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by Parkin, Lance

  & 4693 - War of the Daleks [1346]

  The Daleks had invaded Earth “several times” by this point.

  The garbage ship Quetzel recovered both the eighth Doctor’s TARDIS and Davros’ escape pod. Thals raided the ship, and Delani, the Thal commander, asked Davros to reengineer his race to defeat the Daleks. Davros’ reactivation alerted the Daleks, and the Doctor, Sam and Davros were taken to Skaro... which the Doctor had thought destroyed. The Dalek Prime explained that the Daleks had learned of Skaro’s destruction beforehand and plotted to prevent it.

  The Daleks had previously taken the dormant Davros from Skaro, and placed him in ruins on Antalin, which were designed to look like Skaro. The planet was then bathed in radioactivity. The Daleks then faked the Movellan War using their own robot servants, fooling Davros into believing they needed his help, but Davros escaped and triggered a civil war. He took the Hand of Omega, which destroyed Antalin rather than Skaro. The Daleks’ real homeworld survived.

  Now, the Dalek Prime planned to draw the Daleks who supported Davros out into the open and destroy them. The Doctor made a seemingly easy escape in the Thal ship - then discovered a Dalek factory in the hold. He jettisoned it back in time, where it crashed on Vulcan.

  Daleks loyal to Davros attempted to rescue him, but the Dalek Prime’s forces prevailed. Davros was placed in a dispersion chamber and seemingly vaporized, but the Dalek implementing Davros’ execution was one of his followers, and it was possible that Davros survived...

  The Dalek Prime was later lost to the Time Vortex, owing to the intervention of four incarnations of the Doctor in the Daleks’ war with the Jariden, a race of biomechanoids. [1347] The eighth Doctor ventured into a library and came to accept a worker there, Samson Griffin, and his sister Gemma aboard the TARDIS. They shared many adventures together, but eventually were overpowered by Davros - who desired to strip the Doctor of everything he held dear, and so erased his memories of his two companions. Davros mentally conditioned Samson and Gemma to accompany him back to Earth, then embarked on a scheme to turn it into a new Dalek homeworld. Samson was allowed to live with his mother, Harriet Griffen, in Folkestone. [1348]

  & 4703 - Terror Firma [1349]

  On Earth, Davros and his Daleks encountered the eighth Doctor, Charley and C’rizz upon their return from the Divergent Universe. Davros believed that his Daleks had turned Earth into a “new Dalek homeworld” and converted eight billion humans into Daleks; however, the Daleks were actually operating to their own agenda while Davros was mutating into an Emperor Dalek. Davros hoped the Doctor would end his suffering and gave him a genocidal virus, hoping he would use it to end Davros’ life. But the Doctor instead used the threat of the virus to make the Daleks abandon Earth. The Emperor Dalek persona completely erased Davros’ own, and the Daleks left with their new leader.

  Gemma Griffen died in the conflict. Her brother Samson regained his memories of the Doctor, but continued living on Earth.

  Kaon’s ship later crashed on Actinon after hitting a meteor field. The inhabitants were warlike, but no match for Kaon, who established himself as a warlord. His wife died in childbirth, but his daughter Kara grew to be a strong warrior. [1350] The Weeping Angels wiped out the Aplans, the two-headed life form indigenous to Alfava Metraxis. Lacking a food source, the Angels went dormant in an Aplan moratarium. [1351]

  The metamorphic Collectors were galactic scavengers who entirely lacked the ability to discern the value or relevance of an item - essentially, they amassed junk. The Collectors’ hyperwobble-drives and psychonomic shielding meant that no culture’s defences could stand against them. The Daleks pretended that their planet had been destroyed to avoid being attacked by the Collectors. [1352]

  c 4750 - “War-Game” [1353]

  The sixth Doctor and Frobisher landed on a barbaric world, Actinon, and detected advanced technology. Investigating, they discovered that the local Warlord Kaon was a Draconian. His daughter Kara had been kidnapped by Vegar, a rival warlord. The Doctor took Kaon to Vegar’s fortress in the TARDIS and they rescued Kara - at the cost of Kaon’s life. Kara vowed to stay on the planet and maintain his legacy.

