by Amber Foxx
It wasn’t what he’d imagined death would be. Not serenity. Not escape. The dead were busy, curious, interfering, creative, and restless. Jamie drew back from them. The door closed, and this time it closed tight. He held onto Mae. To life.
Author’s Notes:
Eight Northern Pueblos Tribal College, the College of the Rio Grande, and the various businesses in Santa Fe are fictitious.
Sparky’s in Hatch, NM is real. The skeletons change their outfits occasionally. I described what they were wearing a few years back, since this book takes place in 2011.
Gaia Greene’s practice of Tuvan shamanism is based on material from “An American in Tuva: The Education of a Reluctant Shaman” by Robert Amacker, Shaman’s Drum number 61, 2002 pp. 46-58
The book Jamie is reading in the epilogue is Light on Life by B.K.S. Iyengar, Rodale Books, 2006.
About the Author
Amber Foxx has worked professionally in theater, dance, fitness, yoga, and academia. She has lived in both the Southeast and the Southwest, and calls New Mexico home.
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Also by Amber Foxx
Mae Martin Mysteries
The Calling
Shaman's Blues
Snake Face
Soul Loss
Ghost Sickness
Death Omen
The Mae Martin Mysteries Books 1-3
The Outlaw Women
Small Awakenings
Watch for more at Amber Foxx’s site.