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B00DPX9ST8 EBOK Page 146

by Parkin, Lance

  Historical-doc romances were made in Steven’s native time. [1207] People on Earth lived in cramped Hiveblocks. His ship crashed on Mechanus when Krayt fighters shot it down. [1208] The Daleks fought the Mechanoids on Hesperus. [1209]

  ? 3565 - The Chase [1210]

  Nearly fifty years after the interplanetary wars had begun, Earth was still involved, although the end was now in sight. One of the combatants, space pilot Steven Taylor, Flight Red Fifty, was stranded on Mechanus. After several days in the hostile jungle, he was captured by the Mechanoids, who still maintained their city in preparation for the human colonists. Unable to crack their code, Taylor was imprisoned. Two years after this, the first Doctor, Ian, Barbara and Vicki arrived, pursued by the Daleks. The Mechanoid City, the Mechanoids and the Daleks were destroyed. Ian and Barbara returned to their native time in the captured Dalek time machine, and the Doctor, Vicki and Steven left in the TARDIS.

  & 3568 - Palace of the Red Sun [1211]

  The sixth Doctor and Peri found that time on Esselven Minor was running faster within the planetoid’s defence screen than without. The warlord Glavis Judd landed on the planet to capture the fugitive Esselven royals. The Doctor tricked Judd into thinking that everyone on the planetoid, including the royals’ real-life descendents, were holographic projections. Judd departed, but the Doctor corrected the errant defence shield and brought the planetoid back into synch with the rest of the universe. Judd emerged in normal space five hundred years after he’d departed, and after the royals had re-settled Esselven. The royals didn’t recognise Judd and, per policy regarding people claiming to be the warlord, threw him in an asylum.

  c 3580 - The First Wave [1212]

  The first Doctor, Steven and Oliver Harper arrived at a mining operation on Grace Alone - a planetoid in the Kuiper Belt near Neptune - to fulfill history, as they had seen future records indicating they had been prisoners there, guilty of data theft. The Doctor entered their criminal records into the base’s computer system when the Vardans, having backtracked Earth’s radio signals, attempted to invade the Sol system. The Vardans killed the mining crew, but the Doctor dissipated their energy, forcing them to withdraw to their native space. The Doctor sent Earth authorities recommendations on how to tighten their security.

  One Vardan remained behind, determined to use the last of its energy to kill the Doctor’s trio. Oliver drew the Vardan’s fire... and was disintegrated. The Doctor and Steven believed Oliver had died, but a last ember of his essence stayed with the TARDIS as it departed. In such a state, he observed all of the first Doctor’s remaining travels.

  & 3585 - The Resurrection of Mars [1213]

  The planet Halcyon was located ninety light years from Earth, and had become home to one of the most civilised races in the cosmos. Its population of twenty billion had cured every disease, crafted transcendent works of art, knew the meaning of war but saw no need for it, and generally had created a Nirvana the likes of which the universe would never see again. It was one of the greatest tragedies to creation when Ice Warriors who had formerly been sleeping in Earth’s asteroid belt transformed Halcyon into a new Martian homeworld - wiping out the populace, their science and their culture.

  c 3606 - “Art Attack!” [1214]

  The ninth Doctor took Rose to see the Mona Lisa at the Oriel, a transdimensional gallery on Earth. The Doctor realised the visitors were being hypnotised by their information headsets. The culprit was Cazkelf, a crashed alien trying to drain enough psychic energy to power his ship’s distress beacon. When the Doctor discovered that Cazkelf’s planet had been destroyed, Cazkelf decided to settle on Earth - where his hypnotism was lauded as a bold work of performance art.

  ? 3625 - The Song of the Megaptera [1215]

  By now, the Swords Into Plowshares computer virus had proved useful against war robots in the Fourth Oil War, compelling those infected to take up flower arranging.

  Environmentalists, “ecos”, had positions of power on some colony worlds. Corporate factory ships hunted the Ghaleen: mile-long space whales with solar scales and internal ecosystems, and the only creatures known to live in the vacuum of space. The Ghaleen were converted into food for colony planets. The Tuthons, fungoid creatures on the planet Ziphius, regarded the Ghaleen as their “friends” but also hunted them. Only the pilot Ghaleen could recognise danger, and if needed make its herd escape predators by diving into the horizon of time itself. The Ghaleen were peaceful creatures who sometimes helped ships in distress, and were a safe haven for shipwreck victims.

