Mister Perfect: A Bad Boy Romance

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Mister Perfect: A Bad Boy Romance Page 1

by Alice Cooper

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16


  Copyright © 2017 by Alice Cooper

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. While, as in all fiction , the literary perceptions and insights are based on life experiences and conclusions drawn from research, all names, characters, places and specific instances are products of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously. No actual reference to any real person, living or dead, is intended or inferred.

  Mister Perfect – A Bad Boy Romance

  Published by Alice Cooper, Virginia







  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3


  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16







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  It’s true what they say that real love can destroy you. Punish you. Hurt you in many ways possible. You can fall in love multiple times but only one person can be your true love.

  That’s why I stick to my books. Fictional men. They can’t hurt you at all. I remember the first time I fell in love with a fictional character, and that my friend was Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice. He was the epitome of my ideal man. The man who fills my head day and night.

  But just thinking of ever having true love makes my heart yearn for any kind of love. A day doesn’t go by where I don’t end up romantically frustrated and just want to hold someone’s hand.

  When I try to think of a man that can stand next to me for the rest of my life Mr. Darcy’s face pops into my head. I find myself writing his name over and over again in my notebook but what good can come out of writing his name over and over again if he could never be mine?

  I promised myself that I’d never fall in love. To protect my heart from any heartache I would have to keep my heart from falling in love. As years passed by in my life I’ve grown accustomed to the love I feel for fictional men and felt a certain content in my life. I was happily in love with men who didn’t exist.

  That’s until he waltzed into my life.

  Mr. Darcy’s name suddenly turned into his name.

  With just one touch he changed everything in my life.

  I craved for him. Yearned for him.

  He’s absolutely not like the men I’ve read in my books. Suddenly I can’t compare him to any of my fictional men because I fall asleep to dream of him and wake up to only long for him.

  I barged into my apartment after a hard day at work. But something completely surprised me as I entered my room. There stood the man I was trying to ignore.

  “Ciel!” I shouted.

  I suddenly stopped in my tracks as I noticed a wet semi-naked Ciel, only a towel hanging loosely on his hips. I couldn’t help but stare at his toned chest, his abs, and his v-line that led to the mystery beneath the towel.

  “And she calls me a pervert.” he commented.

  “Why the hell are you in my room and not to mention you took a bath?” I yelled.

  “The question is why are you still in here staring at me?” he asked with a smirk.

  “I uh…” I couldn’t find the words. Ciel gave me his signature smirk which only seemed to annoy me. Why does such an irksome man have to look this hot?

  He suddenly started advancing towards and I tried backing away but I didn’t notice how close I was to the wall. Once I could feel the heat of his body he grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him. I could feel the droplets of water running down his body as they soaked into my body. His towel suddenly undid itself and I forced myself to stare at his face rather than down below.

  He pressed his naked body against my clothed one. “C—Ciel.” I stuttered but he quickly shushed me as he took ahold of my other hand and lifted both my arms above my head. My eyes connected with his and all I could see in his ocean orbs were lust and want.

  “If you truly want me to stop, I will. Just tell me.” he said as if to challenge me. I opened my mouth only for nothing to come out. He smirked when I couldn’t say anything. With his free hand he undid the zipper of my dress and let it fall to pool around my feet, leaving me in nothing but my undergarment.

  “I hunger for this.” he said huskily as he touched my bare waist and easily unhooked my bra. He massaged my breasts with his free hand pinching on each rosebud making my body shiver with desire. When Ciel heard me gasp out his name he growled sexily as he nipping my sweet spot that lied between my collarbone and shoulder. Unconsciously I started pressing my hips against his naked one which only made him groan out my name.

  “I’m going to make you mine in every way possible.” he whispered in my ear.

  Right as Ciel ripped off my panty like it was nothing I suddenly opened my eyes to see that I was in my bed in my own room. My head whirled around in panic and there was no sign of Ciel anywhere. I sighed as I buried my face into my hands.

  It was a dream.

  He haunted my dreams… And I yearned for every second of that dream to be real. My heart pounded against my chest furiously as I thought of Ciel. I could already imagine him smirking and it only annoyed me.

  I always thought that I would never fall in love with a person other than Mr. Darcy. But he proved to be so much more.

  Chapter 1


  I owned a small coffee shop in Bronx New York. I called it “Fancy Cups” and literally all the cups in my shop were fancy. Some had diamond studs on them, others had puzzles and crazy mosaics but I dare not to put glitter on any of the cups.

  It was a small shop that I opened after attending business school and seeking capital. I was lucky when a notorious rich family who owns a few businesses offered me capital to set up my coffee shop, even after multiple times of being rejected. I feel grateful to the family who helped me start my dream shop.

