The Magic of You [Mystical Realms 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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The Magic of You [Mystical Realms 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 4

by McKinlay Thomson

  Now was not the time or place. Well, maybe the place. They were in a bedchamber after all, but he couldn’t help himself. She had stolen all rational thought.

  “What is it? Why are you all staring at me like I have two heads?”

  Chapter Four

  Jessica felt like she had been run over by a steamroller. Her head pounded, her stomach was cramping, and she was drained of energy. The poison had taken its toll and the horrible crap, which the old lady had forced down her throat, didn’t help. What she wouldn’t give for a bath about now. If only she had the energy to get out of bed.

  Now they all stood there staring at her. The old lady that had given her the potion sat next to her, looking down her hawk-like nose. The young woman she had saved stood next to two of the biggest men she had ever seen. Jessica was mortified that the two of the hottest men she had ever laid eyes on had just seen her hurl her guts all over the stone floor. She wanted to hide under the covers until they left. Instead, she had used smart-ass comments and sass to hide her embarrassment.

  When nobody answered her question, just continuing to stare at her, she took the time to look over at the two hot men. The one that had called for the water was the taller of the two. He was massive in size, standing at least seven feet tall, and Jessica would bet that the top of her head would barely reach his chest. He was packed with muscles. Wearing a sleeveless white tunic, she wouldn’t be able to wrap her hands around half of the expanse of his huge exposed arms. His black breeches molded to his powerful legs. She looked at his muscled thighs before her eyes wandered to his cock. He was well endowed, the size growing beneath his breeches as she watched.

  Jessica looked up into his face. He was watching her. His long black hair was tied back away from his strong handsome face. He had seen her looking at him and he was amused. It flashed in his gray eyes, crinkling them at the edges. She tried not to blush, but it was useless. She could feel her face getting hot.

  She turned her attention away from the giant man and looked at the other one. Boy, did they grow them big around here. This one was only slightly shorter than the other, and though he, too, was packed with muscles, he wasn’t as big or as solid. He had shoulder-length brown hair that he had left down and big brown eyes. He had a scar that ran down the length of his face and made him appear dangerous. Jessica thought it was sexy.

  He was dressed much the same as the taller man, but instead of a white shirt, his was black. He still had on the same tight breeches and black boots, but he had a large sword hanging from a thick leather belt around his waist. The steel was incased in an ornamental sheath that depicted dragons entwined in battle. It was really lovely and reminded Jessica of the real dragon she had seen. That bought her back to reality and she stopped perving on the two men and decided to get some answers.

  “Please, can you tell me where I am? Who are you people?” she asked. When the scarred man raised an eyebrow, she hoped she hadn’t insulted anyone.

  “My name is Baen Caladh and you are in my home. The lady on the bed next to you is Elsbeth, our healer.” Baen pointed to Elsbeth and then to his brown haired friend. “This is Carr and I presume you know my sister Elvinia.”

  “You are the woman from the field, the one with the dragon. God, I can’t believe I just said that. Dragons are a myth where I come from.”

  “Where do you come from? How did you end up in Marak?”


  Baen and the man named Carr looked at each other before Baen turned back to her. “Marak is the name of our kingdom, little one. How is it that you have never heard of it?”

  “That’s a long story,” she replied before yawning. She was getting drowsy, not unusual after using her gift. She needed to sleep to recover.

  “How was it that you were able to save me?” Elvinia asked.

  “We need to get you cleaned up and rested,” Carr put in. “There will be time for explanations later.”

  “But I want to know now!” Elvinia stomped her foot and pouted, but the men were having none of it.

  “You will have to wait, Elvinia. The woman saved your life. The least we can do is see her well rested and taken care of before we bombard her with questions.”

  “I’m sure that she has just as many questions as you do, but they will all have to wait. She needs rest and you will not disturb her. Besides, there is the subject of your punishment to discuss.” Baen’s voice was strong and authoritative as he spoke. It sent shivers straight down Jessica’s back, to her pussy. She had never come across men quite like these two, and despite her exhaustion she was turned on and horny.

