Sudden Hope

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Sudden Hope Page 9

by Daniele Lanzarotta

  He nods. “Okay. Sounds simple enough.” He grabs his phone and starts typing.

  “What are you doing?” I ask, afraid of the answer.

  “Texting her.”

  “Don’t!” I practically yell at him. “Do it in person. Not by phone.”

  “Really?” He asks, almost disappointed.

  “Yes. Really.”

  He glances at his watch. “We did pretty amazing today, but I should get going. Are you coming to the baseball field tonight?”

  “No. I don’t think so. Have fun though.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow.”


  After dinner, I keep thinking about Alec playing. I tell Mom I’m going out to the baseball field and she reminds me to be home by nine.

  “Wait. How are you getting there?” she asks.

  “I’ll walk. It’s not that far.”

  “Are you sure?”


  “Okay. Will Alec or Kyle give you a ride home or should I pick you up?”

  “I’ll get a ride back.”

  It’s still light when I leave home. I take my time and when I get to the field, I watch from a distance, from behind the fence.

  Alec has the splint on his wrist, but even with that, he looks like he is in his own element. Kyle pitches the ball and Alec hits it on the first try and takes off running. I don’t even realize until he stops running that I’ve been holding my breath.

  Kyle spots me, and yells, “Hey, Skylar. Get over here!”

  I blush and make my way toward the benches.

  “Not over there. Come over here. Jason is about to leave. We need another player.”

  I laugh. “No way!”

  Alec and Kyle both come toward me.

  “Come on,” says Kyle. “You know you want to.”

  “No, I don’t. And I don’t know the first thing about baseball.”

  “Alec will teach you. Come on.”

  “You’re not going to let this go, are you?” I ask Kyle, but I’m looking at Alec.

  “He is not,” says Alec. “Come on. I’ll teach you.”

  We get to the batter’s box and Alec hands me the bat he was holding.

  My palms are all sweaty. “Alec. I can’t—”

  “You can try,” he says. “Here,” he stands behind me then reaches for my wrists with both of his arms—one on each side. He brings my arms up while I hold the bat.

  “Relax,” he whispers against my ear, “and try to unlock your knees.”

  “Okay.” I take a deep breath and try to relax, but it doesn’t work.

  “Now I’m going to let go of your arms, but try to keep it at this level. Just focus on the ball and swing it when you feel the time is right.”

  I look back at him.

  “You can do it,” he assures me.

  I laugh and shake my head. “Okay.”

  “Ready?” asks Kyle.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  Kyle throws the ball. I swing the bat and, of course, I miss.

  “Again?” asks Kyle. “That wasn’t bad. I’m just that good a pitcher.”

  That makes me laugh again. “Okay.”

  Kyle pitches the ball again, and I’m so shocked when I hit it that I don’t move. Hence the ball doesn’t go far, but still…

  “Run!” yells Alec.

  I snap back to reality and take off. The guys don’t take it easy on me. I’m out before I get to first base, but all the guys are saying, ‘way to go,’ and ‘not bad for a girl’, which I decide to take as a compliment.

  Alec walks with me to the bench and we both sit down.

  “What are you doing?” I ask. “I thought they were short on players.”

  He grins. “Not really. We just wanted you to try.”

  “That is messed up.” I hit him on his shoulder and he laughs.

  I watch him rub his hand over the splint. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m good. I just can’t wait to get this thing off for good.”

  “Can I ask you a question?” I say.


  “Is it too late for you to try out for the team?”

  “Not that it would matter, but yes.”

  “Don’t lie to the girl,” Grayson says as he approaches us. “You wouldn’t even have to try out. The coach would add you to the team as an extra without even thinking about it.”

  “Is that true?” I ask.

  He shrugs. “Maybe, but you know—”

  Grayson rolls his eyes and walks away.

  “I don’t want to sound pushy, but why not just play with the team? Just for fun, I mean… you don’t have to think about college or anything else. Just take it one day at a time.”

  “Sky, what if—”

  “If you get sick again? Alec, stop hiding behind that. We start dying the day we are born. If everyone thought the way you do, no one would ever go after their dreams. There would be a ton of unhappy people moping around.”

  He just stares at me, and then he grins.

  “What?” I ask.

  “You sound pretty determined.”

  “Does that mean you will think about it?”

  “Yes, I’ll think about it.”


  ‘What the hell did I just agree to?’ I think to myself. Maybe she’s right. Maybe I can play with the guys for school and still not get my hopes up about college or anything else. Just have fun…

  I don’t know. I just couldn’t tell her flat out no.

  “Do you need a ride home?” I ask.

  “Yeah. But you don’t have to stop playing.”

  “It’s okay. The guys are about done anyway.”

  I tell the guys we’re leaving and we get in the truck.

  When I park the truck in front of my house and she reaches for the door, I stop her.

  “I’ll talk to the coach tomorrow.”

  Her eyes light up.

  “I’ll probably just be an extra anyway. I think I’m okay with this.”

  She launches toward me, reaching over the center console, and wraps her arms around my neck. “I’m so happy for you,” she says.

