Alizar and the Crisis: An Alizar Adventure (The Adventures of Alizar Book 2)

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Alizar and the Crisis: An Alizar Adventure (The Adventures of Alizar Book 2) Page 6

by F. Darnall Daley

  “Your wish, my dear, is my command. And a day at the beach with you in a bikini may lead to other things.”

  “Oh, my love, you have the nicest ideas.”


  The taxi took them to the offices of Arafura Resources, LTD on Victoria Street. They climbed the stairs into the imposing multistory glass front office building. Chang consulted the directory and found the correct office location. The elevator whisked them to the 7th floor where they were ushered into a reception lobby. “Good morning, I’m Ku Chang. I have an appointment with Mr. Sydney Ablow. “

  “Welcome to Arafura Resources, Mr. Ku. I’ll inform Mr. Ablow that you’re here.”

  A smartly dressed young man enters the lobby. “Mr. Ku, I’m Sydney Ablow. Please call me Syd.”

  “Please call me Chang, Syd. This is my wife and business partner, Meng Li. “

  “Let’s go to the conference room and we can talk about my favorite subject, rare earth metals.”

  As they all take seats around the end of the conference table Ablow continues, “I understand that you just arrived in Australia from China. How was your trip?”

  “Our trip was long and exhausting. However, first class makes the flight less so. My company has asked me to relocate to Australia to find more reliable supplies of certain rare earth metals. Here’s the list of metals that we’re particularly interested in.” Chang hands him the same list that he’d given to Lynas Corporation.”

  “We’re just starting production at the Nolans Bore operation. I can provide ore samples and pilot plant samples of finished product. I can also arrange for you to visit the site.”

  “That would be excellent. Could we arrange a visit to Alice Springs next week? I’ll give you a sample order today and I’ll give you a shipping address as soon as I arrange for an air freight forwarder. Can you recommend anyone?”

  “We use Cargomaster. They have offices here in Perth and they have an operation at the airport in Alice Springs.”

  “I’ll set up an account with them today.”


  [Walter Karnaugh, it’s Ku Chang. Is this a good time for me to give you a report on my Australia trip?”]

  [Chang, it’s Walter. It’s always an appropriate time to hear from you. The 12-hour time difference makes it interesting. What have you found out?]

  [Walter, it’s Chang. There are two companies here that are mining and refining the metals that we want. Lynas has operations here at Mount Weld near Perth and in Malaysia. Arafura Resources, LTD has mines at Nolans Bore near Alice Springs. I’m going to visit both sites in the next week. The Mount Weld operation is further along in development and is actually producing. The Nolans Bore operation should be producing in the next few months. I’ve placed sample orders with both companies. I’m going to contact Cargomaster to act as our air freight forwarder. I’m going to have to set up a banking arrangement. What do you recommend?]

  [Chang, it’s Walter. Wow, you’re making great progress. Have the samples sent to Jupiter Mining in Montana. Citibank has offices in Perth. I’ll have an account set up for you with them. Thanks for contacting me.]

  Chapter 21

  (205th dawning of the 3,687th orbit)

  3rd Planet

  [Walter Karnaugh, it’s Claude Applebee. Have you got a minute to discuss Polycorp?]

  [Claude, it’s Walter. Sure, what’s happening?]

  [Walter, it’s Claude. Things are moving swiftly on this deal. Their board met and approved our offer to buy the company. You, Liz and I have been added to the board. I’m to be Chairman of the Board, you’re Vice Chairman and Liz is Chief Legal counsel. It’s a leveraged buyout. Polycorp will be a subsidiary of Jupiter Mining. Jupiter Mining is to place a $10,000,000.00 order for the rare earth metals that we want. We have a board meeting there next week. We need to figure out why they had difficulty meeting the market pricing levels. Perhaps we can have a positive effect on that process.]

  [Claude, it’s Walter. That’s great progress. We’re finished here in the Marshall Islands. We’ll fly to California and meet you there.]


