
Home > Romance > SyFy_Gender_Swapped_in_Space_Bundle > Page 4
SyFy_Gender_Swapped_in_Space_Bundle Page 4

by Alyson Belle

  Jeeves made a sound like a mechanical sigh and floated up higher. “Despite the inaccuracies introduced by your banter, I am thrilled to announce that Miss Mitchell is absolutely pregnant, and about one month along. The developing child is in perfect health, and she will soon begin to show signs of the pregnancy.”

  Lana cheered and grabbed my shoulder. “Did you hear that? You’re going to be a mama! A space mama.” He grabbed his crotch. “Good job, dick. You’re shooting true.”

  I made a face, still reeling with the reality of what was happening around me. It was so weird to be a woman, let alone a pregnant woman, and despite my constant hunger for Lana’s cock I was still annoyed that her alleged “prank” had caused us to wind up in these situations.

  “Am I going to start getting morning sickness and puking my brains out? What other pregnancy stuff should I expect?” I asked Jeeves as I lowered my legs from the stirrups and stepped out of the chair. It melted into the ground behind me, blending in with the other vegetation, and I retrieved my discarded dress and gingerly began to tug it back on over my body.

  “Our advanced medical technology should prevent the worst of the morning sickness from affecting you, but you will develop as normal for an Earth human female otherwise. Your belly will expand as the child grows inside of you, and your breasts will swell with milk and grow tender. Proper nutrition and exercise will be very important, and we’ll see to it that you have plenty of both as you carry the child to term.” On that note, Jeeves did his little retreating act and floated up, up, up into the sky until we couldn’t see him anymore, although we’d figured out in the prior weeks that we could summon him instantly with a word, so the distance was just yet another optical holographic illusion.

  “Mmmm,” Lana said, coming up behind me and grabbing my tits through the thin, shimmery material that barely covered my breasts and ass. “Big, swollen, pregnancy tits. Sounds pretty hot. God, I want to just take you right now again.” He squeezed my breasts and sent another little thrill of pleasure through my body and another gush of fresh wetness between my legs, but I disentangled myself and stepped away from him even though all I wanted to do was bend over and grind my sex against his hard, massive cock.

  “Lana…” I said with a note of warning in my voice. “Look, I love that this is all super hot for you, but it’s still pretty weird for me. Can we talk about this for a minute?”

  “Tell you what…” Lana said, closing the distance between us again. “Why don’t we play, just a little, and then we can talk about whatever you want.”

  Lana knew his old body well, and he touched me on the place on my neck where he knew that it would make my knees weak. A shiver ran down my spine, and my yearning need for him grew even worse. His wandering hands were already breezing over my erogenous zones and making it awfully hard to think, and as much as I wanted to talk I also wanted him to bend me over a holographic space rock and fuck my brains out.

  I moaned with need, wishing my hormones didn’t make fucking a priority imperative every fifteen minutes for both of us. It was hard to get anything done, and Lana was always horny. I dimly remembered what that felt like, having been a teenage boy once upon a time, and I shook my head to think what it would have felt like to have an eager and willing fuckbuddy who looked like a Victoria’s Secret supermodel ready and raring to go all the time at that point in my life.

  “Ahhh, fine!” I cried, overwhelmed with the growing need in my loins. There actually was a rock nearby, and I bit my lip and pointed a trembling, delicate finger at it. “Take me there, would you?”

  Chapter 7

  Lana obliged my request willingly, nudging me with gentle thrusts over toward the rock and bent me over it. I called it a “rock” because that’s what it looked like, but really everything here had the same spongy consistency of firm, pliable sex furniture: fun to play with, and nothing we could actually hurt ourselves on, which made perfect sense if you were trying to get Earthlings to spend all day banging each other in your sexy fuck garden.

  My firm torso was bent over the cool, comfortable surface of the rock, and Lana carefully nudged my legs wider with his knee and hiked my dress up to mid-waist. Our benefactors didn’t believe in underwear. Why bother, when the point was to get the males to fuck the females all the time? Now a warm tropical breeze passed over my intimate lady parts once again, making me shiver and giggle to myself in anticipation. Lana’s hand was hot on my back, and he sent a questing hand down to slap my pussy and give a few quick exploratory strokes while I wiggled in delight.

