The Tempting Touch Of Fire (Elemental Awakening, Book 1)

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The Tempting Touch Of Fire (Elemental Awakening, Book 1) Page 18

by Claire, Nicola

  I woke to warmth and a delicious male scent surrounding me. I let a small sigh slip from my lips and snuggled down further beneath the blankets and against Theo's chest.

  "Good morning," he mumbled from beside me, his hands starting to run across my skin in delicate waves.

  "Morning," I said cheerily, stretching like a cat in the sun.

  "Mmm," he murmured, ducking his head beneath the covers and wrapping his lips around a nipple.

  He licked and sucked for several seconds, then allowed his hand to slip down my side, across my hip and between my thighs. My legs parted immediately. Where had the innocent, stuttering girl gone? His finger dipped into my centre, rubbed my wetness around and around and then pulled out to coat my little nub. He swirled and pinched gently, as he nibbled and sucked firmly on my breast. My body arched, my hips seeking the exact right angle and my breasts pushing into his mouth. I was a glutton, there was no denying it now.

  "Are you hurting?" Theo breathed against the sensitive skin of my nipple.

  "No," I breathlessly replied. The ache was there, but in the background. I wanted him inside.

  "One this way first," he announced, intensifying his attempts to bring me to orgasm.

  The idea he wanted me to come this way, from his touch alone, before I came with him inside, was enough to bring me tumbling over that edge. But with his lips and teeth on my breast, and his finger steadily pumping inside, while his thumb rubbed against me, I wasn't prepared for the type of orgasm that hit me. It rocked through my body, made me cry out my release loud enough to startle birds in the trees outside, and made me shudder against his hold.

  Theo growled, shifted so he was on his back and pulled me up to straddle his hips. Oh. This was new. Then in one swift plunge he seated himself inside. He groaned a sound of complete abandon when he pulled me down firmly against his groin, then without warning he started rocking his hips, guiding mine so I rode him fast and hard.

  Oh dear Lord this was different and awesome and almost too much.

  Then he lifted his lips to my breast, sucking my peaked nipple into his mouth and all thought vanished in a cloud of desire. His movements were hungry, every single thing he did was as though he was losing control. And I was right there with him. Wanting more, needing more, greedy for more. I rocked back against him, found my own rhythm and rode him harder still.

  I had no idea this was in me. How could I have known? But part of me truly believed that only Theo could pull this reaction from my body, could elicit this wanton response. My skin sang with each touch of his hands. My moans escalated, becoming more desperate, making his movements falter, his breaths come out in ragged huffs and an animalistic sound creep up his throat.

  In a blindingly fast move he picked me up and flipped me to my back, his body never breaking contact with mine. His rhythm increased and I met him eagerly; rocking hips to rocking hips. We were both panting, sweating, making all manner of erotic demands and sounds. And then as I crested that wave of ecstasy he had created, I watched as he crumbled with me and then nestled his face in the crook of my neck and bit down hard.

  I cried out as the orgasm washed through me and his bite sent adrenaline pumping in my veins. Whether he consciously made the move to bite me, I don't know. But the moment his teeth claimed my neck his release exploded inside. He groaned into my skin, his hips still rocking, but with smaller and smaller thrusts, as he eked his orgasm out. Eventually, he collapsed on top of me, letting me take his full weight for a moment, before he slipped to the side.

  My body rolled with him, so we remained connected, as his arms wrapped around my frame and his forehead rested against mine. It was at least a few minutes before he could speak.

  "I am lost to you," he murmured, eyes still firmly closed. "Utterly lost." I couldn’t be sure, with his eyes closed, but I think he sounded sad.

  We stayed like that for too long, neither of us breaking the silence that stretched between us. It wasn't uncomfortable, but it was contemplative. And the reality that the sun brought with it, pushed the last of my elation aside. He was right to be sad. This was not going to be easy.

  A knock sounded on the door and Theo immediately moved to cover me with the sheet, before calling out for Aktor to come in. I couldn't prevent my body's reaction if I had tried; heat danced provocatively across my skin. There was no denying the ancient butler knew what we had just done. Hell, he'd probably been waiting outside the door for the past fifteen minutes to be sure we were through. And I had been so vocal. Oh God. I buried my face into Theo's chest, unable to meet his servant’s eyes. Theo's hand came around my head protectively and held me in place, giving me permission to hide.