  [Paul Snyder, it’s Walter Karnaugh. We’re on the move again. Tell the Captain that we’d like to leave on the next supply ship run. Tell the pilots to get off the beach, put on some clothes and get the plane ready. We’re headed for San Bernardino, California. See if you can find us suitable hotel accommodations and transportation.]

  [Walter, it’s Paul. You got it boss]

  Walter looks at Liz in the bed next to him. She sets him on fire. Their relationship has been carnal but not romantic. Her choice, not his. “Wake up, my dear, we’re on the move. We’ve got new jobs in California.”

  “You woke me to tell me about work?”

  “Well, no. I had something else in mind.”

  “That’s a different story. Roll over and give me a penetrating explanation.”

  Chapter 22

  (205th dawning of the 3,687th orbit)

  3rd Planet

  [Ralph Steinmark, it’s Walter Karnaugh. Is it a good time to converse?]

  [Walter, it’s Ralph. Give me a minute, I’ve got an office full.] A couple of minutes pass. [Yes, Walter, how are you today and where are you?]

  [Ralph, it’s Walter. I’m in the Marshall Islands and soon to be on my way to San Bernardino California. How’s Montana Mining Machinery doing?]

  [Walter, it’s Ralph. We’re doing great. We’ve shipped all of the Jupiter Mining spare parts orders. We’re also making some progress on reducing lead times and reducing costs.]

  [Ralph, it’s Walter. Did you get the Jupiter Mining order for new machines?]

  [Walter, it’s Ralph. Yes, we did, thank you very much. We got an order for 50 new machines. We’re shipping 5 next week. It’s amazing how fast Baker Anderson was able to develop the new modular machine design. I have a feeling that he had been working on that unofficially even though he was told not to. We’ve also taken delivery on some of the 3d printers.]

  [Ralph, it’s Walter. Wonderful. We’ve bought a new company, Polycorp, in Mountain Pass, California. I’m heading there next week. I’d like you and Baker to join me. Can you do that?]

  [Walter it’s Ralph. Sure, we can. I’ll check in with Paul to get the travel details. See you next week]

  Chapter 23

  (206th dawning of the 3,687th orbit)

  Ganymede Station

  Bradley Williamson was enjoying dinner with the family. With him were two of his wives, Mary and Jill along with Kevin, one of his husbands. Bradley was happy in the bosom of his family with all the children that were still living at home. He was happy that the mining machines were being repaired now that the repair parts had arrived. He was happy that he was making his quota again. He was happy that his pay was back to the level that it was before all the machines had started to break down. Kevin on the other hand, not so much.

  “Well, I’m glad you’re satisfied that things are back to normal. I just think the whole situation just shows how little control we have over our lives. The same few families own all the mines. And we’re at their mercy. Why should that be? I think that we should try to do something about that.”

  “Sure, Kevin, what are you going to do? Buy a mine? And where do you get the money for that? Our family has just enough money to have a dowry for our kids when they come of age and go off to get married.”

  “Buying is one way to get ownership. Taking is another. I’m just saying.”

  “You better be careful where you say that. If the proctors hear you, you’ll wind up in jail.”

  “Listen, I’m not the only one that feels that way. They can’t put us all in jail.”

  “I’m just saying be careful, Kevin. That’s all I’m saying.”

  Chapter 24

  (207th dawning of the 3,687th orbit)

  Mountain Pass, California

  Paul Snyder steered the rental car down the exit ramp of exit 281 off Interstate 15. He drove about a half mile up Baily Road to the mine of
fices of Polycorp. Parking in front of the building, he got out of the car and was greeted by Claude Applebee. “Good morning, Paul, this is Arthur Boyd. Art is the Chief Engineer of Polycorp.” As Walter Karnaugh, Ralph Steinmark, and Baker Anderson exited the car they in turn were introduced.

  “Let’s all go inside to the conference room.”

  The conference room was utilitarian. It could best be described as modern government surplus. Boyd offered, “Help yourself to coffee, gentlemen,”

  Alizar hopped up onto the table, [Claude Applebee, it’s Alizar. Aren’t you going to introduce me?]

  [Alizar, its Claude. Excuse me.]

