The Daddy P.I. Casefiles: The First Collection

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The Daddy P.I. Casefiles: The First Collection Page 130

by Frost, E J

  He wraps his arms around my chest and shouts into my ear. “Back the fuck off or I’m going to cuff you.”

  I work my fists for a moment before I lower them. I do not want to end the night in a holding cell.

  Restrained, all I can do when I see Rick’s fist coming at me again is turn my head.

  He catches me on the cheekbone this time, just below my eye. I feel the impact all through my skull. Wet heat runs down my cheek. Lightning shoots through the side of my head where the fire extinguisher cracked my skull.

  Emily screams, “Daddy!”

  Theo shoves me to the side while roaring at Rick, “You calm the fuck down or I will fucking arrest you.”

  “You motherfucker!” Rick howls. I’m not sure if he’s shouting at me or Theo.

  “Manny, get him to a hospital,” I yell over my shoulder as I shrug Theo off.

  As soon as my arms are free, Emily’s in them, one soft hand cupping my bleeding cheek, the other tugging my wrist. “Come on, Daddy. We need to go.”


  “We have to go. We have to get you to a doctor. Come on, Daddy.”

  Resisting her is like resisting the tide. She’s such a tiny thing, but so determined. She pulls me toward the door. Jiro crowds in on my other side, shielding me from Rick, who is still cursing at my back. In a flash of blue, DirtyGurl pushes in behind Emily, dragging Daisy with her.

  “Party in the ER!” DirtyGurl crows as we troop out.

  * * *

  It’s not much of a party, either in the East Fourteenth Street Urgent Care Center, or back at my house afterwards. We’re a subdued group, particularly after Daisy’s blood-test shows the punch was spiked with a huge amount of ketamine. They send her to Bellevue for observation overnight.

  They debate sending me, too, but after two hours’ worth of tests, they release me once they’ve glued and bandaged my split cheek. Even though I don’t have a concussion, the doctor tells Emily to wake me every two hours through the night and to head straight to the hospital if I start showing any symptoms, which does little to alleviate my baby doll’s visible anxiety.

  I hate that I’ve made her worry for me again.

  Broader worry for everyone who drank the punch makes the gathering back at my place feel more like a wake than a party. While we wait for news from the various hospitals where Rick and other guests have been taken, our numbers swell. Javier, Maude, and Max show up first. Max gives me the longest hug I’ve ever had from another man, particularly one I haven’t fucked, and tells me to stop trying to give him a coronary.

  While still patting me on the back, he explains his calls during the party. “I found Glory’s Ohio driver’s license from before her marriage and divorce. Gloria Griffiths was born Gloria Evonne Wilson.”

  I spare a moment to get him to forward the drivers license to Theo. Then I put it out of my mind. Whatever happens after tonight, Rick’s security is no longer my problem. Even stupid drunk, I’ve never taken a swing at a friend. Rick may have been off his head on this stuff Glory put in the punch but, in my experience, drugs just bring out the worst of whatever’s in someone’s soul.

  What’s in Rick’s soul is not my friend.

  We’re gathered around the dining room table, sipping tea that Emily’s made, or, in Javier’s case, wine that DirtyGurl’s poured, when the doorbell sounds. I growl that it’s nearly one in the morning and no one should be ringing the bell, but Emily skips off and returns with Dana, Austin, and Cappa. By the furtive look in DirtyGurl’s eyes, I know who to blame.

  DirtyGurl throws up her hands as Austin gently peels back the bandage and examines my cheek. “He threatened everyone with crucifixion if you were ever injured again and he wasn’t the first call,” she says. “I like to avoid crucifixion when I can.”

  “I did, sir,” Austin admits.

  Javier points at Austin, “You, stop threatening the other subs, that’s my job. And you.” He points at DirtyGurl. “Big trouble. We’ll schedule your crucifixion for tomorrow night at nine.”

  DirtyGurl sighs. “Master Theo owns my ass until Sunday at midnight. I came without permission.”

  Javier chuckles. “Definitely crucifixion, then. Tell Theo I’ll be joining the two of you tomorrow evening.”

  “Yes, sir.” DirtyGurl rubs her hand over her face resignedly and takes out her phone.

