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Foss Page 3

by Pelaam

  “Let me taste you. I dreamed of this.” Foss begged, tugging at Zander’s hair.

  Shuffling into position Zander groaned deeply when Foss’s lips closed around his cock and his lover’s talented tongue set to work. When Foss sucked eagerly on the head of his dick, Zander was convinced he was going to lose it, but a firm tug to his balls, stopped him coming.

  Moving around, Zander faced Foss and stretched out over him once more. Foss caressed his hair and face, peppering kisses wherever he could reach.

  “Want you. Want you so much.” Foss spread his legs wide, and Zander groaned loudly.

  “Lube, rubbers?” Zander paused in their feverish kissing just long enough to ask about the essentials.

  “I put them in the drawer.” Foss released his grip around Zander’s shoulders to allow Zander to crawl up the bed. Not that Foss remained idle while Zander tried to open the drawer and peer inside, Foss ran his hands over Zander’s chest and abdomen.

  There was no way Zander could try to hold his stomach in now, but Foss seemed oblivious to what Zander considered his soft stack rather than a six-pack. Every inch of his skin felt caressed, kissed, licked, or nibbled.

  Managing to pull the drawer open, Zander rummaged blindly, finally pulling out a pristine tube of lube and unopened pack of condoms. Tearing open the packet, Zander left one condom in reach and tossed the rest back onto the built-in bedside table.

  Opening the lube, Zander squirted a good dollop onto his fingers, quickly reaching between Foss’s thighs. Zander took the time to thoroughly prepare Foss. The last thing he wanted now was for their lovemaking to be uncomfortable in any way.

  “I’m ready, Zander. Love me.” Reaching to frame Zander’s face in his hands, Foss nodded when Zander gazed into his lover’s eyes. “I’m ready. I need you.”

  Easing his fingers from Foss’s body, Zander knelt back on his heels, and reached for the condom. Ripping the foil open with his teeth, Zander eased the condom over his cock and slicked it with more lube.

  Shuffling into place between Foss’s thighs, Zander lined the head of his dick against his lover’s opening. Pressing slowly inside, Zander lowered himself onto Foss who wrapped his legs firmly around Zander’s waist.

  “Love me. I want to feel you, Zander.”

  Opting against a verbal reply, Zander sank deeper into his lover’s body, blanketing Foss, and claimed his lips in a deep kiss. Thrusting his tongue to the same slow rhythm, Zander gradually increased the tempo of his hips.

  Their kisses turned hot, hungry, and wet and Zander repeatedly sucked hard at the tender flesh of Foss’s throat as if driven to mark his lover in a blatant display of bruises. But Foss was far from passive. Rocking his hips up to meet each of Zander’s thrusts, Foss licked and nipped wherever he could reach.

  Burrowing his hand between their bodies, Zander encircled Foss’s cock, squeezing and pulling as best he could between their sweat-slick bodies, determined that Foss would spill first, wanting to see Foss come.

  “Come for me, baby. Come for me, lover.” Zander panted against Foss’s throat, willing Foss to crest, his lover’s whimpers and moans driving Zander almost to breaking point.

  “Zander!” The cry of his name coincided with a pulse from the flesh he held, and Zander stared at Foss as his lover spilled, his semen spreading between them. In the throes of his release, Foss seemed to have an inner glow.

  Unable to resist his body’s demands any longer, Zander buried his face against Foss’s shoulder, his body jerking strongly with the power of his release, which left him panting and drained in its wake.

  When his scattered wits slowly came back online, Zander smiled against his lover’s skin on hearing Foss crooning softly while running his hands over Zander’s shoulders and back.

  “That was amazing, Foss.” Zander kissed the warm, dry skin closest to his lips.

  “Yes. It was. More than I could ever have dreamed.” Foss’s voice was soft and dreamy and then he sighed.

  Glancing up, Zander was relieved to see warm affection in Foss’s eyes along with a wistful smile. Reaching up, Zander trailed his fingers down Foss’s cheek.

