RAGE: President & First Lady Of The Death Dealers MC

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RAGE: President & First Lady Of The Death Dealers MC Page 2

by Alana Sapphire

  “Look, Mr.…?”

  “Mr.? How old do you think I am?”

  “I don’t know. How old do you think I am?”

  His brows knit in concentration and a bit of concern as his gaze rakes over my body.

  “How old are you?” he asks.

  “Again, none of your business.”

  “Fine. Don’t tell me. I’ll still give you a ride.”

  “You’re not going to leave me alone, are you?” I huff.


  I sigh and shake my head in resignation. He’s a persistent fucker.

  “If I’m going to get on that motorcycle with you, I need to at least know your last name.”

  He grins and takes my hand in his huge, rough one.

  “Hunter. Gage Hunter.”

  “Raven Alvarez.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Alvarez.”

  “You, too, Mr. Hunter.”

  “Gage… please.”

  “Okay, Gage. You may call me Miss Alvarez.”

  He chuckles and gives my fingers a squeeze. That’s when I realize he hasn’t let go.

  “So, it’s like that?”

  I nod, but can’t help my smile. His attitude is infectious.

  “Yes, it’s like that.”

  “Okay, cool.”

  He grabs his helmet off his bike and hands it to me. I don’t see an extra one.

  “What about you?” I ask.

  “Don’t worry about me. Your safety is all that matters.”

  There he goes again. What’s his deal? “And why is my safety so important to you?”

  His brows furrow and he blinks at me in confusion. After a few tense seconds, his facial muscles relax and he looks me straight in the eyes. Everything inside me comes alive. With just a look, he’s made me feel safe, cared for, and wanted. It should be illegal for men to look at women like that. Then again, maybe not. It should be mandatory for all men to do it.

  “It just is.”

  With unsteady fingers, I place the helmet on my head. My reaction to him makes no sense. I just met him, for Christ’s sake. I don’t even like him. After I adjust the chinstrap, he extends his hand to me. I stare down at it with uncertainty. To tell the truth, I am a little scared.

  “First time?”

  “Is it that obvious?”

  “Yeah, but I’m honored to pop your cherry. Been a while since I had a virgin.”

  “Tsk,” I tut in annoyance. I just want to smack that smirk off his gorgeous lips. He chuckles, but I do not find him amusing.

  “Let me give you a hand. Put your foot here.”

  He helps me on and I wrap my arms around his waist after he climbs on in front of me. Several scents hit me—leather, motor oil, cologne, and… man. Doesn’t sound like a very good combination, but Lord, it smells heavenly right now. I stare at the logo on the back of his cut—a Grim Reaper dealing the death card from a pack of tarot cards. The name of his club sits on top of the logo, the state at the bottom. Death Dealers Georgia.

  “You stayin’ with Lonnie?”

  “Yeah. The address is—”

  “I know where it is.”

  Of course he does. He’s probably been there many times. I don’t even want to think about why he’s been there. He starts the engine and kicks up the stand. The thing sends vibrations through my entire body, but more so between my legs. Not a good combination with this man sitting in front of me. Looking over his shoulder, he gives me a crooked grin as he revs the engine.

  “Hold on tight and lean into the turns.”

  The bike lurches forward, and I involuntarily tighten my arms around his waist and press my thighs to his. Does he have to go so fast? Why did I agree to get on this death machine? I squeeze my eyes shut and visualize myself getting home—safely. We come to a stop and I tentatively open my eyes. It’s just a stoplight. A few people on the sidewalk stop in their tracks to gawk at us. Great. Just what I need. I turn away from their penetrating stares only to encounter the same thing on the opposite side of the street. What’s the big deal? Hopefully no one can see my face clearly. I say a silent thank you as we start to move again. Resting my cheek to his back, I close my eyes, and try to concentrate on the one good thing about this ordeal—the smell of him. Well, maybe two. His body feels good, too.

  “We’re here, baby doll.”

