Omega Seth

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Omega Seth Page 12

by TJ Star

  “Please Ryan…please, I need…you.” Seth begged just before getting assaulted by another breath taking kiss. His lover’s tongue sliding in and tasting his, devouring his whole mouth.

  “Open for me babe, I got you.” Ryan said. Then moved and in one thrust sank deep into his mate who whimpered in pleasure. Soon they had their own pace and were both so close. He bent over and bit his mate again as he climaxed taking him with him. Then Ryan heard through their link ‘Oh so fucking good.’ He smiled and looking at Seth said, “I agree.”

  Seth eye’s went wide and face flush with embarrassment. “I didn’t even say that out loud.”

  “No, but our bond in now fully cemented and we can communicate that way as well. If you don’t want to or are in a meeting or such and are afraid you will be disturbed by it just put up a small block. I would prefer we never have to hide anything from each other though. It will take some getting use to.” Ryan stated softly running his hands through his mate’s hair as he pulled him in to snuggle closer.

  Chapter 29 Seth

  Seth stretched as he woke, hearing the shower running he decided to go down to the ice machine. Maybe he could snag some muffins or something from breakfast to bring back and tide them over. As he walked he got lost in thought remembering their wonderful night together.

  Even the run which he was really worried about turned out great. He smiled remembering how even their wolves loved to play together, teasing and nipping at each other as they had ran through the woods. The mate bite in wolf form hurt a bit more than the one at the ceremony, but his wolf had yearned for it.

  As he stood in the little room pressing the lever so the ice would go in the bucket he tried to hurry he hated how loud the noise was to their wolf hearing. It hurt his ears. Just as he had that thought he was hit from behind and the world went dark.


  When Seth woke his ears were still ringing, but he was pretty sure it was from the hit over the head. He shook his head a couple times to get it to stop, when he could get his bearings he looked around to see where he was. It looked like he was tied up in some type of boat shed. He moved and it must have made some noise because then Tom came through the door with Alpha Ron and Danny following behind him. This couldn’t be good, not if they were here in a location he had never seen before.

  “So you worthless piece of shit, you got that alpha to mate you I see. He preregistered you with the counsel and I couldn’t believe it when I heard he was actually going to do a mating ceremony. To breed with the likes of you.” Alpha Ron was furious and had stalked towards him where he sat on the floor hands tied and strapped to the beam near him. Now as Ron stood directly over him he hunched hoping to avoid any blows directly. “Look at me when I speak to you omega.” He shouted grabbing Seth by the chin turning his face up in a fierce grip.

  “Who all saw the painting you sent omega?” Ron hissed inches from his face now. He whimpered and tried pulling back. He couldn’t move though not with Ron holding his face and when the backhand across his face came for not answering fast enough it split his lip. “Looks like we are going to have to remind you of your place. You have been spoilt in that pitiful excuse for a pack.”

  “Tom, Danny strip him I will be back in shortly. I have to make a couple calls and I can’t get signal here. Then when I get back omega you will be reminded who you are.” Ron said turning and left the boathouse.

  They untied him and took off his clothes, as he tried to fight it just seemed to make them happy because they kept grinning and laughing at his efforts. They were on the far side away from the door and there were walkways on both sides of where the boats were tied. The front area of the boat house near them was over land and had some sandy area he could see must be covered completely when tide was high, but now it provided an area to walk on.

  He was face down on the wooden planks of the boathouse staring at the sandy area as Tom held him down with his knee on his back. He tried to get his hands free but Tom’s hands were huge taking both his wrists in one.

  Seth was suddenly flipped over and now saw Danny was on the other side of him across from Tom. “We have a bit of time to have us some fun now don’t we. I bet you missed us, didn’t you?” Tom snarled then bent to kiss him, it was brutal and he tried turning his head but couldn’t get away from it.

  When he was let up for air he looked to and fro trying to see anything he might be close enough to try to get away or defend himself with. Nothing was even close and anything else was too far beyond the two wolves to be of any use. “Not talking fine we don’t need words.” Tom said.

  He handed off Seth’s wrists to Danny who hopped down on the sandy area near the water. Then Tom proceeded to make bite marks with his human teeth all the way down to his nipples. He needed to stop being so scared and focus, but it hurt so badly.

  Pulling and tugging on his hands was getting him nowhere and once he had tried kicking Tom that just made him straddle him. Now he was getting his nipples pulled and twisted and bit. “Stop!”He screamed franticly.

  “Now you want to talk, too late taking what I want. Fight me all you like just makes it more fun.” Tom said laughing as he reached down and squeezed Seth’s cock and balls hard getting a scream out of him.

  Now Danny was putting both wrists in one hand and his hair was grabbed and head pulled down. He seen Dan’s cock and struggled more, he didn’t want to do this he had a mate now. He felt the tears rolling out of his eyes even as he struggled and the cock was pushed into his mouth.