  The sixth Doctor and Peri saved a pilot Ghaleen and its thousand-strong herd from the clutches of a factory ship, the SS Orcas.

  3655 - Gallifrey: Weapon of Choice [1216]

  Representatives from Gallifrey, the Monan Host, the Warpsmiths of Phaidon and the Nekkistani were tasked with investigating reports of smuggled black-light rods, and were sent to the third moon of Kikrit in 3655. Nepenthe, a human member of the subversive group Free Time, made off with a timonic fusion device that had been hidden in a moonbase.

  The first annual Intergalactic Song Contest was held. [1217] The name “Tony” died out. [1218]

  In the Adelphine cluster on the galactic rim, relations between the humans of the Landor Alliance and the Averon Union were strained. Within four years, this became a full-scale war.

  The Landor Alliance constructed Deepcity, a weapons research station on an asteroid. The Averons attacked Landor, but they were driven back. The Landorans destroyed Averon, but suffered 90% casualties themselves. There was a period of civil war across the cluster. Barris Kambril took control of Deepcity, and told the workers there that Landor was destroyed to better motivate them. [1219]

  Galactic corporation TransAlliedInc was formed in the thirty-eighth century. [1220] A Kroton spaceship crashed on the planet Onyakis, and the Krotons within reverted to their constituent form. Dynatropes were now regarded as an “inferior form” of spacecraft, and the Krotons took to using more advanced models. [1221]

  Targos Delta was overwhelmed with indestructible tickertape. [1222]

  c 3788 / (=) c 3788 - Interference [1223]

  The planet Dust, a former Earth colony on the Dead Frontier on the edge of the galaxy, was cut off for centuries. Cattlemen there organised into vigilante gangs called Clansmen.

  IM Foreman’s travelling show arrived briefly on Dust, distorting space-time in the area. Faction Paradox was planning to use a biodata virus to make Dust a world of paradox. A group from the Remote crashed on Dust around this time, and founded the settlement Anathema II from the remains of their ship. Fitz’s original self had risen through the ranks of Faction Paradox and become Father Kreiner. He sought revenge against the Doctor.

  IM Foreman released his final incarnation, the elemental Number Thirteen, to eliminate the Remote. Father Kreiner was lost to the Time Vortex. Foreman’s first twelve incarnations were killed, displaced to early Gallifrey and underwent regeneration. Number Thirteen was convinced to merge with Dust’s biosphere, whereupon Foreman became integrated with the entire planet. Dust was renamed Foreman’s World.

  (=) The third Doctor was shot and regenerated, a paradox as he was meant to die on Metebelis III. From this point, the Doctor was infected by the Faction’s biodata virus. Every time he regenerated, it grew stronger.

  On Foreman’s World, the now-female IM Foreman created a bottle universe, and she was surprised when its inhabitants soon built their own bottle universe. Time Lords arrived to acquire the bottle, hoping to use it as a potential refuge in the coming future War. Foreman didn’t give them an immediate answer. The eighth Doctor arrived, wanting answers about his visit to Dust. He learned that Father Kreiner was trapped in the bottle universe. After the Doctor left, Foreman discovered that the bottle universe had also vanished. [1224]

  ? 3800 - A Device of Death [1225]

  The fourth Doctor, Sarah and Harry arrived at the Adelphine cluster. The Doctor revealled Barris Kambril’s lies to the workers at the Deepcity weapons research
station. The synthonic robots developed there would play a part in the Daleks’ demise.

  ? 3820 - Earth Aid [1226]

  Earth Aid had emerged as a charity organisation in the Milky Way, and brought relief supplies to ailing planets. The seventh Doctor and Ace posed respectively as chief medical officer and ship’s captain aboard the warship Vancouver as it investigated the Lilliput - a vessel waylaid while transporting nine million tons of grain for Earth Aid to the planet Safenesthome. The Doctor found Raine Creevy locked in a safe aboard the Lilliput - the Metatraxi had brought her to this time zone as part of their plan to gain revenge on him. The Metatraxi had also invented the famine on Safenesthome, which was their homeworld, as a further deception. The grub-like original inhabitants of Safenesthome had stowed themselves within the Lilliput grain, and the sentience of the planet welcomed her estranged children home. The Doctor, Ace and Raine left, knowing that the sentience could always evolve a third species to deal with the Metatraxi and the grubs if they failed to cohabitate.

