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B00DPX9ST8 EBOK Page 59

by Parkin, Lance

  [1365] Dating TimeH: The Severed Man (TimeH #5) - A time-sensitive tells Honoré and Emily that they’re in 1921 (p108). Strangely, though, TimeH: Echoes p10 seems to state that these events happened in 1924.

  [1366] Dating The Daleks’ Master Plan (4.4) - The script for episode seven, “The Feast of Steven”, specified a date of “1919”, but publicity material released on 1st October, 1965, stated that the TARDIS lands in “California 1921”. The film being made is a talkie, which means this must be after the release of The Jazz Singer in 1927. Numerous Hollywood personalities are seen or hinted at in the episode. Actor Rudolph Valentino made his debut in 1914, but was only really famous after The Sheik in 1921. Actor Douglas Fairbanks Sr. debuted in 1915, but he wasn’t “big” (as he is described in the episode) until The Three Musketeers in 1921. Chaplin’s debut was 1914, but the film we see in production strongly resembles Gold Rush (1924). Bing Crosby didn’t go to Hollywood until 1930. DWM writer Richard Landen claimed a date of “1929”, The TARDIS Special offered “c.1920”.

  [1367] The Wages of Sin

  [1368] Angus relates the story in Terror of the Zygons.

  [1369] According to Commander Millington, the accident happened “over twenty years” before The Curse of Fenric, and Judson appears to blame Millington for it. The novelisation, also written by Ian Briggs, confirms that Millington was culpable.

  [1370] “Wormwood”

  [1371] TW: Trace Memory

  [1372] TW: The Twilight Streets

  [1373] TimeH: Kitsune

  [1374] Assassin in the Limelight. This is said to have taken place in “the summer of 23 or 24”, but Fender was more at his height in the former year, as England dropped him after 1924.

  [1375] “The Age of Ice”. The likely suspect here is The Life of Ernest Shackleton (1923), published a year after Shackleton’s death, but it’s unclear who did the censoring as UNIT didn’t yet exist.

  [1376] Dating Paradox Lost (NSA #48) - The exact day is given (p233).

  [1377] Dating Timewyrm: Exodus (NA #2) - Part Two of the novel is set during the Munich Putsch, which took place between the 8th and 9th of November 1923. A textbook quoted in the novel erroneously gives the month as “September” (p95).

  [1378] Illegal Alien

  [1379] Iris: The Panda Invasion. Historically speaking, the claim is a strange one. Eric Blair, a.k.a. George Orwell, wasn’t incarcerated but did serve as an imperial policeman in Burma from 1922 to 1927. Perhaps Iris was imprisoned and Orwell was her jailor.

  [1380] To the Slaughter

  [1381] Circular Time: “Spring”. George Mallory and Andrew Irvine perished while attempting to climb Everest in June 1924, which perhaps makes the Doctor and Nyssa’s light-hearted banter about the topic a little inappropriate.

  [1382] Torchwood.org.uk, elaborating on TW: From Out of the Rain.

  [1383] First mentioned in The Scarlet Empress, with year specified in Iris: Enter Wildthyme.

  [1384] “Forty-three years” before Thin Ice.

  [1385] TW: Golden Age. The specific days are given - which is fortunate, as the time between 1924 and 2009 is variably rounded as “eighty years”, “about eighty years”, “over eighty years”, and “nearly ninety years”. The Duchess offhandedly suggests that Torchwood India collected, amongst other things, Yeti spheres and a one-eyed yellow idol from the north of Kathmandu. It’s difficult to imagine The Abominable Snowmen taking place before 1924 (this book dates it to 1935), so perhaps she’s just being whimsical about having such items.

  [1386] The Resurrection of Mars. It’s a common misconception that “Caesar salad” originated with Julius Caesar - it actually started with Caesar Cardini, who is said to have created it during a 4th of July rush on his restaurant in 1924. Cardini died in 1956.

  [1387] The Magic Mousetrap. The Weimar lasted from 1919-1933, and the height of its cabaret was 1930-ish, but Lola presumably performed before The Magic Mousetrap takes place in 1926.

  [1388] Dating The Clockwise Man (NSA #1) - The date is given.

  [1389] Dating FP: Warlords of Utopia (FP novel #3) - Scriptor is “18” when this sequence of events starts.

  [1390] FP: The Book of the War

  [1391] Dating “The Futurists” (DWM #372-374) - It is “two decades into the new century”, and the Doctor says it is 1925 later in the story.

  [1392] Island of Death

  [1393] TW: Miracle Day

  [1394] Dating Black Orchid (19.5) - The Doctor says it is “three o’clock, June the eleventh, nineteen hundred and twenty-five”.

