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by Parkin, Lance

  c 2167 - The Dalek Invasion of Earth [387]

  Ten years after the Daleks invaded, Project Degravitate neared its conclusion. Slave workers were instructed to begin clearing operations. The Daleks were tampering with the forces of creation, drilling down through the Earth’s crust. A fission capsule was prepared and when detonated, it would release the Earth’s magnetic core, eliminating Earth’s gravitational and magnetic fields. Once the core was removed, it would be replaced with a power system allowing the Earth to be piloted anywhere in the universe.

  The first Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Susan assisted the rebels fighting Dalek control. The rebels broke into the Dalek control room, and ordered the Robomen to attack their masters. The Robomen and slaves overwhelmed the invaders and fled the mining area. The fission capsule was diverted, and upon its detonation the Dalek base - containing the Daleks’ external power supply - and the saucer Alpha Major was destroyed. An active volcano formed at the old Dalek mine.

  Susan left the TARDIS to make a new life with David Campbell.

  The seventh Doctor recovered the TARDIS key that Susan dropped [388], and yet Susan later had it in her possession. [389] Susan’s husband David continued to think of her as human, and she found it easier to keep quiet about her true origins. [390]

  Aftermath of the Dalek Invasion

  The Battle of Cassius saw the end of the Dalek blockade of the solar system. [391] The Dalek invasion reduced Earth’s population by two-thirds, and its technological advancement was set back two hundred years. [392]

  The second Doctor visited a ruined New York clearing up after the Dalek Invasion. [393]

  The colony worlds offered to help rebuild, but Earth refused. The Peace Officers were formed in England to neutralise Dalek artifacts left behind after the Invasion. The attempt at creating a central authority, though, soon splintered into around a hundred dominions. [394]

  The volcano formed by the destruction of the Daleks’ base, Mount Bedford, became a tourist attraction. A salvage team recovered a starchart of Earth’s whole sector of the galaxy from a derelict Dalek saucer. [395] A powerful cartel of Earth conglomerates took control of the Terran Security Forces. Within five years, it had become a force capable of waging intergalactic war. [396]

  Following the Dalek Invasion of Earth, it became clear that there were a number of powerful warlike races in the galaxy. A number of planets, including Earth, Centauri and the Cyrennhics formed the Alliance, a mutual defence organisation. The corporation INITEC supplied the Alliance with state-of-the-art armaments. [397]

  ? 2170 - The Chase [398]

  Upon discovering time-travel technology, the Daleks on Skaro launched a prototype time machine after the first Doctor and his companions Ian, Barbara and Susan.

  The Daleks used time-travel to go back to Earth in the twenty-first century and re-invade the planet. This time they succeeded. [399]

  At some point, while the Daleks continued to grow in power, they all but abandoned their homeworld, Skaro. The Daleks remaining behind became confined to their city. [400]

  The Riley Act of 2171 banned neurological implants as a fundamental infringement of human rights, in reaction to use of Roboman technology during the Dalek Invasion. [401]

  (=) c 2172 - Day of the Daleks [402]

  An alternate timeline was created in the 1970s when the World Peace Conference failed. A series of wars erupted, and over the next century, seven-eighths of the world’s population were wiped out. Time-travelling Daleks conquered the Earth in the mid-twenty-first century, hoping to exploit the planet’s mineral wealth. The remnants of humanity were put to work in prison camps, guarded by Ogron servants. Human guerrillas stole Dalek time-travel technology, and travelled back to the crucial peace conference.

  This timeline was erased when the third Doctor and Jo had the Peace Conference delegates evacuated before Auderley House was destroyed.

  Unidentified alien beings visited Earth, and one of their number - adopting the name Estella - stayed behind out of love for Duke Orsino, the ruler of Venice. They wed, but he soon lost her in a game of cards. As punishment, she cursed the Duke to extended life so he could better experience the guilt of losing her, and also cursed the city to destruction in a hundred years’ time. Estella was rumoured to have committed suicide by flinging herself into the canal. The Cult of Our Lady Estella soon emerged to worship her memory.

