Back to You: A Hudson Family Series- Book 1- Synclair and Reece

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Back to You: A Hudson Family Series- Book 1- Synclair and Reece Page 10

by Chontelle Brison

  “Breakfast?” Rachel asked in a loud, cheery tone.

  I groaned, freaking morning people. I was about to tell her what she could do with her French toast and eggs when Reece beat me to it.

  “Everyone leave!” He ordered. His siblings jumped at the tone. Even Lucas looked startled.

  As they turned to comply, I called out “Wait. Freeze!” Five pairs of green eyes stared at me expectantly. One pair, Reece’s, looked like he was about to shit kittens.

  “You guys stay, I’ll leave.” Taking a glance around for my clothes, I immediately realized there were none. Tying the sheet like a Roman toga, I made to push through the shocked crowd.

  It was Matt who took a position right in front of me. He sadly shook his head. “Can’t let you do that sweetheart, my brother would kick my ass.”

  I wasn’t buying it, Matt may not be as big as Reece, but I knew he wasn’t afraid of him. “Well, if you don’t move out of my way, I’M GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS.” I warned.

  Matt shook his head slowly, like I was some kid who just didn’t get what he was saying. I watched as his eyes shifted to look over my shoulder. I knew Reece had to be standing behind me.

  “Listen why don’t we let you two talk this out,” Lucas suggested, evidently deciding he was going to be the voice of reason in all this. He looked at Rachel, who was still carrying the tray in a death grip. Her eyes were wide, and she looked worried.

  She glanced from Lucas to Matt, to behind me at Reece. “Why don’t we leave Synclair’s breakfast and come back in a bit, after you guys have settled some things.” Lucas gently pried the tray from Rachel’s hands, she nodded and turned and left the room.

  Lucas passed the tray to Matt, who passed it to Dalton, without even leaving my gaze, Dalton was closest to a large oak dresser and he set the tray on top and turned to leave.

  “I said Freeze, as in Do. Not. Move.” I looked at the three brothers. “I don’t care what death stares your brother is throwing you from behind me. I am leaving. I want my clothes, I want my keys and I want you all to get the hell out of my way.” I shouted readjusting the damn sheet. If I wasn’t careful, they were going to get the entertainment of Reece and I fighting and a strip show.

  Dalton stepped forward, his young mischievous face showed he was trying not to laugh. “Now I for one, would never stop you from leaving. I don’t know where your clothes are, but your purse and keys are on the counter by the front door.” I could tell he was avoiding the stares he was getting from Reece. I smiled at Dalton, okay maybe I shouldn’t have hit him so hard with my bat. Pushing Matt to the side, he gestured me out the open door and into the hall.

  I heard Reece protesting, but Dalton blocked him in the room. Yea! Points for Dalton. Maybe there was one redeeming Hudson out of all of them. I sailed past the kitchen where Lucas and Rachel stared at me open mouthed. “Clothes,” I demanded.

  They just stared back at me. I wasn’t sure if they were surprised I was leaving or surprised I had left Reece alive. After a moment, I realized I wasn’t going to get anything out of them. Taking a quick look around I discovered my keys and purse, right where Dalton said they would be. I decided to screw the clothes, hell, I’d buy new ones as soon as I got out here, plus I still had some jeans and t-shirts in my duffle bag in the car. Grabbing my keys and purse off the counter, I gave a mock salute to the shocked looks of both Lucas and Rachel and nearly ran out the door.

  I didn’t care that I was only in a blue bed sheet, I did care that I was barefoot and the grass was cold from the morning dew, I just needed to get out of here, get some coffee, lots of pastries and blow this town and put Reece Hudson in the rear-view mirror.

  Hearing raised voices in the house told me that I had better quit whining about cold feet and move my ass to my car. Ignoring the sharp rocks on the pavement, I raced down the driveway and turned the corner. I hit the unlock button but nothing happened. I didn’t think much of it, it was possible the battery got damaged when I dropped my keys last night, Jesus last night. Had I really passed out? Why they hell was I naked? Excellent questions, all of which I would seriously ponder, once I put some distance between Carson City and myself. Using my key to unlock and open my car door, I threw my purse in the passenger seat, slammed the door and jammed the key in the ignition. That’s right Reece, I win, I thought smugly.


