Their Independent Submissive [Knights in Black Leather 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Their Independent Submissive [Knights in Black Leather 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 19

by Marla Monroe

  This was what she was afraid of. They would render her unable to think for herself if she succumbed to them. Her will would no longer be her own. They’d expect her to ask them for anything or to do anything. They would reduce her to no more than a child, like Tommy. She wasn’t a child. She was a grown woman, but she couldn’t find the strength to tell them no.

  Again her heart said to trust them and stop expecting them to be like anyone else she knew. The words she’d said to her son over and over again repeated in her head like a mantra.

  Never judge someone by your past experiences with another. Let their deeds speak for who they really are before you count them as a friend or enemy.

  Maybe she needed to heed her own words and give Gunner and Scope a chance before she judged them to be someone she couldn’t live with. They hadn’t been anything but good to her.

  Gunner licked and sucked all along her inner thighs, sending tiny thrills of electricity snapping through her body. Her clit felt huge between her legs, making her want to rub it.

  “What is it, Darla? What do you need, babe?” Gunner’s voice sounded guttural and deep.

  “Please, touch me, Gunner. I need to come.” She’d never asked like that before. Now he would make her beg him for relief.

  “Like this?” he asked, just before he licked across her distended clit.

  “Holy hell!” she screamed. “Just like that.”

  “Good girl.”

  The words had barely left his mouth before he was sucking on her painfully aroused clit. She couldn’t gather enough air to scream, it was so sudden. Her climax tore through her, sending parts of her spiraling out of control. When she finally began to settle down, it was to the feel of hands soothing her at her head and her thighs.

  Darla opened her eyes and started up into Scope’s bright ones. He grinned down at her. “Sweetness, you amaze me how easily you respond to us. I bet we could work you up to climax over and over again. One day we’ll have to see how many times we can make you come, but not today.”

  “No. Not today. We’re accomplishing something much more important today than testing your limits, Darla. Today we’re setting the glue that will tie us together as a family. We want you as our wife, Darla. Will you do us that honor?” Gunner asked.

  “Wife? Wait. We haven’t really talked about any of this. What if I can’t be the submissive you want me to be? I can’t just try this for a while then walk away if it doesn’t work out,” she snapped. “How long do you think this will last? What basis do we have to build this on?”

  Scope started to speak, but Gunner stopped him. “It’s based on love, Darla. At least mine is. I love you. I already felt as if I had known you for years from Scope talking about you so much at first. Then you lived inside of me for years, giving me hope that one day we’d be back stateside and I might meet you at last. I hadn’t thought of you as mine, only as Scope’s, but I thought if he had someone as pure of heart and as sweet as he made you out to be, then maybe I could find someone as well. And I did.”

  “Gunner. I–I can’t believe it. You love me? You really love me?” A million things ran through her head but only one word made any sense. Love. Gunner loved her.

  “I love you both, too. But I’m scared, Gunner,” Darla admitted.

  “What are you afraid of?” Scope asked her.

  “I’m afraid that we’ll do this, become a family and sometime later, you realize you need more than I’m able to give. I’ve told you both that I’m not a submissive. I’ll try, I want to try, but letting someone else tell me what to do all the time, how to dress, who I can talk to, isn’t going to work with me. I’m too independent.” It hurt to admit this to them. She loved them so much and no matter how she looked at it, going forward without being absolutely honest with each other would only end in disaster.

  “Darla. I told you we would never try and dictate your life like that. There are so many different types of BDSM relationships out there that you can’t say there is only one way, one lifestyle. You can’t lump us into the ones you know about. We have to develop our own, sweetness.” Scope sounded so sure it would work out. Darla wanted to believe him. She desperately wanted to believe that they could make it work.

  She looked over at Gunner. He was who she worried about the most. With Scope, she knew it was a preference and a passion he enjoyed. With Gunner, it was a little more than that. She could sense in him that need to feel in control. She knew very little about his past outside of what Scope had told her about not having family and being a ward of the state until he’d run away. He would be a man who wanted to control his own destiny and that of those around him. Where did someone like her fit into that world?

