Soldiers of Pearl 2: Healing Souls (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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Soldiers of Pearl 2: Healing Souls (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Page 10

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Cason watched in awe as Beau’s and Cora’s eyes locked onto one another, and neither said a word. When she suddenly seemed to snap out of the spell she was in, she stood up straighter and Beau stood up from the chair, nearly knocking it over.

  He placed a hand on her hip, and she gasped. He caressed her arm with his other hand and looked down into her eyes. Cason could see how significantly bigger Beau was in comparison to Cora, even though she wore low heels today to work.

  Cason couldn’t help but to smile.

  * * * *

  Beau wasn’t sure what came over him, but the need to touch her, be close to Cora overtook all warnings of going slow and heeding caution. He could see through his peripheral vision that Blade was concerned, but Cason was smirking. Beau stared down into Cora’s eyes.

  “Don’t try to distance yourself from us, Cora. We didn’t mean to overwhelm you by the pool last week.”

  “I’m not,” she whispered and tried stepping back, but he held her in place with one hand on her shoulder and the other on her hip. The contact was arousing him, and he could hardly focus on what he wanted to say to her.

  “Have lunch with us today,” he told her.

  She turned from his hold and looked back down at the paper.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea. I have a lot to do.”

  “You can have lunch, Cora. It’s required by law,” Blade told her as he stood up and took the paper he was looking at.

  “You’re going to the BBQ Saturday, right?” Cason asked. Beau wanted her and saw her reaction to Blade’s voice and then Cason’s. They affected her.

  “I’m not sure.”

  “You’re not going?” Cason asked.

  “Neither am I,” Blade added, and she turned toward him.

  “You have to go, Blade. You said that you were going. You even paid for the table at the Inn for all of you to attend,” she told him.

  “Well, we asked for three more spots for you and the kids. So if you’re not going then someone else who really wants to go can get our entire table,” Blade told her.

  “But you have to go,” she said, getting upset, and Beau found her reaction peculiar.

  “I don’t have to do anything I don’t want to do, Cora. Remember that,” he stated firmly, and she lowered her eyes and then glanced back up at Blade.

  “Your associate, Cooper is going to be attending, and I told him you would be there. He wants to discuss the project you’re starting next month and I said it would be fine for him to take fifteen minutes of your time on Saturday at the event.”

  “Well, he can stop by here for a fifteen-minute meeting. No need to reserve that entire table where there won’t even be enough room for him,” Blade said.

  “Don’t be silly, Blade. It’s the perfect location, having a business meeting on a more personal level at such a fun event. I think if you impress him enough he’ll go for that upgrade I mentioned to him with the bulletproof glass and the top-of-the-line surveillance system you rarely get to install but love. Come on now, tell me that you’ll be there so I won’t have to call Cooper and disappoint him?” she pushed, and Beau found the whole debate intriguing.

  “Fine. Tell him I will be there.”

  She smiled wide turned to look at Beau and Carson smiling and then took the sheet from Blade.

  “Let’s go over this and I’ll confirm the table arrangements at the Inn. I’ll ask Sage if she can squeeze in one more chair for Cooper. Now, here is what you were looking for.”

  Cora pointed to the sheet, and Beau stood next to her until Blade’s phone rang. When he walked away and out of the room, Cora headed to her desk, but Beau stopped her. He held her hand and she stared at him like a doe caught in headlights.

  “I wonder what you’re up to,” he said, stepping closer.

  “Up to? Nothing. Why would you think that?”

  He pulled her closer, and she gasped as he held her in his arms. He loved how petite and soft she felt. That protective feeling grew stronger immediately.

  “I think you are.”

  “You’re wrong, Beau.”

  “Am I?” he asked, holding her against him. He leaned down and inhaled her perfume.

  “You smell incredible, Cora. What are you wearing?” he asked as he pressed his nose and mouth closer to her neck. She was shaking in his arms and she gripped his forearms tighter.

  “Beau, please.”