  “Reece stop it, you can’t kill your brother,” Matt yelled. I had Dalton in a headlock and was trying to decide how many shades of purple he could turn.

  “I just want to kill him a little, not a lot, just a little.” I meant it too. Dalton had just undone everything we had talked about. He let, no scratch that, he helped Synclair walk right of the house and out of my life AGAIN. Yeah, four shades of purple should be good. I heard Matt call for Lucas.

  Moments later I was being pulled off Dalton, grimacing that I had only reached two shades of the purple on his face. Gasping for air Dalton pushed himself up and leaned against my bed. Matt and Lucas flanked me, each holding one arm. Rachel rushed and went straight to Dalton. She looked scared.

  “Reece you could have killed him,” Rachel shouted. She was right, I had totally lost control. Synclair did that to me.

  After I had spoken to her uncle Jack, I realized that Rachel was right. She did hide behind her bar like I hid behind my vet practice. I also knew that she was homeless right now and with her uncle going to Ireland, she was alone. I liked her uncle, I knew he cared about her. He told me he had a way to make sure Synclair stayed put at least until I had a chance to convince her to stay. I just needed to swear on my own slow, painful death that I would make Synclair happy. I wanted her to stay here, give us a chance to know each other again. Which I was about to explain when my fool brother decided to buckle under one small angry glare.

  “We agreed, we would keep her from bolting Dalton. You just stepped aside dammit.” I pulled out of the grip my brothers had and stalked down the hallway.

  Standing by the counter, I grimaced as my siblings filed into the living room. Matt, Rachel and Lucas sat on the couch while Dalton, who was still trying to take in air, stood by the fireplace.

  “She’ll be b-back bro.” Dalton choked out trying to take in gulps of air. Okay, maybe I had rear choked him a little too hard. I looked at him like he had lost his mind, she was probably to the interstate by now. That’s when Dalton smiled. I knew that smile, it was the same smile he would get when he pulled one of his practical jokes. It was a smile that meant trouble. Things were suddenly looking up.

  “What did you do Dalton?” Matt asked, apparently he saw the same look and was now smiling.

  “Just what I told you I would, last night.” He coughed. “I removed some important components from her car. It won’t start.” His grin told me how proud he was of himself. Rachel laughed and Lucas groaned.

  I was about to apologize for trying to kill him when the front door slammed open. There in the entry way was one very pissed off and beautiful Synclair Patrick. She was breathing hard, from anger or exertion I wasn’t sure. She clutched my blue sheet to her heaving chest, her breasts were full and practically spilling over her arm where she secured the sheet. The bottom of the sheet was muddy and her dirty feet looked frozen, still her pink toenails looked adorable. Her red curls bounced around her shoulders untamed and her hazel eyes were blazing with fury. Her pink lips and flushed cheeks reminded me of what she looked she when she had cum for the first time, all those years ago. But instead of anger in those eyes, back then, there had been passion. I wanted to see that passion again, I wanted to put it there, and I wanted to see love and trust, and affection. Rachel was right, I needed to undo my douchebag-ness. I still wanted Synclair, I had never stopped.

  I watched her eyes dart around the room until she found Dalton. Uh oh, I saw the primal rage in those eyes. If she got her hands on Dalton she wouldn’t stop with a few shades of purple on his face, she’d choke the life right out him. I needed to get a handle on this s
ituation now before I lost a brother.

  Like a lioness zeroing in on her prey, Synclair began stalking in Dalton’s direction, not even giving me or my siblings a second look. I saw Dalton’s eyes widened, and he threw a worried look in my direction. I nodded, letting him know I was going to handle it. This was really going to piss her off, but I didn’t see any other way around it.

  As Synclair walked around one side of the sofa toward Dalton, I walked around the other. Dalton was smart enough to back up towards me so that I could intercept my little hellcat.

  Just as Synclair rounded the sofa, I bent and threw her over my shoulder in a fireman’s hold. Ignoring her shouts, I strode toward my bedroom, determined to make her listen to me.

