Stellar Signs

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Stellar Signs Page 8

by Manjiri Prabhu

  “He probably wouldn’t. Unless he thinks that it’s all real?” Involuntarily the image of The Owl flashed through Sonia’s mind. At least there was no danger of him being tempted to visit the boutique. A connoisseur in diamonds like him could smell fake jewellery planets and oceans away!

  “Quite true. Anyway, let’s hope it doesn’t happen again. I better get back to the boutique. Thanks for the lovely tea, and see you later!” Devika sailed out of the door and Sonia smiled.

  The designer always seemed to be in such a tearing hurry. Though of late she had made it a habit of dropping in for a morning cup of chai, before the stream of buyers crowded her shop. Devika was doing well and she was very pleased with the turnout of enthusiastic Punekars.

  Sonia turned her attention to the newspaper, which she had put aside when Devika had burst into the office. Her eyes ran over the detailed account of the Sahay case - journalist Mohnish at work. And Sonia was pleased that Mohnish had featured their first case of the year in glowing words. Perhaps he’d realised, just as she had, that Stellar Investigations could do with some positive publicity. Apart from narrating the Sahay case accurately, he’d also added his own comments on how poison - the oldest weapon of death - was still a favourite in suicides and murders. As Sonia folded the newspaper, she conceded that she shared his concern. Easy accessibility, in a variety of forms, had lured even the common man into the world of crime and this was definitely a disturbing prospect.

  She had called up Mohnish and thanked him for the well- written article. But in typical Mohnish style, he had brushed off her acknowledgement, saying that he had merely done his duty by reporting an important case.

  Sonia glanced at the wall clock. Eleven! And Jatin still hadn’t arrived. Strange. He was usually here first thing in the morning to open the office. It was totally unlike him to be absent without notice. She frowned, wondering what could’ve kept him, when the phone rang.

  “Hello, Sonia.”

  “Dad!” Sonia exclaimed in surprise. Her Father rarely called her at the Office.

  “Is everything all right?”

  Mr Samarth laughed, amused at her concern. “Everything’s absolutely fine! How are things with you?”

  “Not bad. Nidhi has had her meal and is taking a nap and Jatin hasn’t arrived yet.”

  “Is it a busy day?”

  “Quite unlikely. I’ve nothing on hand - I mean, no urgent case knocking on my door at least,” Sonia replied, a little regretfully. “Why?”

  “I want you to do me a favour. I’ve got two passes for a special show for invitees of a play called Premasaathi Kahihi - Anything for Love. A friend of mine, Ravi Pujar, has financed the play. Ravi’s into promoting Marathi theatre, specially in Pune. He says he feels privileged to be a part of the long theatre culture of the city.”

  “I’ve heard of the play. It is directed by my college friend Karan Mujumdar. He was my senior in Fergusson College,” Sonia replied. She hadn’t uttered Karan’s name in years. In fact, she hadn’t even thought of him in ages.

  “You know him? Good. You know I’m not too fond of plays and your Mother isn’t interested, either. I was wondering if you could attend the show? As a representative of the Samarth family?”

  “What time is it?”

  “Six this evening. You could take Jatin along or your new friend, Devika. Or better still, how about Mohnish?” her Father suggested.

  Sonia grinned. Her Dad wasn’t being too subtle. “Don’t seem to have much of a choice, do I?”

  “Id appreciate it if you could go. I don’t want to disappoint my friend Ravi and I’m sure Mohnish would enjoy the change…”

  “Dad, I didn’t say I’m asking Mohnish to go with me,” Sonia reminded lightly, but there was a smile on her lips.

  “Then I guess what I’m saying is - Ask him! Take him to a play, and go for dinner. Then enjoy a summer night walk, chat to your heart’s content, and have a comfortable and wonderful time together. I promise, your Mother and I won’t ask you what time you returned home.”

  Sonia laughed. “Dad, you’re too good to be true!”

  “Then you’ll invite Mohnish for the play?”

  “I’ll ask him if he’s free,” Sonia conceded.

  “Good. Since I’m going to be out the whole day I’ll keep the tickets ready at home. Enjoy yourself, dear!”

