His to Possess

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His to Possess Page 7

by Opal Carew

  At that, he held the door open until she was inside, then he turned and disappeared into his black limousine. She watched it drive away, wishing she’d thrown caution to the wind and leapt back into the car with him.

  * * *

  Why did he have to say that?

  Jessica lay in bed staring at the ceiling. She had decided when she’d first found out that Dane owned Ranier Industries that there would be no hanky-panky between them. They worked together. He was her boss.

  But spending the evening together getting to know one another had torn away the business veneer she had used to shield herself from his intense magnetism. He wasn’t just a business man. He had a brother he cared about. Whom he missed. She’d seen a glimpse of the emotion in his eyes, even though he’d done a heroic job shielding it from her. It made him more human to her. A man with feelings. Vulnerabilities.

  She closed her eyes and tried to forget that kiss in the limo. She’d been so sure he wanted to come up here and take her, just like he’d taken her that one night they were together. And she’d wanted him to, despite her lame protest.

  She closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep, but she tossed and turned all night, haunted by the memory of that one night she’d spent with Dane. She ached for him. When she finally fell asleep, she was plagued by dreams of their naked bodies entwined, his powerful hands gliding over her skin, his muscular body crushing her to the bed while he thrust into her again and again. She woke up, drenched with sweat, the sheets twisted around her legs, wishing she could ease her yearning.

  As she showered, scrubbing her skin with her loofah sponge, she wondered how she would get through the day. Now that he’d reawakened the intense attraction between them, she didn’t know how she could ignore it.

  She towel dried her hair, then put on her makeup and dressed. Over breakfast, Melanie asked how the evening had gone, and Jessica told her a few details about the event and Dane’s networking, but said nothing about the dance or, heaven forbid, the kiss. She knew it sounded pretty dry, so soon the conversation turned to the latest nail polish trends, a particular passion of Melanie’s. She followed all kinds of blogs and tended to be a bit of an addict when it came to her nails.

  When they finally arrived at work, Jessica actually found herself getting nervous about seeing Dane again.

  It didn’t help that, as soon as she got to her desk, she saw a note in his distinctive handwriting, telling her to come to his office.

  * * *

  Jessica tapped on the door to Dane’s office, then opened it and stepped inside. Rather than sitting at his desk reading his e-mail, he was in one of the armchairs by the window.

  “You wanted to see me?”

  “Join me.” He gestured to the chair across the small, low table in front of him.

  She crossed the office and sat down, her gaze never quite meeting his.

  “Coffee?” he asked.

  She noticed a thermos of coffee on the table and two cups, one already filled with steaming black coffee.

  “No. Thank you.”

  He leaned back in his chair. “I wanted to talk to you about last night.”

  “Did I do okay? I got all the contact names and information. I’ll enter it all in the computer this morning.”

  “You did fine. That’s not what I’m talking about.”

  Her gaze drifted to his, then flicked away from his scrutiny.

  “I’m talking about the kiss. I was worried that it might cause some tension between us. And I see it has.”

  “No, it’s all right. I don’t have a problem with it. We’ll just forget about it.”

  “Can you?”

  Her gaze shifted to his again.

  “I … uh…”

  “Because I can’t.”

  She blinked.

  “I’m not saying that it needs to affect our work. And I will still respect your decision to avoid an intimate relationship between us.” He leaned forward, his intense blue eyes boring into her. “If that’s still what you want.”

  “I … of course, that’s still what I want.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “You’re sure?”

  She nodded.

  At his continued scrutiny, her stomach tightened. Why did this have to be so difficult?

  “All right.” He stood up.

  Reluctantly, she stood up, too. She slowly turned and walked toward the door.

  They would go back to the way things had been. Boss and assistant. She would find a way to ignore the galloping hormones that plagued her every time she got near him. Or thought about him. Or heard his name.

  She realized her steps were slowing as she neared the door. She stopped and turned around.

  “Dane … I mean, Mr. Ranier, I…”

  “Yes, what is it, Jessica?”

  “No, it’s nothing. I’m sorry.” She headed toward the door again.

  “Jessica, come back.”

  At his command, she turned and returned to stand in front of his desk, where he was now sitting.

  “What was it you were going to say?”

  She wasn’t sure exactly, just that …

  “I’m not sure if it’s still what I want.”

  He stood up and walked toward her, his gaze never leaving hers.

  As he approached, her body began to tingle. Excitement quivered through her.

  He brushed her cheek with his fingertips, the merest whisper of a touch. And still he held her captive with his gaze.

  “What do you want?” he asked.

  Gazing deep into his eyes, she could barely think straight, let alone find her voice.

  “I…” Oh, God, what was she doing? “Want…” She tried to stop … knew it was a bad idea … but she couldn’t help herself. “You.”

  The last word—the incriminating, no-turning-back admission—was a throaty whisper. A smile spread across his face and he tipped up her chin. Those blue eyes of his gleamed with desire as his face approached hers. Her eyelids fluttered closed as their lips touched.

  The kiss was gentle at first, then passion flared between them as their tongues clashed.

  His arms pulled her close to his body, crushing her breasts, swollen from need, against his solid chest.