  I open my eyes and blink in disorientation. We’re in my driveway. Shit. I was so lost in him I didn’t even realize we’d stopped moving. I release him and reach up to remove my helmet. He puts the stand down and climbs off, extending his hand to me. As I reach for it, he pulls away.

  “You know, you look good sittin’ there on the back of my bike.”

  “I bet you tell all the girls that.”

  He chuckles and shakes his head.

  “You, beautiful Raven, are the first woman who’s ever ridden on any of my bikes.”

  Any of his bikes? Just how many does he own?

  “Yeah, right.”

  “I’m serious. Didn’t you see all those people staring at you?”

  “I did. What’s up with that?”

  “That’s why. They’ve never seen me ride with a woman.”

  “Well, I hope they got their fill, ’cause it’s the first and last time I’ll be on this thing.”

  He extends his hand again and I place mine in his. He squeezes my fingers gently.

  “It’s the first but definitely not the last, baby doll.”

  I scoff at him and swing my leg over the bike. It’s dark, but I need to get inside before anyone else sees me. My feet touch the ground and my knees buckle. I fall forward but two strong arms catch me and pull me against a hard chest. Instantly, my breathing accelerates. I keep my head down because I fear what he’ll see in my eyes if I look up at him.

  “Don’t worry. You’ll be fine in a minute.”

  Suddenly, I’m swept off my feet and carried toward the house.

  “What are you doing?” I exclaim.

  “I’m not putting you down until I know you can stand on your own.”

  “I’m fine now. Put me down.”

  Even before my objection is past my lips, my arms curl around his neck. He ignores me and takes me all the way to the front door before carefully placing me back on my feet. Whether consciously or not, my hands slide down over his shoulders and sternum. Ripping my hands away, I catch myself right before I squeeze his hard pecs. I avoid his gaze as I reach into my pocket for my keys. That is, until a curious finger trails down my stomach. I pull my tank top down and narrow my eyes at him, ignoring the fire starting in my belly.

  “I did not give you permission to touch me.”

  “How about a kiss then?”

  I can’t even answer because his lips are stealing my words. I’m so surprised that I swallow my gum. He didn’t wait for an answer, just took what he wanted. Though my mind resists, my body melts into his. My fingers curl into his white T-shirt and a moan escapes me. His lips move hungrily over mine, taking and giving pleasure. There is only complete surrender when his tongue seeks entrance. His taste is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. I can’t quite put my finger on what it is, but it’s frickin’ awesome and I want more. This kiss is like a good book I’d get lost in and stay up all night reading. It’s that captivating.

  While my hands move up to slide through his hair, his travel down to grab my ass. He squeezes my cheeks and pulls me into him, letting his desire be explicitly known. He’s hard. For me. And it excites the hell out of me. I feel like climbing up on him like he’s a big, man-tree that I need to get to the top of. I hear myself whimper as his hands slide up my sides. His thumbs brush at the undersides of my breasts, and this time, he moans. He breaks away suddenly, his breathing heavy. I gape at him, trying to catch my own breath.

  “How old are you, Raven?”


  He growls and descends on my lips once more. If his intention is to kiss me senseless, he’s achieved that. And then some.

/>   “Because I’m going to fuck you.”

  Oh. Those words should appall me, shouldn’t they? I should not be turned on by them but I am, all the way on. Wait a minute…hold up. Who does he think he is? What kind of girl does he think I am? Certainly not the type to jump into bed with a man she just met!

  “What makes you think I want to fuck you? Or anyone else for that matter?”

  This time, his lips are more insistent than before. I have to hold on to his shoulders to keep myself upright. I’ve never been kissed like this. Never before have my lips been this savagely attacked. It’s as if he’s trying to devour me. And I love it. I fucking love it.

  He nips at my bottom lip then takes my hand and presses it against his erection. My mind goes blank. I mean, what woman would be able to think with her fingers wrapped around a hard dick? A hard, enormous dick, attached to a handsome, delicious-smelling man. I give it a little squeeze and he lets out a tortured groan. I squeeze harder and he sinks his fingertips into my hips. I feel so bad but God, he feels good. I’m disappointed and a little more than giddy when he rips his lips from mine. I actually stumble a little when he pulls back, swallowing hard at the storm brewing in his eyes.