  I find my arms automatically going around her. Her hair smells so damn good. I pull away. “Thanks,” I say. The no dating rule is one rule I’m definitely not breaking. Not to mention that I’m not going to risk ruining this friendship.

  Maybe I pulled away too abruptly because for a split second, she stops smiling and looks confused. She then smiles again, but it’s not the same.

  She says that she needs to get going and tells me goodnight.



  Alec gives me a ride to school in the morning. As usual, we get to school early, but apparently, not early enough.

  Kyle and Mandy are in the parking lot and they are arguing.

  There are not many cars around and I don’t see Lizzie’s car, so I’m thinking that Kyle gave Mandy a ride.

  Alec reaches for his door.

  “We should probably stay here,” I say. “He’s breaking up with her.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Because Kyle asked me for advice.”

  “He did?” he asks surprised and I nod.

  Alec opens his window so we can hear what they’re saying, and I wish he hadn’t.

  “This is because of that stupid talent show, isn’t it? Is she the reason you’re breaking up with me?” she yells.

  “No, Mandy. She is not the reason. We’re just in different places right now.”

  “Really? Because Lizzie said Skylar was up to something with the talent show.”

  “The talent show was my idea,” he says.

  “Yeah. Whatever. You don’t have to explain yourself anymore. We’re done.”

  Kyle cocks his head to the side and Alec laughs.

  “What did I miss?”

  “People are getting to school. She’s trying to turn it around to make it look like she’s breaking up
with him.”

  She continues to yell. “I’m done with you and your lies.”

  Kyle grins. “So you are good with us not going to prom together anymore?”

  By the look of rage on her face, I wouldn’t want to be around her.

  She turns around and leaves him in the middle of the parking lot. Small groups of people are scattered around, whispering… likely about what they have just seen. I’m just glad I never had to deal with this drama before.

  Kyle approaches us. “Well, it looks like I’m free for prom. I heard Grayson is free too. Heck. We should just ditch the whole thing and have a bonfire at Grayson’s farm.


  Kyle’s idea is not bad at all, but I want Sky to go to prom. Then I start to think about Amanda’s bucket list and have an idea. “It’s been a while since we hung out at Grayson’s farm. We should plan something for this weekend, maybe after the game or something.”

  “Hell yeah,” says Kyle. “And I can play again this Friday, too. We can definitely celebrate.”

  I grin knowing that, hopefully, we’ll have a lot more to celebrate.

  During lunch, I take off to the gym to talk to the coach. He says the team is full, but like Grayson assumed, he doesn’t say no. He puts me in as an extra and says that he’ll get my uniform sometime before the game on Friday.

  “Your friends will be happy. Do they know?” he asks.

  “Not yet. I was thinking maybe I can tell them at practice tonight.”

  “You know you have to get that splint off before I’ll actually let you play, right?”

  “It’s actually coming off today.”

  “Perfect! You know what? You practice with us from time to time anyway. Don’t tell the guys yet. Just wait to tell them at the game. You can make a big entrance and all.”

  “I don’t know, Coach. I don’t want to make a big deal out of this.”

  “Why not?” he asks. “You deserve it.”

  I’m interrupted by the sound of his walkie-talkie.

  “Coach Cheney. There is a fight in the girls’ bathroom. We need your help. Now!”

  He takes off running and just as he leaves the gym, Kyle rushes in.

  “Dude! Come on. Skylar is in the girls’ bathroom with Mandy and Lizzie, and someone is holding the door shut.”

  I run out of the gym along with him. “How do you know?”

  “Mike was waiting on her. He got worried and called someone, then there was yelling and stuff.”

  When we get to the bathroom, the coach is standing in front of the door, ordering them to open it, but nothing is happening.

  I look over at Kyle.

  “Let’s get her out of there,” I say.

  Kyle and I both move past the coach. “We’re going to open the door,” I say, and to my surprise, he gets out of the way.

  Kyle and I both slam our shoulders against the door and it moves enough to give us an edge. Kyle manages to get his foot in and jams the door open. We find Lizzie behind the door and on the other side of the bathroom are Mandy and Skylar. Mandy looks like a nightmare. She has mascara running down her face and she looks in shock to have been caught. Skylar stands right by her. I notice Mandy has a hold of Sky’s hair, and she quickly lets go. The right side of Sky’s face is red like she has been hit and she looks really pale.

  Her eyes meet mine and she looks horrified. I walk past Lizzie and Mandy. I grab Sky’s hand and pull her along with me.

  Kyle’s mom, Mrs. Harper, is right outside now. Mike is next to her, but he rushes to Sky to see if she’s okay.

  Kyle’s mom looks in our direction, “Take her to my office and stay there with her, please.”

  Mike says, “Come on,” when I stop him.

  “No. I got her,” I snap, and still holding her hand, I lead her away.

  “Everyone else to class,” yells coach. “Elizabeth and Amanda, to the principal’s office. Now!”

  We walk into Mrs. Harper’s office. I reach over and move Sky’s hair behind her ear. She flinches.

  “What happened?”

