Alphas Unleashed

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  Evetta glanced up startled when she heard the warmth in the Marastin Dow’s voice. Seldom, if ever, did a Marastin Dow male speak in such a way. In fact, the only ones she could remember were her father and the other males from their village who sought out a different way of life from the violence.

  “I won’t tell anyone. Would it…would it be possible not to report what happened above?” She bit her lip before looking back up at Ben. “I would also like to know how you came to be here.”

  Ben glanced at Behr who nodded. “You might as well tell her. I’ll have one of the females among my staff escort her back to her level in a little while. Until then, keep her here while I let the others know that she is not a threat,” Behr said. “I’ll also have them dispose of the body. It will be documented that the maintenance worker had an allergic reaction to something he ate.”

  “Thank you,” Ben responded, curling his arm protectively around Evetta’s waist.

  Evetta watched as Behr nodded once before turning to leave. She turned back toward Ben, suddenly realizing that she was leaning into his embrace. She reluctantly stepped back and folded her hands in front of her.

  “So, how did you come to be here and what power does your species have that makes me react to you?” Evetta asked, raising her chin in determination to understand why she wanted so desperately be back in his arms.

  Ben chuckled and raised his hand to brush her cheek with the back of his knuckles. He enjoyed the way she unconsciously leaned into his touch. A wave of unexpected longing hit him hard. He wanted her. The unexpected intensity of need and protectiveness confused him.

  “It is a long story but an interesting one. If you’d like to hear it, I’d be happy to share it with you,” he murmured, as he dropped his hand back to his side and nodded toward one of the chairs. “As for what power I have that makes you react to me the way you do, I could ask you the same thing. I’ve never felt this way about a woman before. Perhaps it is you who has the power.”

  Evetta could feel heat rising in her cheeks. She bowed her head to cover the sudden feeling of shyness that swept through her. Taking a deep breath, she released it and moved to the chair that Ben had nodded to.

  Over the next hour, Ben told Evetta about his and Aaron’s life before and after their kidnapping. He tried to relate only the amusing things that happened but soon found he was sharing some of the darker times as well. He didn’t understand why he was sharing things he normally would never have shared with anyone else besides Aaron. It was as if a floodgate had opened. With just a quietly asked question, he found himself opening up.

  He soon was asking questions of his own. He listened as Evetta hesitantly shared her and her sister, Hanine’s, life with him. He was surprised by the silent rage that built when she told him of her mother and father’s death and subsequent enlistment into the military. He knew from what he had learned from Behr and the other warriors how difficult and dangerous life aboard the warships was, especially for the female recruits.

  All too soon, Behr returned with Inez, one of the female medics. Ben reluctantly rose from his chair. He didn’t want Evetta to leave but he knew they had no choice. She had to return to her duties in Engineering or someone might become suspicious. He fought with the desire to ask to see her again. It was a hopeless situation. Not only did he not have anything to offer her, he and Aaron were living on borrowed time. Eventually, someone would say something and bring them to the attention of the other officers. Once that happened, there was no telling what would happen to them.

  Ben glanced at Behr and Inez before turning back to Evetta who had risen as well. “I…,” he began before breaking off with a curse. He drew in a deep breath before releasing it. “Be safe,” he said gruffly.

  “I will,” she replied softly before walking over to the door where Inez stood waiting for her. She turned to look at Ben. “I wish to see you again.”

  Ben stood stiffly, his fists clenched by his side. He knew he should tell her no. He knew it was too dangerous for both of them but he was helpless to resist. He had to see her again.

  “I want to see you as well,” he responded quietly.

  The moment he saw the small smile that pulled her sweet lips up and the glimmer of shy pleasure in her eyes he knew it was worth the risk. He would fight every warrior on board for the chance to spend just a few minutes in her company. He ignored Behr and Inez who stood just outside the door staring at them. Stepping forward, he pulled Evetta into his arms and crushed her lips with his in a fierce, possessive kiss before releasing her.

  Ben swallowed down the howl of rage as he watched Evetta walk away from him. He clenched his fists again when he felt Behr’s hand on his shoulder, holding him back from following her. Drawing in a deep breath, he fought for the calm that he practiced years to acquire.

  “You know that it will be dangerous if you see her again,” Behr commented.

  “I’m a man, not a fucking machine. Some things in life are worth the danger,” Ben responded coldly.

  He shrugged Behr’s hand off his shoulder and stepped back. Turning, he retreated down the corridor toward the lower training rooms that Behr and the other warriors had set up. He needed to release some of his frustration. Since Aaron was still working, he would have to be content with pushing his own body through a hard workout.

  Chapter 5

  “Where are you going?” Hanine asked. “You have been disappearing every day after your shift is over for the past week.”

  Evetta looked up at her sister and shrugged. “I’m tired of being cooped up in our living quarters. I have been doing a little exploring.”

  “Evetta,” Hanine said quietly. “It is not safe to wander the ship. You could be attacked…or worse.”

  “I will be fine,” Evetta replied, tightening the strap on the knife sheath attached to her leg. “I will be careful.”