  Jack Harkness had a relationship with a Gloobi hybrid on Tarsius in the thirty-ninth century. [1227]

  The Dark Peaks Lodge of the Foamasi was founded, devoted to restoring their home planet of Liasica to its former glory and taking control of the Federation. [1228] For countless centuries, the people of the primitive planet Peladon had worshipped the creature Aggedor. The planet turned away from war and violence under King Sherak, but remained isolated. In 3864, a Federation shuttlecraft crashed on Peladon after falling foul of an ion storm en route to the base at Analyas VII. The Pels rescued one of the survivors, Princess Ellua of Europa. The Earthwoman married the King, Kellian, within a year. Six months later, she persuaded him to apply for Federation membership. Their son was born a year later. He was named Peladon, and was destined to become King. [1229]

  The Time Lords knew this era as the Sensorian Era. [1230]

  & 3885 - The Curse of Peladon [1231]

  The Preliminary Assessment Team arrived at King Peladon’s court to see if Peladon was suitable for Federation membership. The third Doctor and Jo, having been sent to Peladon by the Time Lords, were mistaken for Earth’s representatives. The spirit of Aggedor was abroad, and killed Chancellor Torbis, one of the chief advocates of Federation membership. This was revealled as a plot brewed between the high priest of Aggedor - Hepesh - and the delegate from Arcturus. If Peladon was kept from Federation membership, then Arcturus would be granted the mineral rights to the planet. Arcturus was killed while attempting to assassinate one of the delegates, and Aggedor himself killed Hepesh. Peladon was granted Federation membership.

  & 3890 - The Prisoner of Peladon [1232]

  Five years after Peladon joined the Federation, civil war erupted on New Mars. A military coup headed by Grand Marshall Raxlyr closed the planet’s borders; the royal family was deposed and largely executed. Peladon took in hundreds of Martian refugees, who set up a camp near Mount Megeshra. Lord Ixlyr secretly smuggled out Lixgar - the daughter of the late Martian king, and heir to the Martian throne - and placed her in the care of Alpha Centauri. The third Doctor and King Peladon prevented Raxlyr’s agents from finding and killing the girl.

  Two alien scientists - Elliot Payne and his wife Shenyia - examined the Time Eaters: creatures trapped on the edge of a black star. A gravity spike pulled Shenyia into the star’s event horizon, freezing her in time. The Time Eaters offered to teach Payne how to convert time into raw energy - he was to liberate Shenyia with half of the resultant energy cache, and free the Time Eaters with the other. Payne went back to 2011, then Victorian times. The Time Eaters realised that Payne had swindled them and digested all the years of Shenyia’s life, enabling some of their number to follow Payne. The rest remained trapped. [1233]

  c 3907 - The Pirate Loop [1234]

  The starship Brilliant was built as a luxury passenger liner servicing races such as Balumins and Bondoux 56, in an era on the verge of a terrible intergalactic war. The ship’s experimental warp core was a century ahead of its time, and allowed it to travel by bouncing off the exterior of the Time Vortex. The Brilliant disappeared, its fate unknown...

  The tenth Doctor told Martha about the legend of the Brilliant as they evaded the rogue servo robots of Milky-Pink City; after they escaped, Martha wanted to find out what happened to it. They arrived a few days before the ship’s disappearance, and found that badger-like pirates - adapted members of a genetically engineered human servant race - were attempting to make off with the ship’s drive. The Brilliant became locked in a time loop that always ended with its destruction. The Doctor extended the time loop to include the pirates themselves, defusing the situation.

  Everyone assembled for a party, and the Doctor offered passengers and pirates alike a choice - stay on the time-looping ship forever, or let him return them to their wartorn homes. He and Martha danced to Grace Kelly, as supplied by Martha’s iPod, while everyone decided.

