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B00DPX9ST8 EBOK Page 92

by Parkin, Lance

  UNIT headquarters was still based in Geneva.

  Sarah Jane had Mr. Smith distribute a story claiming that Wi-Fi had gone mad all over the world, and given everyone the hallucination that they had become Harold Saxon. [1344] Mike Yates planned to attend the UNIT New Year reunion. [1345]

  2010 [1346]

  One Hornet had survived at Nest Cottage. Mrs Wibbsey disturbed it when she cleaned a pair of curtains, and it took control of her. It developed into a new swarm, which allied itself with an interdimensional demon capable of assuming different aspects, and began plotting its revenge on the Doctor... [1347] Dr. Vera Juarez, a future associate of Torchwood, made the decision not to resuscitate her mother after she suffered a massive stroke. [1348] The Samarands invaded Greece in 2010. [1349]

  The Halliwell Film Guide of 2010 contained a particularly scathing review of The True History of Planets movie, which was broadcast on television for the first time this year. Britain had a King at this time. [1350] The Americans researched military applications for Schumann Resonance, a set of low frequency peaks in Earth’s electro-magnetic spectrum. [1351] Earth’s scientists first noticed the dark tides that permeated the universe, but it would be a long time before they were understood. [1352]

  (=) The third Doctor surrendered Earth to the Martians. The Martians withdrew, and Earth became a nature reserve. The Doctor spent a thousand years living in Kent. [1353]

  c 2010 - Shadow of the Past [1354]

  The remains of the Mim scout locked in UNIT quarantine reconstituted, and merged with the remains of Sergeant Robin Marshall. Liz Shaw judged that the resultant hybrid, who looked like Marshall, had at least some of the man’s memories and possessed none of the Mim’s anger.

  2010 - Cuddlesome [1355]

  The fifth Doctor visited Angela Wisher, a Sussex resident who aided him during the Cuddlesome slaughterhouse three years previous.

  2010 - The Macros [1356]

  The space-time rift created by the Philadelphia Experiment interacted with the micro-universe containing the planet Capron. Presidenter (sic) Osloo had established a dictatorship, and tapped the rift to power her society and growing army. The sixth Doctor and Peri arrived on Capron, and Osloo increased the power being siphoned from the rift - the first gambit in her effort to conquer the macro-universe from which the travellers originated. The power drain caused the USS Eldridge, time-looped in the rift since 1943, to disintegrate entirely. The Doctor ended Osloo’s reign by neglecting to stabilise her temporal equilibrium after a trip to the macro-universe, which turned her into an infant. He also provided a battery which, hailing from the macro-universe, was powerful enough to fuel Capron for a million years.

  c 2010 - Memory Lane [1357]

  Travel to planets in the solar system was now feasible from Earth, and the Led Zeppelin spaceships were named after a public vote. Kim Kronotska became a commander in the Commonwealth Space Programme - a means of using British money to fire off rockets in the middle of the Outback - and participated in the Led Zeppelin II mission to the Martian moon of Phobos.

  The development of cryo-stasis facilitated grander ambitions. Kim, Tom Braudy and their colleague Samuel were dispatched aboard the Led Zeppelin IV to Jupiter, but a system failure drew them off course. They wouldn’t awaken for a hundred years. The eighth Doctor rescued Kim and Tom on the planet Lucentra, and returned them to their native era. They settled down together under adopted identities, letting the world believe they were lost in space.

  The film Star Begotten entailed a second sun appearing over Earth.

  2010 - Situation Vacant [1358]

  The Pan-Galactic Initiative on Dimensional Rifts had been established as an organisation that monitored rogue wormholes and other dimensional anomalies. On Earth, Situation Vacant was a reality show that had contestants competing for a job.

  The Meddling Monk had regenerated, and advertised for a new companion - then syphoned some of the more murderous and hapless respondents to a secondary location, and manipulated the eighth Doctor into handling them while he conducted the real auditions in an office in Soho. The less-than-desirable applicants assisted the Doctor in stopping a 20-foot-tall robot from menacing London. One of the companion hopefuls - Theo Lawson, a hacker who had caused a global recession - was killed. The Doctor asked another applicant, actress Tamsin Drew, to accompany him on his travels.