  Austin pronounces the gluing of my cheek acceptable and starts discussing a schedule for waking me in the night with Emily and Cappa.

  “I’m sitting right here,” I growl. “And I’m perfectly capable of setting an alarm every two hours.”

  Cappa’s hand flutters to my shoulder. “Please, sir. Please let us take care of you. We weren’t there with you in San Diego.”

  “That’s not a failing, boy. You were on the other side of the country.”

  But I evidently didn’t train anyone to obey a Dom’s commands well enough. I end up in bed with Emily on one side, Cappa on the other, and Austin downstairs on the couch with Dana. Max takes the day bed in Emily’s little room. Jiro and Laurel are back in the guest bedroom. Emily opens the playrooms so Maude, Javier, and DirtyGurl can bed down in the inner playroom.

  “I’m going to start charging rent,” I grumble to Emily as she settles in my arms.

  She giggles. “We could swap out the couches for sleeper sofas and have slumber parties every weekend, Daddy.”

  “I’d be up for that,” Cappa says from behind me.

  “If you’re going to be in my bed, boy, be useful and spoon up.”

  “Yes, sir,” he says. I can hear the smile in his voice as his warmth wraps around my back.

  * * *

  Cappa wakes me at two. Austin wakes me at four. Emily wakes me at six and offers me her mouth, which I take sleepily. When Cappa stirs at my groans, I direct him through edging himself for the duration of my blow job.

  Having both subs squirming, unfulfilled, against me fills my soul. I know it’s doing more for Cappa, who kinks hard on orgasm denial, than Emily, but I’ll make it up to my little girl after everyone’s left. I cuddle them back to sleep, then drift off myself for another hour. Cappa’s sprawled face-down on the mattress and Emily’s curled around her bunny when I finally rise. I cuff one of Cappa’s outstretched wrists to the headboard, so he knows when he wakes I don’t want him going anywhere.

  I shower off everything that happened yesterday and finally take a look at the impressive black eye and split cheek Rick’s given me. The split’s swollen but there’s no redness and the surgical glue’s closed the wound, so I leave it to air. I wash myself gingerly, since everything’s sore, discovering injures I missed yesterday under the influence of adrenaline and endorphins. The knuckles of my right hand are puffed twice their normal size, scuffed and reddened, and my left knee is bruised so dark it rivals Emily’s labia. My knee’s stiffened up enough overnight that I retrieve my cane as well as a pair of shorts from the bedroom before hobbling downstairs.

  There’s a small crowd at my dining table: Jiro, Javier, Max, Theo, and DirtyGurl are gathered over coffee and three huge boxes of donuts that Theo’s clearly brought. He’s such a cop. I snag a blueberry glazed on my way past the table into the kitchen, to make myself a drink and find the Advil.

  “You’re welcome,” Theo says to my back.

  I grunt, since he’s not my favorite person this morning, either. “Glory in custody?”

  Normally, I wouldn’t out him as a cop in front of DirtyGurl, but since he announced it at the party last night, I figure it’s no longer a secret.

  “Officially, no. Unofficially, we picked her up last night and can hold her for seventy-two hours without charging her. She lawyered-up straight away, so we’re not going to get anything out of her. I’m working on a search warrant for her apartment to see if I can find any trace of the ketamine.”

  He’s being very forthcoming. Sounds like I’ve got Theo-the-Dom at my breakfast table rather than Theo-the-cop, despite the donuts. I pour myself a cup of coffee, f
iguring that if I’m going to get in trouble with my little girl for the donut, I might as well go whole hog. It is a blueberry donut, though. That’s sort of healthy.

  After downing several Advil and setting out some stinky, wet food for the cat, who is curled on DirtyGurl’s lap, I sit down across from Theo at the table.

  “Where does someone get ketamine?”

  Theo shrugs. “There are legitimate uses for it. Mostly by vets. If she has a pet, she might have gotten it legally.”

  “Club scene,” DirtyGurl says quietly. “It’s not as popular as Molly or E, but it’s out there.”

  Theo flicks his eyes at her, but neither of us comment.

  “Doctor said it was a hefty dose, based on the amount still in Daisy’s system,” I say.