  “And I want you,” he proclaimed. “I suggest we take the day off and spend it in my bedroom.”

  “No, that’s not a good idea.” She summoned the strength of will to draw away from him a little, but he didn’t release her from his arms.

  “I think it’s a great idea.” He smiled and kissed her, a light brush of lips this time. “But if you’d rather, I’ll take you out to dinner tonight. Candlelight and wine in an elegant restaurant. A stunning view of the city. Then back to my place.” He adjusted his tie. “But I’ll warn you now, I intend to make it an early dinner.”

  She shook her head, her eyes wide. “No.”

  Why was she panicking? She wanted to be with him. Could barely keep herself from tearing his clothes off right now.

  “You’ve refused going back to my place twice. What is it you want, Jessica?” His eyes glittered. “It seems you’re having trouble making up your mind.”

  “It’s just so complicated. I just got out of a romantic relationship and I’m not ready for something like that again. But I’d be lying if I told you that I didn’t find you … extremely distracting. So if we’re going to do this, I want it to be a physical relationship only.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “I see. So there will be no romantic entanglements, no relationship demands.”

  She nodded. “But I don’t want our personal involvement to get in the way of business. And I would prefer that no one know about it.”

  He slid his arms around her again and drew her close. “All right. I agree with those conditions.”

  As his lips captured hers, her heart thundered in her chest.

  “Since you insist we don’t let our affair interfere with work, we’ll have to go to my 10:30 meeting.”

  “Oh.” She drew in a deep breath. H
er body was aching for him, and she longed for him to take control of her. To order her to please him.

  Clearly, however, that would have to wait. They would have to leave in fifteen minutes.

  “I’ll go gather my things.”

  But when she attempted to slip from his arms, he merely tightened his hold.

  “I didn’t say you could go yet.”

  That commanding tone of his sent her nerve endings fluttering.

  “But you said—”

  “I said there was little time. So you’d better be quick.”

  Her eyes widened.

  “I want you to fuck me. Right now.” He nuzzled her ear, his swollen shaft pressing against her belly. “Right here in the office. The walls are soundproof so no one will hear when I make you scream.”

  At her hesitation, he said, “It’s not a request.” He captured her mouth in a commanding, passionate kiss. His tongue swept inside and her knees went weak. “Fuck me,” he said softly against her lips.

  His commanding tone dug deep inside her and she couldn’t control herself.

  “Yes, sir,” she said in a shaky voice, her hands trembling with the need to wrap themselves around his shaft.

  She unzipped his pants, and then reached inside. Oh, God, he was hard as rock. She drew him out of the confines of the fabric and gazed down at the big, plum-shape head, longing to take it in her mouth. She started to lean down but he stopped her with a hand on her shoulder. “That’s not the part of you I want to fuck. Spread your legs for me.”

  She pulled up her skirt and opened her legs.

  His fingers glided through her long hair. “Very good,” he murmured as his hand slid inside her pantyhose, tugged them to her knees and then tugged the crotch of her panties to one side. He pressed his hard cockhead to her damp folds, and slowly slid into her slick core.

  She almost gasped as his massive cock glided inside her. Filling her so deeply. Once he was fully immersed, he grasped her hips and held her tight against him, turning her until she pressed back against the desk. His lips nuzzled her temple.

  Oh, God, she couldn’t believe she was standing in his executive office, pinned between him and his desk as his cock impaled her. If anyone walked in …

  But they wouldn’t. No one would walk into Dane Ranier’s office without his permission.

  Still, if someone knocked and Dane delayed before he answered—

  “Don’t think.” His breath brushed across her ear. “Just fuck me.”

  His hands on her hips guided her back, then forward again. His considerable girth stretched and caressed her passage as they moved.

  He tucked his hands under her ass, pulling her tighter against him. His long cock pushed even deeper inside her as he lifted her from her feet. She pulled one leg out of the pantyhose and wrapped her legs around him as he set her on the desk. He drew back, then drove forward with a powerful thrust, filling her with every considerable inch of his cock.

  “Oh, God,” she whimpered. Pleasure swelled within her as he pumped into her body. Her erratic breathing sounded like whimpers. She nuzzled his clean-shaven neck, loving the brisk smell of his cologne.

  He pressed his hand to her lower back and thrust deep. She sucked in air as her whole body vibrated with need. He drove deep again and she clung to his shoulders, feeling the joyful sensations dance through her.

  Just when she was about to soar over the edge, he stopped his movements.

  “Please don’t stop,” she whimpered.

  “Do you want me to keep fucking you? After you’ve done so much to tease and torment me since you got here. I think I should make you suffer.”

  She couldn’t imagine him stopping. She was so close. She wanted him so badly. She nearly cried when she felt him withdraw from her completely.

  “Yes, please, sir. Keep fucking me.”

  An amused smile spread across his face, and he drew his hips back and thrust hard. Her insides melted. Tingles danced across her skin.

  “I’ll reserve your punishment for another time,” he said, then spiraled his shaft inside her, driving her pleasure to a new level. “You’re lucky your sweet little pussy feels so good, otherwise I’d have no problem leaving you empty and aching.”