  Lucie Miller answered the Monk’s ad, and became his new companion. [1359]

  2010 - Apollo 23 [1360]

  The discontinued Saturn V rocket remained the biggest launch vehicle ever built by mankind. Base Delta, America’s secret moonbase, was being used to conduct clandestine experiments upon hardened criminals in an effort to remove their evil impulses, a.k.a. their Keller impulses.

  The gelatinous, slimy inhabitants of the planet Taleria discovered that their bodies were dying - each new generation of Talerians was more fragile than the one before it. The Talerians took control of Base Delta - part of their plan to mentally transfer their whole race into humanity. The eleventh Doctor was briefly stranded on Earth, and rode aboard Apollo 23 - a standby Saturn V (serial No. SA-521) that had been mothballed since the 1970s, and was made to run on M3 Variant fuel - to reunite with Amy and the TARDIS aboard Base Delta. They stymied the Talerians’ efforts, and decompression burst the Talerians’ bodies. The quantum link emanating from Base Delta became nonfunctional, and it was expected that the base would be unsustainable without it.

  2010 - Code of the Krillitanes [1361]

  In London, the tenth Doctor was surprised to see ordinary people demonstrate amazing mental feats. They had been eating Brainy Crisps - which the Doctor tested and discovered contained Krillitane Oil. At the Brainy Crisps home office, he learned that the Krillitane were planning to harness the power of social networking to solve the riddle of life. They also created a new generation of Krillitane - only to find that the Director of Computing at Brainy Crisps had programmed the new Krillitane to be polite and agreeable. The two factions clashed with one another, which destroyed the Brainy Chips factory - and both generations of Krillitane - in an explosion.

  2010 (a Saturday night) - The Forgotten Army [1362]

  The eleventh Doctor told Amy that the sausage-burgers served at Big Paulie’s Sausages - a battered old trolly in Manhattan where a tired-looking man flipped burgers - became so renowned in future that all manner of beings (including Judoon, Graske, cat-people and Haemo-Goths) journeyed back through time to discretely consume them. Such time travellers had to endure a 12-year waiting list; the Doctor claimed to have circumvented this by purchasing the street on which the trolley stood, and named it after Amy. He recommended to her the “Doctor Burger”: “like a cheeseburger but with extra bacon, sausage and steak. And a bit of chicken... No ketchup though. Absolutely banned.” [1363]

  The 99th Vykoid Expeditionary Force revived, and arranged for a human expedition to find its (secretly robotic) woolly mammoth frozen in ice. The New York Times proclaimed, “New York Welcomes Wooly the Mammoth” as the “creature” was taken to the New York Natural History Museum. The Vykoids deployed a Time Freeze and used their combat vehicles to round up New Yorkers for use in the desiccated Vykoid slave mines on Cassetia 2. In the brouhaha to follow, New York was cut off from the outside world: the Vykoids sealed off all access routes with debris, brainwashed every member of the New York Police Department to corral the populace, and plunged the city into its worst power outage since 1922.

  The Doctor and Amy commandeered the mammoth and “swam” it across the Hudson, then used a Vykoid teleport device in the Statue of Liberty to send the invaders away from Earth. The Time Freeze ended, and the New Yorkers lost all memory of what had triggered the chaos.

  (=) 2010 - “The Golden Ones” [1364]

  The time-child Chiyoko freed Axos from the time loop in which it was trapped, and it transmogrified its form to become the Shining Dawn Tower in Tokyo. Axons disguised as humans formed the Shining Dawn Corporation and marketed a brain-boosting drink
that claimed to increase the intelligence of children. UNIT summoned the eleventh Doctor and Amy upon discovering that Tokyo’s children were becoming noticeably smarter, and chemical analysis claimed the drink was ordinary water.

  Axos converted the fifty thousand children who drank the brain-booster (actually Axonite molecules changed to look like water) into little Axons. A state of emergency was declared as they secured government offices and utilities in Tokyo. Axos absorbed enough energy from the Tokyo grid to transform into a giant Axon monster, and initiated its nutrition cycle. The Doctor reversed the polarity of the neutron flow, and broadcast a message that the Tokyo residents should switch on all their electrical devices. The power drain killed Axos, and freed the children.