  [1395] The Mind Robber

  [1396] Carnival of Monsters. The Doctor has heard of the disappearance of the SS Bernice, but we see it vanish from the MiniScope and apparently return to its native time at the end of episode four. Perhaps the ship didn’t arrive home safely after all. Alternatively, perhaps the Doctor’s actions alter history, although this would make for something of a paradox.

  [1397] The Girl Who Never Was

  [1398] Dating “The Gods Walk Among Us” (DWM #59) - The year is given in the opening caption.

  [1399] Dating “Silver Scream” (IDW DW Vol. 1 #1-2) - A caption in issue #1 states that it’s “1926”, although when the Doctor returns to the scene in “Fugitive”, the caption says “1927”. It’s 1926 again when we see Maplin’s party once more at the end of “Final Sacrifice”. Matthew specifies in “Don’t Step on the Grass” that he met the Doctor in “late June 1926”, which would concur with a mention of Rudolph Valentino that implies he’s still alive - he died suddenly in August that year. Bizarrely, in ”Don’t Step on the Grass”, the Doctor wonders why Matthew - a native of 1926 - has never read The Lord of the Rings, which was published in 1954.

  [1400] Dating The Magic Mousetrap (BF #120) - The year is given. This adventure appears to finish with two “pieces” of the Toymaker still lodged in Ace’s mind. The Toymaker claims he deliberately gave up his powers just to know what it was like to lose, but that could just be hyperbole.

  [1401] Dating The Unicorn and the Wasp (X4.07) - The Doctor sniffs the air and states it’s the “1920s”, then later finds a newspaper giving the date as “8 December 1926”. Christie’s disappearance on that day is a matter of historical record; she was found on 19th December.

  [1402] The Androids of Tara. José Raúl Capablanca y Graupera lived 1888-1942. He spent six years as a world chess champion, ending in 1927.

  [1403] “Fellow Travellers”. This may or may not be a reference to The Abominable Snowman. If so, it’s unclear which character Ella’s grandfather was.

  [1404] TW: Trace Memory

  [1405] Serpent Crest: Tsar Wars

  [1406] Dating Real Time (BF BBCi #1) - Dr. Goddard identifies the date of Cyber-infection.

  [1407] Dating TW: Miracle Day (TW 4.7) - The year is twice given in captions. Angelo and Jack watch fireworks set off for the 4th of July celebrations, and Jack mentions that Franklin Roosevelt will be elected governor of New York “this November” (actually incorrect - that happened in November 1928, not 1927). The visa permit that Jack forges for Angelo bears the starting date of 2nd June, 1927, the expiration date of 9th December. The Trickster’s Brigade is a recurring villain in The Sarah Jane Adventures.

  [1408] The Power of Kroll, and also mentioned in Serpent Crest: Aladdin Time. Dame Nellie Melba lived 1861-1931.

  [1409] Doctor Who - The Movie. It’s possible these encounters were all on the same visit: Freud lived 1865-1939, Marie Curie 1867-1934, and Puccini 1858-1924. The only date given is that the Doctor was with Puccini shortly before he died.

  [1410] The Devil Goblins from Neptune

  [1411] Relative Dementias. This is possibly a misremembering of Doctor Who - The Movie. The Doctor name-dropped Puccini in that story, but it was Leonardo da Vinci who had the cold.

  [1412] The City of the Dead

  [1413] Grimm Reality

  [1414] Borrowed Time (p126).

  [1415] The Curse of the Black Spot

  [1416] Illegal Alien (p83)

  [1417] Phantasmagoria

  [1418] “Silent Scream”

  [1419] Dating TW: Miracle Day (TW 4.7) - Angelo has been locked away for “a year” when Jack re-enters his life, and Jack’s torture in the basement is later referenced as occurring in “1928”.

  [1420] Dating The Glamour Chase (NSA #42) - The exact day is given (p23).

  [1421] Timewyrm: Revelation (p50), The Ghosts of N-Space (p147) and Unnatural History (p164). The Blinovitch Limitation Effect was first mentioned in Day of the Daleks (and subsequently in Invasion of the Dinosaurs and Mawdryn Undead). Episodes of New Who (particularly The Big Bang and A Christmas Carol) indicate the Limitation Effect has lost its potency, somehow.

  [1422] “Eighty years” before TW: From Out of the Rain, according to Captain Jack. The Torchwood Archives dates the Travellers’ encounter with Christina - seen as an old woman in the TV story - to 1928.