  The Time Agents

  The forty-ninth century was an era of unparalleled peace and prosperity on Earth. Advanced ubertronic devices existed. Earth developed time travel using transduction beams, but Time Agents strictly regulated the proliferation of the technology. Time travel had other uses: the film archivist Jaxa recovered all the lost films and television programmes. Thirty years before her native time, the moon was terraformed. Sabbath press-ganged Jaxa into his service following a failed time-jump on her part. [1354]

  Humans didn’t explore some parts of Earth’s moon until the forty-ninth century. [1355]

  At some point in human history, AEGIS operated a time travel service that, though expensive, allowed people to go into the past. The Technos wrongly thought it was impossible to change the past because time travellers were part of history. One group was sent back to hunt dinosaurs in the Cretaceous. [1356]

  Fennus was one of the more successful frontier colonies until it became unstable and disintegrated. The colonists were thought dead, but the father of Mindy ‘Voir had engineered a data bank to contain the contents of the colonists’ minds. Mindy’s father was a pioneer in sonic sculpting, and had enhanced her voice until she was the only human singer with a ten-octave range. She came into possession of the Fennus data bank and wore it as a pendant, unaware of its true nature. [1357]

  ? 4850 - Helicon Prime [1358]

  A long way from Earth’s “side” of the universe, Helicon Prime served as a luxury resort in the Parnassas Cluster for many species. Helicon Prime was later moved to the Golden Section - an area of space that radiated a sense of well being - and thereby became an exceedingly exclusive holiday destination. A booking of decades in advance was required.

  The second Doctor and Jamie stopped a murder spree committed by Ambassador Dromeo, who sought the Fennus data bank. Mindy ‘Voir, having given Jamie her pendant as a present, thought the Doctor had absconded with the data bank and travelled back to eighteenth century Scotland in search of it.

  Pursuant to Section 4 Paragraph 25 of the Future Time Edict dated E5150 pro-Hok Gibbon slash Kulkana, Hokrala Corp - a law firm in the forty-ninth century - filed suit against Captain Jack Harkness in the twenty-first century. A Vortex Dweller indebted to Jack closed off Hokrala’s access to the past. [1359]

  Around 4900, a Dalek expedition to the Magellan Cluster was attacked by spider-like creatures in Dalek-like armour, and it took months to subdue them. These spider-Daleks were Daleks from a parallel universe. The Daleks calculated that the only way to take the fight to the spider-Daleks was via a black hole, but knew their ships couldn’t survive the journey. [1360] A thousand murders took place on the worlds of the Nepotism of Vaal in the fiftieth century. The Memeovore had made the population think their loved ones are impostors. The Doctor would visit and see them establish a universal brotherhood. [1361] Zytron energy, which was affordable and adaptable but could mutate people into psychopathic monstrosities, was discovered on Earth in the fiftieth century. [1362]

  Humans terraformed Alfava Metraxis. In time, six billion colonists would live there. [1363] Advanced genetic engineering facilitated the creation of fast-reproducing mutant crabs that consumed the otherwise-indestructible marine vessels used in World War V. [1364]

  Under the auspices of the Great World Computer, human civilisation was more efficiently run than ever. But Earth regularly suffered massive famines. An artificial food was created on Earth that solved the problem. On the land once used to grow food, up-to-date living units were built to house the ever-increasing population. The amount of plants on the planet was reduced to an absolute minimum, and all plant life on Earth became extinct. [1365]

  The Filipino Protectorate was established on Earth by 4993. Technology at the time included binoculars that could see through walls and read lips. [1366] Professor Marius registered K9 as a
data patent on 3rd October, 4998. [1367] K9 was not Y5K compliant. [1368] K9 wasn’t the only cybernetic dog in the fiftieth century. [1369]

  The Fifty-First Century

  The Meddling Monk’s TARDIS had “Arctic coffee” from the fifty-first century. [1370] The Taklarian Empire began a program of selective breeding to create a master race. [1371] The Doctor took the Mona Lisa up Mount Everest on a camel in the fifty-first century. [1372]

  In the fifty-first century, law and order collapsed. Derek Dell, a geek and avid reader of Aggotron - a twentieth century comic - adopted the identity of “Courtmaster Cruel”, and struck fear into the hearts of criminals. Eventually, Derek went back in time to find the original artwork to the missing Aggotron #56, which revealled the Courtmaster’s face. [1373] The fifty-first century was the era of the time traveller Chronodev, who was known to the Onihr. [1374]

  5000 - The Invisible Enemy [1375]

  Five thousand AD was the year of the Great Breakout, when humanity “went leapfrogging across the galaxy like a tidal wave”. To prepare the way, the Space Exploration Programme was instigated in the late fiftieth century, and a huge methane/oxygen refinery was set up on Titan. On asteroid K4067, the centre for Alien Biomorphology (the Bi-Al Foundation) treated extra-terrestrial diseases, as well as tending those who were injured in space. Regular shuttle runs were set up between the planets of the solar system and “good for nothing” spaceniks also travelled the cosmos.