  “As much as I’d like to stay like this, I need to pull out.” Easing slowly from Foss’s body, Zander felt a distinct pang of loss as they separated and was certain he caught a momentary glimpse of Foss’s smile vanishing as they parted.

  But the moment he gazed fully at Foss, his lover’s smile was at its normal brilliance. Must have been a trick of the light.

  “I’m starving after that. We can grab a bite to eat and then swim again.” Foss’s voice wavered slightly. “Do you think we can make love again later?”

  Shuffling so he could gaze down directly into Foss’s eyes, Zander kissed him. As he pulled back Zander nodded. “I’m sure we can.”

  “Then let’s have a quick clean up and eat something.”

  Laughing as Foss framed his face, peppering it with kisses, Zander grabbed his lover and rolled them so Foss lay on Zander’s chest, and then palmed his lover’s ass cheeks, squeezing tightly.

  “I could always have buns to bite.”

  A genuine peal of delight rang out from Foss. “I think we have much better things on offer. My…buns… are a little scrawny to be feeding you up.”

  With an exaggerated sigh, Zander nodded. “Oh, all right then. Lead the way, oh scrawny-assed one.”

  Rolling aside Zander waited for Foss to stand before getting up himself. Before Foss could leave the bedroom, Zander pulled him into a kiss. Keeping it light and gentle, Zander was pleased to see Foss’s affectionate smile as they parted.

  Hand in hand, Zander followed Foss to the galley.

  Chapter five

  Making sure to look his best, Zander didn’t bother with a meal in any of the local restaurants. Instead he went straight to Foss’s bar. There seemed little point eating anywhere else, especially when—even after knowing Foss for just twenty-four hours—Zander wanted to spend as much time with him as possible.

  At such an early hour, there was no doorman, and Zander went straight through to get a table where he’d have a good view of Foss when he performed later that evening. Even though just a couple of hours had passed since they were last together, Zander already missed Foss’s company.

  Selecting steak from the menu, Zander settled with a glass of wine to watch a young, female singer perform. According to Foss the early evening acts—like himself—were amateur performers, those looking to get their first big break. Foss had assured Zander that he wasn’t looking to make a name for himself as a performer. He just heralded the shift from the unpaid to paid performers and enjoyed the opportunity to play.

  The singer tonight was a young woman who looked as if she was imitating Lorde. Long dark hair hung over her shoulders as she plucked at an acoustic guitar. She’d made up her face to be deliberately pale and used a deep purple lipstick, and even if her looks were based on mimicry, her voice was still very good.

  Although Zander enjoyed the performance, he kept glancing over to the bar where Foss worked. His lover seemed to have a permanent smile in place and Zander admired his unflustered, ultra-professional manner.

  “Excuse me. Steak with mushroom sauce and jacket potato? Are you all right for a drink?” The man at his side set down Zander’s meal and then hovered waiting for his reply.

  “Yes. That’s mine. No, thanks. I’m good for now.”

  Nodding the server scurried away and Zander turned his attention to the meal before him. Cutting into the meat, he was delighted to see that the steak was cooked just as he liked it. Tucking in with enthusiasm, Zander found that the sauce was excellent, the sides well prepared, and he thoroughly enjoyed his meal.

  The singer finished to loud applause and Zander pushed his plate aside. Picking up his glass, Zander moved closer to the stage wanting to get an unobstructed view of Foss’s performance.

  A sense of pride made Zander puff out his chest as Foss’s name was greeted with enthusiasm and Zander joined in t
he applause. Zander grinned widely as Foss winked at him before taking his place on the stage. His lover’s hair was now free of the high ponytail he kept it in behind the bar and all but a couple of his shirt buttons were open.

  Looking left and right at the crowd, Zander wasn’t surprised to see some guys, as well as most of the ladies, staring at Foss. They can look but they can’t touch. You’re all mine. The possessive thought was a shock to Zander, but he didn’t feel inclined to try to retract the idea.

  The performance started off with a tune Zander recognized as a classical music piece, but he didn’t know its title. The music effortlessly moved into something livelier, then a slow and haunting refrain, and finally a violin solo version of a couple of contemporary songs. By the time he’d finished playing, there was a thin sheen of sweat on Foss’s skin and his shirt swirled around him like wings.