  “Your age, Raven. Now.”

  “Um… aah… s-seventeen.”


  He releases me and runs a hand through his hair in frustration.

  “How long?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “How long do I have to wait? When’s your birthday?”

  “Three months. October twenty-first.”


  He turns away from me, places his hands on his hips, and looks toward the sky. I use the opportunity to open the door. When he turns around, I’m halfway inside.

  “Three months. I can do that. I can do that. I can wait.”

  “You don’t have to. It’s not going to happen.”



  I’m standing here, staring at a closed door. She shot me down. After those mind-blowing kisses, she shot me down. This kind of shit has never happened to me, and I don’t really know what to do with myself. I hear her moving around inside. All I can think about is her lips, her taste, and the way she clung to me. She wants me. It’s just a matter of time. Three months to be exact. By the end, she’ll be so desperate for me I won’t even have to touch her to make her come.

  Just thinking about her coming makes my balls ache. I need to do something about my situation ASAP. I drag myself off her porch and make my way back to the clubhouse. I try to concentrate on the road, but I can’t help picturing my hands on her firm ass instead of the handlebar. I can’t stop tasting her on my lips. I can’t stop hearing her moans, even over the roar of the engine. Three months. Three motherfucking months. Might as well be ten years because it will be no less torture. Fuck. I’m a pervert for even thinking these things.

  When I get back to the clubhouse, I see that the party has moved inside. I can just imagine what I’ll find there—a lot of shitfaced members and even more Hellhounds. That’s what we call the club whores around here. I step through the doors and I’m a little disappointed to see I was right. Rock music blares from the speakers, and the air is thick with weed and cigar smoke. There are a few couples scattered everywhere, but most of the crowd is gathered around the pool table in the center of the room. As I get closer, I see that it’s Lonnie. She’s getting drilled from behind by Crow while sucking off Motor, who’s leaning against the pool table. It’s a good thing Raven looks nothing like her. I don’t think I would be able to stomach the sight otherwise. They have the same black hair, but Lonnie’s taller and not as curvy. In the looks department, she can’t hold a candle to her sister.

  Booker, a prospect, hands me a beer as I lean against the bar, next to E. I look around, trying to find someone to relieve the tension tonight. I spot Britney in a corner with some other girls. I’ve had her a few times. She’s hot, blonde, and relatively new around here. Not too many miles on her pussy. Has a nice body, too. Big, natural tits and thick in all the right places.

  “Another uneventful night, huh?” I nod to E as I take a pull of my beer.

  “Yup. Don’t know why people think a biker’s life is exciting.”

  “Me neither, brother.”

  “What happened with you and Little Miss Blue Hair?” he asks, quirking an inquisitive brow.

  “Nothing. She’s seventeen.”

  “Ouch. So close but yet so far away.”

  “Not too far. Only three months.”

  “And you’ll just be waiting in the shadows, won’t you?”

  “Something like that.”

  My gaze locks with Super Head’s. She smiles seductively and then bites into her bottom lip. She’s not built like Raven, certainly not as pretty either, but attractive in her own way. She’s skinny by anyone’s standards and a little top-heavy due to her enormous, fake tits. I love curves. A man needs something to hold on to. It’s a good thing that’s not what I’m looking for tonight. I just need to get a certain blue-eyed vixen out of my head. This bitch might be just what I need. I smile back and she instantly begins to move toward me, flipping her brown hair as she passes some of the other girls. E chuckles.

  “Oh, shit. Have fun, man.”

  “I fully intend to, E.”

  I down the last of my beer and slam the bottle on the bar, then walk off toward the rooms in the back, knowing she’s following behind. After unlocking my door, I step aside and allow her to precede me. She watches me, licking and biting her lips in anticipation as I close the door. Her tits are popping out of the gold, sequin number she’s wearing.