  Hostilities between humans and the Daleks flared up, and raged for over a hundred years. [1235] Following a galaxy-wide armistice, the Valdigians - a civilised insect species - created a system in which kings could only rule from age 23, with a provisional government ruling before then. The Valdigians limited the monarchy by electing children who agreed to stand down at age 22, in return for a generous pension. [1236] Cloning was discovered in the part of the galaxy containing Helhine. [1237]

  The first human clone was created in 3922 using the Kilbracken holograph-cloning technique. The process was unreliable; the longest a clone ever lived was ten minutes, fifty-five seconds. Most serious scientists thought of it as “a circus trick of no practical value”. [1238]

  ? 3906 - The Resurrection Casket [1239]

  The tenth Doctor and Rose arrived in an area of space, the Zeg, where electromagnetic pulses made conventional technology break down. The inhabitants - keen to mine the rare minerals found there - used steam and wind-powered spaceships instead. They became involved with the quest for the treasure of Hamlek Glint, who had a robot crew.

  c 3907 - The Infinite Quest [1240]

  The space pirate Baltazar attempted to convert the Earth’s population into diamonds, but the tenth Doctor and Martha destroyed the ship with a rust fungus. Baltazar’s robot parrot, Caw, set them on a quest to find The Infinite - a legendary ancient spaceship that could grant their heart’s desire.

  Their first destination was Boukan, a planet that supplied Earth’s oil. The second was Myarr, which was the scene of a conflict between humanity and the Mantasphids. The third was on the coldest planet in the galaxy, the prison planet Volag-Noc. The Doctor obtained the co-ordinates of The Infinite, but the promised “heart’s desire” was simply an illusion. Baltazar was exiled to Volag-Noc.

  c 3920 - Sontarans: Conduct Unbecoming [1241]

  The Sontarans were now governed by a Grand Strategic Council composed of their greatest warriors, each of whom had survived six hundred battles. A kamikaze attack five years previous had greatly razed facilities on the Sontaran homeworld, Sontar, and prompted the building of underground installations. Sontaran forces conquered the human colony on Haigen V, claimed the uninhabited planet Jogana, and were engaged in a “three-way battle of Arcturus”.

  For two years, the Council had known that their cloning process had been producing inferior stocks, as their master template - that of General Sontar - had become too corrupt after centuries of use. General Kreel outmanoeuvred his rival, General Bestok, to become the new template.

  The Daleks slaughtered a garrison on Alpha Millennia. Sixth months later, a Dalek space vessel was identified near Mars. [1242]

  The Ood were native to the Ood-Sphere, a planet close to the Sense-Sphere. They were born with hand-held secondary brains (which functioned much like the amygdala in humans, processing memories and emotions), and were mentally connected by a giant Ood Brain. The Earth corporation Ood Operations established itself on the Ood-Sphere - it found the Ood Brain beneath the planet’s Northern Glacier, and placed it within a telepathic
inhibitor field. Many Ood were lobotomised, their secondary brains replaced with translator units. Before long, Ood were bred to be slaves, household servants and soldiers. [1243]

  In 3932, Zephon became all-powerful in his own galaxy, the Fifth, when he defeated Fisar and the Embodiment Gris, both of which had tried to depose him. [1244]

  & 3935 - The Monster of Peladon [1245]

  When Federation scientists surveyed Peladon, they discovered that planet was rich in trisilicate: a mineral previously only found on Mars, and which was the basis of Federation technology. Electronic circuitry, heat shields, inert microcell fibres and radionic crystals all used the mineral. Duralinium was still used as armour-plating.

  King Peladon had died and been replaced by his daughter, the child Thalira. As she grew up, Federation mining engineers came to her world. Although Thalira’s people were resistant to change, advanced technology such as the sonic lance was gradually introduced to Peladon.

  The Federation was subject to a vicious and unprovoked attack from Galaxy Five, who refused to negotiate. The Federation armed for war, with Martian shock troops being mobilised. Peladon’s trisilicate supplies would prove crucial in this struggle. The planet was still prone to superstition, however, and when the spirit of Aggedor began to walk once more, killing miners that used the advanced technology, many saw it as a sign that Peladon should leave the Federation. For a time, production in the mines halted.

  The third Doctor and Sarah Jane exposed the murders as the work of a breakaway faction of Martians, led by Azaxyr, who were working for Galaxy Five. When the plot was uncovered, Galaxy Five quickly sued for peace.

  c 3935 - The Blue Angel [1246]

  The eighth Doctor, Fitz and Compassion arrived on the Federation ship Nepotist, which was en route to Peladon. The crew discovered the Valcean City of Glass had become connected to the Federation through space-time corridors. As the glass city was located within the Enclave, a pocket universe within the larger Obverse, the Federation feared this could destablise the region.


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