  The TARDIS absorbed some of Axos’ genetic material, which aided in Chiyoko’s creation. She later reversed the effects of her interference. [1365]

  = 2010 - Doomsday [1366]

  On Pete’s World, Harriet Jones was President and there was optimism for a new global age. However, in the last sixth months, the planet’s average temperature had risen by two degrees. Lumic’s Cybermen were infiltrating our universe - Pete Tyler and Torchwood helped to defeat them, then sealed off travel between the two universes. Rose, Mickey and Jackie were stuck in the parallel universe.

  A few months after arriving in the parallel universe, Rose was contacted by the Doctor. She said goodbye to him at Dárlig Ulv Stranden (“Bad Wolf Bay”) in Norway, and announced that Jackie was three months pregnant with Pete’s child.

  2010 - Vincent and the Doctor [1367]

  The eleventh Doctor and Amy visited the Musee d’Orsay museum in Paris to see a van Gogh exhibition. The Doctor saw a monster in the painting The Church at Auvers, and he and Amy hurried to 1890, when van Gogh painted it. A few days later, they brought van Gogh himself to the museum, to show him that he was considered one of the greatest painters of all time. Van Gogh still committed suicide in his own era, but the painting he dedicated to Amy, Still Life: Vase with Twelve Sunflowers, was on display in the museum.

  2010 - The Big Bang [1368]

  As the eleventh Doctor regressed through his timeline, he saw Amy place a card in a newsagent’s shop that would prompt him to become the lodger of Craig Owens...

  2010 - The Lodger (TV) [1369]

  A prototype timeship crashed in Colchester, Essex - its crew died, and the vessel’s emergency programme made it blend in with the local architecture. It became the top floor of a house; Craig Owens lived on the main level. The TARDIS was headed for the fifth moon of Sinda Callista, but instead arrived in Colchester and was caught in a materialisation loop. Amy was trapped in the TARDIS while the eleventh Doctor was left behind and became Craig’s lodger - he spent three days excelling at football, matchmaking Craig with Craig’s friend Sophie and using the nontechnology technology of the Lammasteens to detect that the time engine was upstairs. The timeship was seeking someone who wanted to travel, but Craig and Sophie’s desire to stay caused it to implode. The TARDIS landed properly, and the Doctor went back to retroactively smooth the way for his becoming Craig’s lodger, which included having Amy drop off an advert in her handwriting for him to find.

  2010 (March) – TW: The House of the Dead [1370]

  The House of the Dead, reputed to be the most haunted pub in Wales, had a change of ownership and was slated to become flats. An alignment in space-time, combined with a final séance being held in the House as part of its “closing down” party, accorded Syriath the Death Feeder the opportunity to enter our universe. Jack Harkness interceded, but was confronted by the “ghost” of Ianto Jones, whom Syriath had re-created by reaching through time. Ianto’s shade sacrificed itself to detonate a box of rocks and coal laced with Rift energy – the resulting dust storm destroyed Syriath, and sealed the Rift forever.

  2010 (March) - TW: Children of Earth [1371]

  Jack Harkness had travelled across the world while coming to terms with events concerning the 456, but deemed Earth as too small, and that it felt like a graveyard. He briefly met with Gwen and Rhys, who returned his Vortex Manipulator; it had been recovered from the Hub’s remains. He then accepted a lift from a cold fusion cruiser surfing the ion reefs at the edge of the solar system.

  Jack ended up at an alien bar. He saw the tenth Doctor for one last time, and the Doctor introduced him to Alonzo Frame, a former midshipman aboard the starship Titanic. [1372]

  2010 (April) - TW: First Born [1373]

  Gwen and Rhys escaped Cardiff and went underground when government agents tried to capture them.

  2010 (spring) - The End of Time (TV) [1374]

  The tenth Doctor attended Donna Noble’s wedding. Joshua and Abigail Naismith had been arrested. The Doctor gave Donna a triple rollover winning lottery ticket... bought with a pound he had borrowed from Donna’s late father, Geoffrey Noble.

  c 2010 / 2010 (spring) - Death and Diplomacy / Happy Endings [1375]

  The small, furry, three-eyed Skrak constructed automatons to pose as the “Hollow Gods”: purportedly powerful beings who demanded that the rival empires of the Czhans, the Saloi and the Dakhaari negotiate a peace accord on Moriel - a world at the intersection of their territory. In truth, the Skrak were steering the empires toward war so they could ransack their remains and become more powerful. The Skrak also diverted the seventh Doctor to Moriel as they hoped to obtain his TARDIS. The Doctor’s companions - Bernice, Roz and Chris - were transmatted to other worlds to deprive him of help.