  The aliens evidently left behind paintings from other worlds, including one that depicted a lady in a glass jar, and one showing fox-people in smart outfits. These became part of Orsino’s art collection. [403]

  In 2172, the Tzun Confederacy invaded Veltroch, but the arboreal Veltrochni clans united to defeat them. The Veltrochni wiped out the Tzun Confederacy, destroying every Tzun starship but leaving behind many Tzun artifacts and ruins. A whole sector of space containing ten thousand planets was consequently abandoned. Mankind colonised many of these former Tzun worlds, and the Veltrochni begin to fear the spread of humanity. [404]

  On 21st July 2172, Agnomen wasps were deliberately agitated to quell crop-threatening caterpillars, but the wasps killed five hundred people in a Kansas town. The governor authorised use of pesticide GK50 to deal with the problem. [405] In 2172, Grant Markham, a companion of the sixth Doctor, was born. [406] The Intercity Wars started and spread across Earth for decades. Military intervention from Earth’s colonies enforced peace. [407]

  In the late twenty-second century, the Monk withdrew the £200 he had deposited two hundred years before and collected a fortune in compound interest. [408] The Doctor once claimed that he was “fully booked” until this time. [409] On Tara, nine-tenths of the population was wiped out by a plague and replaced by androids. [410] Some crewmen aboard an Earth Forces science mission to Jupiter suffered severe psychological damage. [411]

  In 2180, FLORANCE’s status as a sentient citizen was revoked under the Cumberland Convention. The Dione-Kisanu company bought FLORANCE and installed it at their private base. Director Madhanagopal, an operative for a Brotherhood that sought to augment humanity’s psi-powers, experimented on it to research human memory and learning. [412]

  Also in 2180, a Eurogen survey dispatched to see if Ha’olam could become an agricultural planet was abandoned when the company made budget cuts. [413]

  The Kusks, a massive, brown-skinned species with advanced computer skills, dispatched a time probe to study various planets’ histories, hoping to gather intelligence for potential conquests. The probe malfunctioned near the planet Hirath, and the Kusk spaceship sent to retrieve it failed in its mission. The Kusk crew entered suspended animation. Later, the Temporal Commercial Concerns (TCC) company set up a series of time barriers on Hirath, and rented space there for various races to use as penal colonies. TCC adapted the Kusk spaceship, with the sleeping Kusk crew inside, into a moonbase. [414]

  Susan was transported to the Death Zone on Gallifrey. [415]

  c 2185 - The Year of Intelligent Tigers [416]

  One year, the Hitchemus tigers suddenly became intelligent, as they were prone to do every few generations. They attempted to take power, leading to massive conflict with the human colonists. To avert bloodshed, the eighth Doctor, accompanied by Fitz and Anji, destroyed the Hitchemus spaceport and used the tigers’ weather control station to exacerbate the planet’s already unstable tilt. This would have put all land on Hitchemus under water in ten years, but the humans and tigers - denied outside help - were compelled to work together to save their world. They agreed to live in peace.

  Larger spaceships used T-Mat at this time.

  The Second Dalek Invasion of Earth

  As part of his alliance with the Daleks, the Monk went back in time, threw a vial of plague outside his TARDIS door, and left. [417]

  c 2187 (summer) - An Earthly Child [418]

  Two decades after the Dalek invasion, civil unrest continued on Earth. Public burnings of Dalek technology were still being held. Some people were being found hiding in caves. The lack of people and industry
, though, helped to ease global warming. Brewster College was open in Bristol, but could barely afford a proper computer. A Council governed Earth. A political movement, Earth United, spurred xenophobia.

  David Campbell had died prior to this. His wife Susan became an advocate of accepting help from other worlds, and sent out a distress signal. The Galdresi - a race that established treaties with vulnerable worlds, then exploited them to fuel a war effort - answered her call. As a show of good faith, they rescued the humans who had been trapped in a moonbase since the invasion started.

  The eighth Doctor exposed the Galdresi’s plans, and made them withdraw from Earth. He was briefly reunited with Susan, and also met her son (and his great-grandson), college student Alex Campbell.