  She sobs. “She thought Kyle broke up with her because I filled his head with ideas. Then I let it slip that he just asked for advice on breaking up with her and that she was lucky he didn’t do it over text like he wanted to, and she went crazy.”

  I don’t know what to say. What’s wrong with those girls?

  Kyle’s mom comes in. She takes a good look at Skylar then looks at me. “Can you go to the nurse and get a bag of ice?” She goes behind the desk to grab a cup of water and I tell Sky I’ll be back soon.

  When I get back, Kyle’s mom tries to dismiss me to class.

  “Can I stay?” I ask.

  She looks like she’s unsure for a second. “I think it’s best for you to go to class, Alec. Her parents are on the way and so are the other girls’. We’ll get to the bottom of this.”

  I sigh. I don’t want to leave her. I turn to face Sky. “Are you gonna be okay?”

  She nods.

  “Can you text me later, or come over?”

  She nods and I, reluctantly, leave.

  By the end of the day, there are rumors of assault charges and expulsions. It’s not until after school, when I see Kyle, that I get the full story. Mandy was suspended from school for three days and she can’t go to prom. Lizzie just got suspended for three days. It doesn’t seem like enough…


  After school, I get the splint off, and then go to baseball practice. I keep checking my phone hoping for a message from Skylar.

  Sometime after I get home, I still haven’t heard from her so I decide to send her a text. For some reason, going over seems intrusive.

  ‘Are you okay?’ I ask


  ‘Do you want to talk about it?’


  This is bad. This is really bad.

  I take a peek outside, already knowing where I’m going to find her. Sure enough, she is on the roof.

  I climb up the ladder without looking down. I have no idea how I’m going to be able to get down later, but I put those worries aside for now.

  I get up to the top and when she sees me, her eyes widen in shock.

  “Can I join you?”

  She shrugs and I shakily get on top of the roof and sit next to her.

  “I might need some anti-anxiety meds or something to get down.”

  She gives me a sad smile.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to talk about it?”

  I’m certain she’s about to tell me she is sure, so I’m taken by surprise when she speaks up. “I’m just so sick of it all. I’m sick of letting them treat me that way and not do a thing to stop it. I just stood there and listened to what she was saying and I froze.”

  “Sky, those two—I know how they are. They are manipulative and just not easy to deal with. You can’t blame yourself for this stuff.”

  “But I can be mad at myself for freezing up instead of doing something about it.”

  I don’t say anything. I don’t know what to say.

  “How could she even think that Kyle was breaking up with her because of me anyway? I mean… look at her… and look at me.”

  I look at her and cock my head to the side. “You’re kidding, right?”

  She shakes her head.

  “Sky, you’re amazing and beautiful.”

  She looks away. “Yeah, I’m beautiful on the inside. I’ve heard that before.”

  I reach over, graze my fingers against her cheek, and turn her to face me. “You’re beautiful inside and out, Sky.” I find myself leaning toward her and before I know it, we are kissing.

  The whole time, she seems tense. She keeps her hands on her sides and I can tell she is nervous, cautious. I stop and look at her.

  She opens her eyes and looks at me, “You didn’t have to do this just to make me feel better,” she says.

  ‘Crap’, I think to myself. “That’s not why I kissed you.”

  She looks away.
“What happened to your no dating rule?”

  I sigh. ‘Crap. What did I get myself into?’ I think. I don’t know how to say what I want to say without sounding like an ass. “The rule is still in place, Sky. I’m sorry. I just—Ugh. I kissed you because I wanted to kiss you, but I’m not breaking my rule and I don’t want this to jeopardize our friendship.”

  “So, should we forget it happened?” She sounds sarcastic when she says it, but I can’t tell for sure.

  I look at my phone, “It’s almost nine,” I say. “Shouldn’t you go in?”

  “Yeah,” she says.

  “I’m going to attempt to get down from here without hurting myself.”

  She doesn’t say anything.

  I move toward the ladder and stop before I start to get down. “Sky?” She looks at me. “Are we okay?”

  “Yeah. We are fine, Alec.”

  But I don’t feel like we are.

  I manage to get down without hurting myself. I realize I haven’t even told her I made the team and now I feel confused as hell. It may have been an awkward kiss, but for the first time, I regret my stupid rule.

  I need to find a way to fix this… a way to keep her as a friend and be okay with my no dating rule again.


  Sky texts me in the morning to say she isn’t going to school.

  The day is uneventful. After school, I stay for baseball practice. I’ve practiced with the guys from time to time, so this is nothing unusual. I end up deciding to go with the coach’s idea and not tell anyone that I’m officially part of the team until my first game.

  After practice, I approach Kyle and ask if we can talk.

  We go to a burger place by the school.

  “What’s up, Bro? It’s not the time of the year that you have to do those tests again, is it?”

  “No. Not that, man. But I messed up last night… pretty bad.”

  He takes a bite of his cheeseburger. “What did you do?”

  “I kissed Sky.”

  He drops the cheeseburger on the table. “I knew it would happen sooner or later. How was it?”

  I shake my head. “You didn’t know anything. And it was… awkward.”

  “That is what happens when you have a no dating rule. Lack of practice leads to awkward kissing…”


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