  Bernice encountered the rogue Jason Kane, who had been travelling the Dagellan Cluster for about fifteen years. The two of them consummated their relationship and, despite their abandonment issues, increasingly fell in love. The Doctor foiled the Skrak’s plans and broadcast an announcement from “the Hollow Gods” that the talks had been a resounding success, establishing peace. Afterwards, Benny broke the news to the Doctor that she’d accepted Jason’s marriage proposal.

  Guests from across space and time attended the wedding of Bernice Summerfield and Jason Kane in the Norfolk village of Cheldon Bonniface. Those present included - thanks to the seventh Doctor’s efforts - Roz, Chris, Ace, General Lethbridge-Stewart and his wife Doris, Mike Yates, John Benton, Irving Braxiatel, Kadiatu Lethbridge-Stewart, Muldwych, William Blake, the Pakhar Keri, Ruby Duvall, Hamlet Macbeth, Anne Doras’ daughter Bernice, Creed McIlveen, Christian Alvarez and his son Benjamin, the Ice Warriors Savaar and Rhukk, Tom Dekker, Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Joan Redfern, J.R.R. Tolkien (who gave Benny and Jason a signed first edition of The Hobbit) and a girl who looked remarkably like Death of the Endless. Winifred Bambera and Ancelyn couldn’t attend, as they were off on a quest. Music was provided by the Isley Brothers, the band Plasticine and the Silurian group Bona Fide. Leonardo da Vinci served the wedding cake he had designed.

  The Master had stolen the Loom of Rassilon’s Mouse, a bioengineering tool, to fashion himself a new body. A Fortean Flicker caused him to coincidentally be operating in Cheldon Bonniface during Bernice and Jason’s wedding, and he did what he could to disrupt events. Multiple clones of Jason were created, and the Loom generated a huge gelatinous monster. The Doctor had Ishtar Hutchings slay the creature with her dormant Timewyrm abilities.

  General Lethbridge-Stewart, having been engulfed by the monster before Ishtar killed it, found that - as a happy side-effect - his body had become decades younger.

  The Doctor gifted Benny and Jason with time rings; together, they could travel throughout space-time.

  Ace reconciled with her mother, Audrey - who was now engaged to Robin Yeadon, Ace’s boyfriend in 1968. Ace herself left on her time hopper with one of the Jason Kane clones. Ishtar was left pregnant from an encounter with Chris Cwej. She believed that their daughter, Jasmine, would become the girlfriend of Ricky McIlveen - and that the two of them would sire the Eternal named Time.

  The word “cruk” was introduced in the anime series Bones and Kay, and quickly caught on as a mild expletive.

  The rejuvenated General Le
thbridge-Stewart returned to active duty with UNIT. [1376] Mike Yates told the Brigadier about his adventure with the Hornets, and did the same when he met Liz Shaw in the summer. [1377]

  The Sarah Jane Adventures Series 3 (second half) [1378]

  2010 (spring) - SJA: The Eternity Trap [1379]

  Sarah Jane and her friends investigated Ashen Hill Manor - one of the most haunted locations in the UK. They confronted the shade of the alchemist Erasmus Darkening, an alien whose attempts to manipulate other dimensions to get home had caused all the spooky happenings. Darkening proved hostile, but Sarah and her allies dissipated him into mere electricity. The spirits of everyone Darkening had captured over the centuries were likewise liberated.

  2010 (spring) - SJA: Mona Lisa’s Revenge [1380]

  Clyde Langer won a competition that saw his imaginative drawings (actually images of aliens and their technology that he had seen in his adventures) displayed in the Artists of the Future competition at the International Gallery in London. The gallery was also hosting the Mona Lisa, which was on loan from the Louvre. The close proximity of the Mona Lisa to Guieseppe di Cattivo’s painting The Abomination - which had, along with the Mona Lisa, been painted with oils derived from an alien mineral - caused the embodiment of the Mona Lisa to come to life and step from the painting. The Mona Lisa had the ability of molecular transplantation, and sought to release others of her kind. She did so with William Bonneville’s The Dark Rider, and wanted to liberate her “brother”, the Abomination. Clyde drew a picture of K9, which temporarily came to life and dispersed the Abomination’s pigments. All the effects of the Mona Lisa’s power were reversed, and she returned to her painting.


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