  Then he felt his hips lifted slightly and screamed around the dick in his mouth as Tom’s cock impaled him. Danny laughed and rammed his cock farther in enjoying the vibrations. Then he started thrusting in and out faster matching Tom’s thrusts. All he could do was let the tears flow and put his mind on his mate. Thinking over and over again please find the boat house and save me, please…

  Chapter 30 Ryan

  Ryan was pissed, he had gotten out of the shower thinking to surprise his mate and order up some special breakfast only to see the ice bucket gone and the door cracked open. He waited ten minutes then followed his mate’s scent. Only once there found Tom’s scent, he would remember that low life smell anywhere.

  He alerted Nathan and had him alert the enforcers as Galen worked on the pc to see what information he could come up with concerning recent events and possible links to Ron from Green Valley pack.

  They all gathered together his brothers, the enforcers, the musketeers and a few other stronger pack members he trusted for this operation. He was trying to hold it together while his wolf wanted to burst free and go find his mate.

  This lead to the article in the paper that could have been a duplicate of Seth’s painting he sent to Ron. Ron had asked for one painting a year and Seth had sent him the first one he painted that had him in it, so that he would not have to think about him again. The article picture was so similar to his painting. Only without Ron holding the gas can, just a picture of the house burning.

  The article dated to just after the painting had been sent but stated the tragic loss of a historical home happened just days before the painting had left. Not that he needed any more motive to take Seth, the alpha was scum.

  He was now headed into the conference room at the office, to see about any updates. “Is there anything yet, I need to find my mate now!” Ryan growled as he walked in.

  Nathan looked at him with understanding eyes, but shook his head, “The enforcers are following any leads they can find, talking to everyone.”

  “Have someone call Officer Benson and see what he can come up with on the fire issue and the Green Valley Pack. Let him know what is going on he is a wolf and will know what we expect and how much to or not to say to anyone else.” Ryan said.

  “I am betting insurance scam since they are the ones you went to sell the blueprints to for the new reconstruction in a new area. The Counsel will likely replace him at the very least after this stunt.” Crew said, “If he survives until then.”r />
  Just then Ryan grabbed his head as he felt the near shout in his head ‘please find the boat house and save me please.’

  “What is it?” Galen asked looking at his brother with the clouded over eyes.

  “Are there any boat houses nearby or owned by Ron? Seth is screaming he needs us to hurry.” Ryan said standing to pace once again. His wolf was not happy their mate was in trouble, they needed to be there to help and protect him. He didn’t like the idea that he had failed Seth.

  “Yes about half an hour away, rented under his own name the idiot. I text the address to the rest of the enforcers to meet us there.” Galen said. He gave them the address and they all ran out hopping in Nathan’s truck.

  “I should have done a better job, he will never forgive me. I promised to keep him safe.” Ryan stated as his brother drove and they both tried to calm him as they followed the direction the GPS gave them.

  Chapter 31 Seth

  He had rolled over after they were done with him crying and trying to crawl away, but that just got him a boot or two to the ribs. Then he tried to stop the foot coming towards his groin but just wound up toppling over the side onto the sand below. They laughed and talked until he heard the door once again and they stopped to await orders.

  “Needed a lesson did he, I am not surprised he needs to be reminded of his place.” With those words he hopped down to the sand next to Seth and took off his belt. “You have caused me nothing but trouble since the day I bought your sorry ass.” Seth started crawling backwards to get away then rolled over to try and pull himself towards the water and away from the evil alpha.

  His leg was grabbed and he was suddenly being whipped over and over with the belt. He screamed and whimpered telling him to stop but he got several more lashes before the end came.He started pulling towards the water to get closer may he could get to a boat an oar anything.

  “No escaping from me you dirty slut of an omega. I will soon enough take you on the boat to leave here, but first if it is water you want then so be it.” Ron said then grabbed his hair and dragged him into the water a bit.

  He dunked Seth’s head under until he was pushing at the bottom trying to get leverage to get up fighting for all he could. Then his legs were suddenly lifted off the sand and he was pushed even farther into the water. He could barely stay above with his finger tips pushing up on the bottom of the water bed, and when he did his fingers would sink into the soft sand.

  He felt the single thrust penetration, and screaming into the water tried with new efforts to get away. Why did alphas have to be so strong? Why did it seem he never had a fighting chance?

  Seth pushed off the bottom again gasping for air as he came above water, just to sink below again. Then the alpha smacked his ass making him yelp and loose precious air. He tried getting above the water again, got more air but it wouldn’t be long and he would have not fight left. The water was cold and his energy was going fast.

  Then he was knocked sideways in the water and sputtered to get a good breath as he sat and got to his knees. He was pulled suddenly up and towards the wooden planks but under instead of above.Not seeing with his hair over his eyes he had started to struggle and fight back best he could with little energy left.

  Then he heard a voice, not his mates but one he recognized. “It’s me you are safe, Ryan will take care of him for you.” Galen said. He couldn’t help it he started crying and hugging him. “I won’t let anyone near you while they fight.”