  “You’re soaking wet down there, you little minx,” he said. “Been having some dirty thoughts while we stood there arguing? Couldn’t wait to get this big, hard cock in you, could you?”

  My cheeks burned in embarrassment since of course he was right, and I didn’t need him to know that I was just as horny as he was all the time, but any thoughts of arguing fled when he started slapping that big fat cock against my exposed pussy. Each wet thwack as his warm rod connected with my wet folds was like an orgasmic shot of pleasure that thumped through me, and I moaned and spread my legs even wider, turning my ass up higher and mentally urging him to take me. My breasts were bunched up against the yielding surface beneath me and alive with sensation, and every time Lana ran his rough hands over my legs I bit my lip harder, sighed, and imagine him seizing my flesh and plunging his girth deep, deep inside of me.

  I whined piteously, begging for his cock to enter me, and Lana gave a throaty chuckle. “Oh man, you do want it bad. Some military man you are. Look at you. Just a horny, dirty little slut begging for her man’s cock.”

  The words irked me, but I was too distracted to care very much. The yearning, hot need beneath my legs was overpowering, and I managed to gasp out. “Shut up and fuck me!”

  Lana chuckled again, seizing my ass and wrapping his hands around my thighs with a forceful motion that drew a sharp gasp from between my parted lips. He edged the tip of his dick into my pussy, holding me still and driving me crazy with his teasing. I gripped the rock and pushed back hard, trying to plunge him into me, but he held me tightly, and I couldn’t do anything but writhe with need.

  “Oh no,” he said playfully. “You need to earn this cock. Tell me what a little slut you are.”

  “What? Lana, please…” I begged, whining and pushing back as he eased the tip of his cock up and down the moist, shallow lips of my sex.

  “Say it. Say you’re a stupid, fucktoy whore and you love begging for your man’s cock. You love being dominated. Say it.”

  I couldn’t help it. At that point I would have done anything to get him inside of me. “Fine, yes. I’m a stupid fucktoy whore and I love your cock and I love being dominated and please for the love of god would you slide your dick inside of me!” The last part came out as a high-pitched scream because I wanted him so badly.

  When I’d said the magic words, he leaned in close over my back and whispered into my ear, “Good girl.”

  Then he shoved himself deep inside of me, stretching me out and filling me up with his warm, smooth, throbbing cock. It felt so good that I wanted to scrabble around and just wiggle on the length of it, drinking in the sensation of every inch of my sex being stimulated at once from the inside by his manly, grunting thrusts, as he began to vigorously fuck me just like I’d needed and demanded.

  My fingernails dug into the soft surface of the rock as his violent motions pushed me further and further toward my climax, and I closed my eyes and just accepted the sensation of being ridden like an animal, taken by my mate, fucked within an inch of my sanity like every inch of my biologically female imperative demanded.

  As Lana thrust one final glorious time, I felt him shudder in ecstasy and explode inside of me, filling me up with his sticky, white seed, and the sudden surging burst of warmth drew another crying gasp out of me. A gush of wetness forced itself from between my legs, and my whole body shook with the force of the orgasmic wall of force that slammed into me and threatened to squeez
e the very breath from my body with it’s shuddering, amazing impact. I felt like I was being carried through streams of pure delight, and when the shudders subsided, I drew myself up in a wobbly, staggering, sweaty mess and cleaned my legs and pussy off with a nearby plant that released cool, watery sap and seemed tailor-made for this purpose. I squinted at it again, noting that it probably had been tailor-made for this purpose.

  Lana grinned at me and stretched his arms over his head.

  “Damn, that was great,” he said. “You really are a dirty little girl when you want it.”

  I grimaced at him. “Shut up. You’re not getting off that easily. Just because it feels so damn good to get pounded like that doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want to me.” I straightened myself, dusting off my dress as I smoothed it back down over my soft, creamy thighs, and fixed Lana with my best intimidating glare. He grinned back at me, so it didn’t quite have the impact I was hoping it might.