  “Gentlemen, this black furry fellow is Alizar. Walter, let’s start by you telling Art who Ralph and Baker are. Then, Art, why don’t you start by going over the site map and then the schematics of the processing operations?”

  “Art, Ralph is Vice President of Montana Mining Machines, another subsidiary of Jupiter Mining. Baker is their Chief Engineer. They have been involved in some cost reduction efforts that I thought you might find interesting. They’ve also got some new machine designs that I wanted Baker to describe to you. Obviously, if we need new machinery here, we’d like to use Montana Machines. By the way, I’m the CEO and Owner of Jupiter Mining and President and CEO of Montana Mining Machines.”

  “Of course, I’m familiar with Montana machines. We’ve got 10 of them here in Mountain Pass. Since we’ve been shut down for some time, they all need the attention of a good mechanic.”

  “Why don’t I have one of the factory mechanics come out here and go over all of them?” Baker offered.

  “I think that would be an excellent idea.” He spreads a large map across the table, “OK, Claude, this map shows the Mountain Pass operations of Polycorp.” As he describes the various features, questions are asked and answered, He next spreads out another table sized piece of paper. “This is a schematic of our operations with gross details of the refining process. Water use and environmental issues are some of our main concerns here.” Alizar walks across the paper to get a better look at the details.

  [Walter, it’s Alizar. This is a desert area. Getting and using water must be tricky. I notice they’re using fresh water at every stage of the operation. I should think that they could reuse water from one step in the next step.]

  [Alizar, it’s Walter. Good point.]

  “Art, I notice that you’re using fresh water at each step of operation. Have you considered using the waste water from one step in the next step? Does each step need fresh water?”

  “We’ve looked at several methods of water reclamation. It always turned out that using fresh water was cheaper.”

  “I’d like you to reexamine the idea of reclaiming the water and acids at each step. The Israelis have developed some ingenious methods of distilling water using solar power. Remember the water doesn’t have to be potable coming out of the reclamation process, just good enough for the next step. While we’re here I want you to spend some time with Ralph and Baker. Go through your operation with them. Get them to tell you about the cost reduction efforts that they’ve got underway at Montana Mining Machines.”

  Chapter 25

  (209th dawning of the 3,687th orbit)

  [Walter Karnaugh, it’s Jared Coleman. We need to communicate.]

  [Jared, it’s Walter. What’s up?]

  [Walter, it’s Jared. I’ve just gotten word that a Senior Inspector from the Home World Inspector General’s office is going to visit us in 6 dawnings. She expects to meet with me and the Chairman of the High Council. I’m afraid you must come to Ganymede.]

  [Jared, it’s Walter. No problem. I’ll head to Montana and come on the next supply ship. How are our shipments to the Home World doing?]

  [Walter, it’s Jared. Shipments to the Home World are back on schedule. We got the repair parts we needed and our mining machines have been repaired and are back in business. We got a shipment of metals from Montana; this shipment was from China. We also got a shipment of samples from Ku Chang in Australia. I’m having those assayed now. I understand a shop has been set up in Montana to manufacture spare parts using the new 3d printing technology. That should eliminate the spare parts problem in the future. All in all, I’d say this is a good time for us to have a visit from the Inspector General’s office.]

  [Jared, it’s Walter. You’re right. We have a good story to tell and if we have to have a visit, now is a good time. Of course, I’d rather have a root canal without any pain numbing drugs. On another subject, how are the unrest problems on Ganymede Station?]

  [Walter, it’s Jared. Not so good really. You would think that now that things are back to normal the unrest would quiet down. That hasn’t been the case. There haven’t been any overt acts but we’re hearing grumblings.]

  [Jared, it’s Walter. In that case you want to make sure that there are no events during the Inspector General’s visit to Ganymede Station.]

  [Walter, it’s Jared. Exactly, we don’t want any events that suggest we’re not in control of the situation. I’ll be sure to keep the lid on that while the Senior Inspector is here. I’ll let Paul Snyder know about the supply ship schedule so we can get you here on time.]