  Photon beam weapons were in common use, as were visiphones. Sophisticated robots and computers were built. The native language of the time was Finglish, a form of phonetic English.

  The Nucleus of the Swarm, a microscopic space-borne entity, attempted to replicate itself across the universe and in the macro-world. It mentally compelled some humans to adapt the methane refinery on Titan into a breeding ground, but was destroyed by the fourth Doctor and Leela before it could reproduce.

  Professor Marius’ robot dog, K9, assisted the travellers against the Nucleus. The Doctor and Leela took K9 with them, as Marius was due to return to Earth.

  c 5000 - The Girl in the Fireplace [1376]

  By the fifty-first century, mankind had warp engines capable of “punching a hole in the universe”. Humans had travelled at least as far as the Dagmar Cluster, “two and a half galaxies” from Earth.

  The spacecraft Madame de Pompadour was crippled in an ion storm, and drifted for a year while the clockwork robots aboard blindly followed their orders to repair it. They used the human crew as raw components, and then used the warp drive to travel back in time and find the historical Madame de Pompadour, who they mistakenly thought was the key to the problem. The tenth Doctor, Rose and Mickey arrived on the ship and - after multiple trips to the eighteenth century - deactivated the robots.

  ? 5000 - K9 and the Beasts of Vega [1377]

  Twenty-seven light years from Earth, humans overseen by Professor Romius were building artificial planets near Vega III that would be ready in ten years. Four ships had been attacked, their crews paralysed. K9 saw the effects on the crew of Spaceshifter 138. Screaming hordes of giant spaceborne monsters attacked the engineers, but K9 discovered that the real Vegans were intelligent energy, and that the monsters were a defence mechanism that projected fear. The Vegans didn’t like the lasers the engineers were using, and so K9 suggested that the humans go more slowly.

  The Second Ice Age

  ? 5000 - The Ice Warriors [1378]

  “And then suddenly one year, there was no spring. Even then it wasn’t understood, not until the ice caps began to advance.”

  On Earth, the Second Ice Age had begun. Glaciers rapidly spread across every continent, displacing tens of billions of people to the Equatorial regions. Scientists attempted to come up with a theory that might account for the ice flow. They quickly ruled out a number of the possibilities: a reversal of the Earth’s magnetic field, interstellar clouds obscuring the sun’s rays, an excessive burst of sunspot activity and a severe shift of the Earth’s angle of rotation. They came to realise that the extinction of Earth’s plant life had dramatically reduced the carbon dioxide levels in the lower atmosphere, leading to severe heat loss across the world. Scientists tried to reverse the flow of ice, installing Ioniser Bases at strategic points across the globe: Britannicus Base in Europe, and complexes in America, Australasia, South Africa and Asia. These were all co-ordinated by the Great World Computer.

  Many refused to leave their homelands and became scavengers. Before long, everywhere on Earth apart from the equatorial areas was an Arctic wasteland, home to wolves and bears. When captured, scavengers were registered and sent to the African Rehabilitation Centres. Scientists remained behind to measure the flow of the ice with movement probes.

  Varga the Ice Warrior, who had been trapped in the glacier since the First Ice Age, was revived. He excavated his ship and crew, but was defeated by the second Doctor, Jamie and Victoria before he could use sonic weapons to destroy Brittanicus Base.

  The Day of the Troll [1379]

  Global efforts to use chemicals and ionizers to push back the glaciers succeeded, but many temperate zones remained ruined. Britain became a poisoned land and was abandoned, its people dispersing to the rest of the world. Synthetic food was so essential to the world’s survival and economy that it became the new oil. Earth was re-divided according to defence of resources, and the fragmentation led to global mistrust. The Eurozone still existed, as did the Internet - some three hundred million people responded online to a charity appeal. Automated Medical Units were used to treat injuries. Paris had a satellite tracking office, and Spain was temperate enough for poolside parties.

