Shadows of the Falls (Twelve Oaks Farm Series Book 2)

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Shadows of the Falls (Twelve Oaks Farm Series Book 2) Page 21

by Teresa Greene

  None of her excuses had worked. They planned to dismiss her. “While I have failed at my first case, I swear to be more professional in the future. I will fight diligently to defend our clients even if I think they are guilty.” She braced herself fearing the worst.

  “Our firm has a reputation to uphold. Let’s get something clear, Miss Reynolds. If you have a problem defending the guilty, then you need to send a resume to the District Attorney. Of course you will not get the money we pay you.” It wasn’t a warning, it was a threat. She sensed the awkwardness.

  Seconds passed before she asked, “You are giving me another chance?”

  “You have proven your fine work ethic, Miss Reynolds.” Mr. Daniels cut in. The light reflected off his pale bald head. Since he put in long hours at the office, he hardly ever exercised and he had a paunch. She often wondered how his marriage survived when he almost never went home. “You are goal-oriented. Just what our firm needs.”

  “Yes, Beth, we have decided to give you another chance. Director Tate Wilson at the bureau called and explained how instrumental you were in solving the case.” Phillips leaned back in his chair tapping his fingertips together as he did when in court. “He couldn’t seem to stop singing your praises. Said you were a hero. Said you were responsible for finding all the evidence they needed to convict Chase and Shirley Powers. We have also taken into consideration how instrumental you were in convincing Mr. Powers to relinquish the names of people who had contracted him to commit murders. I’m sure these men thought they were above the law.”

  Of course Beth knew that wasn’t true. Josh had a plan B. He was going to ask a female agent to play the part of Kathy and draw Shirley out in the open. He would have been successful in making sure she was in FBI custody. It was Josh that convinced Powers to talk. She wondered if he had anything to do with his Uncle Tate calling the firm.

  Mr. Robbins reached over and placed his hand over hers. “Your connection with the FBI will be a real asset to our firm.” In that moment she wondered if that was why they decided not to fire her. Her relationship with Josh would help the firm. They would be able to use the FBI’s resources. She didn’t care why they were letting her keep her position. She was thrilled she still had her job.

  “I think you are scheduled for court this morning, Miss Reynolds. You don’t want to be late.” That was their way of telling her the meeting was over.

  Beth stood and gave them a dazzling smile. “Thank you, so much for giving me another chance. I promise I will not let you down.”

  “I should hope not, Miss Reynolds.” Mr. Robbins stood towering above her. He had to be at least six feet three inches. His wavy, brown hair was always neat and combed back. He smiled showing perfect, white teeth. “Now if you will excuse us, we have other matters to discuss.”

  She strode right by curious eyes doing her best not to smile. Let them all wonder if she lost her job. With hurried steps she opened her office door and stepped inside. She felt as if she had climbed a mountain. Tim was sitting at her desk flipping through some files. “Well, are you still an employee of Phillips, Robbins, and Daniels?”

  She skipped to her desk, bent and gave him a hug. “Yes, I am. I went in there and gave this huge speech of how much I wanted to keep my job.” She laughed. “They had already decided to let me stay. I couldn’t believe I threw myself on the mercy of my bosses for nothing.”

  He stood and wrapped his arms around her. “Congratulations, sweetie. You have no idea how happy I am you get to stay.” He squeezed her. “I like you.” He pushed her away before he tapped the file on her desk. “Enough of this mushy stuff. You are scheduled for court and here is the case file. I made some notes to get you prepared.”

  “Thanks for all your support, Tim. You have no idea how much it means to me.”

  Tim held the back of the chair and waited for her to sit down. “You look tired. I’ll get you a cup of coffee and something that’ll give you a sugar rush.”

  After he left, reality set in. Hell, she didn’t even like her job. Last night when she had studied the file on Robert Guiness, the client she was defending in court, she felt miserable. The man was a suspect in his wife’s murder. She had already come to the conclusion he did the crime. She dropped her head on top of her arms and fought the tears. Over and over she told herself she needed this job. The money alone should make her feel blissful. She let out a loud sigh. It didn’t make her happy. The reality was, working for Phillips, Robbins, and Daniels made her feel cheap and dirty.