  His sister paled at her brother’s words and Jessica wondered what he had in mind. She didn’t think he would hurt her. The love they had for each other was obvious, and, even though danger rippled from the men, she knew that they were honorable. She couldn’t explain it if she tried. It was just a gut feeling she had and that had never steered her wrong yet.

  “Wait!” she called, when they all turned toward the door to leave. “You haven’t even asked me my name yet.”

  Baen walked back toward the bed, avoiding the mess she had made on the floor. “What is your name, little one?”

  “Jessica Whittemore. My name is Jessica.”

  “Jessica,” he said. And then he walked from the room.

  Elsbeth helped her change from her soiled clothes into a fresh nightgown and then washed the sweat from her face. She was drained and still feeling sick, so Elsbeth left her to sleep and recover.

  Jessica lay in bed and thought about the two men. Servants had entered the chamber and were quietly cleaning the mess she had made on the floor. They didn’t speak to her, but she didn’t speak to them either. She was too busy fantasizing.

  She ran her tongue across the roof of her mouth. God that stuff had been gross. She would have been fine without it. She was working the poison out of her body on her own. That stuff had just made her lose her stomach contents. She never did get that water, even though Baen had asked for it.

  Baen had such a deep voice. She could feel the power in every word that he spoke. She could tell he was used to getting his way. She wondered why that was. Maybe he was the lord of this castle.

  The other man didn’t say much. He must be the dark, silent type. Not much to say and deadly when angered. She was being fanciful, but it was hard not to. She had walked through a veil in the realms and into a land of giants. A land filled with big hard men that fell straight out of a medieval romance novel, complete with dragons.

  She thought about what it would be like to have the men’s hands on her body. They would be rough and callused from hard work. They would engulf her small breasts and her nipples would pebble under their strong dominant touch. Jessica’s pussy dampened and she shifted in the bed.

  The men would rip her clothes from her body, exposing her to their gaze. She would spread her thighs wide and let them look at her pussy, wet and swollen. One of the men would shoulder his way between her thighs, and after inhaling her sweet scent would lick her from ass to clit. The other man would be paying homage to her hard pointy nipples, sucking them into the cavern of his mouth and gently biting down.

  Jessica closed her eyes as her fantasy got serious. She was so turned on, despite the fact that she didn’t know either of the men besides the few minutes she had just spent with them. She needed to stop or she was going to have to finish herself off and she really didn’t want to get caught masturbating. That would be humiliating.

  She snuggled into the blankets and tried to turn her thoughts away from the men, but it was no use. She kept coming back to them, picturing them in her mind and not wearing their clothes either. Jessica fell asleep with the men on her mind and a smile on her lips.

  * * * *

  Baen followed behind his sister and Carr as they walked to the great room. It was a large hall in the castle, where they usually held important gatherings. The sidewalls were lined with two doors each and it had three inglenooks that heated the room and g
ave visitors a warm place to sit. Large tapestries hung from the ceiling and a throne sat on a dais along the back wall.

  They didn’t use the room much, but he had brought his sister here as a reminder of the importance of her position. She was a princess and she needed to start acting like one. She couldn’t go running off without her guard, especially now that someone had made an attempt on her life. He followed her over to one of the inglenooks and then turned to her.

  “What the hell did you think you were doing? You are a princess, Elvinia. You can’t keep running off without your guard. This is the perfect example of why. What would you have done if Jessica was not there to save you? You would be dead, that is where.”

  “Brother, please. Knuckers doesn’t like the guards and he is more than enough to keep me safe,” she said, petulantly.

  “Evidence would prove otherwise, sister.”

  “I’m perfectly capable of looking after myself. Father taught me to fight, just like you.”

  “You really think you would stand a chance against a man of my size?”

  “Of course.” Baen couldn’t believe what he was hearing. His sister wouldn’t even be able to lift the sword that he and his men trained with. It was beside the point anyway.