  “Can we please talk about your little ‘prank’ you pulled now?” I asked him. “Now that we’ve both had our fun for the moment?”

  Lana rolled his eyes. “Man, they really did turn you into a chick. Wanting to talk all the time and everything… wouldn’t it be more fun to play sex tag again?” He lifted his eyebrows and raised his hands with a sexy growl. “I’m still horny. I could probably go again right now…”

  I held a hand out to ward him off, annoyed at the twinge beneath my legs that informed me that I was ready to go again already too. We really were as bad as teens! It had been like this for weeks, fucking like rabbits, multiple times a day. I wondered when he was going to get tired of it, but if his body felt anything like mine—and I knew how male sex drives worked—there wouldn’t be any ‘getting tired of it.’ I backed a few steps up to try to reduce the temptation and shot him another warning glare.

  “Stop it! I’m serious, Lana. Every time I try to talk about our situation this last month, you’ve changed the subject. I’m just trying to understand what landed me in this body, okay? I’m carrying your baby, apparently, so the least you could do is humor me.”

  “Fiiiine.” He crossed his arms with a sigh. “If we have to. Let’s talk. As long as we get to fuck again later.”

  Chapter 8

  “So tell me again how this whole situation happened, Lana,” I said, settling down beside him and trying to demonstrate with my posture and tone that it was time to have a serious conversation. “You said it was a prank gone wrong and an innocent mistake.”

  He stared at me sullenly. “Look, if we’re going to have a serious talk, let’s get something else straight, first. Isn’t it weird that we keep calling me Lana and you James?”

  I blinked at him in surprise. “What do you mean? That’s my name.”

  “I just mean… well, look at you.” He motioned up and down my sexy, feminine form. “You don’t look like much of a James. I think we should swap names too, to go with our bodies.”

  I sighed. It was a weird request, and I wasn’t in much of a mood to humor Lana. “What does it matter? There’s no other humans to judge us. Why not go by the names we’ve always had?”

  “Well, that’s not strictly true,” he said. “There are some other humans.”

  “What? We’re not the only survivors?”

  Lana tsked and shook his head. “Obviously not. You can’t start a whole new civilization with just one female. You need a whole harem with enough diversity to avoid genetic issues. We were just the first to be frozen. There were others that came after us. Haven’t you been reading the records?”

  I blushed. “I’ve been kind of busy exploring this new body since we awoke, and you’re the archivist. I spent all my time training to understand complex technical systems prior to being frozen, not reviewing every little detail of the plan. I’m a good soldier and did what they told me.”

  “Well, when Jeeves wakes up the next few women for me to impregnate, it’s going to be weird to have you calling me Lana. We need to fix that.” He snapped his fingers while I reeled, processing this new revelation. “Jeeves! Jeeves.”

  Jeeves materialized between us like he’d been there and invisible all along. “How can I assist you, good master?”

  “Jeeves, can you give us a little help to swap our names around? It’s confusing to us to have names of the wrong gender.”

  “Certainly, we can make some small edits to your memories,” Jeeves announced.

  “Wait, hold on!” I said, but Jeeves was already whirring up to do something. A small beam shot out of him into my forehead, with a matching one headed for Lana’s forehead. There was a flash across my field of vision, and for a moment I felt dizzy. I grabbed James’ shoulder to steady myself.

  Hang on… James’ shoulder? But I’m James… no, I’m Lana. I shook my head, confused. I knew factually that I was James T. Mitchell, but somehow Jeeves had replaced all my self-references with the word ‘Lana’ in my head. Even though I was aware of my history, I couldn’t help but think about myself as Lana May King, and the man beside me as James T. Mitchell. My eyes widened slightly as I stared at my male companion that I now knew as James.

  “What the hell?” I demanded. “Give me back my identity! This is too weird.”

  “Would you like me to reverse it?” Jeeves asked.

  “Yes!” I insisted.