  As Foss took his bow, the audience applauded loudly, Zander among them. He’s incredibly talented. I don’t understand why he doesn’t pursue a musical career rather than stay in hospo. Dodging around the gathered crowd, Zander made his way back to the bar, snatching up a stool on his way to be able to sit at the far end and indulge in both Foss and people watching.

  Zander’s smile faltered slightly when he caught his first glimpse of Foss returning to work behind the bar. His lover looked tired, drained, and Zander was surprised by the protective surge he felt. As if aware of Zander’s reaction, Foss glanced directly at him.

  A tingle zipped down Zander’s spine on seeing the look of love and desire in Foss’s eyes. But before Zander could even open his mouth to speak Foss turned quickly away, busying himself with the patrons clamoring for their drinks.

  Frowning, Zander determined to keep an eye on Foss. The rest of the evening seemed to pass far too slowly for Zander. The music was good, a couple of guys exchanged a few words with him, but all Zander really wanted was Foss’s shift to finish so his lover could join him.

  Finally midnight came around and Zander bought a glass of bubbles for Foss and another beer for himself, taking the drinks to what he now considered their table. Zander smiled sympathetically as Foss came and flopped opposite him.

  “Busy night. But better busy than dragging. Thank you.” Foss picked up the flute holding his bubbles and saluted Zander. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” Zander inclined his beer bottle toward Foss who set his glass down with a contented sigh. “I-I have something for you.” Zander had spotted the charm in a jeweler’s window and it seemed so fitting that he couldn’t resist buying it. He held out the box, his cheeks aflame, praying Foss didn’t up and run.

  “A gift? For me?” Foss’s eyes gleamed and some of Zander’s nerved settled at his lover’s obvious excitement. “Oh, Zander it’s beautiful. Perfect. Thank you.” Foss held up the thin silver chain from which a silver violin charm dangled.

  Pride swelled Zander’s chest as Foss immediately fastened it around his neck, beaming with delight. It also gave Zander the added courage he needed for what he had in mind.

  “Look, my hotel will be all closed up other than the side door by the time we walk back.” Zander leaned in close, keeping his voice soft despite the noise around them. “Spend the night with me.”

  “Oh, Zander, I’d love to. But I’m hot and sweaty. I can’t possibly like this.”

  “What do you think showers are for? Come back. Have a shower in my room. They have decent-sized showers there and the bed’s queen size. Easily big enough for two.” Zander had no intention of taking no for an answer. “I’d love to wake up with you in my arms.”

  “And I’d love to be there.” Foss sighed and Zander recognized it for the capitulation it was. “Okay. All right, yes. But I have to shower first. Please?”

  Since it seemed so important to Foss, Zander nodded enthusiastically. If there were any complaints about the shower running so late, he’d deal with them later. For now all he could think of was spending the night with Foss in his bed.

  Raising his bottle he tilted it to Foss. “To us.”

  Smiling Foss tapped his glass against the bottle and echoed the toast. “To us.”

  Chapter six

  Walking Foss home, Zander mused on how the pattern had been so easily set for the following days. Each morning Zander rose early and let Foss out of the hotel after they spent the night in his bed. Later that morning they met up again and spent the late morning and early afternoon out on the lake. In the evening Zander went to the bar and waited for Foss to finish work.

  Then each night they walked home along the lakeside, and when they were back in Zander’s hotel room, Foss would shower before they went to bed and made love. Zander was surprised at just how natural spending so much time with Foss felt.

  Not once have we struggled to find something to say or do. Zander’s heart sank at the thought he only had a couple of more days in Taupo and not just because of making love with Foss. I’m going to feel like a part of me is missing without him.

  Dragging his mind back to the present as they enjoyed their normal nighttime stroll along the lake’s edge, Zander felt a sudden frisson of cold down his spine and frowned at the three men heading their way. Their gait was uneven and he wondered if they were drunk, but as they got closer, the expressions of hate on their faces were unmistakable.