  [1423] TW: A Day in the Death. Isherwood, a novelist, resided in Berlin from 1929 to 1933. His meeting with Jack could have easily have happened in another year, but it’s perhaps relevant - given that Jack was involved - that Isherwood at this time capitalised upon Berlin’s relative sexual freedom to indulge his taste for “pretty youths” (The Telegraph, 18th May, 2004).

  [1424] Frozen Time, reflecting events from the Audio-Visuals story Endurance. Nick Briggs, who wrote Frozen Time, starred as the Doctor in that adventure.

  [1425] The Scales of Injustice, also referring to Endurance.

  [1426] “City of Devils”, and yet another reference to Endurance by The Scales of Injustice author Gary Russell. By 2012, the loss of the expedition is publicly acknowledged, not just rumoured.

  [1427] Dating The Hounds of Artemis (BBC DW audiobook #11) - The year is given.

  [1428] Dating The Stealers from Saiph (BF CC #3.12) - Romana’s narration tells us, “It was the summer of 1929.” Somewhat uniquely for a Doctor/first Romana story, this audio takes place between The Armageddon Factor and Destiny of the Daleks.

  [1429] Dating Blood Harvest (NA #28) - The blurb states it is 1929. The book is set during Prohibition (1919-1933), but while Al Capone is at liberty. In May 1929, Capone was sentenced to prison time for carrying a concealed weapon, so Blood Harvest occurs before that. He saw release in 1930; his more infamous conviction on tax evasion charges happened in 1931.

  [1430] Goth Opera

  [1431] Borrowed Time

  [1432] His student Ibbotson, nicknamed “Hippo”, identifies the car in Mawdryn Undead.

  [1433] The King of Terror (p179).

  [1434] “One night last winter” before Storm Warning.

  [1435] Four to Doomsday

  [1436] Four to Doomsday. No date given. Donald Bradman was born in 1908, playing for Australia from 1928-1948.

  [1437] Just War

  [1438] Option Lock. No date given. Jung lived 26th July, 1875, to 6th June, 1961.

  [1440] Deadly Reunion. No date given. Hemingway lived 1898-1961.

  [1441] “Thinktwice”. Hemingway lived 1899-1961. He appears in good health during his meeting with the Doctor, and was much less so after being nearly killed in a plane crash in 1952.

  [1442] The Hollows of Time. Ludwig Wittgenstein lived 1889-1951.

  [1443] Paradise 5. The Stooges were effectively active from 1925 until Larry Fine had a stroke in January 1970.

  [1444] TW: Department X

  [1445] SJA: The Day of the Clown

  [1446] “Forty years” before The Paradise of Death (p131).

  [1447] “Thirty years” before No More Lies.

  [1448] TW: From Out of the Rain, with The Torchwood Archives specifying that Jack did this undercover work in the “early 1930s”.

  [1449] TW: Almost Perfect

  [1450] Pier Pressure. Billy is obviously a young William Hartnell, who appeared in both films.

  [1451] Hexagora. Flynn lived 1909-1959. His first starring role was Captain Blood (1935).

  [1452] “At least” fifteen years before Pier Pressure.

  [1453] See The UNIT Era: Overview - the exact dates of the early years of Lethbridge-Stewart’s life are affected by the wider issue of when the UNIT stories are set.

  [1454] Island of Death

  [1455] The Shadows of Avalon (p3, 271).

  [1456] Island of Death

  [1457] Dating The Wormery (BF #51) - It is some point in “the thirties”.

  [1458] Dating The English Way of Death (MA #20) - The date is given (p23).

  [1459] From Torchwood.org.uk.

  [1460] “Fifty years” before Meglos.

  [1461] “Children of the Revolution”. In The Devil Goblins of Neptune, the third Doctor (as his internal monologue conveys to the reader) lies to Captain Yates that he “taught Jacques Cousteau everything he knows”.

  [1462] The Murder Game. No date is given.

  [1463] TW: Miracle Day

  [1464] Dating Storm Warning (BF #16) - It is stated that it is “early in October 1930”; the R-101 historically began its maiden flight on 4th October, 1930, and crashed the next day. The date is confirmed in Minuet in Hell and Neverland. According to The Chimes of Midnight, Charley was born the day the Titanic sank (or, rather, the night the ship hit the iceberg), and was eighteen years, five months and twenty-one days old when she met the Doctor.

  [1465] Dating Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks (X3.4-3.5) - Martha finds a newspaper just after the TARDIS lands, and it sets the date as “Saturday 1 November 1930”. Construction of the Empire State Building commended on 17th March, 1930, and it officially opened on 1st May, 1931.

  [1466] The Stolen Earth, Journey’s End.