  And not too far from here I have my small but cozy apartment and working in my shop were my two best friends, Angela and Stephen.

  Angela is my best friend since day care. Although my parents told me that she was bad influence still I wouldn’t trade her for the world. She’s a party girl and loves to be in the spotlight and she’s also obsessed with good looking men and she wasn’t too
bad with them either.

  Angela and I met Stephen in freshmen high, and god knows we wouldn’t have survived high school without him. Stephen was good looking but sadly to Angela he played on the same team as us. When Angela would spot a handsome guy Stephen would call dibs. It was a never ending madness with those two.

  “Tonight, here at nine. What do you say?”

  I looked up to Angela from reading my book. “Excuse me?” I asked her. She rolled her eyes and said “I have this friend…” but I didn’t let her finish as I raised my hand to silence her, already knowing what she’s thinking. “I don’t want to hear it Angie. Last time you set me up with your so called “friend” he practically slammed a door in my face.” I told her.

  She sighed “Fran! Not every guy can be a Mr. Darcy… You have to really stop looking for a Mr. Darcy in everyone or you’ll end up as a lonely cat lady.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with that,” I pointed out, “I’m practically happy with all my fictional men.”

  “But how long will that keep you happy?” Stephen asked as he was washing a few cups. “One day you’re going to have needs.” He added with a smirk which made me blush at him in embarrassment. Who needs physical touch when you got words of seduction? Never underestimate the seductive power of good vocabulary.

  I scoffed at Stephen and said “I don’t have needs and will never need them.” At this point Angela is already on the floor laughing how I don’t need them. I only glared at Angela as Stephen smirked at the both of us.

  Before our argument can go any further the bell at the entrance rang, signaling that we have customers. What I love about most about my coffee shop is that people would come and enjoy a cup of coffee and smile about it. I turned towards the entrance with a wide smile on my face.

  “Welcom—” but I cut myself off as I realized who the customer was. Standing tall and intimidating is no other than Ciel. Every time he entered my shop the saying glaring daggers isn’t enough to express the pure hatred conveying through my eyes.

  Sure, Ciel was extremely good looking. Not only is he intimidatingly tall but he’s also built. His muscles definitely showoff how strong he looks. He has dark raven hair tussled to the side of his face covering one of his sharp blue eyes. His pale skin only made the sharp features on his face even more handsome. He had a long face with a strong jaw and a roman nose. His plumped lips always pulled up into a grin when he entered Fancy cups.

  Everything about him screamed dangerous. I’m not one to get scared easily but my hormones sure do get carried away sometimes.

  Too bad such good looks were put to waste for he was nothing but a nuisance. I can always feel a vein on my forehead throbbing from his mere presence. Ever since we opened Fancy cups he’s been coming here to get coffee and ever since then he’s been teasing me.

  “Good evening Habanero,” he greeted as his gaze was on me. I gritted my teeth at the nickname he’s always given me. I was a natural red head and not to mention I lose my temper every time he’s near.

  “What do you want Ciel?” I spat out.

  “My, my, my. Is that how you greet your regular customers nowadays?” he asked teasingly. I was only 25-years-old and if I start showing wrinkles at a young age then the reason would be the person smirking right at me.

  Angela and Stephen only scowled at Ciel’s presence knowing that not only does he irk me but his constant teasing and harassing is simply not good for my health.

  Unfortunately, Ciel’s my first kiss. He stole my first kiss, and for that I’ll never forgive him. It was the opening day of Fancy cups and I was greeting everyone who came that day, he just happened to be one. It was going great and everybody was either enjoying their order as they talk happily with their company, but off in the corner sat Ciel.

  He was the only customer who was alone. I decided to go over and talk to him and maybe ask what he thought of the shop. Once I asked him “Is there anything else I can help with you?” a grin started growing on his face. He instantly started flirting with me and at first I was flustered because who wouldn’t be madly blushing when a good looking guy starts flirting.

  Angela decided that it was a good idea to push me right as Ciel was about to stand. Making my lips collide with his. Ciel and I were frozen in that moment as we stared at each other with wide eyes. Ciel smirked into the kiss as his arms started wrapping around my waist.

  I did the only thing that was normal to do, I slapped him.

  “Lucky for you, you’re my regular customer or else I’d have you hung from the ceiling fan,” I murmured angrily to myself which only got a chuckle out of him.

  “I would have my usual,” his disgusting velvet voice rang through the shop and I hated how it gave me the chills. Instead of striking another argument with Ciel like we usually do, I’ve decided to ignore him completely. I sat in a chair that stood in the corner of the shop.