  “Um, we’re going to the store.” Matt shouted. I took my hand off her thighs and waved without turning around. I barely heard the front door shut when I reached my room and threw her on my bed.


  Men suck. I couldn’t tell you what happened between the time I realized someone had tampered with my car and being airborne. I just knew I was pissed. As soon as my body hit the mattress, Reece was right there, flipping me on my back he quickly pinned both my wrists above my head in one of his large hands and covered my body with his.

  We were both breathing heavy, both having an epic death stare match, when I suddenly became aware of the feeling of Reece’s hard body pressing into my softer one. My sheet had slipped and my breasts were smashed against his chest. I willed my nipples not to harden but apparently they had a mind of their own.

  Looking down Reece must have seen them because the smirk on his face was legendary. I scowled at him harder, his green eyes took on a darker shade, his breathing hitched and instead of a smug Reece, I found myself peering into the eyes of a man who looked like he was precisely where wanted to be.

  Panicked, I raised my leg to his groin, but he dodged. Fighting against his much broader frame was proving unsuccessful, and I screeched in frustration.

  “What the hell is it with you manhandling me Hudson?” I hissed, out of breath from struggling to get away. All I had seemed to accomplish was to lose my sheet all the way down to my waist. I hoped my anger was doing a good job disguising how perked up my lady parts were. Stupid, slutty lady parts, he’s the enemy. I tried to get a hold of my breathing. Yeah, but he’s a hot, sexy enemy that makes you want to tear his clothes off and fuck him on the hardwood floor. Okay, true, I acknowledged, but it didn’t mean I was going to. Seriously, I needed smarter girly parts.


  Synclair’s eyes looked like liquid gold. She was as turned on I was. I could barely breathe when I had felt her nipples tighten against my chest. My cock was straining against my jeans and if she didn’t stop squirming underneath me, I was going to embarrass myself like a high school teenager. I had to give her credit, she fought me with everything she had, but I had kept in shape over the years. Actually working out was what helped relieve my stress, and I did it almost daily. So, without sounding arrogant, I knew I was in good shape and had, at least, sixty pounds of muscle on her. I knew if I let her go she was going to beat me over the head with the first thing she could grab so I just continued to hold her in place until she got tired of fighting. The problem was that the longer I held her, the more of her body I felt, and it felt damn good. Her hips were pinned under me, I knew my bulge was evident and it was pressing into her stomach. The same feelings I had for her all those years ago were still here, I knew she felt it too, I just had to get her to admit it.

  Remembering her question, I put my mouth next to the soft, creamy shell of her ear. “Actually, I think your body likes my…manhandling.” It was an ass move but I couldn’t help it.

  I felt her sink her head back into the pillows, so were almost nose to nose. Her breath was coming so fast she was almost panting, I could almost hear the pounding of her heart, or maybe it was mine, I wasn’t sure anymore, I just knew I had to taste her, now before the moment passed. I saw the moment she realized I was going to kiss her, she shook her head and opened her mouth to protest, taking full advantage I swooped in and kissed her, thrusting my tongue into her open mouth. I felt her stiffen and struggle, I teased her mouth, I nibbled her top lip, her bottom lip and nipped at her tongue. I kissed the corners of her mouth; when I came back to deepen the kiss she opened willingly and knew I had her.


  I couldn’t help it, so help me god, the man kissed me like a man possessed. I had never in my life been kissed mindless before, it appeared Reece had matured in more ways than one. In college Reece’s kisses were passionate and sweet, now they were seductive and soul owning. I told myself I wouldn’t kiss him back, but my mind and my lips were apparently on different pages. As soon as he came for my mouth, I grabbed the back of his head and began dueling tongues with him. I met him thrust for thrust and we sucked the air from one another.