  “Drop the dress.”

  The moment it hits the floor, I regret the command. The chick’s just skin and bones. As I look her over, my mind starts playing tricks on me. She’s a few inches shorter and her hair goes from brown to black—with streaks of blue. Her hips curve out and pasty white skin turns to caramel. The erection that had almost died springs back to life.


  She speaks and the mirage disappears. Fuck. I reach into my pocket for a condom as she begins to undo my belt.

  “On your knees.”

  She drops to the floor and stares up at me like a ravenous beast, licking her shiny, red lips. She pouts as I drop my jeans and roll the condom on.

  “Why do you always wear a condom?”

  Because I fuck with cum buckets like you.

  “I want to taste you, Gage. I want you to come in my mouth.”

  “Stop talking. That’s not what I need your mouth to be doing right now.”

  She flicks out her tongue and trails it across her top lip, showing off her tongue ring. Any other day, my dick would already be in her throat. Now, I can’t even look at her, let alone have her touch me. What the fuck is wrong with me?

  “Clasp your hands behind your back.”

  She does as she’s told then leans forward and licks the head of my dick. I close my eyes and just let her do her thing. She starts out slowly, gently sucking as she moves up and down. Gradually, she increases the pace. I tell you…there is nothing like the feeling of having warm, wet lips wrapped around your dick, especially when those lips belong to a human vacuum cleaner.


  She moans and I feel the vibrations in my balls. Damn, she’s good. But my mind just won’t let me enjoy this. In my head, it’s Raven kneeling before me. It’s her mouth, her lips, her tongue making me feel the things I’m feeling. It’s her dazzling blue eyes staring up at me. My dick twitches and gets painfully hard. I hit the back of her throat and groan. I feel like I’m floating on a cloud right now. She comes up for air and I look down. I see green eyes instead of blue, and anger blazes through me. What kind of man thinks about getting head from a kid? Well… teenager… almost adult? Whatever she is, it’s wrong.

  I grab a handful of Super Head’s hair and stuff my dick back in her mouth. I try to block everything out except one thing—catch
ing a nut. I just need to come and get this over with. As I pump my hips, I hear her gagging and gasping for breath. I push her head down as far as I can. When she grabs my thighs, I look down again. She’s staring up at me with frightened, watery eyes. Her mascara is running, forming black lines down her cheeks. She’s heaving, saliva oozing to the floor. I pull her head back and allow her to catch her breath.

  Like the trooper she is, she jumps right back into the game, grabbing my dick with both hands, and sliding them up and down with just a slight twist. She drops one hand but continues with the other as she sucks on the head. Her free hand gropes my balls as her head bobs on my dick. Fuck, that feels good. She sucks harder and my balls tighten. I throw my head back and snap my eyes shut as I come with a roar. Leaning against the wall, I try to calm my breathing.

  When I look back down, I see only my two feet. Super Head has propped herself up on my bed, legs spread, showing off her whored-out pussy. I remove the condom, tie a knot at the end, and stick it in my pocket to dispose of later. Then, I tuck my dick back in my jeans and zip that bitch up. She stares at me in confusion when I grab her hand and pull her off the bed. She knows better. No bitches in my bed. I don’t kiss bitches either, and I don’t come anywhere but in a condom. I get rid of that shit myself, too. These bitches would do anything to trap a motherfucker. My own experience breaks the surface with its ugly head and I quickly push it back down. I don’t need that shit in my head right now.

  “Get dressed.”

  She watches me as I rip the sheets off the bed and toss them in the laundry basket. There’s hurt in her eyes but I give zero fucks.

  “Now get the fuck out.”


  I’m in the kitchen, making breakfast and jamming to Magic!’s “Rude” when Lonnie walks in with Super Head. Now that it’s had some time to sink in, I giggle at the moniker. Gage is something else. I hit pause on my phone, remove my earphones, and turn to them.

  “Good morning.”

  “Ugh, there’s nothing good about it. What are you making?”


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