  [1467] At least twenty years before TimeH: The Tunnel at the End of the Light.

  [1468] TimeH: Peculiar Lives. The blurb specifies this as happening “between the wars”, i.e. World War I and II, and a member of homo peculiar, Percival, was a 15 year old “five years” prior to 1950 (p21), meaning he was born in 1930.

  [1469] Dating Seasons of Fear (BF #30) - The play starts with the Doctor saying it’s the “cusp of the years 1930 and 1931”.

  [1470] The Rapture

  [1471] “The Final Chapter”

  [1472] The island resurfaces “four years, three months and six days” prior to Lurkers at Sunlight’s Edge.

  [1473] Dating TimeH: The Sideways Door (TimeH #10) - Honoré’s mother is killed “four months” before he turns 12 (p19), and he was born in either 1920 or 1921 (likely the former). A little confusingly, page 16 says that Honoré’s grandmother raised him “from early childhood” - not a term that’s typically attributed to an 11 year old.

  [1474] Torchwood.org.uk, elaborating on TW: From Out of the Rain.

  [1475] TW: Out of Time. Earhart really disappeared in 1937.

  [1476] Lazarus declares he is “seventy-six years old” in The Lazarus Experiment, which is set in 2008.

  [1477] Demon Quest: Starfall. She meets the actress, after a fashion, in the 1970s.

  [1478] The Forgotten Army. The code was presumably originated for the Doctor’s personal benefit, but it’s not said how this came about.

  [1479] Dating Hornets’ Nest: The Dead Shoes (BBC fourth Doctor audio #1.2) - It’s stated a number of times in this story and the previous one that it’s 1932. Hornets’ Nest: The Stuff of Nightmares says it’s “July”; the sleeve notes for The Dead Shoes include a newspaper clipping datelined “13th June 1932”, and which dates events to “last week”. Mrs Wibbsey’s first name is never given in dialogue, but appears in the sleeve notes of The Dead Shoes.

  [1480] Frontier Worlds

  [1481] “About seventy-eight years” before TW: Miracle Day.

  [1482] Eater of Wasps

  [1483] Mad Dogs and Englishmen

  [1484] The Year of Intelligent Tigers

  [1485] The Year of Intelligent Tigers, referring to events in Eater of Wasps.

  [1486] History 101. This was possibly during his second bout of world travelling in the sixties and seventies.

  [1487] Dati
ng Eater of Wasps (EDA #45) - The Doctor estimates “it is probably the 1930s. If pushed, I’d have to say 1933. Twenty-seventh of August in fact” (p10).

  [1488] Wolfsbane (p90).

  [1489] The Left-Handed Hummingbird (p58).

  [1490] Dating The Eye of the Giant (MA #21) - “The time is the eighth of June, nineteen thirty-four” (p42).

  [1491] Dating Lurkers at Sunlight’s Edge (BF #141) - The year is given.

  [1492] The King of Terror (p103).

  [1493] Wolfsbane. Page 93 says the werewolves were taken from the camp on 29th June, 1934; the hotel slaughter occurred the following evening. Historically, Hitler moved against Roehm and his Sturmabetilung because they could have staged a coup d’etat. He ordered the Sturmabetilung leaders to congregate at the Hanselbauer Hotel in Bad Wiesse near Munich, which is where the massacre in Wolfsbane evidently takes place. The purge is sometimes referred to as “The Night of the Long Knives”.

  [1494] The Highest Science (p257).

  [1495] The Time of Angels. Woolf lived 1882-1941.

  [1496] TW: Miracle Day

  [1497] Dating The Abominable Snowmen (4.2) - According to the Doctor, this story takes place “three hundred years” after events that the monk Thonmi says took place in “1630”. In The Web of Fear, Victoria states that the Travers Expedition took place in “1935”. In Downtime, Charles Bryce says it was “1936” (p65).

  [1498] The Nightmare of Black Island

  [1499] The Unicorn and the Wasp

  [1500] Just War

  [1501] The Ancestor Cell (p126), based on the writers’ guidelines. He was “27” in The Taint. His year of birth is “1935” in Escape Velocity. He celebrates his birthday on 7th March in Interference.

  [1502] Divided Loyalties

  [1503] According to an early format document for the series, dating from July 1963, Ian is “27”. Then again, William Russell, born in 1924, certainly looks older than that on screen.

  [1504] The Mind of Evil. The Long March was a massive retreat on the part of the Chinese Communist Army to elude the Kuomintang Army. It granted the Communists a needed respite in the north of China.

  [1505] The Cold Equations. Edward ruled 20th January, 1936, to 11th December of the same year.


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