  “The point is moot, sister, especially when the danger is coming from someone that hides in the shadows and uses subterfuge to bring you down. Your ability to fight did not stop someone from poisoning you.”

  “I want to know if Aileanna had anything to do with it,” Carr said from where he sat on one of the benches that surrounded the inglenook.

  “Good question. Send men to bring her here for questioning. I want to know what she knows.”

  “I’ll send men for her at once,” Carr told him, as he stood and left the room.

  “Aileanna would not have anything to do with it. She has been my friend since infancy,” his sister added. It didn’t matter. He would question her anyway. Trusting no one but his closest men had kept him alive on more than one occasion.

  “You will not leave the castle until the culprit is found. If you disobey me, I will lock you in your room and you will stay there for however long it takes to catch them.” Baen almost smiled at his sister’s indrawn breath. She hated to be confined. She was such a free spirit, craving the adventure of the outdoors.

  “I’m telling Mother. She won’t let you keep me locked up like a criminal.”

  “Mother knows who is King, and that my word is law. She won’t go against me in this.”

  “I’ll never speak to you again. I hate being cooped up.” She was starting to sound whinny now and Baen had had enough. When he spoke she listened. It was the way of things. His sister was still so young in many ways and often acted like it. He couldn’t forget that, now that she looked like a woman.

  “Enough!” he shouted. “You will do as I say.”

  Elvinia turned on her heel and stormed from the room, her long hair bouncing behind her. She stomped passed Carr as he returned from his errand and took a seat. She would be in a snit for days, but if it meant that she was safe, he would let her have her tantrum.

  He turned to Carr, who had been mostly quiet for the majority of the time. He wasn’t one to put himself between family business, despite the fact that Baen considered him as part of his family.

  “Elvinia will need to be guarded continuously,” Baen told his lover and friend. “I would not put it past her to go off on one of her little capers, despite the danger.”

  “She is headstrong, that is for sure. Reminds me of someone,” Carr said sarcastically. Baen walked toward his lover and knelt down on floor at his feet. He ran his hands along Carr’s large muscled thighs.

  “The difference, my love, is that I had responsibilities of a kingdom. I had to grow up fast. She has nothing to keep her out of trouble and she grows bored easily.” He leant forward and placed his lips over Carr’s. He molded their mouths together and drank from his lover’s lips.

  “Didn’t stop you from getting into mischief though, did it?” Carr said between kisses.

  “No, but I had you to watch my back. I shall have to speak to Mother. She needs a project. Something to occupy her time.”

  “Maybe you should have her plan a ball. Invite all the available nobles and see if she can find a match. It will keep her out of trouble and possibly find her a husband all at the same time.”

  “You have a devilish mind, Carr. My sister will hate the idea. She is determined to stay unwed. It is a sound idea. I will speak to Mother as soon as we finish here.” Baen leant forward to take Carr’s lips with his once more, but Carr’s words interrupted his plans.

  “I thought we were finished here?”

  Baen smiled and reached for the ties on his lover’s breeches.

  “Oh no, my love. We are just getting started. I have a serious problem that needs your attention.” Baen slid the breeches down Carr’s thighs until they pooled around his ankles. He ran his hands along Carr’s naked thighs, the coarse hair tickling his palms. When he reached the junction of his thighs, he took the long throbbing cock in his fist and squeezed the long length.

  Carr had a magnificent cock. Long and thick, with a large bulbous head, it made Baen’s mouth water. He ran his fist up the stalk once more and clear liquid leaked from the slit. Baen leant forward and swiped his tongue across the top of Carr’s cock, his masculine flavor exploding in his mouth.

  Carr groaned above him, so Baen repeated the action, slowly pumping his fist up and back as he went. Carr shivered and threw his head back, closing his eyes as Baen gently tortured his erection.

  “Don’t tease me, Baen. Please, suck me,” Carr panted out. Baen took the length of his lover cock into his mouth and down to the back of his throat. He started to bob his head up and down. Carr moaned and wiggled above him. Baen loved that he could do this to his lover. Loved that he had the power to bring him pleasure.