  He pressed his lips to her neck, was overwhelmed with desire to kiss her, suckle her skin, and get lost in her beauty and scent. He continued to kiss her neck, the crook in her shoulder when she tilted her head back, exposing more of her to his lips.


  “Cora,” he replied and then trailed more kisses against her skin then over her jaw and chin to her lips. She pulled away, and he was forced to release her only for Cason to press against her back, hands on her hips as she gasped and turned toward him.

  “We’re not going to hurt you,” Cason told her as he pulled her against him, wrapped his arm around her waist, and cupped her face with his other hand. Her head was tilted way back as she stared up into Cason’s eyes.

  “You’re too beautiful for us to resist.” He leaned down and kissed her lips. Beau felt his cock harden, his mind travel in so many directions. This was going to happen. They were going to make Cora theirs.

  “Cason, please,” she begged, pulling from his lips and trying to step back.

  “Don’t push us away. That kiss we just shared was amazing, just like what you shared with Beau, and what you’ll share with the others. You feel it too,” Cason told her. She shook her head in a lame denial.

  “No, no, Cason, this can’t happen again.” She stepped away and began to head toward her desk when Beau grabbed her hand to stop her.

  “Don’t.” She raised her voice, pulled away, and headed to her desk. Before they could question her abrupt response, Blade came back into the room, carrying on about an order needing to be filled, some calls for Cora to make, and plans being changed for one of the projects. The moment was gone as quickly as it had appeared. They would get another chance. They would make her see that the attraction was real and she had nothing to fear from them. Her lips were that good, and her body felt that perfect in his arms. Cora would be theirs.

  * * * *

  Cora got the kids to bed and then went to her room. She pulled out her notebook and began to write down the day’s events and her feelings just as she had been for the past several months. But tonight she found herself writing about the men she worked for and about the feelings growing inside of her since last Saturday.

  I can’t help but to feel inadequate, like damaged goods not good enough for men so amazing as Cason, Beau, Asher, and Avery. What is it that they want from me? Don’t they realize that I’m not like the other women who showed up to interview for the position? I wouldn’t be their fling, their little sex secretary they could have their way with? Blade knew. That is obvious by the cold shoulder he gives me, and the way he ignored his team’s advances. Blade knows that I’m no one, nothing to bother with, and I can’t hate him for that even though it hurts.

  I wish I were better, more for them, to them than just some woman to have sex with. They are gorgeous, older, men, who have so much to offer women. Women unlike me, who has two kids, anxiety, and fears. I can’t even think about a no-strings-attached relationship no matter how attracted I am to these men. It wouldn’t be wise. Not for me, not for Liam and Julia, who already instantly took a liking to the men. I can never bring the kids around them like that again. It’s too personal, makes me vulnerable and feel needy never mind want things I can never have.

  I just need to get Blade and them to the BBQ Saturday so that their friends can surprise Blade for his birthday. As soon as they arrive and everyone yells surprise then I can get out of there with the kids.

  God, give me the strength to be strong and to not fall for their charms, the attraction I feel that will only lead me toward trouble again. Please.
  Cora closed up the book, unable to write any more, and placed it into the side drawer. She turned off the light and lay in bed, feeling that alone, scared sensation she had very night. Her loneliness, and her fear as the walls around the bedroom threatened to cave in around her, grew stronger.

  “It’s okay. He can’t get me here. I’m safe here. The kids are safe here.” She repeated the words as she curled up into a ball and began to shake. She felt the tightness in her chest, the terror fill her body. The anxiety attack was moments away, and her mind fought to allow it to just happen and give in, or fight it and gain control of her fears, her anxiety. But she couldn’t. She was weak. The words echoed in her head over and over again as the force of the attack hit her fully.

  I’m weak, weak, weak. I’m nothing, nothing, nothing. Anthony is coming. He’s going to get me and kill the kids and me. I’m weak.

