions made Asher wonder more about her past, and he hoped the guys were successful in finding out everything about her.

  “When did their father take off?” he found himself asking her quietly so the kids wouldn’t hear. She shot him a look, and suddenly she looked scared. He reached over and touched her hand, surprised at the jolt of attraction that hit his gut.

  “It’s kind of complicated, Asher. It’s hard to talk about,” she whispered as she watched the kids playing with Avery and enjoying themselves. It made Asher think of some of the dreams he had when he was younger and before entering the service. He had wanted a wife and children, but so much had changed while in the military. He changed so much. He just wasn’t worthy of a woman’s love, never mind to be a parent. He was too hard, too closed up with his emotions. So was Avery, or so he thought until Cora and her kids entered their lives. His brother was actually laughing with the kids right now.

bsp; “I didn’t mean to pry, it’s just that I don’t know much about your life and it would be nice to learn more.”

  “You mean to tell me that you haven’t looked into my past? I was certain that Blade would have by now,” she said with sadness in her voice.

  “Hey, you have to understand that Blade doesn’t trust very easily, just like the rest of us, but he’s super untrusting. He means well, being our commander and all, but he’s had shit happen to him that he’s never gotten over.”

  Cora glanced at him.

  “A woman hurt him?” she asked, and Asher gulped then cleared his throat.

  “Asher?” she pushed, which had to be typical of Cora. It seemed she was a caring person who looked out for other people probably more than for herself.

  “It’s not my place to say anything. Just don’t take it so personally.”

  “But it is personal. He basically accused me of trying to manipulate Calvin for his money. I’m not stupid.” She stood up and began to walk toward the couch where Avery and her kids were, but Asher grabbed her wrist as he stood and pulled her back in front of him. Their bodies collided, and both of them felt the physical attraction. He could see it in her eyes immediately.

  “Don’t be angry. Just know we’re hard men to deal with. We know that and we’re not going to change. Just keep doing your job the way you’re doing it and Blade and Beau will come around. You’re smart. You can handle it.”

  She nodded her head as Julia stated aloud that she was hungry.

  They laughed, and Avery stopped the video game and suggested lunch. They all headed out of the game room and toward the kitchen.

  * * * *

  Blade stood in the home office along with Beau and Cason. They knew that Cora was downstairs with Asher and Avery along with the kids. At first he was pissed off about her coming here today. Yesterday set off a lot of signals that she couldn’t be trusted and that he really didn’t know much about her or her life back in Chicago. Although Brock and the guys had recommended her and said she was trustworthy, he felt concerned that they were prejudiced because of the relationship they had with her sister, Arabella.

  His phone call to Brock last night had indicated much more. He not only got a comprehensive background on Cora and her family, but also all the information Brock had gotten from associates of his in the investigative field. He shared it all with him because Brock wanted to prove to Blade that Cora was in fact a good person and could be trusted. She was just scared, and even suffered from anxiety attacks triggered by certain things.

  As he read in detail about Cora’s life, about the father of her children and about what she, Arabella, their mom, Liam, and Julia went through, he felt like shit. But what had actually sent him for a loop was the instant protectiveness that came over him. Blade kept blaming that feeling on the fact that he was Special Forces and tended to naturally feel protective of women and children. He wouldn’t admit that he felt something more, almost a possessiveness that he had come in contact with Cora first on a more personal level because she worked for him. But that wasn’t really the case. Beau had spotted her months ago, and by the way he watched her, his buddy was definitely feeling a connection too.

  Blade hardly slept he felt so shitty. He gave her such a hard time yesterday he practically brought her to tears. His accusations stemmed from his own past and disgust with his ex-wife Eileen. But he swore off any committed relationships, and that brought him to another dilemma. If his team all wanted to engage in an intimate relationship with Cora, stake a claim, and act as her appointed guardians, then he would have to leave. He couldn’t remain here and complicate, even possibly destroy their happiness. Cora had a way about her. She got under your skin and into your heart. She would probably get through to Beau too if she hadn’t already.

  He didn’t feel jealousy about his team being interested if, in fact, they were. He felt envious, because he was a damaged man and he had nothing to offer Cora. He was destined to be alone.

  As the men gathered in the office, he handed out copies of Cora’s file and all the details on her family’s survival. That was another thing. Cora had been abused, and her batterer, the man who tried to abduct her and hurt the kids, was still out there. He would make a few phone calls and see if there were any leads on the guy. He would help protect her whether his team was interested in making her their woman.

  “Holy shit, where did you get all of this?” Asher asked Blade as he thumbed through the file.

