His to Possess

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His to Possess Page 19

by Opal Carew

  She lifted her head and glanced around. He wasn’t in the room. She slipped from the bed and walked to the dresser where Dane had piled their clothes. She found one of Dane’s shirts and pulled it on, then fastened several buttons, loving the feel of the fine silk against her body. She opened the bedroom door and walked down the hall.

  There were no lights on, but the moonlight silhouetted Storm sitting on the living room couch, nursing a drink. He wore his faded jeans, but no shirt. She turned on a table lamp and he glanced at her.

  “Hi,” she said softly.

  He just nodded. She sat down on the chair and leaned toward him.

  “What’s wrong?”

  He shook his head and shrugged, then took another drink. She eased onto the couch beside him and took his hand.

  “Tell me,” she insisted softly.

  His blue gaze turned on her, and she could see the turmoil plaguing him.

  “Is that really what you like?” Rafe demanded. “Being ordered around?”

  She shrugged, trying to make light of it. “Yeah. It’s sexy to be dominated by a strong man. But it’s all just a role.”

  “Is it?” he demanded. He pushed himself to his feet, drink still in his hand, and paced. “And what about the punishment? That seemed real enough.” He stopped walking and tipped back his drink, then his gaze pierced her. “Do you like pain?”

  “No, it’s not that. When Dane smacks me, it’s not all that hard. It’s more stimulating than painful. My skin gets all tingly and sensitive. Then he strokes it and … I don’t know. It’s just exciting.”

  His eyes narrowed. “So you’d like it if I dominated you?”

  Her heartbeat fluttered and she nodded.

  He set his drink on the table and stepped toward her, then grabbed her shoulders and pulled her to her feet. His lips met hers in a hard, demanding kiss. His arm wrapped around her waist and he crushed her body to his as he assaulted her mouth with his tongue. She could taste Scotch. Her breathing became labored as excitement rushed through her.

  Then he released her.

  “Strip off your fucking clothes,” he demanded.

  She fumbled with the top button, but finally got it released, then gasped as Storm impatiently tore open the shirt. He pushed it from her shoulders and stared at her naked breasts. The nipples immediately peaked.

  “You are so fucking beautiful.” He grabbed her shoulders and turned her around, then marched her around the couch. “And I want to fuck you so bad.”

  He pushed her forward to lean over the back of the couch and she grasped the upholstery to steady herself. She heard a zipper, then his jeans hit the floor with a thunk.

  “I’m going to fuck you now. How do I command that? Be fucked?”

  Clearly, he’d had a little too much to drink, but she could feel that his big cock was hard and ready to go as he pressed it between her thighs, and stroked her slick flesh.

  “You are fucking wet, so obviously this is turning you on.” He pressed his cockhead to her opening.

  She gasped as he drove in hard and deep.

  “Fuck, you okay?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she assured and squeezed him inside her. “I love the way you feel inside me.”

  “Yeah? Tell me more. Like when you’re being a slave.”

  He drew back and thrust again.

  “Yes, Mr. Ranier. Please fuck me hard.”

  He drew back and smacked her ass. “Don’t fucking call me Mr. Ranier.” He drove into her, then drew back and smacked again. “Understand?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He thrust and smacked, then again. His strikes were harder than Dane’s and her ass was burning with heat.

  He thrust faster and harder, and with every thrust, he smacked her ass, alternating sides. Her ass burned painfully, but her pleasure rose as his cock stroked her passage. She squeezed him and he groaned, then shuddered against her as his cock exploded inside her.

  His arm curled around her waist as he leaned against her back, holding her close to him. She could smell the Scotch on his breath as he pressed his face into her hair.

  Finally, he eased back, then stiffened.

  “Ah, fuck.” His fingertips stroked over her stinging ass. “I’m an asshole. Look what I’ve done.”

  She turned around and at the sight of his pained expression, she stroked his cheek. “No, sweetheart, it’s okay. I liked it.”

  “Your ass is dark red. Clearly, I hurt you,” he insisted.

