Earl of Scandal (London Lords)

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Earl of Scandal (London Lords) Page 20

by Gillgannon, Mary

  “An heir.” Christian looked at Merissa, his blue eyes full of tenderness. “I’ve obviously neglected my duty far too long. I’m going to have to set about rectifying the matter straight away.”

  The heated look in his eyes made Merissa melt. “But we’re not even wed yet. For that matter, you haven’t even properly asked me!”

  Before she could stop him, Christian had gone down on one knee, with her right hand clutched in his. “Merissa, my love, will you marry me?”

  Merissa gazed around at the crowd of men, including her beaming brother, who’d followed her in. “Yes, yes! Only please, get up! This is too embarrassing even for me!”

  Christian rose and kissed her soundly. There was another round of applause. Then Christian took Merissa’s arm. “And now, I’m afraid I will have to escort you out.”

  Catwick and Charles followed as Christian and Merissa left the club. Outside, it was arranged that Charles would ride with Catwick in his carriage, while Christian and Merissa took the phaeton. As they traveled back to the town house, they discussed what to do about Christian’s uncle.

  “I say, turn him into the authorities!” Merissa insisted. “He plotted your murder! He should hang for it!”

  “I’ve afraid we don’t have enough proof. Not to mention that I’m not dead yet, so it wasn’t murder.”

  “But he must be punished somehow!”

  Christian shook his head. “He’s a villain, yes, but he’s also family.”

  “You’re going to allow him to get away with this?”

  “No, but we’ll handle it in our own way.”

  “What about the Averills? What they did was despicable! Did you know that they drugged you so Honoria would have an easier time of seducing you?”

  “So, that explains it.” Christian’s face grew hard. “I always wondered why I blacked out like that.”

  “You must see them punished!”

  “Hmmm,” Christian said thoughtfully. “Anthony must be deep in dun territory to do something like this. I’ll send my solicitor around today and try to buy up all his notes. Then I’ll own the bastard.”

  “And how will that punish him?”

  Christian quirked a brow. “I’ll have him sent to prison for failure to pay his debts, of course. Or, perhaps I’ll suggest he be transported. He apparently wishes to travel. I could arrange for him to spend time in the Australian penal colony.”

  “And Honoria?” Merissa asked. “What will you do to her?”

  Christian shook his head. “I can’t bear to think of a lady in prison, even a bitch like her. The best I can offer, my vindictive darling, is to ruin her socially. Without money, a husband or protector, she won’t find life so easy.”

  “She’ll probably find some foolish man to take care of her,” Merissa said bitterly.

  Christian nodded. “Perhaps, but then, women don’t have many choices in life. I can’t entirely blame her for going along with Anthony’s plan.”

  Merissa wasn’t truly satisfied, but decided she must yield to Christian’s sense of what was an appropriate punishment for a woman. After all, wasn’t that part of what she liked about him, that he was a gentleman in the true sense of the word?

  They reached the town house. Once inside, they had a brief conversation with Sir Catwick. He promised to arrange things with Christian’s solicitor. As soon as he left, Christian turned to Merissa. “And now, my dear, I intend to have a bath and a shave. I must look a disgrace.”

  Merissa regarded his rumpled clothing and whisker-darkened jaw. If anything, his deshabille made him appear even more provocatively handsome. But she nodded agreeably. “I, too, should go upstairs and set myself to rights.”

  In the bedchamber, she washed her face and hands and started to remove her soiled shoes and stockings. She paused, sighing. There would be numerous details to wrap up in ‘London. Then they would probably return to Whytcliff for the wedding. The local banns must be read, so that would take another few weeks. It might be summer before she and Christian were wed.

  She sighed again. A month or more before they were able to enjoy the pleasures of the marital bed.

  It seemed like an eternity. No, she could not wait that long.

  With resolution, she drew off one of her stockings and threw it across the room. Then she discarded the other and stood to unfasten her day dress. She pulled off her chemise and then her drawers. Completely naked, she ran her hands through her hair, pulling out the pins.