  Once he felt another presence near them he flinched then turned and launched himself into his mate’s arms. “Tom kicked me in the ribs twice I don’t think the babies are hurt but…” then he started bawling again. Ryan picked him up and handed him up to Nathan then took him back once he was up on the planks.

  “Shush, you are safe; we will see the doctor on the way home and get you checked out okay. It will be alright, I am so sorry I failed you I didn’t prepare for this or anything. I should have thought ahead.” Ryan rambled on holding Seth close.

  “It wasn’t your fault I should have waited and told you where I was going. I shouldn’t have left the room without at least telling you.” Seth said tucking his head into his mate’s neck for comfort. “I am the reason they came, if I hadn’t sent that painting, but I wanted the years painting to be sent and done.”

  “Yes we found the article on his house fire online it looked just like the painting. You had no way of knowing it would send him after you.” Ryan said kissing him on the cheek as he set him in the truck where Galen had opened the door for him. “Rest now we will take you to the doctor.”

  Chapter 32 Doctor

  Nathan ran over to open the office doors as Ryan went around grabbing his mate. They had parked in the emergency area of the small home office of the pack doctor. Galen came trailing in with them and the staff was ready and waiting for them thanks to Galen’s foresight to call ahead. They put Seth on a bed and rolled him into one of the rooms down the hall. After the staff had accessed his wounds and made sure there was no major bleeding or troubles, they moved him to another room to do an ultrasound to check on the pup or pups.

  Ryan was never so glad in his life that he had chosen to buy this building and set up the doctor and his family in it to help aid his pack. It was good knowing they had someone to come to even if wolves heal quickly. There are always other matters that need taken care of and soon his mate would be seen regularly as well. Then the birthing; he so must not get ahead of himself with stress and worry one thing at a time.

  This would be the first ultrasound they had so they didn’t really know how many there were yet really. As the doctor stood there doing the ultrasound he kept asking Seth questions wanting to make sure the head wound hadn’t resulted in a concussion. “Alpha just make sure if he has any dizziness and make sure he gets rest but if it presents as a concussion then wake every two hours for the night. He should be fine after that even though omega healing isn’t as fast as ours. His ribs will be sore but are not broken and the lacerations will heal in a day or two.” Dr. Smith said as he finished rubbing cool gel over his stomach and plugged in the cord.

  Now the doctor was running it over his stomach. “Well it looks a bit early to tell you the sex of the pups but I can tell you they are doing well and that noise you hear is their heartbeats. There are three of them so get your rest now you won’t be getting any later.” The doctor said chuckling to himself. “You can take your mate home no heavy lifting, keep an eye out for dizziness, but other than that all is well. Congratulations.”

  “Thank you!” Seth said tears flowing happy all was okay. He reached for Ryan and they just held each other there for a long time. He didn’t know what he would have done if something happened to his pups.

  “Let’s go tell the others they were worried too love.” Ryan said helping him up and putting him in the wheel chair for transport and wheeling him out. The brothers came over and saw him, Galen hugging him as soon as they reached the waiting area. Nathan hugged Ryan and then clapped him on the shoulder.

  “Got yourself a little fighter here bub, that pup will be a good scrapper too.” Nathan said smiling glad they were okay.

  Seth looked up at Ryan and then they both grinned, “You want to tell him honey.” Seth said and couldn’t contain his joy the tears started flowing again. This time he would be blaming it on the pregnancy hormones though.

  “What’s going on brother?” Galen and Nathan asked at the same time then looked at each other laughed and bumped shoulders shoving each other.

  Ryan rolled him out towards the truck as he spoke and they followed, “Well seems we may need a couple uncles to help corral the litter. We are having three pups too early to tell the sex of them yet.” He said smiling as he helped his mate back into the truck. Then got in himself as the others just stared. “Take us home family.”

  Chapter 33 Seth

  Once home Ryan had carried him into the bedroom to rest and crawling in behind him. He asked him something he had been wonderi
ng a while. He was going to ask earlier but he was so worried about the pups. “How did you find me? I didn’t even know where I was.”

  Ryan turned his mate to face him and told him how the brothers, the enforcers and those dubbed the musketeers had all come together to help figure out where he had been taken. He explained how he was of no use with his wolf pacing and pushing to get out. Ryan explained about the article what they had found and that they were looking into it.

  This also broke the agreement between the two packs and the pack lawyer would now be revoking the other packs rights to the land they had given them. It would automatically fall back into their hands. With the fire and a possible insurance scam by his old alpha he was sure that the pack would finally turn against him.

  They put up with a lot before but totally ruining such a chance they were given and then causing such problems for the pack only brought the eyes of the counsel on them. Something everyone avoided. Now they would likely be investigated.

  “I heard you shouting in my head that is how we found you. You led us to the boat house. If you had not opened up communications it would have taken a lot longer and you might have been gone by the time we got there.” Ryan said pulling him closer.

  “I didn’t even know I did. I just needed you. I was so scared and tired of being scared. I want to learn to fight, even Galen knows how to fight you said so.” Seth said.


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