Surrender My Love

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Surrender My Love Page 14

by Lisa Eugene

  “Yes. I need to make sure my OR stays as clean as possible.” She grinned. “I’m Maggie Masters. I’m the new director of the OR. I just started here a few weeks ago.”

  Chloe shook the woman’s hand, but her mind was still in turmoil.

  “I just need to talk to Dr. Markson. It—it’s important.”

  Maggie’s assessing gaze roamed her face and Chloe knew the signs of her distress were clear.

  “Let me see if I can find him for you.” The nurse’s eyes filled with concern as she picked up a house phone on the wall and started making inquiries.

  A moment later, Maggie frowned and shook her head. “I’m sorry. He is nowhere to be found. His case got moved earlier and he finished it hours ago. He might’ve gone back to his office,” she informed sympathetically. Chloe felt the woman’s eyes return to her face. “Are you okay? Is there something I can do?”

  Chloe’s emotions surged, disappointment over not finding Brad engulfing her.

  “A mess I can help you clean up?” Maggie prodded.

  Chloe smiled slightly, grateful for the unexpected kindness and the woman’s attempts at levity, but she worried that her situation was so dire there was nothing anyone could do. Stifling her tears, she met the concerned pewter blue eyes. “No, thanks. I appreciate your help. Welcome to WMH.”

  Chloe opened the door to Brad’s office and walked quickly to Bea’s desk. The longer she contemplated her situation, the more distraught she became. The administrators told her she’d be taking a leave of absence without pay. With her brother not working and bills due at the end of the month, there was no way she could make ends meet. Fear mixed with dread to swirl a bitter taste in her mouth. The hollow anxiety tunneling a void inside her quickly expanded to utter despondency, and tears started falling again before she could utter a word to Bea.

  Seeing her, Bea quickly pushed out of her chair and wrapped her arms around Chloe, leading her to a small room off the hall. In there, she motioned to a sofa and sat down next to her.

  “Oh my God, Chloe! What’s wrong?”

  Chloe’s palms flew to her mouth, trying to stifle her flooding distress and embarrassment. She couldn’t believe she was breaking down in front of Brad’s secretary.

  Bea pulled away and stared at her, her lips pulled tight.

  “What did he do to you? ‘Case I’m ‘bout ready to rip him a new one!”

  A laughing sob burst through Chloe’s frayed emotions and she shook her head. Why does everyone automatically think that Brad is the cause of my problem? She couldn’t help but be warmed by Bea’s fervent defense, though.

  “No, Bea. He didn’t do anything. I can’t really tell you much, but I’ve…pretty much just lost my job.”


  Chloe swallowed and wiped her eyes, her gaze holding Bea’s.

  “I need to see him, Bea. I have to talk to him.”

  She watched Bea’s face shrivel with compassion. “I’m sorry, Chloe. He’s not here. He got on a flight to a conference in Boston about half hour ago. He’s giving an important lecture. His OR case went early and he wanted to travel before it got too late. He’ll be gone for four days.”

  Chloe heard something like a whimper skip out of her lungs. She wiped her eyes again and took a steadying breath. “Bea, can I get in touch with him? Can you give me his number?”

  Bea’s lips sloped downward and Chloe hated the sympathy that moved over her face. “I’m sorry, Chloe. I can’t do that.”

  Sniffling, she looked down at the cold fingers in her lap. A wry smile tilted her lips. She hated putting Bea in this position.

  “Of course. I understand. You must have women ask you that all the time.”

  Straightening, Chloe cleared her parched throat, suddenly feeling foolish—like one of those women. She’d always depended on herself and no one else. She shouldn’t be running to Brad expecting him to fix her problems. It wasn’t as though they were in a relationship. Her ears still rang with his words, each one pummeling her in rapid succession. He didn’t do relationships. She’d figure her own way out of this.

  “Do you want me to try to contact him? You can leave your number.”

  “No.” She shook her head, remembering that Bea had said his conference was important. She didn’t want to bother him. “It’s okay. It can wait until he comes back.”

  “Are you sure? You’re pretty upset.”