  Sonia was still smiling as she replaced the receiver. Her Father was actually matchmaking! Which meant that her parents liked Mohnish. That pleased her. Though she wasn’t ready for matchmaking, of course. Mohnish was a decent guy and she found his company refreshing, and at times positively invigorating, but there were sides to him. Something that she’d seen in his horoscope when she had checked it last year. Some mystery. And an angle, which she wished to explore, sooner or later. Until that time, she wasn’t ready to consider a serious relationship with him. But that didn’t mean that she couldn’t enjoy a healthy friendship with him. Her Father was right. She would invite Mohnish. If only in reciprocation to the wonderful article he’d written.

  She moved to the box window where Nidhi was cuddled on the colourful pillows. Despite the May heat, the cat was comfortable, occasionally licking herself to maintain her body temperature. Sonia wished she had such a cooling-down technique. Smiling at the idea, she plumped up the cushions and caressed Nidhi’s silky fur. The cat responded with a purr of appreciation.

  The door opened and Jatin strode in. He was beaming, sporting a brand-new leather jacket, over a new yellow T-shirt.

  “Hello, Boss!”

  “Jatin! Where’ve you been.”

  “Boss, the most wonderful thing in the world has happened to me!”

  Sonia eyed his new clothes. “You mean your leather jacket? On a hot May day?”

  “Doesn’t it look great on me? Naina seems to think so.”

  “Naina?” Sonia turned from Nidhi to focus completely on her assistant. Jatin was flushed, and grinning from ear to ear. Something was definitely wrong!

  “Boss, I’m in love! I’ve found the most perfect girl in the world!”

  Jatin in love? The concept was incredibly new and awe-inspiring. Not to mention the umpteen possibilities and doors that Jatin’s being in love opened! And which sent shudders down her back.

  But Jatin scarcely noticed the response - bordering on horror, over the contemplation of events to come - that his declaration had evoked. “Boss, she’s an angel. Lovely from head to toe. So charming and sweet to talk to. I can’t take my eyes off her!”

  “Where did you meet this girl?” Sonia asked, careful not to disclose her inner sentiments.

  “Naina - her name’s Naina, short for Sunaina. Isn’t that beautiful? And just like her name, her eyes are beautiful. I met her at Frenzy. Remember that disco club you and Mohnish so unsuitably went to for a date last year?”

  Sonia winced.

  “My friends and I have been partying at the disco regularly and I met Naina there by chance. It was love at first sight!” Jatin declared, happiness radiating from his face, as he drew out a chair and settled down in it.

  “Pomegranate-red cheeks, hair the colour of Kokam, and skin like a peeled banana?” Sonia asked, in an incredulous tone.

  “All that and more. She’s gorgeous. ” Jatin gushed, a dreamy look in his eyes. “And we hit it off like tabla and dagga

  Sonia smiled faintly. Tabla and dagga - the famous pair of drums! What next?

  “And does she reciprocate your feelings?” she asked carefully.

  “I haven’t asked her yet, Boss. These things have to be handled with care. I don’t wish to scare her off,” Jatin remarked, patiently. “But of course, I can feel it. I’m positive she reciprocates my feelings for her. She’s always adjusting her hair when I’m around. And she told me I look handsome in this jacket! These are sure signs of her interest in me. By the way, what do you think of the jacket?”

  Sonia hated being caught in a trap like that. Handsome? She thought the jacket, which must have cost Jatin his
whole month’s salary, looked roguish. But she didn’t dare put her thoughts in words. Jatin already thought Sonia to be jaded and an old maid. Her opinion of his clothes would be put on a back shelf now that a certain Naina was freely ladling out praise.

  “I like you just as well, in whatever you wear, Jatin,” she replied non-committally. “Now, how about some work?”

  “Work? Boss, I’m in love! Doesn’t that mean anything to you?” her Assistant exclaimed, as if that excused everything. Then he grinned sympathetically. “It’s okay. I don’t really expect you to understand.”

  Quite unaware that he’d just said something outrageous, Jatin sailed out of the room, whistling merrily. Sonia shook her head in exasperation. Now she would have to invite Mohnish for the play and have a good time. If only to prove her love- struck assistant wrong!