  Ten years after anyone had stepped foot in Britain, the philanthropist Karl Baring established The Grange, an experimental agricultural complex, in Hampshire. The tenth Doctor bore witness as the tentacled plant-creature Sphereosis emerged from the soil in search of sustenance, and generated several “trolls” - humanoids made from twigs - to do its bidding. Baring was absorbed into Sphereosis and mentally influenced the creature to exhaust itself to death. The Doctor was convinced that without Sphereosis syphoning soil nutrients, Britain would become arable again.

  The Age of Greel

  “By the end of the fifth millennium AD, the homunculi created by the human species - clones, cross-breeds, fighting-machines and artificial intelligences of all descriptions - outnumbered humanity by more than thirteen to one.” [1380]

  Twelve clockwork automata, each of them representing a different animal on the Chinese zodiac, were fashioned to serve as army commanders. Two of these were lost - the Dragon became a “crippled and idiotic thing” while the Pig “forgot his lowly station and was taken from us”.

  w - Lolita sent the rest of the automata to the eighteenth century, to the court of King George III. [1381] Earth in the fifty-first century had pan-dimensional sonic weaponry. [1382]

  In the Ice Age around the year 5000, Findecker’s discovery of the double-nexus particle had sent human technology into a cul-de-sac. Humans nonetheless developed limited psychic techniques such as the ability to read and to influence the weak-minded. Various Alliances governed the world.

  The Peking Homunculus, an automaton with the cerebral cortex of a pig, was presented as a toy for the children of the commissioner of the Icelandic Alliance - but the pig component became dominant, and the Homunculus almost precipitated World War Six. The Supreme Alliance came to power, and horrific war crimes were committed. The Doctor was with the Filipino Army when it finally defeated the Alliance at the Battle of Reykjavik.

  Magnus Greel - the Alliance’s Minister of Justice, and the infamous Butcher of Brisbane - had performed terrible scientific experiments on one hundred thousand prisoners in an attempt to discover time travel and immortality. He escaped to the nineteenth century using a beam of zygma energy, and feared Time Agents would pursue him. [1383]

  The Doctor witnessed the sonic massacres in Brisbane. [1384] Greel’s path through time was deflected when his zygm
a beam hit the TARDIS. [1385]

  5000 - Emotional Chemistry [1386]

  Magnus Greel had been a Chinese national, part of the PacBloc regime. The PacBloc used anti-matter shells against opposing armies, but not on population centres, and deployed Stepperiders and Locust aircraft. The Alliance forces used Thor battle tanks and Fenrir reconnaissance tanks. An Alliance division commanded by Razum Kinzhal stormed Greel’s fortress and secured his Zygma technology. Using this, Kinzhal developed transit belts that let his agents roam time and secure possessions formerly owned by Kinzhal’s beloved, Dusha.

  Hostilities had increased between the PacBloc - led by one of Greel’s lieutenants, Karsen Mogushestvo - and the Icelandic Alliance. The strategies of the Alliance’s Lord General Razum Kinzhal devastated the PacBloc’s air force. Kinzhal’s forces further eliminated Mogushestvo’s troops in Sverdlovsk, and overran Omsk.

  Formerly a being known as a Magellan, Kinzhal sought to reunite with his other half, the nineteenth century Russian noblewoman Dusha. The eighth Doctor realised that such an act would obliterate Earth as the Magellan recorporalised. Kinzhal’s assistant, Angel Malenkaya, was mortally wounded and offered herself as a host. The Doctor used the Misl Vremya device in 2024 to link this era with 1812, and thereby transferred Dusha’s soul into Angel’s body. Reunited with his love, Kinzhal considered reorganising his temporal paratroopers into “a unit for policing the past and preserving the future”.

  As part of these events, Trix stole a psionic weapon that Kinzhal had developed using enemy technology. However, she was forced to abandon it.

  c 5010 - “The Keep” [1387]

  The Sun began to fail. The great Metropolises fell and the rich deserted the Earth - they left for the stars in a fleet of space arks. Those who remained behind became desperate. Matter transmission was commonplace, and this development broke up the nation states and ushered in the Transmat Wars. The whole world became a battlefield.


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