  * * * *

  Beau knew something was wrong the moment Cora arrived late. One look at Blade and he saw him begin to reprimand and then stopped himself. She hurried around the place, got to her desk, and moved things around on her desk, knocking over a folder of papers.

  She mumbled under her breath and then quickly gathered the items.

  “You’re late, Cora,” Blade stated firmly, moving toward her desk.

  “I’m sorry. I…wasn’t feeling well this morning.”

  “There’s no excuse for being late,” he pushed.

  She paused where she was, took a few unsteady breaths. Her sunglasses remained in place. Beau had a bad feeling in his gut. Why was she hiding her eyes from them?

  “I know that,” she mumbled then stood up and put the papers back in order on her desk. She sat down, still kept the sunglasses in place as she grabbed her notepad, and prepared to check the e-mails online.

  “The sun is outside, not inside the office,” Blade said with an attitude, directing his comment toward Cora and the sunglasses she wore.

  She looked up, and then she lowered her heard, pulled the sunglasses from her face, and placed them into her bag. Her head was down, her long brown hair covering her cheeks and hiding her eyes. Beau looked at Blade, his eyes squinting. He knew something was up. He tilted his head toward Beau to check her out. Blade was doing everything he could to keep his distance and deny the attraction he felt to Cora. Beau figured it had to be something minor. Women got into moods for various reasons.

  Beau approached and leaned against her desk. Her fingers stopped on the keyboard. She kept her eyes down.

  “Are you feeling okay now?” Beau asked her. She nodded her head.

  Her reply was sufficient enough as Blade cleared his throat. Beau reached over and touched her chin. She froze, and he tilted her face up toward him, eyes closed.

  “Cora, look at me.”

  As she opened her eyes he could see the exhaustion, the bloodshot eyes, the red-rimmed circles around her lids. Something was wrong. She had been crying, or burned her eyes on something. This wasn’t right.

  “Cora, what happened?” he asked her firmly and drew in Blade’s attention as he stepped closer.

  “What is it?” Blade asked.

  “Nothing. I’m okay. I just had a bad night,” she whispered and tried pulling away. Beau immediately knew what she meant. A bad night meant nightmares, little to no sleep, exhaustion, and pain. What had gotten her so upset? What set her off?

  “Is everything okay? Did you hear some upsetting news?” he asked, concern over the asshole ex of hers and him showing up in Pearl to cause trouble.

  “No, Beau, I’m fine. Just a bad night. I’ll be okay. I’m sorry I’m late. I’ll stay extra long to make up for it, okay? Just let me get back to work please?” she nearly begged of him. He didn’t want to drop this. He was concerned. He cared about her.

  “I’m here if you need to talk.” She tightened up.

  “Thank you, but that isn’t necessary.”

  She was cutting him off. Keeping him at arm’s length. He wondered if this had anything to do with Cason and him kissing her yesterday. It had to have.

  “What happened yesterday?”

  “Don’t, Beau. That won’t happen ever again. I get it. Now leave me alone please so I can work. I need this job. My kids are all that matter.”

  He heard her plea. He wanted to argue with her and demand that she listen. Never had he been so compelled to express his desires and needs before. But her phone at her desk rang and she answered it, turning her back on him.

  Beau glanced at Blade. His expression appeared grim and reprimanding. Blade would question what happened yesterday and how their actions may have upset Cora.

  But then their attention was drawn to Cora as she spoke on the phone.

  “Of course, Calvin. Anything for you, you know that. That sounds nice, but I doubt I’ll get time off to travel like that. I appreciate the offer. That’s very kind of you. Yes, I’ll be sure to take care of it. Bye,” she said and then disconnected the call.

  “What was that about?” Blade asked in an angry tone.

  Cora took on that same expression of defeat and exhaustion she had earlier. It was like she was acting over the phone with Calvin, or she was acting with them. Why was he suddenly feeling like she was up to something?