  “What are you saying?” Anup almost shouted into the phone. “Are you saying you don’t love me?”

  “I’m sorry, but that’s true. I’m actually in love with someone else… ” Jaya began.

  “In love with someone else?” Anup repeated stupidly. Jaya’s voice sounded husky, a little different, but it quickened his heartbeat nevertheless.

  “Yes and - ”

  “Is it Karan?”

  “I’m not going to tell you who it is. All I can disclose is that I’m. pregnant. I have to marry him!” Jaya uttered the words softly.

  “You’re…? I don’t believe you! Till last week, you were declaring your undying love to me!”

  “I know. But I can’t carry on this charade anymore, Anup. To be honest with you, I needed the publicity. You, such a successful theatre personality, and me, an upcoming starlet. And it certainly helped. I’m almost as famous as you now. But that also means that I don’t need you anymore. I have to think of my child now.”

  “How can you say such things!” Anup exclaimed, horrified. “All those secret meetings, everything we said to each other..”

  “Meant a lot to me. At the time. But we cannot marry and live together until death do us part!” She laughed softly, sexily.

  Fury boiled inside him.

  “I was going to leave my wife for you.”

  “Now you don’t have to. And I hope that Deepa never knows about this brief interlude. I’m willing to keep quiet - for a price, of course.”

  “A price? Are you blackmailing me?” he asked, incredulous.

  Jaya laughed softly into the receiver. “Such an ugly word - blackmail. I prefer to call it a gift. A parting gift, for all the pleasures we shared.”

  “You’re crazy!” he exploded.

  “I hope not. I mean, I would be if I simply close this issue without something to remember you by,” she agreed. “And I even dare hope that we’ll continue to be friends. At least till today’s show’s over. I know, this moment you’re so angry, you wish you could pour real poison into the glass for the last scene of our show. I’m right, aren’t I? I can understand your anger. I would perhaps feel the same. But one day you’ll thank me for this.”

  “I’m never going to thank you for anything!”

  “Then, let’s at least pretend to be friends till the show’s over. Specially during lunch this afternoon, which your darling wife has arranged for all of us. We don’t want her to suspect anything at all, do we? Especially as it’s all over now! After the show, I’ll tell you how much your parting gift is going to cost you. Then you go your way and I go mine. Goodbye, Anup.”

  The phone clicked shut.

  Anup stared at the receiver. He couldn’t believe what she’d just said to him. As if all they’d shared didn’t matter at all. In love with someone else? The other man had to be Karan, their Director! A knife of jealousy twisted in Anup’s heart. How could she talk so coldly to him? And pregnant?

  Suddenly Anup stumbled toward a chair and sank into it. My God! She’d been treating him like some fool. Using him for fun, while all along she’d cared only for the publicity. And he’d cheated on his wife. Dear darling Deepa. So patient, so loving. Deepa had given up her flourishing acting career to get married to him and to look after their home. And he’d betrayed her, for that. that tramp of an actress Jaya! He had ignored his guilt and even the admonishments of that mystery woman who warned him about Jaya. He had never believed the stories that the mystery woman, who claimed to know Jaya very well, had narrated to him. He had chosen not to believe her, because he was consummately in love with Jaya! And look where it had landed him. Blackmail. The tramp actually had the gall to demand money from him! Oh God, what would happen if Deepa found out?

  Remorse and shame, mingled with bitter anger, choked him. What in heavens was he to do? Despite her threats and proclamations, he couldn’t just give up on Jaya. He’d risked too much for her. His marriage. His career. She couldn’t simply walk out on him, as if nothing had ever transpired between them. She couldn’t just leave him in shambles and go on to enjoy a happy and fruitful life, with his money. He wouldn’t allow that. He had to stop her. From ruining his life!

  His eye caught the bottle of cockroach poison on the table. Deepa had said something about there being too many cockroaches in the house and she had bought the bottle just this morning. But she was also a little absentminded, totally dragged down by all the housework, which, despite the servants, she insisted that she supervise herself. She would never miss the bottle. And anyway, even if she did, she’d think she’d misplaced it.

