Shadows of the Falls (Twelve Oaks Farm Series Book 2)

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Shadows of the Falls (Twelve Oaks Farm Series Book 2) Page 1

by Teresa Greene

  Shadows of the Falls By: Teresa Greene

  Shadows of the Falls, Book Two of the Twelve Oaks Farm Series.

  Names, characters, and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination or are used factiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or person, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any way by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the author. Contact her at:

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  Cover design by Viola Estrella

  Published November 1, 2015

  Edited by: Teresa Thomas

  To my beloved husband, David.

  I love you and our life together.

  Chapter One

  Beth Reynolds moaned. For months she had wondered what sex with handsome Josh Wilson would be like. Strong hands slid down to her wrists and held them over her head. She could taste his warm breath on her lips as she anticipated his kiss. The candles lit on the nightstand illuminated his face enough for her to see the desire and want in his eyes. Caught in the spell of his touch, she let the sensations swirl around her. Her whole body tingled when his lips pressed against hers. She felt a pulse throbbing between her legs as his tongue lured her into passion. The kiss stole her breath. The feeling was indescribable. She tugged until he released her hands because she wanted to feel him. Her hands roamed over hard, firm muscle. He was exquisite. She wanted to explore every perfectly male inch of him.

  The sheer bliss had her moaning louder when he pressed his hand between her thighs. She arched her hips against his hand begging him to slip his finger inside. His mouth moved to her breast and he tugged on her nipple. Seconds ticked by as she waited for him to send her over the edge. Just a little more pressure between her thighs was all she needed. She was so close.

  She almost screamed when he pulled his hand away. She was breathless by the time his impatient hands returned to their exploration. Her skin came alive as his hands streaked over her body. Then he slowed and inched his way down to her thighs again. Violent heat burned as his fingers grazed between her legs. Anticipation had her squirming against his hand.

  Beth sat straight up in bed and peered around the room. It took a few seconds for her brain to clear. Her gaze flicked around the room. There were no candles lit on the nightstand, no Josh in her bed. The only light came through the shades from the streetlight in front of her apartment building. Drenched in sweat, she kicked off the covers and took several calming breaths. A dream, it had been nothing but a dream. It felt so real, as if Josh had been in her bed doing all kinds of wicked things to her. She placed a shaky hand to her chest to slow her rapid heartbeat. She had been so close to an orgasm she could still feel sensations between her legs. Heat radiated in the pit of her stomach. A sense of lost consumed her.

  She covered her face with her hands. What was wrong with her? Josh Wilson was not the type of man she should be attracted to. He wasn’t the type to settle down and have a family. Women only meant sex to him. He said so himself at Grant and Nina’s one night when he had a little too much to drink. His exact words, I never sleep over after sex. I never bring a woman back to my place. Love ‘em and leave ‘em is my motto.

  “What an ass,” she whispered. It wouldn’t do to forget Josh Wilson was a scoundrel. The man was nothing like her brother-in-law, Grant. It was hard to believe they were even brothers. Well, except for the family resemblance. Both had thick, black hair, broad shoulders, and the dark brown eyes a woman could get lost in.

  Grant adored her sister Nina. He would die for her. He gave up his career as a Marine to marry Nina and had since devoted his time and energy to the farm and their family. Life changed for all of them when Grant stepped into the role of savior.

  After their parents’ deaths they had barely survived. Their family farm had been in danger of bankruptcy, huge debt threatened the possibility of Beth finishing law school, and her oldest sister, Nina worked long hard hours to keep it afloat. Grant paid off the outstanding debt and Nina was able to go back to NC State and get her degree in Veterinarian Medicine. The man was a saint in her mind.

  Josh was more concerned with himself. It was doubtful he would have taken on all the responsibility his brother did. Yet she couldn’t stop thinking about him. Knowing his flaws, she wondered why she still had such a strong attraction to him. Lust was a powerful emotion, and she told herself lust was all she felt for Josh.

  She threw her legs over the side of the bed and slipped into her bedroom shoes. She didn’t have time for fantasies. A week ago she passed the bar exam and had a position at Phillips, Robbins, and Daniels, a prestigious law firm in Raleigh. With her first pay check she planned to repay Nina some of the money she put toward her education. If everything went as planned, she would have all of it paid back in five years. Wealth and prestige were her goals for the future. Work hard and climb the ladder to the top.

  So what if she couldn’t find a man that could satisfy her needs. She didn’t need a man. She had a career.


  Beth placed her name plate on the mahogany desk and centered it perfectly. A dazzling smile split her face. She circled her office and giggled. It was absolutely beautiful. Pristine, white walls were adorned with expensive art work from well known artists. A huge window overlooked the city of Raleigh. She had to pinch herself to make sure she wasn’t dreaming.

  She walked to the window and peered down on the busy street. Cars, taxis, and city buses moved along at a snail’s pace. Since law school was behind her, she was ready to make a name for herself. She was going to become the best lawyer in the firm.

  Her giddiness disappeared quickly when her assistant entered and placed a stack of files on her desk. “Mr. Phillips would like for you to start with this high profile case first.” Timothy Maynard took the file on top and handed it to Beth. “It is set for trial in one week. You’ll be second chair.”

