Kisses for the Billionaire: Lost Kiss (David and Carrie Book 3)

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Kisses for the Billionaire: Lost Kiss (David and Carrie Book 3) Page 1

by M. G. Morgan

  Kisses for the Billionaire 3

  Lost Kiss

  M.G. Morgan


  Also by M.G. Morgan


  Kisses for the Billionaire

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Also by M.G. Morgan

  Also by M.G. Morgan

  David and Carrie

  Kisses for the Billionaire - Promised Kiss Part One

  Kisses for the Billionaire - Stolen Kiss Part Two

  Kisses for the Billionaire - Lost Kiss Part Three

  Billionaire Brothers

  At the Billionaire’s Pleasure Book One

  At the Billionaire’s Pleasure Christmas Stocking Novella 1.5

  At the Billionaire’s Promise Book Two

  Loving the Billionaire Book Three

  Loving the Billionaire Winter’s Wedding Novella 3.5

  At the Billionaire’s Paradise Book Four

  Loving the Billionaire Picture Perfect Book Five

  At the Billionaire’s Passion Book Six

  Loving the Billionaire Ever After Book Seven

  Sovereign Club Series

  Precious Book One

  Bound Book Two

  Coming Soon:

  Mirage Book Three

  Breaker’s Point Series

  Breaker’s Point Rogue

  Breaker’s Point Beau

  Breaker’s Point Sinner

  Coming Soon:

  Breaker’s Point Liar

  Breaker’s Point Billionaires




  Desired by the Billionaire

  Remember Me Book 0.5

  Desired Book 1

  Forget Me Not Book 1.5

  Adored Book 2

  Copyright © 2015 by M.G. Morgan

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Kisses for the Billionaire

  Lost Kiss

  Part Two

  Chapter 1

  Sitting back against the plane seat, my eyes fought to stay open.

  Exhaustion had set in, fear and anger sapping me of my already depleted energy levels.

  My eyelids were heavy and I fought to keep them open, staring out the window at the water passing thousands of feet below the plane.

  What was David doing? Was he even alive?

  I had to believe he was. If anything had happened to him I would feel it, I was certain of it.

  Cool air poured out of the air conditioning unit above my head, the gentle rushing noise lulling me as my eyes shut.

  I’d have given anything to know David was safe. All I could do was trust the monsters who had me.

  They’d promised they wouldn’t kill him…

  A rough hand slid up the inside of my thigh, forcing my legs apart and I jolted awake in the seat.

  Scar face sat across from me, an amused smile playing around his lips as he drank in my reaction.

  I slapped at his hand but it only made him dig his meaty fingers into the soft flesh of my upper thigh.

  Cringing I gritted my teeth as he let his fingers walk a little higher.

  Without thinking I jerked forward in my seat, my hand lashing out lightening quick, catching him across the face.

  Three bloody lines appeared on his cheek and his amused smile disappeared, replaced by a look of pure rage.

  He leaned into me, the hand he’d ran up the inside of my leg catching me around the neck forcing me back in the seat.

  My eyes began to water as he squeezed down on my throat, I could feel my airways closing down, crushed beneath his brutality.

  “Dom, what the hell are you doing?”

  My heart beat thundered in my ears and I could feel my eyes beginning to bulge in my head. I was seconds away from passing out and I fought it every step of the way.

  The last thing I wanted was to be unconscious and vulnerable in this man’s presence.

  “Bitch cut me with her nails, I’m teaching her a lesson.” He grunted, leaning his weight into the grip he had on my throat.

  I gagged, fighting against his hold. The edges of my vision went grey and then black as he smiled at me, gradually tightening his grip.

  Clawing at his arms, I dug my nails into his flesh but I could feel my body beginning to give up. The lack of oxygen was making it hard to concentrate and my actions became more frenzied.

  “For God’s sake, Dom, let her go and stop being an idiot. If she scratched you she probably had good reason.” Andy paused and then sighed before flopping into the seat next to me.

  “Father will be pissed if she’s bruised, you’re going to spoil all of his plans.”

  “I don’t care…” Dom grunted but he didn’t continue to tighten his grip.

  The fog in my mind increased and my body felt as though it was made from lead weights.

  I was going to pass out.

  I was going to pass out and then I would be at his mercy.

  Fight, Carrie, you have to fight! The small voice in the back of my mind roared inside my head.

  Raising my knees as close to my chest as the jet’s seats would allow I thrust out with my foot.

  Dom’s grip on me released instantly, oxygen flooding down my bruised throat as the satisfying sound of his high pitched keening bit into my ears.

  He was doubled over on the floor of the jet, rocking back and forth as tears streamed from his eyes.

  Andy whistled low, the look of shock on his face filling me with dread.

  “You’ve really gone and done it now,” Andy said, peering down at his brother over the top of his martini glass.