  It had hurt a little more than she liked, but that didn’t matter. She’d still enjoyed it.

  “It’s all right.” She stroked his whisker-roughened cheek again and smiled. “It was really sexy.”

  He dragged her against him and kissed her, his tongue exploring her mouth gently this time. She responded with light sweeps of her tongue.

  “Oh, fuck, Jess. I never want to hurt you again.” In his eyes, she could see that he didn’t just mean the spanking.

  She stroked his tousled hair from his eyes. “I know, sweetheart.” She kissed his neck. “I know.”

  He kissed her again with passion. “I love you, Jess.”

  “Me, too.” She sighed and snuggled in his arms, sleep threatening to overcome her. She smiled and took his hand.

  “Come back to bed. Sleep with me.”

  He followed her to the bedroom and climbed in bed behind her, draping his arm around her waist. Thankfully, Dane was still asleep.

  * * *

  Dane lay quietly in the bed as Jessica led Rafe into the room, then climbed into bed behind him. He hoped she wouldn’t notice his rapid heartbeat.

  Dane had seen the whole thing in the living room. He’d heard Jessica leave the room and he’d glanced around to see that Rafe was gone, too. He’d silently followed her into the living room in time to see her coax Rafe to talk about what had happened between the three of them. Dane had stayed in the shadows, not wanting to disturb them. He should have come back to bed, but he’d needed to know what Rafe’s feelings were. How he had coped with the dominance. And especially the punishment.

  With Rafe’s history with Dad—with the beatings—Dane really didn’t know if it had been a good idea or not to punish Jessica in front of him. He’d hoped it would be, to help Rafe get past his own traumas.

  Seeing his brother on the couch, clearly a little drunk, his heart had sunk, believing he’d done him a disservice, but Jessica had masterfully handled the situation with her loving encouragement. When Rafe had actually punished Jessica with harsh blows to her ass, Dane had had to stop himself from coming to Jessica’s rescue. But he was sure that if she had told Rafe to stop, he would have. So Dane had just watched, letting the scene play out.

  He knew the blows must have hurt her, but she’d taken them stoically. Then Rafe had apologized, and they’d shared a tender moment. Dane’s heart ached at the memory. Rafe loved Jessica, that was so clear.

  Dane loved Jessica, too, and ordinarily he would have let nothing stand in the way of possessing her, but it was also clear that Jessica loved Rafe. And she was good for him. With her by his side, Dane believed that his brother might finally get past their father’s brutal treatment of him and maybe even come to accept himself for the wonderful human being he was.

  Damn it, he knew in his heart that Rafe and Jessica should be together.

  * * *

  Dane woke up with Jessica pressed tight against his back, her naked breasts warm and delightfully soft against him. His groin tightened. If he lay here for another few moments, he would wind up rolling her over and gliding his rising cock into her.

  And he didn’t want to do that.

  Right now, he needed distance, and time to think.

  He slipped out of bed, careful not to wake her. A quick glance across the bed told him Rafe had already left.

  Smart. Neither one of them wanted a face-to-face this morning.

  Dane grabbed a set of clothes and headed to the guest room so he could shower and dress without waking Jessica. Fifteen
minutes later, he left a note for her on the kitchen counter, then headed down to the lobby. The limo was waiting for him when he stepped outside.

  As the driver negotiated the morning traffic, Dane’s thoughts turned to Jessica, his heart aching at the thought of losing her. Jessica had told Dane early on that she didn’t want a romantic relationship, because she didn’t want to be hurt again. Because Rafe had hurt her badly when he’d left her. That was why she’d hesitated to accept Rafe’s marriage proposal once he’d returned, or even commit to a romantic relationship with Rafe.

  Even after last night, Dane was worried that she might use her relationship with him to avoid moving forward with Rafe.

  The limo pulled up in front of his building and he went inside and rode the crowded elevator to the executive floor. When the doors opened, he noticed Melanie sitting at her desk. It was early for her to be here.

  “Good morning, Melanie,” he said as he walked by her desk.