  Her framed degrees and certificates were lying on her desk. “I’ll decide where these need to be hung.” He leaned in close. “You know I’m good at this sort of thing.”

  Even though she had known Timothy for only a few hours, she already felt a connection. He was efficient and gorgeous, but gay. But then maybe that was a good thing since office romances were frowned upon. They could be great friends without the sexual tension. Tall and fit, he looked immaculate in his dark suit and light blue striped tie. Not a hair on his golden blond head was out of place. A gold ring with a diamond in the center adorned his left finger. She wondered if it held any significance, maybe a wedding ring. When she knew him better, she would ask.

  Before she opened the file, Timothy conveyed what he already knew about the case. Without stopping for breath he related, “Chase Powers is a suspected assassin. Evidence leads him to the attempted murder of Kathy Lassiter. He had the knife to her throat when her fiancé came home and foiled the attempt.” His hand swiped through the air and his eyes got kind of dreamy. “Her fiancé is some kind of a football player or something; big and muscular. He chased Powers out the window of their condo.” He took a moment and Beth assumed he was fantasizing about the football player. “Well, anyway Powers gave him the slip. A car was waiting and he sped away. A forensic sketch artist did a composite from the description Miss Lassiter and Mr. Lewis gave. Someone at the FBI recognized him because their children go to the same private school.” He slanted a look at her. “Powers s
wears he didn’t do it, swears he was home with his wife. He’s adamant it is a case of mistaken identity.”

  With a flamboyant wave of his hand, he continued, “Miss Lassiter and her fiancé are in protective custody and you’ll have to go through the FBI to speak with them.”

  “How much evidence does the FBI have?”

  He placed his hand on the sleeve of her designer jacket. “Tons. I’d say he did it.”

  It wasn’t going to be easy to defend the guilty. But then she had no other choice until she was able to pay Grant and Nina back. They even paid for her new clothes since she had to have a whole new wardrobe for her new position. She couldn’t very well go into court wearing clothes she bought at a consignment store. Money was important for the next few years. She would just have to harden her heart.

  Timothy’s green eyes sparkled. “Love your hair swept up like that. The color is to die for. You can’t get that color from a bottle.”

  Beth touched her auburn hair. When she was a child, she hated the color. As an adult, she liked the unusual rich color. She usually stood out in a crowd. “Thank you.”

  He leaned in close and whispered, “Watch out for Wendy McDonald. She doesn’t like new, shiny things.”

  “Yes, I got that feeling when Mr. Phillips introduced us during my interview.” The sneer on Wendy’s face had led her to believe she was jealous.

  “Women like her are an aggravation. Never trust them because they are always ready to put a knife in your back.”

  Beautiful with dark hair and a curvy body, she was probably accustomed to getting her way. Wendy probably feared she wouldn’t be the main attraction now that she wasn’t the only single female. The other female attorneys were married. A few compliments and some of Maria’s chocolate cake should go a long way in making them friends. During law school she had to deal with petty females on many occasions. She learned if she couldn’t avoid poison, she could make people love her with gifts and flattery.

  “She’s a real bitch.” Timothy took her hand and his eyes twinkled with mischief as he divulged more work place gossip. “Also watch out for Martin Groden. He is a married man, but has an eye for beautiful women. Rumor has it he has had several office romances, some of them ending nastily. Wendy was his last dalliance.” He wagged a finger in front of her face. “Someone as gorgeous as you will definitely catch his eye. So don’t let him catch you alone or he might try to seduce you.”

  Dignity was something she learned from her mother. She wouldn’t sleep with a man that belonged to another woman. Beth giggled, “I promise you, I’m not that easy to seduce.”

  “Am I interrupting something?”

  Beth twirled around and saw Josh standing in the doorway. It was the second time she had seen him in a suit and tie. The first time was when Grant and Nina were married at the waterfall on their land. God he looked sexy. The dark suit and tie made him look even more dangerous.

  Memories of the dream surfaced and she suddenly felt hot. Sweat pearled on her brow. She felt her cheeks turn pink. The unwanted way her body reacted to him had her frustrated.

  “Are you okay? You look a little flushed.” His eyes shifted to Timothy. Again he asked, “Am I interrupting something?”

  Timothy’s shoulders squared. His eyes started at Josh’s head, roamed to the tips of his shiny black shoes, and returned to his face. “I don’t think we have been introduced.” He sauntered to Josh and offered his hand. “Do come in. I’m Timothy Maynard.”

  Josh took his hand with a little reluctance. “Josh Wilson, a friend of Beth’s.” Hand on his forearm, Timothy guided him into the center of her office.

  It was obvious Timothy was infatuated. He stood staring as if he were ready to devour Josh. “Will you please give us some privacy, Timothy?”

  He gave Beth a quick bow. “Please excuse my rude manners. One must not stare.” He glided from the room without saying another word.

  Dark, intense eyes peered into hers. “Sorry, I got the wrong idea. I thought you two were into each other when I came into the room. I had a moment of jealousy.”

  Beth snorted. “You know I don’t take a serious word out of your mouth.”

