Surrender My Love

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Surrender My Love Page 31

by Lisa Eugene

  She took one last look in the mirror, still swimming in disbelief at her unfamiliar appearance. She tried so hard not to think of him, not to feel the regret and pain fisting tight in her chest. Her mother needed her and that was all that mattered now. She was breaking her promise and she hoped he’d understand that she had to do this.

  The sunglasses were key to her ensemble, and she leveled them over her eyes as she hurried from the apartment.

  Chloe exited through the front of the building. She’d usually head towards the subway, but since she was in a hurry, she wanted to catch a quick cab. People passed her on the sidewalk, seeming oblivious to the young boy hailing a taxi. Everyone seemed oblivious, except for one. There was a man sitting in a car across the street. Chloe could tell it was an unmarked police vehicle. She’d learned to recognize them. The man’s curious gaze caught her eyes and her heart faltered as she watched him get out. Abruptly, she turned and started running, her legs churning on the pavement as she weaved through the pedestrians. She dashed around Brad’s building and almost screamed when she collided with a man. Chloe’s arms shot out, ready to defend herself when her brain registered the familiar face and she breathed out a shocked breath.


  “Oh my God. Is that you, Chloe?”

  Paul gaped at her, his brown eyes large and round. He was obviously taken aback by her new appearance.

  “Paul, what the hell are you doing here?”

  “Chloe, we’ve been so worried! I thought something may have happened to you!”

  Chloe swung her head behind her, worried about being followed.

  “I can’t talk right now. There might be a cop following me. I have to get to my mother’s!”

  Paul’s gaze strayed behind her. “There’s someone coming. Let’s go this way.”

  “I have to get to my mother’s. It’s urgent. Can you take me?”

  Paul nodded. “I have my car parked near here.”

  He led Chloe through a dumpster alley and around a concrete fence.

  “How did you know I was here?” she asked, matching his pace, her breaths coming fast.

  Paul looked embarrassed. “I saw you with Dr. Markson, remember. At the club. I thought you might be with him. The others have been going to your apartment and your mom’s. I’ve been coming here almost every day, hoping to find you.” He noticed her worried look. “Don’t worry. I didn’t tell anyone. Susan and Justin have been hounding me, wanting to know where I was going.”

  “Thank you,” she said, frowning when she heard Susan’s name.

  Paul turned and regarded her, his eyebrows raised into his forehead. “I wanted to make sure you were okay. And I found people at the hospital who recognized the sketch of Nigel that I drew. You were right, Chloe. He was on the ward! There’s something going on. It’s crazy!”

  “I know. I was trying to tell them. The administrators didn’t believe me.”

  “I believe you, Chloe. Now we have proof. I thought you might want to know. Now you can prove you’re not crazy and get your job back.”

  Chloe shrugged as they walked up to his car. She did a quick scan of the area then jumped into the passenger seat.

  “It’s more complicated than that, Paul, but I can’t get into it,” she explained when he’d slid into the driver’s side. “I have to get to my mom’s. I think she’s in trouble. I might need help getting into her building.”

  “Sure, Chloe. I’m just glad you’re okay. We’ve all been going out of our minds with worry.”

  Chloe leaned her head back against the seat, grateful for his help. They couldn’t get to her mother’s fast enough.


  Brad maneuvered his Mercedes into the parking spot in front of Epic Enterprises, John Fusso’s company. Fusso’s building was a historical slab of brick and stone with a large portico that reminded Brad of an ancient Greek landmark.

  He exited the car and walked towards the building, glancing at his watch. He’d still made it on time despite his earlier diversion. He couldn’t help his slow smile as he thought of his horny girlfriend. Girlfriend, more new nomenclature for him, but that’s what Chloe was. No woman had ever made him feel so much: so much hope, so much joy, so much passion, and so much fear…

  He’d told her he was falling in love with her and although she’d seemed pleased, she hadn’t returned the sentiment. Oh, she’d said she cared, that he was number one to her. And the way she responded in bed showed she was pleased to be with him, but he couldn’t help but wonder if that was all there was for her. Was she still wounded from her breakup? Was it too soon? Would she ever open her heart and let him in? Would she ever be able to surrender to her emotions and return his love?