  “What is going on? You’ve never kept anything from me before but I can tell that there is something different about you. Talk to me,” Hanine begged. “Please. I could not stand it if something happened to you.”

  Evetta bit her lip and stared at her younger sister for several long seconds before she released her breath. She knew she needed to assure her sister that she was safe but how could she without revealing where she was going? She knew she could trust Hanine but her fear of something happening to Ben was even greater.

  “You must promise me you will not mention this to anyone,” Evetta finally muttered under her breath. “You must promise me, Hanine. It is a matter of life or death.”

  Evetta could feel her sister’s worried stare. She waited until Hanine nodded before she relaxed. Breathing a sigh of relief, she wrapped her arms around Hanine and gave her a big hug before taking a step back.

  “I’ve met a man. He is different from any male I have ever met before,” Evetta whispered. “He makes me feel things deep inside, Hanine. I would do anything to protect him.”

  “You’ve met a…who…Evetta,” Hanine stammered in shock.

  Evetta shook her head. “He is different, Hanine. He is not like us. He is a different species. His name is Ben Cooper and I care deeply for him.”

  “What do you mean a different species? Why have I never seen him? Where is he from?” Hanine asked before her eyes narrowed in determination. “I want to meet him.”

  “Hanine,” Evetta began in exasperation.

  “No! I want to meet him, Evetta,” Hanine insisted. “I have to know that you are safe with him.”

  Evetta’s eyes softened as she thought of how protective and gentle Ben was with her. The past week had been like a dream. She met him each day after her shift in one of the access tunnels. They varied which one so it would reduce the likelihood of them getting caught.

  Each night he took her to a different spot in the lower levels. One night he had a simple meal set up. They ate dinner and they talked for hours. Another night, he played his music for her. She loved listening to it. Last night he had kissed her until her head spun
. She wanted him. Tonight, tonight she was going to make sure he knew how much she cared for him.

  Evetta looked at her sister. “I love him, Hanine. I want to be with him.”

  Hanine gasped and stepped back. “Evetta, are you sure?”

  “Yes,” Evetta whispered softly. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”


  Hanine watched her sister’s face soften. She could tell that Evetta meant what she said. She really did care for this ‘alien’ male. Fear twisted inside her. What would happen to her sister if others found out? Would she be killed just like her mother had been?

  “I want to meet him,” Hanine replied. “I will do what I can to help protect you and your male. You have my loyalty as long as he is the one you want and feels the same. But know this, Evetta. If I find he is using you, I will slit his throat.”

  Hanine watched as amusement lit up Evetta’s face. “You will see he is not using me, Hanine. You will love him as much as I do. Just do not…just do not judge him by his appearance. He is very different from us,” Evetta begged quietly.

  Hanine couldn’t help but think of her own unusual admirer. She had carefully hidden the small creatures away from sight but she kept the small pink square from last week with her at all times.

  Can I keep you? Forever?

  The words were etched into her heart as surely as if whoever gave her the small creature had been a skilled healer. Every day, she found a different creature. Every day, she grew more desperate to know who would give her such beautiful gifts but refuse to come forward.

  She carefully observed each of her peers but none of them acted any different toward her. None of the sensors she set up detected anyone passing through the doorways. She had even expanded the range to include the outer lifts. Still, only authorized personnel came and went.

  “I am off for the next hour. Let us go so I can meet this male who has captured your heart,” Hanine replied. “And I promise not to judge him by his appearance.”

  “Thank you,” Evetta said.

  “Do not thank me yet, sister,” Hanine retort with a grin. “I promised I would not judge his appearance. I didn’t say anything about his character!”

  Evetta’s lilting laughter sounded strangely soothing after so many years of silence. It brought back memories of happier times. Hanine hoped that this strange male didn’t silence it forever.

  Chapter 6

  Evetta glanced around before she knocked on the service access door twice, paused and knocked one more time. If it hadn’t been for Ben’s brother, Aaron, Evetta would never have known the panel in the wall was actually a doorway. She had learned more about the warship in the past week than she had in the past two years.

  Hanine was keeping watch to make sure no one else was near. She glanced at the tablet in her hand that monitored all the heat signatures on the level. She frowned when she saw two on the other side of the wall.

  “Wait,” Hanine hissed, looking in warning at Evetta. “There are two heat signatures.”

  Evetta smiled reassuringly at Hanine. “That is Ben’s brother, Aaron. He knows all the access tunnels. He comes with Ben to make sure we do not get lost.”

  “Oh,” Hanine said with a feeling of unease. “You didn’t mention there were two aliens.”

  “Relax, Hanine. Aaron is very sweet as well. He is no threat,” Evetta responded as the panel opened. “Come.”


  Evetta stepped through the hidden panel and straight into Ben’s arms. She knew she should be used to it but she couldn’t help the soft gasp that escaped her as his mouth hungrily covered hers. She felt his body shudder against hers as he released her when he heard Aaron’s soft curse.

  He started to pull Evetta behind him when he saw another figure step through the doorway before Aaron closed the panel. He paused when he felt Evetta’s hand on his arm. His eyes narrowed on the slender figure of the other female.