  Chapter 26

  (209th dawning of the 3,687th orbit)

  Ganymede Station

  Kevin Williamson and his friends Franklin Tenore, Klaus Hobbs, and Larry Gunuskey were trying to drain all the beer from the Twelfth Moon Bar & Grill. The Twelfth Moon Bar & Grill was ornate by Ganymede standards. In Milwaukee, it would have been considered a dive. There weren’t many recreational activities on Ganymede station but drinking beer to excess was one favored by all the miners. The second most favored activity was solving all their problems while enjoying the first activity. That’s what they were doing now. Their hope was that the beer would hold out until they were finished.

  “I ran into that old witch that guards the office door to the council chairman’s office at the market today. She said that the chairman is sacred shitless about something?” Franklin announced.

  “Did she say what it was?” Larry asked.

  “She wasn’t sure. It seems that some of the gray people who don’t speak are going to visit him. Now why would that frighten him, do you think?”

  Klaus stroked his chin. “It doesn’t matter. It’s an opportunity for us. While he’s distracted by a crisis we don’t understand and don’t need to understand, we can use his distress to make our demands.”

  “So, what do you propose that we do?” Larry demanded.

  “We demand what we want. Higher wages and an end to the quotas.” Kevin answered. “Tomorrow while the chairman is preoccupied by his trouble with visitors that scare him, we go to him and demand that he institutes the changes that we want. He’ll have to listen to us.”


  Cynthia Applebottom looked up from here desk as the four men entered the outer office of the council chairman. “Just what do you four want?” she asked.

  “We demand to see the chairman.” Kevin answered.

  Moemen Dascur lifted his furry head where he was sleeping on the couch in the outer office. [Jared Coleman, it’s Moemen Dascur. You have trouble in the outer office. Four miners are here and I think they mean to cause trouble. With the inspector general coming I think you should call the proctors and have them deal with these ruffians.]

  [Moemen, it’s Jared. Thanks, I’ll call them immediately.]

  “You can just sit down and wait. The Chairman is very busy today. I’ll let him know you’re here when it’s convenient to interrupt him.”

  The outer door slams open and in dash six burly, uniformed men. “You four are under arrest by order of the chairman. Come quietly and you won’t be hurt.” After a brief struggle, the four miners are led away.”

  [Jared, it’s Moemen. The proctors have led them away.]

  [Moemen, it’s Jared. Thanks, old friend. You are my guardian.]

  Chapter 27

  (210th dawning of the 3,687th orbit)<
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  Ganymede Station

  The trip from the 3rd planet to Ganymede had not been particularly eventful. It was the first trip into space in this life for Walter and Liz. Nor had their companions Alizar and Laketa been off the 3rd planet for many lives.

  Once they arrived at the Ganymede Station they were ushered directly to the council chairman’s office where the visitors from the Home World were already in the conference room waiting for them.

  [Visitors to Ganymede Station I bid you welcome. I am Jared Coleman. Let me make the introductions. This is Admiral-Inspector Daribeth Wootelbom CXVIII and her partner Captain-Inspector Sebold Wacahoota CXXIV from the Home World Inspector General’s Office. From the 3rd planet we have Walter Karnaugh/John Prymuus XLIX who is chairman of the High Council and his companion Alizar el Shelamus XCVII who is the moderator of the High Council. Also, we have Elizabeth “Liz” Mosby/Jane Ceekundah XXXII and her companion Laketa Godeswanger XLIX. Perhaps, Admiral-Inspector, you might begin our meeting by telling us what brings you to our star system.]

  [It’s Admiral-Inspector, certainly Chairman Coleman. Some of you may remember that this is not my first visit to this star system.]

  [It’s Alizar. Yes, I remember both you and the Captain-Inspector were Ensigns on the original expeditionary trip to this star system. If I recall correctly, you were partners even then.]

  [It’s Admiral-Inspector, that’s correct, Alizar, I remember you also. The reason for our visit is that the powers that be on the Home World have become concerned that this star system is not in control. Recently the shipments of essential elements have been erratic. Having waited many orbits for this star system to develop, they are concerned when the flow of materials once started is interrupted.]


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