  It was after 6:00 p.m. by the time Beth got back to her office in the firm’s limo. James looked over his shoulder before opening the car door for her. As he escorted her up the steps to the front door of the offices of Phillips, Robbins, and Daniels, she apologized as she did every time he had to play bodyguard. “I’m sorry, James. Hopefully, Randal Collins will be apprehended soon and you will not have to babysit me any longer.”

  “It’s okay, Miss Reynolds. A man can’t complain when he’s in the company of such a beautiful woman.”

  “I wish you’d call me Beth.” She liked James Baker. He had treated her with kindness from day one at the firm. He had been with the firm for twenty years stepping into any role asked of him; security, detective, chauffeur. Tall and lean with a full head of bright red hair, he couldn’t be deemed handsome, but he had a presence about him.

  She pushed open the door and replied, “See you tomorrow,” before rushing into the elevator so she could get to the second floor where her office was located. She bet Josh was tired of waiting for her. Every day he drove her to work and picked her up after work since her car was still in the garage. Things would be much less complicated if she could stay at her apartment. The hour long commute every morning and every evening was time she could be working. She did what she could on the drive, but she found it difficult to concentrate with Josh in the vehicle.

  Timothy was not at his desk so she assumed he had gone home for the day. Her office door was open and she could hear laughter floating out into the hall. She stepped across the threshold to find Josh sitting in the chair across from her desk with his back to her. Wendy sat on top of her desk with her legs crossed, a dazzling smile on her lips. The slit in her skirt revealed too much white, tight thigh. A jolt of jealousy almost took her breath away.

  Wendy slowly slid off her desk with sensuous movements. “Beth, I thought they were going to keep you in court all day. How did it go?”

  Josh stood, turned and looked her directly in the eye without any look of guilt. He didn’t realize she was angry enough to throw him out of her office. Beth fisted her hands to her hips to keep from wrapping them around Wendy’s neck. “I’m pretty confident I got Robert Guiness off for killing his wife with only a slap on the wrist. It is now up to the jury.”

  “Imagine my surprise when I came in to leave a case file on your desk and found this gorgeous man waiting for you.” Her eyes shifted back to Josh. “I have been keeping him entertained.”

  Beth ground her teeth. “Yes, I can see that.”

  “Now if you’ll excuse me.” She placed her hand on Josh’s sleeve. “It has been a pleasure.”

  “Likewise, Miss McDonald.” His demeanor changed and she knew he had finally realized she was angry. He stuffed his hands into his pockets as if fearing Wendy would offer her hand.

  Near halfway to the door, Wendy swung around and replied, “I left a case file on your desk. I’m going to be away this weekend and will not have time to prepare. I hope you don’t mind stepping in for me. It goes to trial Monday.”

  Beth stepped to her desk and dropped her briefcase and purse on top. She snatched the file and shoved it at Wendy. She had no other choice but to grab for it before it hit the floor. “I do mind. I have plans this weekend. Besides I took a case for you last week. I have a heavy enough load without having to do your cases.”

  Wendy purred sweetly, “It is common practice for the new attorneys to help the junior partners when asked. I�
�d hate to cause more trouble for you with the partners.”

  Beth shut her eyes until her temper was under control. She wouldn’t demean herself to be involved in a cat fight in front of Josh. “Be my guest. At this point I don’t give a damn.”

  The slamming of the door caused Beth to cringe. More than likely she would be reprimanded again by her bosses. Silence continued until she turned and glared at Josh. The wary look in his eyes and his stiff stance led her to believe he was prepared for a tongue lashing. “I know we are still trying to decide what this is between us,” she circled her finger in the air, “but when I am in a relationship I expect that man not to sleep with other women.”

  He put his hands up in front of him. “Hold on, Beth. I had a conversation with the woman. I didn’t have sex with her on your desk.”

  “You’re a flirt. I knew I couldn’t trust you.” She balled up her fist and hit him on the arm. “I knew this would happen.”