  “Give us a chance, Darla. I promise you that I would never ask for something you aren’t willing, even eager to give. I don’t want to own you, babe. I want to love you and take care of you,” he said.

  “I want that, too, Gunner. I’m just scared that your idea of taking care of me means more than what my idea of it means. I don’t want anyone to get hurt,” she told him.

  “Darla. There’s no way to ever predict what will happen in any relationship. Even a vanilla one is subject to fail if the couple isn’t one hundred percent dedicated to making it work. Everyone has to compromise in one way or another. The issue is not if you will but how much you will.” Gunner’s eyes held the deepest feelings she’d ever seen in them before.

  He’s letting me see inside of him. I doubt anyone, not even Scope has been allowed this much of him before. How can I doubt that he means what he says? Why do I even have to think about it?


  Gunner blinked then blinked again. “Did you say yes? You’ll honestly try?”

  “Yes. That’s what I’m saying. I love both of you so much that I can’t imagine not giving it a chance. I’m still scared, but the one thing I do know is that you would never knowingly hurt me or Tommy. I trust both of you to watch out for us both physically and emotionally,” she said.

  Gunner reached for her, but Scope snatched her out of his arms and kissed her to the point of suffocation. When Gunner pulled her free of the other man’s arms, he was scowling at him.

  “Be careful. She couldn’t breathe, man. And don’t forget she’s got a broken hand.”

  “Hell, I couldn’t breathe. I was coming up for air. I’m just so damn happy I can’t stand it,” Scope all but yelled. “I can’t wait for Tommy to come home so we can talk to him. Do you think he’ll be okay with it, Darla?”

  The obvious nervousness in Scope’s voice touched her. He truly wanted her son to like them and want them to be his dads now.

  “I think he will be ecstatic about it. You’ve given him more in the last few weeks than he’s had his entire life. For that alone I would love the two of you,” she admitted.

  “I can’t stand it any longer,” Gunner breathed out. “I’ve got to have you. I need to see you riding Scope’s cock while I prepare your ass to take my dick. Are you okay with that, babe?”

  Darla smiled and nodded. “I want you both inside of me, make me yours.”

  “I don’t think double penetration is a good idea this first time, Darla. We’ll just get you ready this time,” Gunner told her.

  Darla smiled, but didn’t say anything more. When the time was right, she’d seduce him to take her. She’d had anal sex once before and while it hadn’t been seriously painful, it hadn’t been something she’d wanted to repeat. With them, she did. She wanted to feel both of them joined with her as the glue that would tie them all together. Darla had no idea if it was something she’d want all the time, but now and then would be important to her to keep them connected. There were things they could do that would keep her open for them and she’d discuss it with them sometime. She’d learned a lot from her naughty romance books. They’d been well worth the money she’d splurged on them.

  “What are you thinking so hard about, Darla?” Scope asked her.

  “Just that I’m so happy we’re going
to be together. I’ll ask Taylor and Tessa what we need to do to get married like they are,” she said.

  “We can talk more about all of it, later,” Gunner said again. “Lie down, Scope. Climb on top of him, Darla. Ride him for me.”

  Darla smiled over at Scope, who rolled over and lay back, clasping his hands behind his head. She fastened her eyes on Gunner as she slowly crawled up Scope’s body, putting as much sway in her hips as she could manage.

  Gunner didn’t take his eyes off of her. A low growl hissed between his lips when she stopped and licked up Scope’s cock before circling the crown with the tip of her tongue.

  “Fuck! Damn that felt good, sweet pea. Do it again. Just like before,” Scope said.

  She did, watching Gunner’s eyes darken to blue-black orbs as she did. She had no doubt he was remembering when she’d done that to him. Darla took her time licking and sucking on Scope’s dick. When he started fucking up to meet her down strokes, Gunner put a stop to it, grasping her hair and holding her off of the other man.