  She nodded and stood, drying her swollen eyes.

  “Okay. I’ll make some time in his schedule for you to see him on Monday then, first thing.”

  “Thanks,” Chloe said, hugging Bea. She realized that now she had all the time in the world. “I’ll see you on Monday. Thanks for the hugs.” She shot Bea a soggy smile before she left the office.

  Chloe couldn’t remember how she’d made her way to her small one bedroom apartment. She was just grateful to close the door behind her and block out the world. She stripped off her clothes as she made her way to her bedroom, only stopping when she reached her bed. As if her evening hadn’t been horrific enough, Richard had called to see when he could stop by to pick up his first installment of funds.

  She’d briefly explained her work situation, with the omission of some details, but instead of the sympathy and understanding she’d hoped for, Richard had been agitated and angry. He’d berated her for losing her job. Growing angry herself, Chloe had retaliated with a biting account of his sketchy work history and his feckless existence. They’d ending up in a screaming match that had left her head throbbing and her throat bleeding raw. Eventually she’d just hung up on him, but she knew she hadn’t heard the last of her exasperating brother.

  The old double bed seemed infinitely inviting and Chloe burrowed deep into its darkness, pulling the comforter over her head. The hospital administrators had made it seem as though she was just taking a temporary leave until the investigation was over and she tried to cling to that hope, but as she thought about Nurse Wall’s words and what Susan had told her, she feared they had no intention of reinstating her position.

  Tears wet her pillow and Chloe chastised herself. She was never one to simmer so pitifully in despair. She’d been through a lot in her life and she’d always dealt with obstacles rationally and efficiently. Responsibility had always rested on her shoulders, and no matter how crushingly heavy, she’d learned to carry the weight. She needed to figure out a way to fix this. She wasn’t crazy. There was something very wrong going on and she was determined to figure it out. She knew in her very soul that the man who’d fled from Mr. Kaplan’s room had something to do with his death, and perhaps the death of all the others.

  Nigel. What the fuck? He’d been at the Omega conference and she’d assumed he was an attendee, but now she wondered if he worked for Omega. She’d figure that puzzle out too!

  Her thoughts strayed to Brad. She couldn’t understand her clinging attraction to him. It was one fucking night! She squeezed her eyes shut, but tears broke through her lids. She wished they would wash away her feelings and cleanse her heart. She had to get over him. He didn’t do relationships. She got that. She wasn’t the type he’d go for anyway. She’d seen the woman with him at the club. Chloe was nothing like her, as her brother constantly pointed out. As Jack had pointed out.

  Prudish. Repulsive. Old woman. Not his type. Chloe knew she was starting to wallow at darkly depressing depts. She knew she needed to be strong. And she would be…tomorrow. Tonight, she just needed to cry.

  Chloe startled awake to banging in her head. It took her a moment to chase away the sleepy fog and she bolted upright in bed. The room was wrapped in darkness and she could barely make out the shape of her sparse furniture. The banging started again and she frowned, consulting the clock on her nightstand. It was almost one in the morning and someone was knocking on her door.

  It had to be Richard. He’d probably been out drinking with friends, and fueled by spirits, had come to pick another fight. It wouldn’t be the first time.

  Leaning over, she
flicked on her bedside lamp, then hopped out of bed and grabbed her bathrobe, having half a mind not to let him in. She knew from experience that he’d just keep up the ruckus until she opened the door. Chloe stroked her loose hair behind her ears as she quickly crossed her living room, yelling for him to be quiet.

  She yanked the door open, about to unleash her fury, when the sight of the tall, solid body filling her doorway caused her jaw to drop and her eyes to widen in shock.

  Chloe stood speechless, her heart catapulting to somewhere in her throat. Brad Markson was dressed casually in blue jeans and a button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up his muscular forearms. Chloe’s incredulous gaze slammed into his gorgeous face, ricocheting from the collision. They moved from his startling blue eyes to the slight curve of his strong nose to his incredibly sexy lips with the full bottom curve and up to the very dark brows that slashed across his forehead with worry.