  He took him to the back of his throat again and then moaned around the length, sending vibrations along the shaft. Carr thrust his hips up in response, so Baen did it again.

  “Oh God, Baen. I’m so close. I can’t hold it much longer. It feels so fucking good.”

  Baen smiled as best as he could with his mouth filled with his lover’s cock. He tightened his grip and sucked harder, hollowing out his cheeks. He wasn’t planning on stopping. He wanted Carr to lose control. Wanted his lover’s seed flowing over his tongue.

  “Fuck, I going to come. Fuck, Baen. Oh God! Yes!”

  Carr grabbed onto handfuls of his hair and took control, thrusting his hips up into Baen’s waiting mouth. He wasn’t gentle, but Baen didn’t care. He loved that he had done this to Carr, driving him beyond control with passion. He would take care of him. Carr could just let go and feel.

  It wasn’t long before Carr was shouting out his name and Baen felt ropes of pearly essence fill his mouth. He swallowed as more of his lover’s cum splashed over his tongue. He loved the flavor of his gentle warrior. He was masculine and strong, and he craved the salty taste.

  He licked his lover clean, as Carr panted for breath above him. Baen was nowhere near finished. His cock throbbed in his pants, demanding attention, and he had every intention of seeing to his needs.

  * * * *

  Carr panted for breath as Baen licked up and down his still-hard cock. Baen was a master at giving head and Carr was always left wrung out and deeply satisfied. He loved it when Baen got like this, all-demanding yet playful at the same time.

  Baen also wasn’t afraid to make love to him anywhere in the castle. The chance that someone could come along at any moment was a thrill to them both. Carr was more than happy to let Baen take the lead and dictate when and where they made love. Sure, Carr initiated some of their love sessions, but Baen always dominated in the end.

  When Baen stood, Carr quickly freed Baen’s erection from his breeches and tried to engulf the whole length into his mouth and return the favor.

  “No, my love. I need to be inside that ass o
f yours. Remove the rest of your clothes, whilst I get the grease.” Carr rushed to comply and then lay on the rug by the fire. Baen returned to his side after getting the grease they had stashed in a box behind the throne. They had jars of the stuff, placed all over the castle. It was becoming a joke between Baen and himself, the amount of different rooms that they kept it in.

  “You make a tempting picture, laid out on the fur rug. I wish I could commission a painting of you, all naked and waiting for my touch.” Baen dropped the grease on the rug and stood back to watch him. Carr felt himself blush at Baen’s words. He was a big, scarred warrior, but Baen made him feel like he was the best-looking man to walk the Earth and Carr loved him for it. It might not be true, but Carr still appreciated the sentiment.

  “Hurry, Baen, I need you to make love to me. I want to feel that big cock pound me into the rug,” Carr said, as he watched Baen rip off his clothes and then flop onto the rug next to him. He pulled Baen into his arms and took his mouth. Their tongues tangled and Baen nipped his bottom lip to show his dominance.

  Baen pushed Carr onto his back. The fur rug felt soft against his skin. Carr’s heart pounded in his chest and his cock throbbed despite the fact that he had just come moments before. He ran his callused hands over the smooth skin of Baen’s back and down to his tight firm ass. He squeezed the twin globes between his hands and grinded his hips up to mash his pelvis with Baen’s.

  “Does my big warrior need something?” Baen asked, as he broke the kiss and sat up.

  “Please, Baen, no more teasing. Just fuck me, please.” Carr was begging and he knew it, but he needed to feel his lover in his ass in the worst way. He wanted the connection, needed the connection that only Baen could give him.

  “You need to learn patience, my lover. Luckily for you, I am just as impatient to be inside you as you are to have me there.” Baen grabbed his legs and spread them, revealing his puckered hole to his gaze. He opened the grease jar and scooped some onto his long fingers. Baen leant over Carr’s body and started to make love to his mouth again, all the while circling his hole with his finger.


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