  “That’s enough you, two. I think Scope’s cock is wet enough for you to slide all the way down on it, Darla. Let me see you do it.”

  She sat up on her knees, still straddling Scope’s hips. He stared up at her with heavy eyelids as she lifted up, then started down as he held his shaft in position for her to take him. The hiss that left his lips when she slowly sank down his shaft was almost as harsh as the one that left hers as he filled her.

  “Holy hell, sweetness. You’re going to kill me. You’re so wet and tight,” Scope said in a thick voice.

  “That’s it, babe. Nice and slow. All the way to his groin. There you go,” Gunner said as her pussy ground against Scope’s body. “Look at how perfectly you fit him. Is he filling that cunt up, baby?”

  “Yes. He’s almost more than I can handle. If he hadn’t been wet and I wasn’t so turned on, I might not have been able to take him so easily,” she told him.

  “Just think how full you’ll be when we both take you at the same time, Darla. Scope will stuff your pussy full of his cock and I’ll fill your ass with my dick. It’ll take your breath away,” Gunner whispered next to her ear. “Now move on him, babe. Ride his cock for me.”

  Darla slowly rose up then sank back down. Scope’s hard cock slid along her wet vaginal walls, the swollen head of his cock touching her cervix each time she ground her hips against his pelvis. It felt so damn good. She didn’t want it to stop, so she kept the rhythm slow and the path curvy. He hit all the right spots when she let him fill her.

  “Damn, Darla. Your cunt’s like a tight, wet glove. It’s squeezing me so good,” Scope told her.

  “Now bend forward, babe. Scope, hold her while I play back here for a bit. Damn I love the way you look all hunched over Scope,” Gunner told her. “Your ass is so pretty and round, perfect for spanking.”

  “What?” She started to try and sit up, but Scope’s arms across her back held her in place. “You’re not going to spank me, are you?”

  Gunner chuckled ominously. “I haven’t decided yet. Your lily-white ass would look so pretty with my handprint pinking it. Don’t you think, Scope?”

  “Yeah. One on each ass cheek.”

  “Scope!” She started to sit up again, but her captor chuckled and kept his arms locked into place.

  “Easy, babe. I’m not spanking you this time. Maybe next time,” he told her in a voice that made it a promise.

  The first drop of cold lube took her by surprise. Darla squealed and bucked on top of Scope. The man laughed then sobered when she lifted her head enough to glare at him. The next drop was still cold, but didn’t elicit the same response now that she knew to expect it.

  Gunner’s fingers spread it down the crack of her ass, circling her back hole in slow lazy circles as if he had all the time in the world. Darla was already on edge and stuffed with Scope’s big cock, her pussy was quivering with need. She needed to move. It was like an itch she couldn’t scratch. It bugged her, tugged at her control until she was about ready to beg Gunner to let her ride Scope for just a few strokes to ease some of the intense need she felt.

  As if he could read her mind, Gunner squeezed her ass cheek before pressing lightly over the opening of her back door. The lube eased the tip of his finger inside her with little resistance. His soft sigh of pleasure made her feel good.

  “Relax, Darla. Let me in,” Gunner told her.

  “I am relaxed.”

  “Remember to push out and relax, babe,” he said.

  He took her at her word and the next thing she knew, the man had pressed his finger all the way inside to the web of the next finger. While there wasn’t any pain, the rasp of his slicked finger through her tight tissues had jarred her. She gasped and pulled away from him, but with Scope’s arms around her, she didn’t get more than a half inch away from Gunner.

  “Where are you going, babe?” Gunner pulled her back toward him again, dragging her clit across Scope’s groin. The friction was delicious, pulling a moan from her.

  Scope chuckled. “I think she liked that, Gunner.”

  “Good. She’s going to love this then.”

  Before Darla could ask what he was talking about, more of the cold lube drenched the crack of her ass and a second finger burrowed against the first one in an attempt to join it in the hot, dark hole it was in. Why that seemed funny to her, she didn’t know, but giggles erupted from her mouth as Gunner managed to slip the second intruder in next to the first with less trouble and pain than she would have expected. The man was good.