  He continued to drive into her. He spiraled again and she moaned as pleasure rippled through her.

  He thrust faster. Deeper.

  “Oh, fuck,” he ground out.

  She felt liquid heat erupt inside her. She gasped, then plummeted over the edge right along with him. He continued to fill her—in and out—as she rode the wave, her moans filling the office.

  Slowly, the orgasm waned and she felt herself drifting back to earth. Her head rested against the lapel of his jacket, his heartbeat thumping against her ear. As her heart rate slowly returned to normal, she became conscious of the complete inappropriateness of the situation. Here she was, sitting on his desk, her skirt pulled up, his big cock deep inside her.

  Twitching. Oh, God, he was getting hard again.

  “Well, if that’s what I have to look forward to in the office,” he said, “I may decide never to go home.”

  * * *

  Jessica sat in the limo beside Dane as they traveled to his meeting with Dan Johansson, the senior partner of an architecture firm he was thinking of hiring to design a new manufacturing facility on the outskirts of the city. As they drove, she reviewed the notes she’d taken about the questions he wanted to ensure were answered during the meeting.

  When they arrived, she spent her time during the meeting jotting down notes and providing Dane with information when he requested it. But mainly, she kept her mind firmly off what had happened in his office this morning.

  She didn’t regret it. Not one bit. And even though a part of her wanted to resist his sexual dominance, she enjoyed it more than she could have ever imagined. So now she just needed to figure out how to get used to their new relationship.

  Dane stood and shook Mr. Johansson’s hand. “Thank you. My assistant will get back to you if I have any further questions.”

  Jessica stood up and followed him from the office back to the limo, then settled in beside him. The driver pulled into traffic.

  “That went well. Can you have that information put together for our Planning Department this afternoon?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He smiled. “You know, it drives me crazy when you call me sir.”

  Her gaze darted to him. “Should I stop?”

  “Not at all. I love it.”

  She smiled. “So I shouldn’t start calling you Dane?”

  “No. Definitely sir. Or Mr. Ranier.”

  “Even when we’re…”—her cheeks heated—“having sex?”

  “Especially when we’re having sex.”

  This was definitely going to take some getting used to. Every time she called him sir in the office, there would be a thrill of excitement pulsing through her.

  Going to the office was definitely going to be a whole new experience from now on.

  * * *

  When Jessica returned to her office, Melanie had already left for lunch, since the meeting outside the office had gone long. Dane had a lunch appointment, but she was relieved not to have the choice of eating lunch with him. Their relationship was about work and sex. Nothing more.

  She grabbed a sandwich at a deli nearby and ate at her desk. She was actually glad not to sit with Melanie today. Her new secret would probably be written all over her face. It wouldn’t be so awkward on the trip home, because they didn’t get into deep discussions on the bus. They usually talked about non–work-related topics like weekend plans, the new guy Melanie was seeing, or affordable fashion boutiques that Jessica should check out.

  When they got home, Melanie found that her latest online nail polish order had arrived and she went off to ooh and aah over them, then to try a new ombre manicure she’d been talking about doing. Jessica always liked all the interesting colors and textured polishes Melanie found, and the creative manicures she
tried. She knew Melanie would come and show her the results later in the evening. But for now, she was relieved to be left to her own devices.

  After she changed into her jeans and walked back into the living room, she noticed the light blinking on the answering machine and pushed the button to listen to the message.

  “Jessica, sweetie? It’s Mom.” Jessica smiled. Mom always felt she had to identify herself. “I guess you’re not home yet. Can you call me right away? Well, not right away, I mean, it’s not an emergency or anything, just as soon as you can.”

  Jessica dialed the phone and her mother picked up.

  “Hi, Mom. I got your message.”

  “Oh, sweetie, hi. It’s so nice to hear your voice. We miss you, you know.”

  Jessica smiled. “I know, Mom. I miss you and Dad, too.”

  They chatted for a few minutes about her dad and how work was going, and about Mom’s latest quilting project. But something in her mother’s tone seemed off.

  “Is something wrong, Mom? You seem distracted. Are you and Dad okay?”

  “Oh, no, sweetie. We’re fine. I just know you’re doing so well at your new job, and you sound so happy. I don’t want to upset you.”

  She sat forward in her chair. “Well it’s too late. Now you’ve really got me worried. Is it a health concern?”

  “Oh, no, nothing like that. Sweetie, I know how hurt you were when Storm walked out on you to go on tour. I know you were in love with him and it broke your heart. But he came to see me and … he told me he wants to talk to you.” Her mother hesitated. “Jess, I think he’s still in love with you. He wants to find you.”

  “Oh, Mom, you didn’t give him my number, did you?”

  “Of course not. I wouldn’t do that, but…”

  Jessica gritted her teeth at her mother’s hesitation.

  “Unfortunately, your dad did.”

  Jessica’s stomach clenched.

  “And, honey, I’m pretty sure Storm’s coming to find you.”

  Perfect Storm

  Jessica gripped the phone tightly, her other hand balling into a fist.

  Damn it! She had just gotten over Storm, or at least gotten to a point where she didn’t ache inside every time she thought about him. And a big part of that was because Dane was such a major distraction.


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