  Brad was deep in thought, heading under the portico, when he saw a figure come through the door, walking directly towards him at a fast clip. It took a moment for his mind to register the man because the image was completely unexpected. But there was no doubt as to his identity, because the man was wearing the same look that Brad had last seen on his face. Terror. Immediate alarm swept a chill over his skin, causing fine hairs on his neck to push upright. Brad stopped in his tracks.

  What the hell was Nigel doing here?

  Chloe finally let go of the breath she’d held captive in her throat and, let relief wash over her as she hurried toward her mother’s apartment. She scanned the hallway to make sure no one had followed her into the building. Another unmarked police vehicle was parked on the street, but Paul had driven up to the officers, pretending to be lost, and asked for directions. That small distraction, plus the change in her appearance, made it possible for her to walk in through the front door unnoticed. Unlocking the door to her mother’s apartment, she stepped inside, loosening the lasso on her tension.

  “It’s about fucking time!” Richard confronted her immediately. He was in baggy jeans and a tie-dye shirt, his multi-colored hair was moussed to look like a mohawk, and it seemed he’d acquired another piercing since Chloe had last seen him. This one speared straight through his eyebrow.

  “How’s Mom?” she asked, pushing past him to head into the bedroom.

  Richard grabbed hold of her arm, his grip digging into her flesh. His eyes flicked over her hair and face.

  “God!” he sneered. “What the hell did you do to yourself?”

  Chloe huffed in annoyance, in no mood for more of his derisive critiques. “Let me go. I want to check on Mom!”

  “I want my money first.”

  Her eyes widened with disbelief. “Is that all you care about?”

  “I just don’t trust you. You’re a criminal, remember. You’re lucky I haven’t said anything to the police.”

  Chloe pressed her lips flat and pulled the envelope that she’d prepared for him out of her bag. He snatched it from her hand and quickly shuffled through it. She took the opportunity to head towards her mother’s room.

  “I asked for more than this.”

  “It’s all I have, Richard. I have to pay Maria,” she yelled over her shoulder.

  “You’re a liar! Maria is all paid up! She was advanced for the rest of the month by that rich asshole you’re screwing! The rent’s paid too. I know you have money! Did you think I wouldn’t find out?”

  Chloe’s step faltered but she continued towards her mother’s room, her heart heavy with dread and worry. Was it true? Did Brad pay Maria her salary for the rest of the month? The rent? She didn’t have time to contemplate that now. She needed to make sure her mother was okay.

  Pushing the door open, she entered the bedroom, and her gaze landed on her mother. She was sitting by the window, her face flooded with sunlight, and her eyes closed. Chloe took quick steps towards her and gently called her name. Her mother turned and her amber eyes lit up when she saw her.


  Chloe took her hand when she got close, sinking to her knees and kissing her palm.

  “Mom? Are you okay?” She surveyed her sclera for redness, and ran her palm up and do
wn her arms, looking for needle marks.

  Her mother’s face ballooned with a smile, but then screwed up in a puckered puzzle. Her hand reached out to touch Chloe’s shorn locks.

  “Chloe… Chloe…” she crooned her name, a sing-song melody that gave no indication of her thoughts.

  “It’s the only way I could see you, Mom,” she explained, but knew her mother had no idea of the horrible events in her life and the risk she took coming here.

  Chloe was satisfied, though, that her mother looked well and was not in the distress Richard had indicated. She shook her head, disappointment dusting more black ashes on her feelings for her brother. He wanted his money so badly that he’d say anything to get her here, even use their mother to manipulate her. She’d been out of her mind with worry, but Richard wouldn’t understand that what he’d done was brutally selfish and mean. Drugs did that to him. Nothing mattered besides the means to his next fix. The rest of the world was reduced to an excess of insignificance.

  “Ice cream! Ice cream!”