  “Brock gave me most of it,” Blade replied. Beau shot his head up from the file.

  “Why would he do that, and how did he get his hands on this?” he asked.

  “He wanted to ensure me, us, that she was trustworthy and really had a hard life. I know you all heard that her boyfriend, the father of her children, is still running. It’s like he dropped off the planet. That makes me weary and definitely concerned for her well-being as well as the kids.”

  “It says here that she has anxiety attacks. We haven’t witnessed those yet,” Cason stated.

  “Not yet, but Brock said she hasn’t had one in a few weeks. She goes for counseling still, but mostly the anxiety is within herself and depends on the situation. If one were to happen in our presence we’re to keep her calm and ensure her that she’s safe and so are the kids. The school is on notice if they receive a call from Cora, her sister, or her mom to ask if the kids are okay.”

  “Damn, that’s so hard. The kids are very nice and respectful too. They’re little though, I wonder if they witnessed some of this shit their mom went through,” Cason wondered aloud.

  “Brock said that Arabella told him the ex would knock over Julia to get to Cora and strike her.”

  “Fucking bastard,” Beau said through clenched teeth.

  “Listen, this shittin’ information kept me up all night. I think we need to give her a chance to prove she’s trustworthy and capable of handling everything. Besides that, I get the feeling the rest of you are liking her too,” Blade told them.

  “Liking her? What exactly are you talking about?” Beau asked.

  “He means the fact that she’s a very attractive woman. Because of the anxiety attacks and her fears, Brock and his team had announced guardianship of her months ago. I understand now why they did that,” Cason said.

  “I can’t believe no one would request guardianship of her and the kids,” Beau replied.

  “Oh, I didn’t say men didn’t ask to be her appointed guardians, I said Brock and his men staked claim as guardians first. They must have known that she was too fragile and afraid to succumb to that with just anyone.”

  Blade was quiet a moment as the men thought that over.

  “I don’t know why, but since I first saw her months ago sitting in the park writing in her journal, a protective feeling came over me. I would drive by that way every morning and watch her from the patrol car. She sat with her back against the biggest tree and I thought how odd, but I get it. It was so that she could see everyone who approaches her so that no one can come up from behind. She sits there and writes, then watches the school,” Cason told them.

  “She’s probably afraid that her ex will return and hurt her and the kids. The poor thing is always on guard. I can’t even approach her desk from behind,” Beau added.

  “Yeah, I did that yesterday and she gasped and jumped back, knocking over the chair. I thought she was still upset over the day’s events and how I treated her. I figured I scared the hell out of her. But it’s obviously way more than that.”

  “She’s safe around any of us. We have to make her see that. It’s not right that she lives in constant fear,” Cason said to them.

  “It’s not right but it’s understandable. This fucker is out there somewhere, and just from glancing over this file, he’ll want revenge and he’ll attempt to hurt her and the kids again,” Beau said.

  “We can’t let that happen,” Cason told them.

  “What are you saying?” Blade asked even though he already knew the answer. />
  “I think we should stake claim to her and the kids and be their guardians.”

  “What?” Beau asked.

  “I like her. I’m attracted to her and hearing more about this shit I feel even more possessive and protective of her. We should all do this as a team,” he added.

  “Not me. I’ve got nothing to offer her but physical protection,” Beau stated firmly.

  “Bullshit. You have more than that. You like her. I see you watching her when you think no one is looking.”

  “You make it obvious when you wink at her and say your little flirtatious comments and she shies away. I don’t think she would be accepting to us being her guardians, so why bother? It will just be something more for her to gain anger at. She’s not going to want us as guardians,” Cason said.

  “You make her understand that you can protect her. You’re all men of action and soldiers,” Blade told them.

  “Where the fuck is all this coming from? You’ve made it perfectly clear that you’re not interested in a committed relationship, or any intimate relationship for that matter,” Beau snapped at Blade.

  “I’m not. I’m talking about all of you. I know Avery and Asher will be on board. They’re sitting in the kitchen right now making sandwiches for Cora’s two kids,” Blade said sarcastically, but he felt a twinge of jealousy. He shouldn’t. None of this was what he wanted, and the thought of kids brought on a surge of bad memories. It was another reminder about him being unable to give another woman his heart or a chance ever again.

  “I think you’re attracted to her too. I think you like her and you’re so hung up on the past and the shit Eileen must have done to you that you can’t look past that,” Beau challenged him. Blade was losing his cool.

  “No, you’re wrong. I’m not interested in starting a relationship and I’m not attracted to Cora. Sure, she’s a beautiful woman and all, but not my type.”

  “Keep telling yourself that,” Beau replied.


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