  “You could have stopped him, I thought I was your leverage.” My voice was hoarse to my own ears and my throat burned as I spoke.

  Wincing, I rubbed my neck, I could already imagine how it looked, if David saw it he’d go ballistic.

  He’s not going to see it.

  The realisation slammed into me, the pain of sucking in another breath suddenly had nothing to do with Dom’s choking me.

  “You are, but you should have let Dom have his bit of fun. He wouldn’t have done much damage.”

  “He was trying to choke me, I couldn’t breathe and you say that’s him not doing much damage? He nearly crushed my throat!”

  “If he wanted to crush it he’d have done it, Dom, isn’t like you or I, he’s the type that needs to release his frustrations on a regular basis, if he doesn’t…” Andy trailed off and rolled his eyes.

  “If he doesn’t?” I prompted watching Dom slowly climb to his feet.

  “When he doesn’t he becomes a drama queen and then people die.” Andy spoke so utterly matter of fact that I turned in my seat and stared at him, momentarily taking my eyes off Dom.

  “And you don’t care?” I said, staring at him as he calmly sipped his drink.

  “Why would I? He gets things done and as long as his temper doesn’t spill over and screw the business up…”

  “You’ll be sorry you decided to grow balls,” Dom said, his voice cracking with anger.

  The urge to shrink back in my seat was overwhelming but I gripped the armrests and met his gaze defiantly.

  “We’ll see who’s sorry when all of this is done with,” I said, keeping my voice low and threatening.

  Dom opened his mouth to answer me but he cut off as the jet’s fasten seat belt sign flashed on.

  He turned on his heel and sauntered down the plane. I watched him drop into one of the plush leather seats before I released the breath I’d been holding.

  Andy grinned at me, “he hates you, no one gets the opportunity to stand up to him but with you he can’t go too far.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because Father gave the order he wanted you in one piece.”

  “Back at the warehouse he said he didn’t care what your father wanted,” I said, casting a wary glance back at Dom.

  “He says that but I know my brother, he wants his inheritance and he’s not going to risk it.”

  I sighed, it seemed as long as Taylor wanted me alive then I was safe from the wrath of his son. Or at least as safe as I could be in the clutches of a bunch of maniacs.

  The jet dipped and began its descent, the ground slowly coming into view.

  The island spread out beneath us and from my bird’s eye view in the sky it looked beautiful, a veritable paradise. But I knew the truth, whatever awaited me below would be anything but paradise.

  Chapter 2

  The journey from the private airfield to the house was made in silence. Dom had left and I’d felt some of my tension creep away the second he’d announced he had other business to attend to.

  Andy was bad but he wasn’t unpredictable like his brother.

  He was the type who genuinely seemed to care about what his father thought. He was in control and business driven.

  And he hadn’t shown the slightest interest in hurting me.

  Dom was dangerous and I knew at all costs I had to stay out of his way.

  The car rolled to a smooth stop outside the sprawling villa and Andy smiled at me.

  “I can see you’re impressed, what did you think the house would look like?”

  I shook my head and continued to stare up at the impressive gleaming white walls of the house.

  The sunshine beat down on it, making it almost unbearable to stare up at the roman architecture.

  “How old is it?”

  “Old,” he said, pushing open the car door without waiting for one of the drivers to open it.

  His face seemed to light up as he turned back to me. “I’ve had some of the older sections restored in the original style. It’s a fascinating process, and they obviously knew what they were doing for something to survive as long as it has.” He rambled on and I didn’t interrupt him.

  If I could get him to see me as a human, not just as a pawn to be used to his advantage then maybe I could manipulate him into helping me. If that meant pretending to be interested in his passions then I would do it.

  “I could show you some of the plans for this place if you were interested?” He turned to me and smiled.

  It made him look young and utterly inexperienced, a complete reversal of the man he’d been back at the warehouse.

  “I’d like that,” I said, with a smile.

  He nodded and his expression shifted as his gaze rested on something just over my shoulder.

  “Take him down to the infirmary and see if they can do anything with him,” he said.

  Turning my gaze fell on Marcus, the bandage they’d wrapped around his abdomen was bloody and his skin was an odd colour.

  “Oh God,” I muttered, starting towards him.

  “If you care about him then let them help him,” Andy said, his sudden grip on my arm halting my progress.

  “He’s lost so much blood,” I said, watching the guards as they strapped Marcus onto a stretcher before disappearing through a door at the side of the house.

  “And he’ll be lucky to survive,” Andy said, his tone hinting at the boredom he felt.

  “How can you be so uncaring? That’s a human being! He’s dying because of you.” I turned on Andy, anger lifting my voice.

  “Let’s get this clear, Carrie, he’s not dying because of me, I pulled the trigger but I’m not the reason he’s currently bleeding out.”