  "Sir. The meeting has been brought forward to this morning."

  "Bugger," Theo muttered, but didn't move. I could tell he wanted to, his body was poised to leap from the bed, but he simply continued to protectively hold me, to give me that comfort in front of the other man. "Did they give a reason at all?" he asked.

  "No, but I sensed urgency in the Rigas' aide's voice. Something has happened to cause them alarm."

  "This is not good."

  "There is more," Aktor said, sounding a little upset. I hadn't heard that tone in Aktor's voice before. Not that I knew the man that well, but it still sounded a little off. Something he wouldn't normally show.

  "What is it?" Theo growled, the vibration of the sound reaching me through his chest.

  "They have requested Miss Eden's attendance," Aktor said solemnly and Theo swore loudly in Greek.

  "This is not good," he repeated, as though his mind was stuck on that fact. His butler murmured agreement.

  "Shall I send for Nicodromos?" Aktor eventually asked.

  "Yes. How long have we got?"

  "An hour before the meeting starts." I breathed out slowly, the speed with which the meeting had been rescheduled seemed like a very bad sign. Both men obviously agreed with me, because the tension on the air, as my head came up to glance at Aktor, was acute right then.

  Aktor wasn't looking at me though, he wasn't even keeping an eye on Theo. I think it was all for me and not his boss. I was sure Theo was not embarrassed to be found naked in bed with his lover, but Aktor, the sweet old man, knew I wouldn't want to be seen like this. I felt an immediate sense of affection for him. He was a good person, a good friend to Theo, even if he was just considered a butler and nothing more.

  Theo sent him on his way and swiftly rose from the bed.

  "Wear the red dress," he instructed. "Pyrkagia favour that colour."

  "OK," I muttered, sliding to the side of the bed and feeling every decidedly naughty thing he had done to me last night and this morning.

  "Do you need me to help you?" he asked and I realised he'd placed that distance between us again. I glanced up and knew what I'd see before I saw it. The mask. The impassivity. Not my Theo anymore.

  I sighed. "I'm fine, Theo. I'm a big girl, I can get myself washed and dressed."

  He hesitated by the door to his room and just looked at me, but if he had something to say he chose not to voice it. And in the next instant the door was clicking shut at his back.

  I had thought becoming what I was, was the roller-coaster ride from hell. But I was beginning to think loving Theo Peters was even worse. The only problem was, that even though my heart felt battered, I knew that I would walk this treacherous path again and again, for just a glimpse of the real man.

  The Theodoros Petropoulos he presented to Pyrkagia was not the Theo Peters he showed me. I resolved to cherish that. To accept it as the gift that it was. And to hold it dear when the going got tough. Because there was denying, the going was about to get very tough indeed.

  Chapter 18

  As Though He Felt My Dread And Pain And Fear Along With Me

  Nico arrived within half an hour, looking just as anxious and on guard as Theo and Aktor had. I wasn't sure how Theo's cousin would act around me. I mean, the last time I had seen him, I'd just released him from an Earth prison I ha
d placed him within and left him in a rejuvenated clearing created by my Stoicheio. I was certain there'd be some sort of awkwardness.

  But as I walked into one of the front rooms, following the murmur of deep male voices, his only greeting was a smile. It wasn't quite beaming, the tension in his shoulders prevented him from achieving that, but it was welcoming. More so than I deserved.

  "Hi," I said meekly at the doorway.

  Aktor bustled about pouring me a cup of coffee and pulling out a chair at a little table in the corner. He obviously wanted me to eat. But it wasn't Theo who came over to take my hand and lead me to Aktor's meal, it was Nico. I sucked in a deep breath and just told myself to keep doing it; to keep breathing.

  "I'm to be your escort," Nico announced, leading me to my chair. His eyes darted over Theo's bite mark on my neck, a flash of gold was the only indication of a reaction at all, and even then, I wasn't sure what it meant. "It is expected that you will not be called until later in the meeting. While you wait, I'll entertain you." He said that last with a wink.