  “Good morning, Mr. Ranier.”

  He went into his office and closed the door, then started up his computer, intent on keeping his mind busy. He’d just opened his e-mail when he heard a tap on the door. He frowned. Melanie never interrupted him when his door was closed.

  “Come in,” he said.

  The door opened and Melanie peeked inside. “I’m sorry to bother you, Mr. Ranier, but…” She hesitated and drew in a breath. “May I talk to you for a moment?”

  He glanced at the clock on his computer screen. He had an hour before his first meeting.

  “Of course. Come in.”

  She closed the door and walked across the room, clearly nervous, then sat in the guest chair facing his desk.

  “I know you’re not going to want to hear this, but…”

  * * *

  Jessica awoke to bright sunshine across her face. She murmured, unwilling to open her eyes yet, still captivated by sexy images of last night’s exhilarating activities. Her body felt well used and sensitive, but heat coiled through her at the memories of the way she had used, and been used by, her two sexy lovers last night.

  She opened her eyes, expecting to see Dane lying by her side. But he was gone. She rolled over. Storm was gone, too.

  She glanced at the clock. Damn, it was after nine o’clock. She was late for work.

  She pushed herself to her feet and raced to the shower. Twenty minutes later, she trotted into the kitchen, the aroma of coffee encouraging. There was half a pot in the coffeemaker, so she poured herself a cup and, spotting a note on the counter, sat on one of the stools and sipped her coffee while she read it.

  It was from Dane, telling her the limo would be waiting for her whenever she was ready.

  She knew she should hurry, she was already quite late, but clearly Dane wouldn’t be angry with her. She rested her chin on her hand, staring at the note. Although she’d woken up in the warm, cozy bed still enamored of the previous night’s adventure, now sitting at this cold granite counter facing a note from one of the men who’d fled her bed, she felt a shiver crawl the length of her spine.

  Being with both of them last night had been beyond anything she’d experienced before. It had been exhilarating and potently erotic. But it had also been taboo. Two men, let alone two brothers, making love to her at the same time. Especially these two brothers, with their history.

  What had she been thinking?

  Well, that’s just it. She hadn’t been thinking.

  Her cheeks heated. Both men had rushed off so … what must they think of her?

  Sure, they had arranged the adventure, but based on her fantasy. Clearly, in the cold light of day, faced with the result of their act, they hadn’t been happy. Otherwise, wouldn’t they have waited around to enjoy more of the same? At least, that was the way it always happened in her fantasies.

  Fool. The two men probably didn’t even want to look each other in the face.

  So she’d made an already complex and uncomfortable situation even worse.

  She sighed and finished her coffee, then called to tell the limo driver she’d be down in five minutes.

  She’d just have to steel herself and face whatever awaited her at the office.

  * * *

  The elevator doors opened and Jessica walked out expecting to see Melanie sitting at her desk, but she was nowhere to be seen. She was probably off running a quick errand for Dane, and would be back shortly, but the phone on her desk was ringing so Jessica rushed over to pick it up.

  She jotted a note on the small pad of paper Melanie kept by the phone, then hung up. She stared at Dane’s office door, which was closed. Was Rafe already here, too?

  If she was lucky, maybe both of them would be too busy today to even see her. More likely, they’d avoid her, which would give her some time to come to terms with what had happened. Or at least, for the sting of their abandonment this morning to wane a little.

  Dane’s office door opened. No such luck.

  But she glanced up to see Melanie exiting the office and … she looked upset.

  Melanie walked toward her desk, not seeming to notice Jessica. Her cheeks were flushed and she brushed her face with her hand. Suddenly, Jessica realized she was wiping away a tear. She bolted to her feet and rushed toward her friend.

  “Melanie, what’s wrong?”

  Melanie glanced at her in a daze.

  “I…” She drew in a breath and shook her head. “I…” Her voice cracked and then tears spilled from her eyes. “I don’t work here anymore.”

  “What?” Shock rippled through Jessica.

  Melanie grabbed her purse from her desk and hurried toward the elevator. Jessica followed on her heels. Melanie stabbed at the Down button.