  He gripped her arms and held her away from him. “I didn’t do anything. I have been completely loyal to you from the beginning. She was flirting with me. Women flirt with me all the time, Beth. I don’t take it serious. Don’t pretend the same thing doesn’t happen to you. A woman that looks like you has men coming on to them all the time. I see the way other men look at you. Don’t play innocent. Why do you think you got this job fresh out of law school? I bet the company only hires attorneys with experience. Yes, you have proven yourself to be a great lawyer, but the real reason you were hired is you are eye candy.” He shoved her away and in three long strides he was at her office door. He locked it before turning around and glaring at her. “You know what the best sex is?” His cocksure grin made her even madder. “Angry sex.”

  He was on her so quick it took her breath away. Rough hands yanked her dress up to her waist. Gripping her thighs, he lifted her off her feet and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Blazing desire assaulted her blocking out everything but the man she couldn’t stop touching. He walked her backward to the top of her desk causing pictures and files to fall to the floor. He unzipped his pants and dropped them and his underwear around his ankles. He pushed her panties to the side and entered her so powerfully she lost her breath. She tilted her pelvis up to meet every mind jarring thrust of his hips. His impatient, hungry lips devoured hers. His tongue stroked her tongue causing desire to ignite. Time after time he slammed into her with hard jolts. He pounded into her relentlessly bringing her higher and higher. The brutal rhythm continued for several minutes. Every muscle in her body tightened. A tiny scream echoed off the walls as she climaxed. He thrust into her sharply one more time, his body bowing against hers. Forehead against hers, his breathing accelerated. Beth put her hands on his arms to steady herself. He eased himself out of her moistness, pulled his pants and underwear over his hips, and plopped into the chair. Incapable of anything more she sat on the desk starring at him.

  “I will never have my fill of you, Beth. Move in with me.” His lips held a sexy smile.

  It made her feel powerful that she had that effect on him. Dizzy with exhaustion, she stood on shaky legs and adjusted her panties. She hesitated, softened, and swayed toward surrender. “Okay, Josh. We’ll give this a chance.”

  His hands trembled as he buttoned and zipped his pants. “I feel something for you, Beth, something powerful.”

  It was on the tip of her tongue to tell him she loved him. How she had let him slip into her heart was a mystery. She knew from the beginning the desire she felt for Josh would lead to trouble. Beth rummaged through her pocketbook until she found her mirror. She blew out a breath. “I’m a mess.” She raked her fingers through her hair. Feeling weak, she circled her desk and sat in the swivel chair. Head resting on the back of the chair, she peered at Josh.

  “I take it you didn’t get fired today.”

  “No, I’m still employed.”

  He continued to study her for a few seconds. “You hate this job. Why do you stay?”

  There was a fist around her heart. Was it that obvious she wasn’t happy? “We’ve had this conversation. I need the money. Besides, I need to make a name for myself before I can start my own firm. Phillips, Robbins, and Daniels is an old established firm.” She ran a hand over her dress as if to smooth out the wrinkles. “This is the best place to do so.”

  “The work load is killing you. You have rings under your eyes from lack of sleep. How long do you think you can carry this workload?”

  Beth cocked a brow. “What would you suggest I do?”

  He skirted around the desk, took her hand, and brought it to his lips. “Take the money from me to start your own firm. You don’t even have to pay me back.”

  Shocked, Beth’s mouth fell open. While his words registered, she just sat there staring at him. She tugged until he released her hand. “You’re very generous, but taking money from you makes me feel uncomfortable. Money has a way of ending friendships.”

  “We both know this is more than friendship, Beth. As I’ve already admitted, I have strong feelings for you.” He added to press his point, “I want to spend time with you. You are always working. I’d like to see where our relationship is going. It’s hard to do that when you’ve got your nose stuck in a case file all hours of the night.”

  He wasn’t exaggerating. She did put in a lot of hours. That was the price to pay for success. Her lips thinned. “I’ll think it over.” She had no intention of taking his money. Her stubborn pride would not allow it. But at the moment she’d tell him anything to get him to drop the conversation about her career.