  A wanton naked woman stared back at her from the glass. The wood nymph that Christian said she reminded him of. Merissa smiled at her reflection. Then she took the mauve silk wrapper from the bedpost and loosely draped it over herself, aiming for the effect that Honoria Averill had displayed.

  Thus arrayed, she padded to the door and started down the hallway to Christian’s bedchamber.

  “Come in,” he called when she knocked. Merissa hesitated, wondering what she would do if he had his valet with him. Then, she opened the door and went in.

  Christian reclined in a large hip bath, a steaming towel draped over his face. Merissa tiptoed near and removed the towel. Christian’s eyes widened and he jerked upright in the tub. “Merissa? What the devil?”

  “You know the heir Sir William mentioned?” She began to undo the sash of the wrapper. “Well, I think it’s dangerous to wait any longer to begin trying for one.”

  “You do?” Christian’s voice came out in a sort of croak as Merissa slid the wrapper down to reveal her breasts.

  She nodded. “I was thinking. If you’re not too tired...”

  “Too tired?” Christian glanced at her breasts, then met her gaze. “I’ve never felt better in my life.”

  “You’re certain?” She let the wrapper slide the rest of the way to the floor.

  Christian gave her a brilliant smile and stood up in the tub. It only took Merissa one look to ascertain that he appeared quite fit... quite fit, indeed. It was her turn to gasp as her gaze took in his broad, muscular shoulders, the expanse of his chest flat belly, and lower...

  “What’s the matter; love?” he teased. “Never seen a naked man before?”

  Her gaze was riveted on the startling evidence of his manhood. “Well, I... no, actually, I haven’t.”

  He leaned near and pressed a wet kiss on one of her breasts. “Are you as worried as you look?” He kissed the other breast. “Have you changed your mind?”

  “No,” she whispered breathily. If she’d been aroused before, her body seemed on fire now. Her nipples were hard peaks beneath his lips. The triangle between her thighs throbbed unbearably. “No, I haven’t.”

  “Well then. Let’s lock the door and get into bed.”

  It was everything she thought it would be... and more. To be so close to a man she loved, to explore his big, strong, intriguing body. To feel his hands on her, his mouth. And no clothes between them, nothing except the shimmering frisson of their desire.

  He kept her waiting for what seemed like an endless time, caressing her flesh to near incandescent longing, then drawing back to look at her.

  Finally, she could endure no more. “Please,” she moaned. “We’ll never get a babe this way.”

  “And is that what you want?” His hard shaft pressed between her splayed, tingling thighs.

  She nodded, too overcome to speak.

  “No,” he said. “I think this is what you want.” He drove into her with one quick shattering thrust that turned her mind into a whirlpool of stars.

  “Did I hurt you, darling?” he murmured.

  Speechless, she shook her head. Although she could not deny she felt some discomfort, it was tinged with incredible satisfaction. To be so close to him, their bodies joined. Her senses were flooded with the scent and feel of him, so male and strong.

  He let her catch her breath, then began to move. Merissa moaned in response. She was transported, higher and higher, like a kite buffeted by fierce winds. Her thoughts spun out, then finally disappeared into a magical realm of pur
e pleasure. She was aware of his husky groan as he joined her rapture. Then they both floated downward.

  “Merissa.” He kissed her tenderly. “That was wonderful.”

  “Better than all those painted strumpets, actresses and demireps you’ve made love to over the years?”

  He smiled, showing the dimple on his chin and the one next to his mouth—his extraordinarily talented mouth. “It was another man who tumbled them, another man in another lifetime.”

  “But did you enjoy it with them? Did you like it as much as you do with me?” Merissa knew she shouldn’t ask such things, but she couldn’t help herself. Would she always have doubts, always wonder if he really loved her?

  He kissed the slopes of her breasts. “I love your freckles,” he said. “I want to devour them.” He growled and nibbled at her shoulders and neck, making her squirm. Incredibly, she felt a throb of longing blossoming inside her. How could she feel this way, so soon after... ?