  Max catches my eye and nods. He’s probably planning on a fishing expedition through Glory’s accounts to look for unusual purchases or cash withdrawals. I shake my head. It’s the NYPD’s problem now and I don’t want Max doing any work he’s not going to get paid for.

  “What about the PayPal account?” I ask Theo.

  “If I can get a search warrant, I can seize any computers at her place. With a little luck, the judge will extend the warrant to her phone. If I can get into her email accounts, or better yet, her PayPal account, and trace the payment for the pictures, that’ll do it. DA will charge her.” He gives me a long, level look. “I’ll get her.”

  I nod, not sure how much I care anymore.

  “And Mr. Errol?” Jiro asks suddenly.

  Theo clears his throat. “That’s one reason I’m here. You want to press charges, Logan?”

  Plenty of people, including Theo, saw Rick hit me first. I guess I could.

  “No,” I say.

  Theo rubs his chin, cop eyes searching my face. While we’re having our stare-down, Emily slips into the chair beside me and rests her cheek against my shoulder. I draw her onto my lap.

  “Daddy, is that a donut?” she murmurs, looking at the half-eaten pastry in front of me.

  “Hallucination, sweetheart. You had a long night.”

  She giggles. “Pretty sure that’s a donut, Daddy. Will you let me make you a boiled egg at least?”

  “Yes, sweetie.” My baby doll, who takes such good care of her daddy. She’s here, in my arms. Nothing that happened last night separated us. I’m okay, she’s okay, we’re together, and that’s really all that matters.

  “I don’t want to press charges,” I say more firmly.

  “All right. I’ll need your and your partner’s statements. If you want to get that done this morning, it’ll save you a trip to the station.”

  “Let me get another cup of coffee and I’ll be up for that.”

  “Daddy, before you get too involved, Cappa’s still cuffed to our bed.”

  I chuckle. “Oh, yeah.”

  Javier perks up. “Did you say, cuffed?”

  “She did,” I respond. “Figured I’d make him a present to anyone who’d like a good morning. He’s had a half-hour of edging already, so he’s primed.”

  “Excellent. Thank you for your hospitality.” Javier sets down his coffee, stands, and stretches. He’s wearing the linen suit he showed up in last night, and although linen always looks wrinkled, it’s wrinkled in a way that looks classy instead of slept-in, the bastard. “DirtyGurl, upstairs with you. Maude, would you care to join us?”

  “No, go indulge yourself, you old letch,” Maude responds.

  “I certainly shall.” He tips an imaginary hat to her and slaps DirtyGurl on the ass to get her moving.

  “You’re still on orgasm restriction,” Theo growls at DirtyGurl as she scampers off through the great room. “And that ass still belongs to me.”

  “Yes, Master Theo,” she calls back over her shoulder, blue dreadlocks waving.

  “She’s going to be the death of me,” Theo mutters.

  “Mistress,” Jiro says to Maude. “Might I offer you the use of my submissive this morning?”

  Maude lifts an eyebrow. “You share that lovely girl?”

  “I do, with special friends. She should be waking up shortly and is due some grooming after the party last night. A bath and an enema, to start the day right, if you’d like to assist.”

  Maude’s smile is more Wicked Witch of the West than benevolent grandmother. “I would, indeed.”

  Jiro stands and offers her his arm chivalrously.

  Max shakes his head as he watches them go. “I seriously need to come to this club of yours. Everyone gets laid.”

  Theo chuckles.

  “See what you think of the playgroup on Sunday first,” I say. “No point jumping into the deep end before you’ve learned to paddle.”

  “Dom water-wings,” Emily offers sagely.

  I tickle her ribs, just to hear her giggle.

  “Since I didn’t even bring a swimsuit, and since it looks like you’re going to survive, I’m heading out,” Max says, standing and patting me on the shoulder. “See you Sunday.”

  I catch his hand and squeeze. “See you then, mate. Thanks for coming.”

  He leans down and wraps his arm around my neck. “I’m calling in reinforcements, buddy. You’re not even safe going to a fucking party.”

  “Screw you,” I say, but keep my tone light.

  “I mean it. Mac’s out. I’m inviting him to stay on your damn couch until I’m confident you can go out in public without risking another brain injury.”