  Her mother’s chanting commanded her attention, and she gave in to her wide smile.

  “Okay, Mom. But one bowl! You must promise to eat all the dinner Richard gives you, okay?”

  “Needles in eyes!” she said cheerfully.

  Chloe chuckled, wondering at her mother’s morbid proclamation. She seemed happy enough so Chloe just logged it in as another thing her mother said that made perfect sense to her but befuddled the outside word. She smiled. Her mother probably thought she was the one in possession of her full faculties, and everyone else was confused. Given the upside down world Chloe now existed in, she was inclined to agree.

  “I’ll be right back.” She rose to her feet, then bent over and kissed her mother’s forehead, still warmed from the sunshine. She was pissed, and was determined to let Richard have it this time.

  She left the bedroom and walked into the living room, her feet stopping at the two men who stood at the door.

  Instantly her gaze searched for Richard, and she found him sitting on the couch. He just stared at her, his face impassive and tight. Chloe frowned, her heart starting to hammer against her rib cage. These men seemed like sketchy characters.

  What’s going on? Is he doing a drug deal here, now that he has his money? Is he crazy?

  “Richard? What is this? Who are these men?”

  Her brother shrugged, his head turning to the men standing at the door.

  “They just want to ask you questions, Chloe.”

  “Me?” Oh, God…

  Chloe’s lip started to quiver and her gaze darted around the apartment, looking for a way to get past the men blocking the door. She sensed the instant danger, it pumped through her veins and sizzled in her blood. These were no drug dealers.

  “Police?” she asked, almost hopefully, but already knew the answer. These men were not law officials. They were most likely the henchmen from Omega who’d been after her, who’d attacked her at Gordon’s apartment and who’d chased her on the streets.

  “Richard! How could you do this?” she yelled as one man stepped forward.

  Her brother sat quietly, his gaze straight ahead. It was as though he didn’t hear her. The blank wall held his rapt interest.

  “Richard!” She darted away, sobbing as one of the men came close and snatched for her. The man was tall and broad, his muscles rippling beneath his tee shirt. His ugly face was set with determination and his beady eyes were alert as they tagged her.

  “Did you do this for money, Richard? This is the real reason you brought me here, isn’t it?” she yelled, flying to the other side of the room, almost tripping over the coffee table.

  The man pursued, not uttering a word. Chloe turned and backed away as he grew close. A heavy throb pulsed through her body, almost deafening in her ears. Sweat beaded on her skin, making her palms sticky, and tears drowned her eyes as she contemplated the inevitable. There was nowhere for her to run. She wouldn’t dare go through her mother’s room, for fear of leading them in there. An iron grip encased her torso from behind and she belted a startled cry.

  “Richard!” she beseeched. “Richard! Please help me!”

  Her pleas fell on deaf ears as the man dragged her backwards, his meaty hand slapping over her mouth like a vice.

  Her muffled grunts were stifled beneath the rough palm and she kicked and twisted with little success. Richard finally came ambling forward, a blank expression on his face.

  “Don’t fight them, Chloe. They won’t hurt you.”

  Chloe squeezed her eyes shut, her tears rapidly falling down her face. Richard had no idea what Phillips was capable of. He had no clue of the fate he’d committed her to. Phillips had everything to gain by killing her.

  “My boss just wants to talk to you,” the man in front of her said, but she didn’t believe him as the grip on her face tightened. He gave her strict instructions and warnings on how to conduct herself when leaving the building and getting into the car parked right outside. From the malice in his voice and the gun waved in front of her, Chloe had no doubt he’d carry out his threats. Finally the hand left her mouth, and she sputtered out a weak cough. She silently wished they’d been the police. She’d rather take her chances with Detective Sullivan.

  “Just cooperate and you’ll be okay,” Richard advised. He looked at the gun and frowned, then turned to the man holding her. He seemed confused.

  Chloe hiccupped a sob, her lips bruised from the brutal grip that had stifled her mouth. She looked at her little brother and more tears flowed. Her heart was shattering, spilling all the love that had overflowed for him. How could he do this?