  In 2187, Ted Henneker led a rebellion against the Cybermen on Agora. [419] In November, the peaceful Ivorians, on a recommendation from the Doctor, brokered a trading agreement with Earth. [420]

  c 2187 (24th December) - Relative Dimensions

  The eighth Doctor and Lucie collected Susan and Alex so they could share Christmas together in the TARDIS. A good time was had by all, save that a now-giant Resurrection Fish that Susan had once acquired on Quinnis rampaged through the Ship. The Doctor returned his family home afterwards, and Lucie decided to accompany Alex on a grand tour of Europe to study its surviving architecture.

  c 2188 - Lucie Miller

  A Dalek Time Controller - the sole survivor of the Dalek defeat at Amethyst station - arrived through time, gravely injured. The Daleks sought a temporal expert to stabilise the Controller’s condition, and procured the services of the new incarnation of the Monk. In exchange for being allowed to collect humanity’s great art treasures, the Monk aided the Daleks in a renewed bid to conquer Earth. The planet was quarantined as a Dalek-engineered plague once again ravaged humanity, and killed millions. Lucie sent the Doctor a distress call, but the Monk’s interference prevented him from arriving on time...

  c 2190 - Lucie Miller / To the Death

  The Daleks consolidated their hold on Earth, and engaged in mining operations in North America. The Time Controller intended to fit Earth with a time-space drive, then fly it to a point in the far future when the Vortex-flung Amethyst viruses would amass in a single place. This would turn Earth into a mobile plague planet; the Daleks would use it to infect worlds that threatened them. The eighth Doctor and his allies resisted the Daleks; during the fighting, an unknown amount of the great works the Monk had collected - the statue of Diana from Ephesus, the Elgin Marbles, the roof of the Sistine Chapel, a Mona Lisa, the crown jewels from every known royal dynasty, the Venus de Milo and the Star of India - were destroyed.

  The Daleks killed Alex Campbell and the Monk’s companion, Tamsin Drew. Lucie Miller died to detonate a doomsday bomb that destroyed the Dalek fleet and its mining operation.

  In the late twenty-second century, England’s dominions were consolidated into ten large Domains, including Canterbury, Devon, Edmonds, Haldoran, London and Salisbury. [421]

  Foreign Hazard Duty

  ? 2189 - “Echoes of the Mogor” [422]

  Mekrom was a wild world on the edge of known space, the location of a Confederation colony. The colonists were being killed, and had requested a relief ship and a Foreign Hazard Duty (FHD) team. Now, the last of them, Stanton, was murdered. The seventh Doctor arrived shortly before the FHD squad, and learned the men died of fear.

  Members of the FHD squad started dying. The Doctor discovered seams of crystal that could absorb emotion, creating “echoes” of someone’s presence. The colonists died of fear from echoes of the warlike Mogor, meaning there were no real monsters. The Doctor snuck away as the FHD team filed their report.

  ? 2190 - “Hunger from the Ends of Time!” [423]

  The planet Catalog was the repository for all collated knowledge in the universe. The seventh Doctor decided to go for a browse there, as he hadn’t visited for decades, but he found the TARDIS dragged there anyway.

  The Doctor met an FHD team, who informed him that the data was now stored as “information energy” across time rather than space. The system had become infiltrated by “bookworms” eating the information. These forces of chaos were only meant to exist at the ends of time, and their presence here was affecting the fabric of time. The Doctor brought all the records back into the present, cutting off the food supply... but leaving around a century’s worth of refiling to do.

  2191 (January) - Time of Your Life [424]

  For over twenty years, the Meson Broadcasting Service (MBS) had showed some of the all-time TV classics: Bloodsoak Bunny, The Party Knights and the Kung-Fu Kings, Jubilee Towers, Prisoner: The Next Generation, Life’s a Beach and Abbeydale High. The broadcaster successfully rebuffed the claims of the Campaign for the Advancement of Television Standards that such programming as Death-Hunt 3000, Masterspy and Horror Mansions increased violence and criminal behaviour.

  On Torrok, the citizens were compelled by law to watch MBS’ offerings all day. Peace Keeper robots patrolled every street, rounding up suspected criminals. The sixth Doctor arrived on Torrok during this time and accepted an inquisitive Angela Jennings as his companion. The Time Lords directed the TARDIS to MBS’ space station headquarters, where a mechanical adversary killed Angela.