  “Swanky place. I love your office.” A huge smile on his face, he replied, “You did it, Beth. Passed the bar and ready to make your mark in the world.”

  There was the heat again. He stood a foot away and all she could think about was tearing his clothes off and falling to the desk with him. In her mind she could feel his hands touching her. She closed her eyes to block out the image. “Are you sure you are okay. You’re sweating.”

  She grabbed one of the files from the stack on her desk and began fanning herself. Her tongue felt thick. “It’s just so hot in here.” She fought to get a hold on her emotions. “Why are you here?” Because of her frustration at being alone with him, she sounded angry.

  “FBI business. Matthew Collins wants to talk and he won’t talk to anyone but you. He asked for Nina first, but when I told him she was away on her honeymoon with Grant and wouldn’t be back for two weeks, he insisted on speaking with you immediately. He says he has important information.”

  A trickle of alarm coursed through her. “You didn’t tell Matthew where Nina and Grant are did you?”

  “Of course not. This is not my first rodeo. I know I’m new to the FBI, but I have had experience with murderers. I was a homicide detective for three years.”

  She had insulted him. “I’m sorry. I overreacted.” Thoughts of being in the same room with Matthew Collins had her trembling. “Do you think it pertains to Randal? Do you think he knows where he is?”

  “I’m not sure what he wants.” She propped on the edge of the desk too weak to stand. For six months they had all been looking over their shoulders fearing Randal would do something violent. He had made a phone call to Grant and said they hadn’t seen the last of him.

  Randal Collins had been growing marijuana on their land. When the FBI discovered he was responsible, he kidnapped Juan and later Nina. Then he escaped to Mexico where he disappeared into thin air. He was probably sitting on a tropical beach planning what he would do to them next. The FBI had not been able to locate him.

  “I wouldn’t ask if I thought there was another way.” He took her hands. “I know you want Randal behind bars as much as I do. I’ll be with you the whole time. Matthew Collins will be handcuffed and shackled. He will not be able to harm you.”

  “I’m more afraid of what I’ll do to him.” The heat from his hands calmed her and she felt stronger. “You’re right. I do want Randal behind bars forever. The man is a murderer and should be put away for his crimes.” She stood. “Let’s get it over with. The less time I have to think about seeing the man that assisted in kidnapping my sister the better.”


  Josh opened the door for Beth to enter the interrogation room. Matthew Collins sat at the table tapping his fingers against the table as if impatient. His wrists were handcuffed and his legs were shackled to the chair for their protection and a guard stood directly behind him. She told herself, He can’t hurt me.

  It wasn’t the first time she had been in an interrogation room and now that she had started her career as an attorney, it definitely wouldn’t be her last. She hated the gray walls and stark furniture. It was all too cold and callous. The feeling of despair reeked off the drab walls. Her eyes shifted toward the two-way mirror and she wondered if anyone would be listening and watching them. She hoped not. She was nervous enough and didn’t need an audience.

  She slapped her notepad on the table and slipped into the metal chair. Shaken to be in the same room with Collins, she folded her trembling hands in her lap. Josh plopped into the chair next to her. His presence helped to ease some of her anxiety.

  “It’s about time.”

  Matthew Collins had aged over the six months he had been incarcerated. He was thinner and completely bald. Once a vibrant man, now he looked old and defeated. The orange jumpsuit was much too big and hung on hi
m like a feed sack. A deep scar cut across his cheek. She had been informed one of the inmates had cut him during a fight. The small scar on his forehead reminded her of the night he almost succeeded in kidnapping Nina. The police cruiser he was driving smashed into a tree causing his head to slam against the steering wheel.

  Face bright with anger, Beth snapped, “Believe me, I can’t bear to be in the same room with you, let alone talk to you. You had better have some prudent information to make this distasteful visit worth my while.”

  “I have some information I’m willing to share if I can get a reduced sentence and transferred somewhere besides this hellhole.” The chains around his ankles jingled when he shifted in his chair.

  She felt a thrill dance up her spine. Could he be ready to divulge where Randal was hiding? Just maybe their nightmare was about to end. Josh hissed, “Let’s hear what you have to say before we make any deals.”

  “I will only give the information I have to Beth and in private.” His eyes stopped on Josh.

  Josh stood up so quick the metal legs grated against the tiled floor. The sound caused Beth to cringe. “No, way. She’ll not be left alone with the likes of you.”

  “I have information that you will find helpful, and I will only talk to Miss Reynolds.” The room went deathly quiet.

  Seething with anger, Josh stepped behind her. She could feel his heat against her back. “I refuse to leave. You have already made two attempts at escape.” His voice rose. “Without a doubt your son Randal orchestrated both failed attempts.”

  Beth turned in her chair and peered up at him. “It’s okay Josh, he is handcuffed and shackled. He cannot harm me.” She would go to just about any length to find out Randal’s location. Even if it meant being alone with Matthew Collins, a man she loathed.


  By his expression she knew it was useless to try to sway him. She stood and grabbed the notepad. Clutching it in her arms, she replied, “Good day, Mr. Collins. I hope you survive the rest of your stay in a Federal Correctional Institute.” She opened the door and was just about to step over the threshold.


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