  “Wanker,” I tell him, not at all bothered by his threat.

  Mac’s our commanding officer from our days on the Winston S. Churchill. He’s been in Florida since his discharge in June. He said he’d come up to visit before Christmas anyway. If Max wants to tempt him up earlier with threats of my imminent demise, I’m fine with that. I can’t wait to see the bastard.

  Max releases his arm around my neck, which was more hug than choke hold, and slaps me on the shoulder before he saunters off. Emily twitches in my lap like she’s going to see him out, but I hold her still. She’s not going anywhere today, except maybe back to bed with me, and Max knows the way out.

  “You’re risking having my cock in your ass for the rest of the day, wiggling around like that,” I murmur in her ear.

  She shivers. “Okay, Daddy.”

  I chuckle. “Is anything I want today okay with you, little girl?”

  She turns on my lap so she can look up into my eyes. “Yes, Daddy. Anything you want. As long as you’re okay.”

  I trace the sweet curve of her cheek with my fingertips. Kiss the tip of her nose.

  “I’m okay, sweetie. I’m sorry you were scared for me. Again.”

  She nods and nestles into my chest, her arms sliding around my ribs and squeezing gently. “ILY, Daddy.”

  I kiss her forehead and cradle her against me. “ILY, too, my baby.”

  Theo clears his throat and I shoot him a frown over the top of Emily’s head. If he really thinks giving him a statement is more important than comforting and reassuring my little girl, he can fuck right off.

  “Would you like a deviled egg instead of boiled, Daddy?” Emily asks, nuzzling my neck. “I could make a bunch so anyone who doesn’t want donuts could have one. Austin won’t eat donuts. I don’t want him to feel left out.”

  I kiss her on the forehead again. “That’s very thoughtful, little love. Go ahead and make a couple, but don’t feel you need to feed everyone. I’d love a coffee refill, too.”

  She tips her head back to give me the owl-eye. “You’ve already had a cup of coffee, Daddy. How about turmeric tea?”

  “I just threw up a little in my mouth, baby doll.”

  She giggles. When I release her, she hops off my lap.

  Theo follows her with his eyes and when he looks back at me, shakes his head. “I’m going to book you for excessive mushiness in front of an officer of the law.”

  “I’m in my own home. Expectation of privacy,” I toss back at him. I bet I know the privacy laws better than he does, since I bump up agains
t them in investigations all the time. “Let’s get started, Detective.”

  “All right.” He pulls out a digital recorder and a notebook and we get to work.

  He takes me through the whole night twice, then asks follow-up questions about the notes I sent him on the investigation. I’ve had two servings of deviled eggs and all I could stomach of a cup of turmeric tea while he’s asked question after question. Dana and Austin have emerged from the basement and, after Austin checks my face, settle in the breakfast nook with eggs and coffee. Once Emily’s finished serving, I draw her back onto my lap in the hopes that will encourage Theo to wrap it up.

  He gets the hint. “Check your email a couple of times today in case I need to send you follow-up questions.”

  “Always do,” I say.

  “You going to see Rick?” he asks.

  I set my chin on the top of Emily’s head. “Mmm, not sure.”

  “Yes, Daddy,” Emily says softly.

  “You think so?” I ask.

  “It’s the right thing to do. My daddy always does the right thing.”

  I chuckle and give her a squeeze for the blatant manipulation. I might give her a spanking for it later, too.

  “Daddy needs some incentive to do the right thing today.”

  “A long massage and bacon sandwiches for lunch?” she offers.

  “I was thinking more along the lines of a long flogging and my little girl’s ass before lunch, then bacon sandwiches, to build Daddy’s strength back up, before we visit Rick.”

  She shivers and squeezes my hands where they’re wrapped around her waist. “Okay, Daddy.”

  “Yeah,” I growl in her ear and shift my legs under her ass so she can feel my erection. “I think that’s the plan, baby girl.”

  “Things I don’t need to watch,” Theo grouses as he packs up his recorder and notebook. “You mind if I take advantage of whatever Javier’s left of Cappa and DirtyGurl?”

  “Be my guest,” I tell him. “You know where the lube and toys are. Do me a favor? Strip the bed when you’re done and dump the sheets in the hamper.”


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