  “It was Calvin. He wanted to add some things to the project. Minor stuff. I’ll just jot them down and look into pricing. I’ll call him back with the estimates after I go over them with one of you. I need to answer these e-mails now,” she said and went back to the computer.

  “Beau, let’s look over these things from Gavin so we can back to him quickly,” Blade said, and Beau walked away from Cora, feeling distrusting. Maybe Blade was right, and all women were conniving liars? So why did the thought that Cora could be that way eat at his gut big-time?

  * * * *

  Cora was shaking, she felt so nervous. She hated lying, but Calvin had planned this surprise for Blade and he wanted to pull it off so badly. Apparently it was very difficult to surprise Blade. He had ways of figuring things out. It was another thing that attracted her to him and his team, but last night’s anxiety attack was a sign to stay clear of them. They scared her. They intimidated her, affected her in ways no other men, even Anthony, affected her. She thought of them last night once her mom helped to calm her down. Arabella swung by the house immediately this morning filled with concern. That’s why she was running late.

  She cried again on the way here, wondering why she couldn’t get control of these anxiety attacks or the fear that ate at her on a daily basis. She realized that working for these men had kept the anxiety at bay for nearly two weeks. That was the longest she had ever gone without an episode. But she also felt that they were part of the reason that brought the episode on. Their touches, their kisses they shared, and that she hadn’t stopped, all added to the distress she fell under. Her mind couldn’t help but wonder if, despite their aggression, they also made her feel safe.

  She looked up from her desk to see both men working side by side. They were so macho and capable. They could also hurt her just as badly as, if not worse than, Anthony. That was the reality of the situation. She needed to just focus on work and clear her mind of those kisses they shared. She also had to keep the others at bay too.

  She went back to work, glancing up from the computer screen to be sure the men weren’t watching or would catch her e-mailing Calvin and cc’ing Sage with the plans for the surprise party and the decorations around the dance floor out back. She was glad this was all taking place on Saturday and not a workday. She would never get out of here on time to set everything up as Calvin had planned. She glanced up right as she sent the message with the added things Calvin wanted and locked gazes with Blade. She quickly looked down, feeling guilty and knowing that he saw that look. God, no wonder no one ever pulled off a surprise on the man. He was a force to reckon with.

  Chapter 7

  Cora finished decorating the dance floor and the long set of tables set up for Calvin, some friends from Salvation, and for
Blade, Cason, Beau, Avery, and Asher. They were due to arrive within the next half an hour, and so was Calvin. She had the opportunity to meet some of their other friends from Salvation, Gunner, Garrett, Wes, their wife Gia Marie, and Jameson, Jax, and their wife Mariana, who owned an art gallery. She had spoken with Jax and Jameson over the phone a few times in regards to their security company Spalding Enterprises and X-Caliber. Many of the clients Blade and the men worked with needed continuous security firms for other special events, and Blade always recommended Jax and Jameson’s company.

  They were very friendly and looking forward to surprising Blade and betting on whether or not Calvin had pulled it off. Just then the man in question arrived, and everyone greeted him.

  Cora felt so nervous. The man was very powerful and definitely did some illegal stuff on the side. He had a very confident, firm personality that projected over the phone, and she was shocked to learn he wasn’t even forty yet. But as he entered the back area of the Main Street Inn, she was amazed at what he looked like. He was handsome, dressed in designer dress pants, a designer shirt, and looking like he just stepped out of GQ magazine. The man with him she assumed was Cooper, and of course Gavin was there as well.

  He caught sight of her and smiled wide as he approached.

  “Cora?” he asked, and she felt a bit self-conscious as he, Cooper, and Gavin all took in the sight of her. She was glad she dressed up a bit for this. She wore a black cocktail dress that accentuated her figure but was classy and stylish. Arabella suggested the high heels to give her some height and also dress up the black dress. By the way these men checked her out, she felt pretty good about her appearance. Then came that worrisome feeling, and she forced it aside. She reached her hand out to shake Calvin’s when he pulled her to him and gave her a kiss on her cheek.


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