  “What happened? Did you quit?” Jessica asked.

  Melanie shook her head.

  The elevator doors opened and Melanie bolted inside. Jessica followed her, but Melanie shook her head.

  “No, Jessica. I don’t want to talk right now.”

  Jessica backed off and watched the doors close. What could possibly have happened? Melanie was the best secretary Dane could ever hope for.

  She jerked her head around and glared at Dane’s office, the door still open after Melanie’s hasty retreat. She turned and marched into his office. He glanced up as she entered.

  “Melanie just told me she’s not working here anymore.”

  His lips compressed. “That’s true.”

  “Did you fire her?” she demanded.

  He was silent for a moment, watching her intently. Then he calmly answered. “Yes.”

  Her hands clenched into fists and she sucked in a breath, trying to calm the raging flood of adrenaline. “Why?”

  He shook his head. “That’s between me, Melanie, and Human Resources.”

  She scowled, anger surging through her. “How could you possibly fire her? It’s wrong.”

  He sighed. “Calm down, Jessica.”

  She paced toward his desk, her heart thundering. “Don’t you tell me to calm down.”

  “Then sit.”

  She sat, automatically acquiescing to that damnable authoritative tone of his.

  He stood up and walked around to the front of his desk and sat on the edge. “You may have forgotten that this is a business. Sometimes people get fired.”

  “Not Melanie. It doesn’t make sense.”

  “Only because you don’t know the whole story, and that’s not up to me to tell.” He sighed. “Look, Jessica. It seems that our arrangement is blurring the line between our business and personal relationship. Not only that, it’s causing unnecessary complications. With Rafe. And with Melanie.”

  “Clearly you solved the latter,” she said with gritted teeth.

  He raised an eyebrow and nodded. “And I intend to solve the former.” He pushed himself to his feet. “Our arrangement ends now. From here on forward, you will be my personal assistant. That’s all. If you prefer not to keep working directly for me, you could take over Melanie’s role as Rafe’s secretary. Or become
his personal assistant. I’m sure he’d be willing to take an office on another floor if you’d like more distance from me.”

  Shock vaulted through her. She bolted to her feet and glared at him. “Oh, my God. Did you fire Melanie to open up the position for me? Were you tired of me so you wanted to push me into another job?” She planted her hands on her hips. “Or was that Rafe’s idea?”

  Annoyance flared in his eyes. “No. Rafe had nothing to do with this.”

  “Fine. You want me out of here. I’m gone.” She turned and stormed out of his office.

  Her stomach clenching, she headed straight for the elevator. She stabbed the Down button, but couldn’t handle waiting for it to arrive, so she headed for the stairs.

  Her heart raced as she realized she’d just quit her job.

  But worse, Dane had ended their relationship. She was sure, deep down inside, that he had some good reason for firing Melanie, though she couldn’t imagine what. But he’d offered no explanation. Even if he couldn’t tell her why, to keep Melanie’s privacy, he could have given her some hint that he hadn’t wanted to do it.

  But he hadn’t. She never would have believed the man she’d fallen in love with could be so coldhearted; firing Melanie and then discarding Jessica as if she were nothing to him.

  She sucked back a sob. In spite of everything, the finality of this moment, knowing that her relationship with Dane was well and truly over, made her ache inside.

  * * *

  Rafe dragged his hand through his hair as he stared out over the city skyline from his apartment window. Having a threesome with Dane and Jess had been an insane idea, but he’d been desperate to find a way to win her back, and somehow that had seemed like the best option.

  Of course, the idea had turned him on. It had always turned him on, but he hadn’t thought she’d go for it in the past. She’d even said as much. And he’d had a long way to go to get past his jealousy of another man touching her. But when they’d found themselves in this situation, where she was already sleeping with Dane, and didn’t seem inclined to stop, even after Rafe had proposed, then he’d known he had to do something drastic. He’d been so sure that when she compared the two of them side-by-side, that she’d know in her heart that it was Rafe she loved.


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