  “Bea called me,” he said softly, and she fell headlong into his outstretched arms.

  Chloe laced her arms around his waist and rooted her face into his hard chest, voraciously drawing his masculine scent into her lungs. The comfort found in his embrace was as shocking as it was absolute, and she didn’t want to contemplate why this was exactly where she needed to be. His long fingers stroked though her hair, a gentle caress on her scalp. Several times she felt his lips graze her forehead and a shaky sigh rippled through her body. She didn’t know how this could be, how he could be here holding her, she was just happy it was so.

  “You gonna let me in, Chloe?”

  She heard the mild humor in his voice and eased away. She was surprised to see that the front of his shirt was wet, and embarrassed, she reached up to brush at the damp material.

  He captured her hand in his big grip and brought her knuckles to his lips, kissing them. Silently, with their hands still laced, he led her into the apartment and closed the door.

  Pulling her to the couch, he sat and drew her onto his lap while still holding her close. She folded into the comfort of his big body and anchored herself.

  “How are you here? I thought you were in Boston at a conference.”

  “I was. I had just landed and was still in the airport when I got Bea’s message. I took the first flight back.”

  Chloe was confused. Her brows pleated. “Why?”

  The corner of his lips kicked up and a thumb passed over her cheek, brushing away the dampness. “I really enjoy flying.”

  Her frown deepened and he chuckled, low and deep, sending a buzz vibrating down her spine.

  “Chloe…” He cradled her against his chest. “I heard how upset you were. I came back.”

  “But…but what about your conference?”

  “There’ll be others.”

  “Really, you shouldn’t have…” She ducked her head, her words trailing off. “How did you find me?”

  “Through the hospital. I can be very persuasive.”

  He eased away and hooked a finger under her chin, raising her face to meet his. Chloe knew the kiss was coming but wasn’t prepared for the jarring effect to her senses. His lips were soft and gentle, connecting with the barest amount of pressure. She groaned and leaned forward, parting her lips in invitation. His tongue glided in, and she relished the delicious taste and feel of him exploring her recesses. She let her tongue sweep into his mouth to dance with his, and groaned in frustration when he eventually pulled away.

  He chuckled again, tracing her bottom lip with his thumb, but then his eyes caught her gaze and held it captive, growing serious. “Tell me what happened, Chloe.”

  She inhaled deeply and tried to scoot off his lap, but his strong hands held her firm. His fingers clutched the robe around her thighs, keeping her braced on his lap. She took a steadying breath as the events of the day pushed to the forefront of her brain, and in a rush she explained the meeting with the administrators and her visit after to Four West. Brad listened attentively, the line of his mouth pulling tighter as she drew to the end of the story. Chloe struggled to contain her tears, but they were again determined to roll down her cheeks, and she used her sleeve to wipe them away.

  He shook his head in disbelief, then dragged his fingers through his wavy dark hair. “Surely there must be some misunderstanding.”

  “That’s what I thought too until I spoke to the other nurses, Susan and Justin.”

  “What about someone from the day shift? Would they have seen Nigel?”

  “No. The night phlebotomists leave early, even before my shift ends. I’ve seen him numerous times carrying around samples of blood. I just don’t understand it.”

  Brad nodded, his fingers absently stroking her thigh.

  “I know you think I’m nuts, but I can’t help the feeling that this is somehow connected to Omega Pharmaceuticals and the drug Memoram.”

  Brad was staring somewhere over her shoulder and seemed deep in thought. “I don’t think you’re nuts, Chloe. I’m concerned too about the coincidences in symptoms. I’ve discretely started making inquiries into Omega.”

  Chloe’s eyes widened and she wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders, happy to not feel so isolated in her thinking.

  “I’m not as convinced as you are, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think there was cause for concern. What we need to do is go through the rest of the charts and get more data. Then maybe we can present it to the O&S Committee. They can investigate and reach their own conclusions. In the meantime, I’ll find out what I can about Omega.”

  Chloe groaned at the mentioned of the O & S Committee. The memory of sitting across from Mr. Accardo released the taste of acid in her mouth.