  “No,” James replied. “She’ll get used to it, and it’s going to be easier this way. Sorry, Lana.”

  Jeeves buzzed for a moment as though accessing his memory banks. “I apologize, Miss King, but when there is a irreconcilable conflict between humans, I have been instructed to obey the commands of the male human. I understand that this is consistent with your history and cultural norms, as inconvenient as you may find it. Please work to reconcile the dispute among yourselves.”

  “But I’m the man!” I protested. “She’s supposed to be the woman. It’s just an error that landed me here!”

  “I understand, but regrettably, your current biology is the determining factor here. It would be unfair to the other women coming to do otherwise.” Jeeves floated up into the sky again without waiting for a response, while I stared after him with my mouth hanging open.

  “What other women? When will they show up?” I shouted, finding my voice again. I turned toward James and stomped my foot. “This is bullshit!”

  He chuckled. “You’ll get used to it, Lana. Come on, relax. We’re in paradise.” He wrapped his arms protectively around my body, and I relaxed at his touch by instinct. I was mad at him, but my supercharged biology was winning out and forcing me to yield to this strong, capable man touching me in all the right places.

  “It’s not like I can do anything about it in this stupid patriarchal society,” I grumbled.

  James laughed out loud. “Oh, now you hate the patriarchy? That’s so cute.” He slapped my ass. “Come on, let’s fuck.”

  “Wait! I still want to talk about your little prank.”

  “Not this again… Lana, come on. What’s there to talk about? We know how we ended up in these bodies. Our old bodies decayed, and the aliens made us new ones. The ensigns had joked with me about how funny it would be to have the wrong biology associated with our memories in the record archives, and so I swapped them, never thinking it would actually matter… or that even if it did, they’d be able to see the error and re-do the operation. How was I supposed to know that it would actually happen and that they’d only have enough material for one shot?”

  I glared at him. “That’s an awfully irresponsible prank, James. It doesn’t become a military officer at all.”

  He frowned, clearly annoyed at the whole conversation. “Look, I never intended for this to happen, Lana. What do you want me to do now? I can’t help it. We need to just accept it and move on, for the good of the human race.”

  I still wasn’t ready to just accept my fate as the pregnant carrier of the new human species without getting my chance to give James the tongue-lashing he deserved for such an egregious error, but bef
ore I could really lay into him we were interrupted by the whooshing opening of one of the invisible doors that led to other parts of the space station. Two drop-dead beautiful women stepped into the glade where we were arguing, and they dropped their mouths open in sighs and gasps of wonder at the beautiful environment which surrounded us. They both wore the same, shimmery dresses I had on, with similar supermodel-like dimensions. One of them had fiery red hair shaped in a pretty, wavy bob, and the other had straight, long hair the color of fire-warmed chestnuts.

  They both smiled as they saw us, and the red-headed girl flounced over to sweep me up in a huge, tight hug. It seemed that my appetite for women hadn’t diminished at all despite my enjoyment of James’ cock, because when our breasts rubbed together and her hot body flattened against mine, I instantly felt another twinge of need spark between my legs.

  “Captains Lana and James!” she cried. “We’re so happy to see you. You two are legends! The first heroes of the USHPS. We’re the Gen-2 girls that were added some years after you, and we’re here to help you with the mission. I’m Minny, and my friend is Lindsay.” She gestured at the brown-haired girl who smiled shyly at James. He couldn’t keep his eyes off their bodies, but then, neither could I.

  “Welcome, ladies,” James said with a wry smile.

  I glowered at him. I probably should have spilled the beans and told them what was going on, but for one thing, I was embarrassed about being stuck in a woman’s body now that there were other people to judge and pity me, and for another I was pretty distracted by the warmth of Minny’s body and my own form’s growing, demanding need. She pushed back away from me with a wink.

  My jaw dropped open as Minny and Lindsay stripped their dresses off, standing stark naked in front of us.

  “What are you doing?” I demanded.

  “Carrying out the mission,” Lindsay said with a smile. “We know you probably got a jump start on things, since you were awoken first, but it’s your right, of course, as the first female on the expedition.”


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