  As part of the reality show Time of Your Life, the city of Neo Tokyo was teleported from New Earth into a Maston Sphere, where the residents were terrorised. The Doctor discovered that the information-consuming datavore Krllxk had gone insane from absorbing the entire MBS output. He transmatted Neo Tokyo back home, and the ensuing conflict made the MBS station fly into the sun. Krllxk took refuge in a game-show android, but the Doctor destroyed it. MBS went off the air when the people on Torrok rebelled, overthrowing the totalitarian regime. Grant Markham, a computer programmer who helped the Doctor, joined him on his travels.

  2191 - Killing Ground [425]

  Humanity thought the Cybermen were extinct. Most were asleep in their Tombs on Telos, but some nomads wandered the galaxy. Earth was still rebuilding from the Dalek Invasion at this time.

  The sixth Doctor suspected the Cybermen were involved in the affairs of Agora, Grant Markham’s home planet. The Overseers who ruled the planet on the behalf of the Cybermen captured the Doctor, and Grant fell in with the rebels.

  One of the rebels, Maxine Carter, used Cybertechnology to build the Bronze Knights - a volunteer army of cyborgs. The Doctor learned that the Cybermen were running out of parts and becoming increasingly reliant on stolen technology. These Cybermen hijacked and adapted a Selechian warship. The Doctor sabotaged it, releasing radiation that was lethal to the Cybermen. The Bronze Knights left Agora to hunt down more Cybermen, and the remaining colonists rebuilt their planet.

  ? 2192 - “Conflict of Interests” [426]

  Rigel Depot sent an FHD team at light by six to Aleph-77 in the Deneb system, where they found a Sontaran Infantry squad. Galactic Survey was keen to protect the archaeology of the extinct civilisation on the planet, but found the Sontarans had the same goal... and they’d have to fight for it.

  Efforts to terraform Mars continued throughout the twenty-second century. Each Martian pole was given an ocean - the Borealis Ocean in the north had freshwater and canals, whereas the Southern Sea generated carbon dioxide. Ransom Spaceport was near Mars’ north pole, Carter Spaceport was near its south. Noachis Spaceport handled approximately 60% of Mars’ commercial flights. Transmats were in use. Eventually, Mars became a popular living destination for retirees. [427]

  c 2192 - Fear Itself (PDA) [428]

  The eighth Doctor, Anji and Fitz landed on Mars, where Anji was attacked and hospitalised. The Doctor and Fitz linked her attackers to Farside Station and set off to investigate… but shortly afterwards, Farside reported destroyed with all hands lost.

  Thinking the Doctor and Fitz dead - and that she was stranded - Anji became a consultant on twenty-first century matters for a television channel. She married a cameraman called Michael. At this time,
a new and ruthless military group called the Professionals emerged.

  There was a space elevator in the Yucatan and holographic slides had replaced paper. A vaccine for the common cold had been developed. Anti-radiation suits were made from Dortmunium. The Martians who remained on Mars were a social underclass, and some resorted to terrorist acts.

  Humanity fought against a number of hostile races in deep space, including the Cybermen. A number of Cyber Wars were fought at the beginning of the twenty-third century, but humanity prevailed. [429] Gustav Zemler’s unit defeated some Cybermen on the borders of Earth’s colonies, but the Cybermen’s hostages were killed. Zemler and his survivors were dishonourably discharged and became mercenaries. [430]

  After the Cyber Wars, Eurogen Butler changed their name and became the Spinward Corporation. [431] The former Houses of Parliament were used as a hospice for veterans of the first Cyber Wars. [432]

  Privateers from the Andosian Alliance made several incursions into Earth’s solar system in the last half of the twenty-second century. In the decade before 2197, they caused much loss of life and damage to cargo payloads, and continued menacing the spaceways into the early twenty-third century. The Privateers were eight feet tall, with rippling mauve muscles and possibly three heads. They had a penchant for the melodramatic, with their leaders choosing such names as Doctor Leopard. [433]

  The I had developed as a gestalt, centaur-like race that seeded technology onto planets, then later returned to harvest the developments. The I acquired some Gallifreyan technology and the eyes of a Time Lord named Savar, and around 2192 used this to facilitate the development of advanced retinal implants on the planet Ha’olam. [434]

  The buffalo became extinct in 2193. [435] The Selachians sold their Cloak weapons to Earth in the mid-2190s. [436]


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