  “I don’t know if they’ll believe me. They seemed pretty convinced that I’m delusional, maybe dangerously negligent.”

  Brad held her close, cradling her head. “Don’t worry. I’ll talk to them.”

  “Nurse Wall has them all brainwashed, I think. She told them you’re investigating me, made it seem like you’re suspicious that I did something.”

  He pulled back and looked into her eyes. “Why does she not like you?”

  Chloe dropped her eyes to a pulse in his neck, watching it pound steadily. She did not want to discuss her family situation with him. She couldn’t deal with his pity, his judgments. She shrugged, her eyes scanning the room in an attempt to escape the brimming tears and his inquisitive gaze.

  “She’s just never liked me. We don’t get along.”

  He seemed placated by that response for now. His brows jumped minimally, but she was grateful he didn’t press her.

  “Don’t worry. We’ll figure this all out. It’s late, Chloe. You must be exhausted. You should get some rest and we’ll talk more tomorrow—today.” He smiled and the appealing folds in his cheeks deepened.

  Chloe snuggled into his neck, not ready for him to leave. She wanted to steep in the solace he brought her. It was comforting to have strong arms wrapped around her, giving her assurance that everything was going to be fine. She almost believed it. Her lips started to play with the pulse at his neck, tracing it then smothering it with the flat of her tongue. His fingers tightened on her thighs, and he groaned against her ear, his warm breath whispering over her skin.

  She pressed a line of gentle kisses along his jaw and latched on to his lips when he turned to her. Her breath came faster now, driving recklessly out of her lungs. Eagerly she clashed her teeth against his and opened her mouth for his probing tongue. His breath rushed into her mouth and she swallowed it, greedy to consume every part of him. He was intoxicating, his flavor potently male. She shimmied her hips against his lap, delighted to feel the growing evidence of his arousal. Arousal for me! His cock felt large and stiff like she remembered, and her body started to pulse with liquid heat. She needed him moving inside her. She wanted him wrapped around her. She needed to get lost in the pleasure he could give her and to forget about this horrendous day.

  She pulled back and cleared her throat, staring into the vast skies of his blue eyes. �
�Stay. I—I need…you.”

  She watched him take an unsteady breath, the muscles of his face pulling taut. He placed his forehead against hers, his breath blowing on her face. He shook his head.

  “No, Chloe.”

  She pulled away, now fighting bitter tears of disappointment and hating herself for her shattered emotions. She felt so fragile tonight, so raw, and his rejection hurdled her to pitiful despondence.

  Of course he wouldn’t want me. My life is a mess. I’m a mess. Repulsive. That one night had been enough for him.

  She was rooted on earth trying to reach an unattainable star, a star so brilliantly blinding it scorched her senses and lit her entire being. She’d deluded herself into thinking that maybe he’d want her in the presence of his light.

  She tucked back her hair, her gaze falling to her lap. “Of course, I understand.”

  “I don’t think you do. Need I explain?”

  The hardness in his voice caused her head to jerk upwards, and her breath froze at the stark anger glowing in his eyes.

  “Please, no…” She shook her head and bit her trembling bottom lip. She didn’t want to hear it. She didn’t want him explaining why she wasn’t good enough. Jack had explained things perfectly.

  Abruptly his long fingers plowed through her hair, cradling her head in a strong, angry grip and forcing her to meet his eyes. She couldn’t. Her watery gaze kept sliding away from his fierce inspection. His eyes penetrated her, probing beneath the layers of hurt that had accumulated for the last three years.

  “Look at me, dammit!”

  She released her lip with a mewl and hauled her reluctant gaze back to his.

  “Who the fuck messed with your head, Chloe?”

  A single tear fell from the corner of her eye and trekked down her cheek.

  “Who told you that you aren’t beautiful?”

  She blinked hard, trying to stem the flood. He was yelling now, his voice barking roughly into the silent apartment.

  Chloe had never felt so exposed, so vulnerable. The feelings were magnified because it was him who was getting the visual, him who was stripping her bare. She felt too weak to do anything but stare through her watery window, trying to comprehend his rage.


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