  Trying to get a grasp on my control I broke the kiss and tipped my head back. Reece must have guessed what I was doing because he simply went from my mouth to my neck. He trailed hot, wet kisses down my neck along my jaw and across my collar bone. His hands released mine and suddenly his hands were everywhere, my face, my breasts, my whole body actually tingled. Yes, please! Not be outdone, I ran my hands across his hard stomach, around his thighs to his tight ass. I was trying to remember why this was a bad idea when he took one taut nipple into his wet mouth. I had lovers who sucked on my tits before but never like this. Taking as much of my nipple and breast into his mouth that he could fit, I moaned. When he sucked harder and harder until I was writhing under him, I about lost my mind.

  “Oh god Reece, touch me.” I moaned louder. This is bad right? I don’t want him, I can’t want him…..Lifting his mouth from my nipple with a loud pop he smiled at me, dimples and all. I felt one thick finger push through the folds of my pussy. I arched into his hand. Note to self, I do want him, I want him now, and I can still leave when I’m done. With that my girly parts took over, and I was lost in an ocean of lust and sensation.


  I pushed one finger inside her hot pussy and then another, keeping a good rhythm I plundered her mouth at the same time. I didn’t want to give Synclair a second to come to her senses. I needed her more than I needed air. No one had ever gotten me this hard or this needy, I actually felt like I would die if I didn’t sink balls deep into that tight, wet hole.

  “Oh god, Reece, now, fuck me now.” She pleaded, her hips gyrating and lifting to meet the thrust of my fingers. I looked into those blazing hazel eyes, they were heavy with lust and need. I didn’t need to be told twice. I pulled my fingers out of her and in seconds I was out of my jeans and boxers and was rubbing my heavy cock at her slick entrance. My Synclair was lost in passion, tossing her head to and fro on the silk pillows, she looked like an angel, a hot angel. I slammed into her with one thrust. We both groaned at how good it felt. I knew I was big, so I gave her a second to adjust. Synclair wasn’t having any of it.

  “Move that ass, Hudson, damn you,” She demanded breathlessly.

  Inspired I began to thrust in and out of her. Synclair lifted her hips to meet mine, and the room became hot with the sounds of slapping flesh, groans, gasps and Oh gods. I felt her start to get close to her orgasm, I wanted us to climax together, so I increased my pace. With her head slamming back into my leather headboard Synclair came with a loud cry, digging her nails across my back. I followed her seconds later and collapsed, trying to catch my breath. It was amazing, and I wanted to do it again.


  As I slowly started to regain my senses, the reality of what I had just done started to sink in. That’s it girly parts, no more decision making for you. Deciding to finally engage my brain, which apparently was on hiatus the last hour, I pushed Reece’s warm body off mine.

  He moved to the side and looked at me, his smile told me everything. He smiled like
that cat that had just licked the cream. I closed my eyes and tried not to lean into his touch when he tucked one rogue curl behind my ear. Feeling the wetness between my legs, I went to get clean up in the bathroom. I had taken two steps when it hit me.

  SHIT… We hadn’t used a condom. Oh god, I had never had sex without a condom. Doing a count in my head, I was trying to remember when I had taken my last birth control pill. Crap, it had been over a week now. That’s why I insisted on condoms because I was a shitty pill taker.

  I turned back to the bed, Reece was lying with one arm folded behind his head, not even trying to cover up his body. He took a look at my face and sat up.

  “Sweetie what’s wrong, you're only five minutes post orgasm and you’re already having second thoughts?” He grimaced.

  “Hudson, we didn’t use a condom, maybe that’s okay in your world but not in mine.”

  “It’s not a problem.” He snapped.

  Now I was pissed, I was standing in the middle of Reece’s very large bedroom, naked and flushed from the sex we had just had and sticky with his cum. “Yeah, it’s a real fucking problem, we need to go get Plan B, right freaking now.”


  I don’t know why it bothered me so much that Synclair was freaking out about the condom. Aside from my drunken night with Amber, I had never had sex without a condom. Thinking back, that was probably one of the reasons that sex with Synclair had been so amazing, I loved being skin to skin with her and I wasn’t sorry. I knew I could simply explain to her that I had zero shot of getting her pregnant but it rubbed me the wrong way that she was so damn averse to the idea of carrying my baby. Maybe because the last time you had sex with her she found you collecting on a bet, remember you took her virginity? She may still harbor some feelings about that Romeo.


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