  To get the focus off her, she asked, “How about you? Have you located Collins?”

  “No, I’m doing everything I can possibly do. No one knows where Collins is hiding out. I assume he is with his silent partner.” She knew Josh and his agents had exhausted every lead they had. They had questioned everyone at The Red Diamond and no one would admit Collins had even been there.

  “He’ll have to show up sometime.”

  “You’re not going to like it, but I even offered to cut Shirley Powers’ twenty year sentence to ten years prison time if Chase Powers would give up the mysterious man who contracted him to murder Kathy Lassiter. When he didn’t bite, I knew Powers didn’t know who hired him. As he described in his testimony it was all done without meeting face to face.”

  “You offered her ten years without consulting me!” Her voice was stiff.

  He began to pace her office like a caged predator. Tension radiated from his rigid body. “Needless to say I’m at my wit’s end, Beth. You know what Collins is capable of. If we don’t find him soon, I’m afraid of what he’ll do. Not only am I anxious, but Grant is breathing down my back to find him. I have a lot of pressure on me to get results.”

  Placing her elbows on the desk, Beth leaned forward. “You can’t make him appear out of thin air, Josh. You’re a great agent. I have all the confidence in the world in you. You’ll find him.”

  “We did track down Darrell Falkner’s brother, the attacker I killed in the ambush when Matthew Collins was murdered. While Larry Falkner admitted his part in the attack after eight hours of intense interrogation, he told the same story.” Josh sat on the edge of her desk across from her. “He didn’t know who had hired them to take out Matthew Collins. Said someone left a manila envelope in his car with $200,000 and directions to kill Matthew Collins during the transfer. Larry Falkner orchestrated the whole thing. He picked the men and chose the location where they would ambush us. We have his whole team in custody charged with murder, but they don’t know any more than Falkner.”

  “Sounds like the same story Powers gave. So you’re confident Collins’ mysterious partner hired Falkner and Powers?”

  “Yes, I am.” He raked his fingers through his hair in frustration. “It’s like my mind is going blank.”

  This was a side of Josh she rarely saw. He was always so sure of himself, knew the answers to all the questions. Her heart went out to him. “Have you questioned Robert Tilley?”r />
  He released a sound of weariness. “No, I haven’t had time. My team and I stayed at the Powers’ house helping go through the evidence until four o’clock this morning.” He said she worked too hard. He put in just as many hours as she did. His job was just as demanding.

  “Let’s go home. I’ll help you move your things into the pool house.” Delight in his voice came through clearly. “Just think, we can make love every night.”

  For a moment she considered changing her mind about moving in with Josh. Her position at the law firm was already in jeopardy and she feared he would only make things worse. A man like him would demand a lot of time, and time was something she didn’t have.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Lacy checked the address again, 905 West Market Street. She was at the right place, but the condo looked uninhabited. She stepped to the window and looked inside. Just as she expected it was empty. No furniture, no curtains, nothing. The living room was bare. All she saw was faded yellow walls. The condo was in need of major repairs. The paint was chipped on the wood siding. Dead grass chocked what had once been a flower garden. She wondered if that was why Mr. Graves moved. Maybe he couldn’t afford the repairs. Sick at heart, she stepped back and wondered what she should do next. She needed answers. The urge to know why Billy Graves had Hilda’s jewelry was overpowering.

  It was possible the neighbor next door knew where Billy Graves had relocated. She glanced at Dylan Bauer sitting in the car waiting for her before she followed the cracked and chipped sidewalk to the next condo. It wasn’t in much better shape than Mr. Graves’ condo. Since it was a retirement center, she assumed the residents were all elderly. How could family leave their aging loved ones in such deplorable conditions?

  After three attempts to get someone to the door it swung open and an elderly woman leaning on a cane stood smiling at her. Her thin gray hair stood out as if she hadn’t bothered to brush it for days. Wire-rimmed glasses hung around her neck by a gold chain. She perched them on the tip of her nose. Since her shoulders were hunched from old age, she stood less than five feet tall. She leaned her head back and squinted her eyes as if she were having trouble seeing her.


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