  She wasn’t kidding herself. Anal sex was way different than having two men inside of you at the same time. Not only would she be so full she might not be able to breathe, but she would have two men as close as they could get to her at the same time. They would be inside of her, both physically and emotionally.

  “You’re doing so good, babe. Just relax. Feel the way the nerves inside of you come alive,” Gunner said. His voice had dipped an octave, getting raspier.

  “She’s tightening on me in time with your fingers, man. Fucking good,” Scope said.

  Darla could only moan as Gunner was right, the nerve endings in her ass sizzled and sparked. That had never happened before. Was it Gunner’s expertise or the fact that she wanted them more than she’d ever wanted anyone in her life?

  Gunner’s fingers retreated and more of the lube dribbled around her hole. This time the pressure was almost more than she could take, but Darla did everything Gunner had said and pushed out, relaxing her body. God! She had three fingers inside of her now, and it was good. No, it was damn good.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Gunner couldn’t believe how well Darla was handling his fingers inside of her. Three fucking fingers! He wouldn’t have thought she could do that so soon, but she really had relaxed and followed his instructions. She wanted this, and it showed. That warmed him all over. She trusted him with her body. If she didn’t fully trust him with her heart yet, it would come. She said she loved him, them but the heart could still be fickle. He wanted it all.

  “So good, babe. I’m proud of you. We’ll play more later. Right now I think Scope is about to bust a nut trying to keep from fucking you. Ride him cowgirl!” he said with a chuckle.

  “No! I want you inside of me, too, Gunner. Please. I need you. I’m ready.” Darla’s voice sounded almost desperate.

  “Not yet, Darla. I don’t want to hurt you. We can stretch you more so there’s only pleasure.”

  “I’m ready now. Don’t deny me this, Gunner. Please. I need you both,” she said, again.

  “Gunner. I think she’s right. She took your fingers without a problem,” he said.

  “I don’t want to hurt her!” Gunner barked. “I couldn’t bear it if I did. I don’t want to hear tears in her voice.”

  “I don’t think there’s a chance in hell that will happen. She’s ready, man,” Scope said again.

  “Who the fuck is in charge here?” Gunner demanded.

“You are, Gunner, but I need you. Please take me. Make me yours and Scope’s,” Darla pleaded with him.

  She wiggled her ass up at him, squeezing down on the fingers he still had lodged in her ass. He’d almost forgotten they were there with their challenge ringing in his ears. His control slipped. The chains he kept tightly wound around his more reckless self loosened just a bit. Much more and he might lose it entirely. He couldn’t risk letting his more emotional side free rein, not with Darla.

  “Not until you’re ready.” He started removing his fingers.

  “God, Gunner! Don’t. At least don’t do that. It feels too good with Scope in me, too.” Darla’s rich voice had his balls tightening at her obvious enjoyment of his fingers.

  Gunner pumped them back in. He pulled them almost free and did it again. Her deep moan of pleasure pulled at him. His dick demanded satisfaction. He reminded it that they’d get their turn, but it hardened even more, if that were possible. Fuck, he wanted her ass in a bad way.

  “Yes!” she hissed as he moved his fingers in and out of the tight hole.

  She was so hot in there. She’d burn him in the best way. So fucking tight he’d choke if he tunneled down that forbidden path.

  Do it. I want to so fucking bad that it’s killing me. If I hurt her though, it will kill me. I just can’t risk it.

  Her moans were hard enough to ignore, but the way she thrust back, lifting her ass to meet his fingers was more than he could take.

  I need that so fucking bad. I want to be inside of her with Scope. We’re partners and taking her at the same time will be just what I need to know she’s really ours.

  Waiting until he thought she was ready just might kill him. Would he ever think she was ready? Was he putting off what he so desperately needed to keep his distance? Did he subconsciously still doubt she’d be able to handle the ménage lifestyle when her friends and strangers turned away or told her she was a slut? He couldn’t handle it if she did.


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