  It was on the tip of my tongue to ask him why he was being so nice to me, when Theo stepped up and brushed Nico's hand from my arm. Then he purposely settled me in my chair and kissed the top of my head. The move was possessive, not loving. So I just glared at him.

  Aktor fussed around the table, filling my plate up with more food than I could possibly eat, but at least giving me something to look at other than Theo. I needed the distraction, his aloofness was pissing me off right then.

  I noticed the fire was roaring and both Nico and Theo retreated to stand beside it, a sure sign they wanted to fuel themselves before they faced the Pyrkagia council and Theo's father. I wished I could spend some time with my trees, but at least Aktor had placed a potted palm on the table beside me. I momentarily thought, if I did have to leave Auckland, could I convince Aktor to accompany me?

  I scoffed softly at that notion. If I couldn't convince Theo to come with me, then how could I make an old man? And then as I swallowed my mouthful of decidedly delicious, but barely registered food, I realised I was on the cusp of giving up. And I shouldn't be. No one was going to make me leave my city. No one was going to bully me around.

  I swallowed a few more mouthfuls of sausage and egg, sipped my coffee and then rose from my chair. I'd been in the room five minutes. Theo stiffened and pushed off from the fireplace hearth.

  "Do you need something?"

  "Just five minutes," I replied and swiftly left the room.

  "Was it something I said?" Nico's joking voice wafted out after me.

  "No," Theo replied, evenly. "It's me."

  I didn't stick around to hear more, I ran down the front steps and across the gravel, seeking refuge in my trees. My dress today was flowing, it flared out behind me in various shades of red; a glorious sunset of scarlet. The graduation of colouring was like watching the end of a long, hot day. I came to a standstill in the middle of my alcove, breathing the soothing scent of Earth into my lungs. The empire line of the dress accentuated the rapidity of my breaths. My breasts rising and falling, making the sunset undulate in waves.

  I wanted to cry. I don't know why and that just confused me. I lost my virginity last night. No, I gave it away willingly. It had been beautiful, magical even. But today made yesterday seem surreal. I'd always thought I'd feel differently when I finally did 'the deed'. I hadn't realised I'd feel this different though. Life changing in a way that was not necessarily good. I should have been happy, floating on a cloud of bliss left over from the sensations Theo had created.

  But I felt flat. My heart heavy and my mind a mess of conflicting thoughts. I reached out and a vine wrapped lovingly around my wrist. The Earth sighed when the vine's thorn broke my skin and a drop of my blood fell to the ground.

  Why do you do that? I asked, a little annoyed it took advantage of my touch to steal a drop of my blood.

  Because you will need us, and we are not strong enough yet, the trees replied without apology.

  I didn't like the sound of that. The meeting this morning already left a bitter taste in my mouth. And the now trees were warning of something more ominous. I was about to ask what they feared, when Theo's voice found my ears.

  Time to go. The vine unwrapped and stroked my arm comfortingly. Take care, the plants whispered. We watch and wait. For what exactly I didn't know.

  I walked out of the clearing feeling full in my soul, but empty inside. Even the sight of Theo standing at the edge of the gravel driveway, arm outstretched to take my hand, immaculately dressed ready for political battle, did not soothe the ache that had started inside. I took his hand and stopped before him, my eyes searching that impassive face.

  "You're very good at this," I murmured. Even I could hear the disgruntled sound to my words. He leaned back and frowned.

  "Good at what, Oraia?"

  Good at what indeed. I shook my head and pushed past him to the open rear door of the car. I slid in without another word and purposely avoided Nico's gaze. It was several seconds before Theo joined us.

  The ride to the Rigas' Pyrgos, where the council meeting was being held, was inordinately quiet. Theo and Nico had obviously discussed all they needed to prior to the big show. I wondered if Theo was nervous. I gazed at his strong profile and tried to see a smattering of nerves. There were none, but I could hardly blame him for hiding them. He was about to face his father. I hoped when I was called on, I wouldn't have to do it alone. Would Nico come? Would Theo stand beside me? His present behaviour indicated not.