  “You said you’re not gonna hurt her, right? You just wanted to talk to her and her boyfriend, right?” Richard asked, still frowning at the gun.

  Boyfriend? Brad? Richard’s statement got her acute attention and her head jerked towards him in alarm.

  “What are you talking about, Richard?” Her voice cracked with brittle trepidation, fear driving a spear through her chest.

  “They’re after your boyfriend, too. They need to question him. Said he went to some meeting.”

  Chloe gasped. “Richard, you idiot! These men are killers! They don’t want to talk!”

  She almost bit through her tongue as she was shaken roughly in warning. Richard’s eyes rounded with anger. “Don’t blame me for your mess! You and that fucking asshole brought this on yourselves!”

  Chloe pleaded with the man holding her, asking questions. He stared silently, his expression giving nothing away. Chloe started to scream as they pushed her through the door, but the gun dug into her ribs, silencing her. She was so confused. Brad had gone to Fusso’s for the meeting. Had Phillips somehow found out and planned on intercepting him? Had he realized Brad’s intention was to get the Memoram data?

  She glared at Richard, her eyes sorrowful and imploring as she was led away.

  The door to her mom’s apartment closed just as her mother’s chant for ice cream reached her ears. The men refused to answer any of her questions, and an onslaught of emotions weakened her body and threatened to loosen her legs. But Chloe was determined not to submerge herself in desolation, not to fall victim to the fear that sullied her thoughts and caused her insides to tremble. She had to think. She had to find a way to escape these two men. She had to reach Brad and warn him that they were now after him too. She glanced at the determined faces of the men at her side and knew she needed a miracle.

  Her miracle came as they exited the building. There was now another unmarked car across the street, the one that had been in front of Brad’s building, and she recognized the man inside. She didn’t have the sunglasses on now, and he stared at her with recognition. Chloe could feel the man at her back, his gun poking into her side. She silently counted to three, took a deep breath, and dove for the sidewalk, screaming to the top of her lungs.

  “He’s got a gun!” She sprang up and ran like the wind, hoping like hell to not get shot in the back.

ndemonium broke loose as shots were heard zipping through the air, exploding all around her. The officers in the cars took cover and returned fire. Chloe spotted Paul’s parked car and slipped in, her heart pounding like a giant fist against her chest, mashing flesh and bone.


  “What the fuck is going on, Chloe? What’s all that noise?” Paul turned, his curly hair whipping about his head.

  “Just go! Go!”

  He was already pulling out as she screamed instructions. Her thoughts were scrambled with fear, jumbled from the adrenaline that quaked her body. She had to get to Brad. He was in danger. She hiccupped a cry, praying she wasn’t too late.

  Brad stared in disbelief as Nigel rushed up to him. The man’s face was scrunched with alarm, and terror swam in his eyes.

  “You have to get out of here, now! You’re in danger!” Nigel hissed quickly.

  Brad blinked rapidly, trying to process his words and stave off his shock. “What are you talking about?”

  “There’s no time. Chloe needs you.”

  The mention of Chloe’s name snapped him out of his confusion and he felt his muscles tighten beneath his suit.

  “She’s in trouble. There’re men waiting for her at her mother’s apartment.”

  “But she’s not going there.”

  “Yes, to meet her brother!” Nigel’s head swung towards the building. “I don’t have time. I have to go!” He took Brad’s hand and pushed something into it. “Here is the information you wanted. This will help her. There’s also proof that he killed Gordon.”

  “I thought you worked for Omega. What are you doing here?” Brad stuttered, still confused.

  “I do, but I’ve also been working for Fusso for the past couple months. Phillips wouldn’t test the Memoram. He was too afraid of getting caught. He didn’t want to put his company in jeopardy. Fusso’s been doing it on his own. One of the scientists from Omega is giving him the drug. Phillips knows nothing about it. Fusso hired me and some others to test it, to see if it would work, then he planned on jumping back in on the project and demanding a higher percent.”


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