  I continued reading my book ignoring the annoying man in my shop. Somehow I expected him not to ignore me. There’s a reason why I call him annoying and nobody should take that word lightly. He had both of his hands leaning on the wall behind me as he stared intently on me.

  I felt his body heat but I refused to look up from my book. I ended up reading the same sentence three times. His closeness makes me want to fidget in my seat but this wasn’t unusual. He always enjoyed seeing me squirm when he gets too close.

  “When are you going to stop focusing on that fictional junk and start focusing on something more worthwhile?” he asked and I could smell his coffee scented breath. I slammed my book shut knowing that I won’t get any reading done with him near.

  “I can’t imagine anything more worthwhile than Mr. Darcy.” I said as I grinned and looked up to him. I wasn’t afraid to back down from our stare that’s until Angela saved me by saying “Your usual is ready Ciel,” she spat out his name.

  Ciel grinned even more like we had our own secret grinning contest. His finger then trailed from the side of my face to my jaw and whispered huskily “Until next time my little Habanero.” I couldn’t help but blush. You can’t really blame me, a handsome guy just flirted with me.

  Too bad he’s an irksome jerk.

  I opened my book and started reading once again. But as I found myself reading the same sentence again, I sighed and glared at Ciel who was paying Angela for his order. This is all his fault.

  He casually walked towards the door with his takeout coffee and said “See you around Habanero.” As he winked at me.

  Once the bell rung signaling that he’s finally gone a silence sat between the three of us. I knew they were waiting for it to happen. The image of my wet dream appeared in my mind which only frustrated me.

  I felt the vein on my forehead throb painfully that I couldn’t take it. I grabbed a small wooden chair and threw it across the room as I gave out a frustrated shout.

  He truly irks me.

  Chapter 2


  I exited Fancy cups with my cup of coffee. This is where I usually get my daily caffeine especially during hangovers. Not to mention, to see a certain red head. Francesca.

  The famous redhead who owns a quirky coffee shop. I remember the first time I’ve ever laid eyes on the freckled face Habanero. What caught my eyes was her bubbly butt and it was a plus that she was wearing leggings clung to her like a second set of skin. A plus was she also had perky breasts even with just wearing a simple shirt.

  Most importantly, she had one of the most beautiful smile plastered on her face, the opening of Fancy cups. She gave a warm welcome to every customer that day and she wasn’t even swayed from the way I look.

  I was so used to the way people react badly when they saw me. Like when I’m walking down the street people tend to cross the road just to not pass by me. How their judgmental eyes stared at me with either fear or loathe.

  But not her.

  Her smile never faltered and her brown eyes sparkled at the sight of me. I couldn’t hide the adoration I had for the innocent sexy girl.
I was contented to admire her from afar. To not include her in this pathetic life of mine. She was too innocent for me… I don’t deserve a girl like her.

  But then the kiss happened…

  I felt every fiber in my body burn with a hidden desire. My soul was suddenly lit on fire with just the touch of her small plump lips that I wouldn’t mind kissing over and over again.

  Now that she has me wrapped me around her finger there’s no way I would ever let her go. After the kiss she ended it with a slap. Usually, when someone would lay a finger on me I would be furious but this only made me lust for her more. She was feisty that I curiously wondered what she would be like under the sheets.

  I was so consumed by thoughts of Fran that I didn’t notice that I arrived at the bar that I usually hung out at. “Yo Ciel! What has your head in the clouds?” my friend Zen asked as he pushed himself off the billiard table and walked up to me.

  “None of your business.” I said sternly. I won’t allow Zen nor the other guys to ever know about my Fran. Zen and the rest of the guys would only break her.

  Zen snickered as the both of us sat in front of the bar. My cup of coffee was already gone so I decided to order a bottle of beer. “Don’t tell me it’s some chick.” Zen said.

  For some reason it unnerved me that he was referring to Fran that my eyes sharpened its gaze on him. Zen smirked evilly and said “Oh! So it is a girl. You should bring her over sometime.” I was gripping the bottle of beer too tightly. “Is she a ten?” this only angered me further.

  The bottle in my hand suddenly shattered from my grip.

  This only made Zen feel satisfied. I played right into his hand but I didn’t like that Zen would put a number on my Fran. She’s mine and no one else’s. Not even that Mr. Darcy could stop me.

  My hand was bleeding a bit from the shards of glass but I didn’t mind, it wasn’t unusual for my hands to bleed. Zen and I were high school friends and we caused trouble everywhere we went. From skipping school to illegal fighting. Zen was your typical player bad boy, jumping from one woman to another.


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