  “Fucking fags.”

  There was no way to know which of the men growled the words, but it didn’t matter. Zander glanced quickly at Foss who didn’t appear to be afraid. “Look, we don’t want any trouble. Just leave us be.”

  “Just leave us be.” One guy on Zander’s right wore a dark beanie and echoed the words in a sing-song voice, then his tone turned menacing. “We don’t like fairy boys on our patch.”

  “You should take a care what you say.” Foss took a step forward, his voice much deeper than Zander had heard before and it sent a cold chill down Zander’s spine. But worse than that was the fear his lover would get hurt. They were outnumbered and he was no fighter.

  “Why, fairy boy? You think you can take us on?” Beanie spoke again and Zander watched with growing concern as the man bounced on the balls of his feet, his arms swinging. He’s probably high on something.

  “Foss. Be careful.” Zander spoke softly, still hoping they could get out of the situation before it turned really ugly.

  “Go. Now.” Foss’s voice dropped even more, but Beanie either wasn’t listening or past caring and charged Foss, catching him in the stomach and they both rolled down the embankment toward the lake.

  “Foss! Help! Someone help us! Help!” Zander hoped his yells would attract someone’s attention but the road was deserted and the nearest motels and hotels were on the other side of the road, set back from the sidewalk. Then there wasn’t time for him to think.

  Trying to get down the embankment to see what had happened to Foss, Zander dodged the swing of one of the men but grunted as the other’s fist clipped his cheek. Staggering slightly, Zander yelped as a kick to his legs sent him tumbling onto the grass. Kicking out Zander tried to break the hold the bald-headed man had on his ankles.

  A scream of pain and terror rang out from close to the water and Zander squirmed trying to get to his lover. “Foss? Foss!” Zander yelled out, but there was no response.

  Then the third man loomed over him and Zander shouted out at the sight of the knife in his hand. A sudden loud, guttural snarling caused the man to pause, looking away from Zander and out into the blackness.

  Zander’s breath caught in his throat as a pair of glowing amber eyes gazed back at them unblinkingly and the growling grew in intensity.

  “What the fu—?” The knife-wielder got no farther as a dog—larger and bulkier than any Zander had seen before—emerged from the shadows, teeth bared, its midnight fur bristling in the moonlight.

  “Run for it.” Baldie let go of Zander’s and took off at a run. The dog reacted to the movement, chasing after the man, leaping, biting him on the top of his thigh, and bringing him to the ground.

  The man screamed shrilly, but the dog didn’t continue with its attack. Instead it released him and turned back to where Zander still lay on the grass, the third man standing beside him.

  Before the man could move, the dog flew at him, snapping, snarling, and slathering. Froth flew from its large jaws as it closed the distance. The dog howled as the man slashed out with his knife, slicing across its shoulder, but it didn’t stop.

  Fastening its teeth in the man’s arm, the dog shook its massive head ferociously until the knife fell from the man’s hand, the man’s screams blending with the snarls creating a symphony of fear and pain.

  The man went limp and as if satisfied the man was now harmless the dog backed away from him and stood protectively beside Zander.

  From the side, Beanie staggered past Zander limping heavily. The man didn’t stop but the dog stalked after him, keeping a few feet between them, hackles raised. The second man got to his feet just as Beanie reached him and together they went to Baldie who still sat on the ground.

  Glancing repeatedly over their shoulders at the dog—which seemed to be shepherding them away from Zander—they helped him to his feet and then continued on.

  Rising shakily, Zander watched while the dog limped back toward him, favoring its injured right front leg. There was something incredibly familiar about the beast’s amber eyes, but before Zander could speak the dog took off at a lop-sided run, heading straight for the water.

  “Wait. Come back. You’re hurt.” Zander called out, but the dog didn’t stop, vanishing into inky blackness, a loud splash broke the silence.

  Zander stared toward the lake but there were no more sounds, and neither the dog, nor Foss appeared. Cautiously moving forward, Zander used his phone as a flashlight, sweeping the light back and forth but there was no sign of his lover. Then something glinted in the phone’s pale light.


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