  When we arrived Theo left without a parting word and Nico guided me up the stairs, down a corridor and into a spartan room. I sat down in the chair he offered and wondered how long these things were meant to go on for. A full thirty minutes later Nico broke. I found it amusing that he did before me.

  "This is utter crap!" he announced bounding up from his chair and starting to pace. "God knows why they insisted you be here, but if they suspect you to be Gi royalty then they are hardly treating you appropriately."

  "That's because I'm not Gi royalty and they know it," I replied steadily, crossing my legs.

  Nico scoffed. "Don't delude yourself, princess. They want you to be royalty, then they have sound reason to exile you, politically correctly, from our land. How do you think the Rigas is coping with the knowledge you're in his son's bed?"

  I refused to give in to the discomfort of Nico's words.

  "Then what are they discussing, if it is a foregone conclusion, and why am I here?"

  "Exactly!" Nico said with a finger pointed towards my face. "This is crap. A lynching, not a discussion. And if they are about to pull you to pieces without you even being present then I denounce all allegiance to the realm." A bit melodramatic I thought.

  I cocked my head at Nico. He was player, an actor, a little bit of a court jester, I think. But he was deadly serious now. Why? I'd given him no reason to back me, not that I believed his words just now. He was angry and rambling, he'd regret it later.

  "Just relax, Nico. I'm sure we'll find out soon enough," I said, leaning back in my uncomfortable chair trying to get comfortable.

  He breathed deeply for a few moments and then forced himself to sit again. His fingers tapped across the top of the table next to him.

  "You were amazing, you know," he said softly, out of nowhere. I felt my eyebrows rise up my forehead. "I was cosseted in that cell you placed me in. When I used my Stoicheio the Earth did not retaliate. The roots I singed would have hurt, but it still did not fight back. You told it to keep me safe, didn't you?"

  I nodded, unsure what else to say.

  He flexed his jaw, eyes staring unseeing at the floor. I had no way of knowing what he was thinking. And then he surprised me by standing and announcing, "We're going to watch."

  "What?" I said coming to my feet, because he seemed about to storm out of the room.

  He grabbed my hand and walked toward the door, confirming my suspicions, but not easing my mind at all. He peered aroun
d the exit and checked that the cost was clear, and then pulled me out behind him.

  "We used to spy on the council meetings when we were kids," Nico whispered in my ear as we walked swiftly and quietly down several more hallways and up a flight of stairs. "Of course, this isn't the same building as that which existed in Greece back then, but the original Pyrgos was replicated; stone for stone. I would hazard a guess, that it mimics to perfection the Pyrgos of old. Right down to where Theo and I used to watch council meetings when we were young."

  "Is this wise?" I asked in a whisper.

  Nico flashed a mischievous grin at me and just kept walking.

  Finally we came to a deserted hallway and Nico stopped in front of a larger than life tapestry on the wall. He took a look over both his shoulders and when convinced that we were still unseen, lifted the bottom right edge of the fabric and dragged me behind it. Dust wafted up and tickled my nose, but I forced myself not to breathe it. He fumbled around blindly for several moments and then I heard the click of a door releasing.

  Nico leaned into my ear and whispered, "Not a sound from here on in."

  My heart leapt into my throat. I was an enemy of these people, already suspected as a spy, and here I was about to eavesdrop on a council meeting. Oh, this was not going to end well. I knew it. But, damned if I was going to stop now. I wanted to know what they were saying about me. This meeting was about me, I was sure. So I deserved to be there. And obviously Nico agreed.

  The little space he pulled me into was covered in dust. Inhabited New Zealand's not that old. But I'd guess this building to be several centuries in age. Perhaps the Pyrkagia came here before Abel Tasman, maybe even as early as the first Māori settlers in the thirteenth century. Looking at this dust, you'd think the new Pyrgos had been here that long, and this room neglected not long afterwards. Nico was very careful not to disturb too much of it, creeping along between crates of God knows what and perching himself at the very end, on a dusty upturned wooden box. There wasn't enough space for another makeshift seat beside him, just the one he sat on in front of a tiny peep hole in the wall. I stifled my gasp as Nico pulled me onto his lap, and pointed at the opening for me to view.


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