  She blushed at the thought, then blushed even more as he propped himself up beside her and looked at her. What if he guessed that she—appalling wanton that she was—desired more?

  “In answer to your question,” he said, “there’s no comparison. The other women were like water, and you...” He touched a finger to her nipple, then toyed with it until it peaked and swelled. “... the finest, rarest wine. One merely quenches the thirst. The other enthralls the senses and delights the soul.”

  Merissa closed her eyes and gave in to the delicious sensations swirling inside her. His caressing fingers moved lower, tracing a line down her navel, then to the quivering cleft below. She arched her hips and spread her thighs, incapable of resistance.

  “I’ve never desired a woman again so soon after loving her,” he whispered in her ear. “You set me aflame. And now...” He adjusted his body over hers. “Now I intend to quench my fire in your lush, slick wetness.”

  He slid inside her much more easily this time, but it was no less intense. Indeed, her pleasure seemed heightened, teased to a fine, exquisite edge. Not once, but twice she climbed to the shimmering, breathless heights.

  She held Christian tightly, first his shoulders, then his firm, strong hips as he arched above her. “Merissa,” he moaned, his voice raw with concentration, “I love you. I want you forever... for the rest of my life.”

  She closed her eyes, journeying to that enchanted place yet again.


  “I wish Elizabeth could have come,” Merissa said as the carriage wound down the road to the Bedlington estate.

  “Yes, but don’t you think that she’s happier at home with Richard?” Christian asked.

  Merissa nodded. “I’m so glad that he finally proposed—and that she accepted. What do you suppose came over her? Elizabeth was always so practical, and so unselfish, deferring her needs to others.”

  “Your father will be fine,” Christian assured her. “He has a housekeeper, and since he seldom leaves his study, as long as Mrs. Hareton makes certain he eats, he’ll be as well off as if Elizabeth were looking after him. As for what changed your sister’s mind, well, perhaps your example inspired her. She saw you realizing your dreams, so why should she not do likewise?”

  “Perhaps that’s it. For that matter, things also turned out well for Charles. You know I get anxious when I think of him living a soldier’s life, but it’s clearly what he wants. It was generous of you to buy him his colors.”

  Christian smiled at her. “He’s family now. It was the least I could do.”

  “Family,” Merissa said, then sighed.

  He reached to pat her hand. “You’ll do fine. My mother will adore you.”

  “You’re certain?”

  “You convinced me to marry you, didn’t you? That’s been my mother’s obsession for years. When she learns that you might already be expecting, she’ll be ecstatic.”

  “Mind you, I’m not certain yet. But I am a bit late.” Merissa blushed. It was strange to speak so openly with a man, but given the incredible intimacy they’d shared, it seemed silly to avoid such subjects with Christian. Her Christian.

  She turned to look at him, and as always, a warm bubble of pleasure blossomed in her chest. He was so handsome, so manly. No wonder he’d been one of the most sought after “catches” in London for years. There must be a great many women who were very disappointed to learn he’d wed her, a little countrified nobody.

  Once again, a twinge of nervousness rippled down her body. They were traveling to the Bedlington estate. It was bound to be a grand, huge household. How would she manage to fit in?

  “There it is,” Christian said.

  The coach crested a hill and below in the valley, Merissa could see a sprawling dwelling of white stonework. Several tower-like structures rose above the three-story mansion, glinting in the sunlight. “My word,” she said, “it looks like a castle.”

  “Well, it is a bit ostentatious, I suppose. But we don’t have to use all the rooms. The main living areas are quite cozy.”

  “Oh, and look,” Merissa pointed. “You have horses and sheep... and cows.”

  “And cats and dogs, and chickens and geese, and probably ducks on the river as well!” Christian laughed. “I’ve forgotten what a country girl you are. Perhaps this is just the place for you. There’s a good-sized farm operation here. My grandfather was the old-fashioned sort. He believed in raising food himself to stock the household larders.” He leaned near to nuzzle her neck. “Is that what you want, to turn me into a quiet country squire, brooding over crop yields and livestock?”

  “Don’t be silly, I can’t imagine you doing anything like that!”