  The bottle seemed to beckon him. What had Jaya said? That they couldn’t live together until death do them part? Well, she was wrong! Death would tear them apart, with or without marriage! Without a moment’s hesitation, Anup picked up the bottle of cockroach poison and pocketed it.

  “Thank you, Karan, you’re such a dear, and I really wish you all the success for the special show of Premasaathi Kahihi today. I guarantee you, you’re going to change the ever-flourishing Marathi theatre scene in Pune!” Deepa wished the Director as he handed her a tray of orange juice glasses. Dressed in jeans and a baggy shirt, with her long wavy hair confined to a rubber band, Deepa could easily pass as a college girl.

  Karan, on the other hand, carried himself with the dignity of a Director. Tall, with an abundant thatch of hair, he was good-looking in a distinguished kind of way. “My pleasure, and thank you very much,” he told Deepa, smiling. “You’re coming early to help around, aren’t you?” he asked, as they headed to the small group of people relaxing on the armchairs scattered about the lawn.

  “Yes, of course I am! Here are the drinks, everybody! I’m afraid no hard drinks before the show. We don’t want our audience running away because the actors were all reeking of alcohol, do we?”

  The general exaggerated groans made Deepa grin. She glanced fondly at her husband. Anup had picked up a glass and was raising it to her. The warm glint in his eyes filled her with pleasure. How handsome Anup looked amidst this theatre crowd. He seemed to rise above them. Of course he did. He appeared older than his thirty years, but that had proven to be an advantage, granting him the opportunity of playing older as well as younger roles. He was getting a lot of film offers lately. He and Jaya. Deepa turned her attention to the beautiful, graceful woman who was much younger than either of them. She was reclining in an armchair, her eyes closed to the sun. Jaya, with her flowing tresses and faultless complexion, was talented and certainly deserved the break she was getting. Besides, the onstage chemistry her husband and the actress shared was amazing. If she hadn’t known better, Deepa would’ve thought they were really in love with each other. But she knew better. No woman would ever be a threat to her. She drew the chair beside her husband.

  “How are you feeling, dear?” she asked in a throaty whisper.

  He turned to her, so that his face almost touched hers in a romantic caress. “Wonderful, now that you’re here.”

  She laughed prettily, flinging her long ponytail behind her back.

  Jaya opened her eyes and watched them.

  “You do look quite fresh and geared up,” Deepa told her

  “I feel excited about the show,” Anup agreed, taking a sip of the juice.

  “Good, I want you to continue to feel the same even after the show. Remember your promise? Our ‘project twins’?” Deepa giggled.

  “What’s ‘project twins’?” Jaya couldn’t help asking.

  Deepa looked a little abashed but replied with a smile. “We both desperately want twins. Don’t we, darling? It’s our very own personal project!”

  Jaya’s eyes widened questioningly as she turned to Anup, who returned her look with a cruel, hard stare. “You never told me!” she said.

  “Come on, Jaya. You’re a very good friend of ours, but even you can’t expect me to reveal all our couple secrets to you, can you?” Anup asked, cruelly.

  Jaya blushed and lowered her eyes.

  “Why can’t she? Jaya and Karan are our best friends. I think they ought to know everything that goes on in our life!” Deepa smiled at the actress.

  “Absolutely right,” Karan agreed, joining them. “What’s for lunch? I’m ravenous!”

  “Something delicious and light. So that all of you don’t fall asleep before the special show!” Deepa teased. “Why don’t you and Jaya go take a look at what’s cooking?” She winked at Karan.

  “Good idea! Come on, sweetheart!” Karan dragged the reluctant actress by the hand and led her inside the house.

  “What a sweet couple they make, don’t they?” Deepa remarked, observing their exit.

  “They sure do!” Anup mumbled, desperate to hide the anger that was ripping him apart.

  “Boss, there’s something you must see.” Jatin approached Sonia with a piece of paper in his hand. He had removed his jacket and much of his love euphoria seemed to have been removed with it.

  “What is it?”

  “This paper was pushed in through the window. I’m not sure you’re going to like it.” His tone was grave.


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