  “Oh shit!” Aaron whispered.

  “Do not be alarmed,” Evetta whispered. “This is my sister, Hanine. She will not betray us.”

  Ben returned the other female’s sharp gaze with one of his own. He could see the surprise and shock in them as she took in his unusual features. With a nod, he tightly gripped Evetta’s hand in his before he turned and headed down the narrow tunnel. It was only wide enough for one person. He took the lead, wanting to get Evetta to the safety of the lower decks before he asked her what was going on.


  Hanine froze when she turned her head. Her eyes locked with a pair of dark brown eyes that were transfixed on her face. She watched as shock and dismay flashed across the young male’s face. She tilted her chin defensively at his expression.

  “I am Hanine,” she said.

  “I know,” the slender male responded in a hoarse voice. “You are supposed to be working. Your shift isn’t over for another two hours.”

  Hanine jerked back in surprise. Frowning, she ran her eyes over the tall male. She had never seen him before so how could he know who she was and when she worked?

  “How do you know that?” She demanded.

  A soft smile curved his lips before the whisper of his words touched her. “Can I keep you? Forever?”

  “You? How? It was you?” Hanine’s voice whispered in faint awe.

  She didn’t move as his pale hand rose to touch her. She felt his warm fingers slide down over her cheek. A soft gasp escaped her at the tenderness of his touch.

  “Your skin is just as soft as I imagined it would be,” Aaron remarked.

  Hanine’s dazed eyes followed him as he turned away to follow her sister and his brother. She raised a shaky hand to touch her cheek. Her lips parted in confused wonder as he looked back over his shoulder at her. A small, boyish smile curved his lips before he turned back.

  “Oh my,” Hanine whispered as her heart melted at the look.


  Evetta hurried after Ben. She could feel his concern. It was strange that just after a week, her body knew his. She squeezed his fingers in understanding. She had not planned on telling her sister about them yet.

  She was breathless by the time he pulled her into the small room she had discovered him in a short time ago. He murmured something to his brother before the door closed, sealing them alone inside. She started to explain but the words died on her lips when Ben pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

  It was several long minutes before he released her and leaned his forehead against hers. Evetta held onto his broad shoulders for support, pulling in gasping breaths. Her heart was thundering in her chest and she swore she would have collapsed if he had not been holding her tightly against him.

  “I missed you,” he finally choked out, pressing another kiss to her forehead. “It tears me up every time you walk away from me. I have nightmares of you being attacked again.”

  “Hush, do not worry for me,” Evetta murmured, threading her fingers through his dark hair. “I miss you as well, Ben. I want you. I need you.”

  Ben’s breath exploded from his chest at her softly spoken words. He had re-arranged the small room where she had first discovered him. He had removed the two chairs and installed one of the narrow benches that made into a bed. It wasn’t much but as no one else ever used the room, he had taken it over as his. Now, it would be theirs.

  “I need you, Evetta,” Ben groaned softly as his hands came up to cup her small breasts. “I want you.”

  Evetta could feel his desire pressed against her stomach. That she had this type of effect on him ignited her own needs to a raging inferno. She ached for his touch. Pulling back just far enough to put a small amount of space between them, her fingers moved to fastenings on the front of his shirt. Her fingers trembled slightly as she began undoing them.

  “Evetta,” Ben whispered. “Are you sure? Once I make love to you, you will be mine. I won’t let you go. I don’t know what the future holds for me. I have nothing to give you but I won’t let you go.”

>   Evetta continued undoing the fastenings. She pushed his shirt off of his broad shoulders, running her fingers over them and down his arms. Her eyes met his, holding them so he could see that she had no doubts about what she wanted.

  “I have never been more sure of anything in my life, Ben. None of us know what the future brings. All I need to know is that you care for me. I ask for nothing else.”


  A shudder ran through Ben as Evetta’s soft words poured over him. He knew beyond a doubt that he loved her. He had not been lying when he said it tore him apart to watch her walk away from him each night.

  He knew the violence that was the part of life among the Marastin Dow even if Behr and the other crew members did their best to shield him and Aaron from it. More than once a crew member had not returned from duty or came back bloody from a fight.

  He groaned when Evetta ran her hands over his chest. The slight tug on the hair covering his chest was intoxicating. When her hands moved downward, following the path as it disappeared under the waistline of his pants he knew he had to stop her before he came in his pants.

  “My turn,” he demanded hoarsely.

  His hands slid down to grasp the bottom of her shirt. With one quick tug, he pulled it over her head. Her skin was smooth under his rough palms. He slid them up to cup the rounded mounds of her breasts. The tips stood taut and proud, the nipples a darker purple than the surrounding skin.

  He lowered his head to grasp one of the stiff peaks between his lips. He sucked hard, holding it gently between his teeth while he teased it with his tongue. He was rewarded with her loud gasp and the feel of her fingers threading roughly through his hair to hold him against her.

  He dropped his right hand down to touch her between her legs. The material of her pants clung to her and he could feel her heat through it. He caressed her as he continued to tease her taut nipples. He groaned again when she began moving against his palm.


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