  “You never know, I might turn out like Devon. I might actually come to enjoy country living and to scorn the dissolute pleasures of London.”

  “Speaking of Devon, are you all settled up with him—your wager, I mean?” Try as she might, Merissa could not suppress a giggle.

  Christian rolled his eyes. “Yes, I do believe I’ve paid my debt, many times over in fact.”

  Merissa giggled again. “Who would have thought that Devon would come up with such an entertaining means of settling up.”

  “Bastard,” Christian muttered. “Asking us to play nursemaid to their children for the weekend. Devon has an evil streak. And Caroline, too. My head still aches from all the clumps of hair Rafe pulled out while I was giving him horsy rides.”

  “Yes, Rafe is a bit rambunctious, isn’t he? But Michael wasn’t too difficult.”

  “Maybe not for you,” Christian sniffed. “You should have seen my valet’s face when he saw the slimy mess the little darling made of my waistcoat.”

  “Perhaps you shouldn’t have played so roughly with him so soon after he ate.” The memory of Christian tossing the baby up in the air and catching him started an ache of longing inside Merissa. For all her husband’s grumbling, she knew he’d be a wonderful father. “Think of it as training for the future,” she said. “When we have children, you’ll know just what to do.”

  “I want girls,” Christian said firmly. “Nice, quiet little girls who will do as they’re bid.”

  “Like their mother?” Merissa teased.

  Christian gave her a horrified look. “Gads, that’s all I need!”

  “But I thought you liked my spirit, my strong will and fiery temperament?” She made a pouting face.

  “In bed.” He regarded her with a lecherous expression. “That’s where I enjoy my wild, hot-blooded temptress.”

  Merissa closed her eyes as Christian kissed her breasts through her thin day dress. The familiar heat built inside her. “Stop,” she murmured after a moment, “I can’t greet your mother looking like you’ve tumbled me in the carriage.”

  “Oh, all right” He drew away. “But I promise you, before we return to London, I intend to ravish you in every bedchamber in the house, all thirty of them.”

  Merissa shivered with delight. “Promises, my love, always promises.”

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

; Dear Reader,

  I first started writing books set in the English Regency era because I was intrigued by the contrast between the rigid rules of behavior and the way people really behaved in that time period, and also the dramatic disparity between the different stratums of society. Just thinking about all those diverse social worlds seemed to spark stories in my mind. Before you know it, I had imagined what might happen when a penniless lord is forced to a wealthy merchant’s daughter in Devil’s Own Bargain and the clash between a no-nonsense country miss and a jaded nobleman in Earl of Scandal.

  I recently returned to this era and wrote two more books in the London Lords series. They both feature intrepid, stubborn country lasses tangling with sophisticated and cynical heroes from the city. In Wicked Wager, hardened gamester Marcus Revington has his hands full with the horse-mad hoyden Penny. While in Saint Sin, the determined and daring Ariella must convince world-weary Michael St. Cyr to forsake his life of decadence and live again. It’s called the London Lords series, but it’s the fearless heroines of these books who make it all happen.

  I’m still hoping to sell these two stories to a traditional publisher. But if nothing comes of it, I’ll bring them out myself as ebooks next year. In the meantime, you might explore some of the other worlds I’ve written about: the passion, drama and mysticism of the Dragon of the Island series, and my Irish-Viking duo, which feature heroines as feisty as my Regency misses and heroes as sexy and compelling as any London lord.

  Happy reading,

  Titles by Mary Gillgannon

  Dragon of the Island

  Dragon’s Dream

  The Dragon Prince

  The Dragon Bard

  Beyond the Sea Mist

  Storm Maiden

  Devil’s Own Bargain

  Earl of Scandal

  Mary Gillgannon

  Mary Gillgannon writes romance novels set in the dark ages, medieval and English Regency time periods and fantasy and historical novels with Celtic influences. Her print books have been published in Russia, China, the Netherlands and Germany. Raised in the Midwest, she now lives in Cheyenne, Wyoming where she works full-time at the Laramie County Library.


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