  I shook my head, “ that doesn’t even make sense, don’t try to justify…”

  He cut me off with a wave of his hand. “I’m not justifying anything to you. I’m merely setting you straight. You’re the reason, Carrie, if you’d done as you were told. If you’d come with me when I asked you to he’d still be alive.

  “I promised you your men could walk out of the Sovereign Club alive, it was you who decided they needed to die.”

  “I didn’t decide anything. You could hardly expect me to just give up and get kidnapped?”

  “But I warned you, I told you what was going to happen if you fought it. You were the one in control all along, it may as well have been you who pulled the trigger. And if he dies then it’s on your head… After what you’ve done just think of all the blood you have on your hands.”

  His words hit me hard and I bit down on my lip in an attempt to keep my emotions in check.

  He was trying to manipulate me, trying to make me blame myself for everything that had gone on.

  The last thing I wanted to do was feel guilt over something that hadn’t been my doing but his words had their desired effect and I felt the first stirrings of guilt deep in my gut.

  “You can’t blame me for that, I didn’t cause this.”

  He started to laugh and stared at me with such pity that it turned my stomach to see it fill his eyes.

  “Let’s go inside, you can get cleaned up before I take you to meet my father.”

  “I don’t want to get cleaned up, I want all of this over with. You can take me to your father and be done with it.”

  I met his gaze defiantly.

  He studied my face and then smiled, “fine, I was only thinking of your comfort here, Carrie.”

  I scoffed, the sound making him pause. “Did I say something funny?”

  “My comfort? You abduct me, take me away from the people I love, threaten my family and kill my men all the while trying to lay the blame at my door but you’re worried about my comfort? Please tell me you see how ridiculous that statement truly is.”

  “Carrie, your time doesn’t need to be particularly difficult, unless my father decrees it. I have no interest in making you suffer or forcing you to feel like a prisoner.”

  “But that’s what I am.”

  He shrugged and smiled. “Have it your way but your time here doesn’t need to be uncomfortable. Think on that while you rest and get cleaned up.”

  I shook my head but he’d already turned his back on me and was on his way back up the steps.

  “Where am I supposed to go?” I called after him and he shrugged.

  “To your room if you want, I don’t really care.”

  “Aren’t you concerned I’ll get away?”

  He paused on the top of the steps and turned back to look at me, the smile on his face was mocking and far from friendly.

  “Get away? We’re on an island in the middle of the Mediterranean, where exactly do you think you’ll get to? There’s nowhere for you to go to but by all means go and explore. The sooner you realise the truth of your predicament the better for all involved.”

  He laughed and turned away, leaving me to stand alone at the bottom of the steps.

  Casting a look around at my surroundings I sucked in a deep breath. I’d seen it from above, I knew that what he was telling me was the truth.

  I was trapped, there was no way off the island, at least no way off the island without the help of someone else.

  But I had to know.

  Without a backwards glance I started down the drive. I wasn’t going to take him at his word, especially if he was giving me the opportunity to investigate myself. It could simply be a bluff and I wasn’t going to take any

  I ached to return to David and Jenson and no matter what I would find a way.

  Chapter 3

  Staring out at the sparkling blue water I dropped to my knees on the sand and slammed my fists against the ground.

  I’d wandered for what felt like hours and there was nothing.

  Nothing but water and deserted beaches covered in silver sand.

  Sweat trickled down my spine and my blouse clung to my wet skin. My mouth felt like dry sandpaper and my stomach grumbled painfully.

  I wanted to cry but there was nothing left inside me, I’d cried myself out and my body was so dehydrated I was positive even if I found the emotion reserves within, I still wouldn’t be capable of mustering even one salty tear.

  The island was beautiful, a true gem and I hated it.

  I hated every inch of its panoramic, jaw dropping, beauty.

  I longed for home, the grey skies, the rain on the window.


  One thought of him was enough to choke a sob out of me. No tears fell from my eyes but my voice crawled out of me in long keening sobs.

  Why was this happening to us? Why was Henry’s mistakes, his past, catching up to us?

  It wasn’t fair.

  I hadn’t thought it possible to dislike the man more than I already did but as I rocked on the sand I knew I hated him.

  “Carrie?” A young female voice called my name and I jumped.

  I’d been so certain I was alone I hadn’t bothered to keep an eye on my surroundings.

  Casting a glance over my shoulder I caught sight of a curvy young woman crossing the sand towards me.

  Her blonde hair was scrapped back from her tanned face in a french braid that fell down her back. She stared at me with wide friendly blue eyes, her white t-shirt and navy shorts clinging to her soft curves in a way that in any other place on earth it would have been scandalous.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” she said, her voice soft with the hint of an accent I couldn’t quite place.


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