Stripped Love (Guys Next Door Book 1)

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Stripped Love (Guys Next Door Book 1) Page 5

by Baylin Crow

  I blinked. "Right. Where do you want me? Preferably not by Dylan."

  He let out a booming laugh. "What the hell has gotten into you today?" He wrapped me in another bear hug and popped a kiss to the top of my head before releasing me. "Drinks are in the fridge, so help yourself to them. You can leave your shit back here—no one will mess with it—and then I'll show you how to work the computer."

  My uncle tossed his keys onto the table, but all I had was my phone and wallet so I kept them. He led me into the main shop, and I glanced around the familiar space.

  Bold red paint coated the walls with large framed black and white photos of intricate designs inked on different body parts—all done by artists in the shop. Black leather couches sat in the lobby area on the shiny concrete floor, and fat leather bound books filled with sample designs lay open on top of oval glass tables. Industrial warehouse pipes ran along the ceiling, purely for ambiance.

  To the left, the stations were set in a neat row, partitioned by walls made of metal on the bottom, glass on top. And the furthest booth was curtained off for more private work. The reception counter was placed in the center of the modern-style room directly in line with the front door.

  My uncle strolled over to the desk and gestured for me to come over as he booted up the computer system.

  "First, fingerprints drive me absolutely crazy, which you know, so you'll spend a lot of time cleaning the glass." He pointed at the jewelry case counter filled with studs, hoops and more embellished pieces placed on a bed of velvet. Next, he showed me the case that held the aftercare products and how to keep everything stocked as it sold. "Okay, so the system is pretty simple. Each day you'll log in to your account, and I'll write down your info until you memorize it."

  I listened attentively as he showed me the ropes on how to set appointments, keep up with inventory and cash out customers. Everything seemed simple enough, and the pay was probably too much for the minimal work. Perks of being the nephew, I supposed.

  Once he was convinced I wouldn't butcher my job, he left me flipping through another binder of designs. My uncle's station sat at the far end of the shop and as soon as he disappeared around the corner, rock music flooded the speakers.

  A heavy thud echoed from the back room, and I glanced at the employee door just as a guy, short and slim, strolled into the room.

  He paused when he spotted me, dark eyes narrowed on me under brown shaggy hair. "Who the hell are you?"

  My spine straightened at the rude question. I wondered if this was the guy who my uncle had informed me liked to poke holes in people. "Archer."

  "Archer." He tilted his head. "You new? Isaac didn't say we were getting a new guy, and no offense, but you look more like you should work at Gap."

  My brow furrowed as I peeked down at my stonewashed jeans and plain heather gray shirt. In contrast to his all black clothes and tattooed arms, I supposed he had a point. "I'm—"

  "Give it a rest, would ya?" My uncle came from behind the guy and placed his hands on his shoulder. "Archer, this asshole is Will, the vandal I told you about. Please forgive his tendency to run his mouth." Isaac playfully knocked Will upside the head. "Will, you are currently talking shit to my nephew. And I did tell you about him." He lowered his voice in a mock whisper. "Must be all the paint fumes he inhaled when he was destroying other people's property."

  Will scoffed and then squinted at me. "Yeah, I guess I can see the resemblance. He's right, ya know. I have zero manners." He shrugged. "I'm a work in progress."

  This guy might have been the most confusing and rude person I'd ever met. "Nice to meet you," I lied.

  He smirked. "Welcome aboard the insanity train."

  My uncle explained my role to Will and that I was only there for the summer before they left me to it.

  At twelve on the dot, my uncle turned on the neon open sign and unlocked the door. Within the first few hours, I realized I'd underestimated my job.

  The AC blew cold, but the constant traffic in and out the door let the midday heat inside. While the shop wasn't overcrowded, people wandered the lobby, checking out the tattoo samples and browsing the cases. They asked me questions that I had to constantly check with my uncle for answers, and the phone rang at least a half dozen times.

  Four hours later, I'd set five appointments and sold enough jewelry and product to need to restock the cases. My phone had vibrated in my pocket off and on in those hours, and I'd only been able to see they were messages from CJ and Caleb. I hadn't even been able to read them.

  Dylan showed up late which I learned was nothing new. Outspoken and rough around the edges, he looked close to what I'd imagined. He wasn't only covered in tattoos, including solid designs up his neck that met his bright blue hair, but enough metal sticking out of his body to be a walking advertisement for the shop.

  "Some you can’t even see," he'd informed me with a smirk, leaving me to wonder what exactly he meant. Probably a dick piercing. Nipples too, most likely.

  I was thankful when my uncle decided to order everyone sandwiches for dinner. Once the delivery arrived, Dylan told me to take my break and took my spot behind the desk.

  I headed for the back room, snagged a soda from the refrigerator and sat at the table. Fishing my phone out of my pocket, I pulled up the group chat with the twins and then unwrapped my sandwich. My stomach rumbled when the scent of bacon wafted in the air, and I greedily took a bite of the BLT.

  Caleb: Did CJ tell you about the party we're throwing this weekend?

  CJ: Planned on it right before your message came through.

  I tapped out a message as I chewed.

  Me: It's only been a day since we left campus.

  Caleb: So? We need to start the summer off right.

  CJ: I wanted to wait until next weekend but my brother is a twatt.

  Caleb: Twat*

  CJ: I love how you didn't even acknowledge what I said, just how I spelled it.

  Caleb: You are what you… I have a comeback for that but I'm doing Archer a favor by keeping my mouth shut. Speaking of my mouth…

  I choked on the bit of sandwich I tried to swallow. Coughing, I chugged part of my soda and then aimed at message at Caleb.

  Me: Seriously?

  Caleb: Dead serious.

  Unfortunately, from past conversations, I knew that was true. Refraining from too much information wasn't something Caleb excelled at.

  CJ: I could have done without reading that too.

  Caleb: Anyway, are you coming to the party or what?

  I sighed as I picked at pieces of bacon that had crumbled onto the wrapper and popped them in my mouth. While crunching on them, I replied.

  Me: I just got here and I'm already working. I doubt I'll even be able to.

  CJ: He's your uncle. Can't you just ask for the night off?

  My thoughts traveled to the money in the envelope Isaac had left me and my promise to work hard.

  Me: Not this weekend.

  Caleb: Fine, but you promised you'd come at least once so I'm holding you to that.

  CJ: No getting out of it, Arch.

  I took a sip from my soda before responding. They'd keep blowing up my phone until I caved anyway.

  Me: I said I would but I have to get back to work. Talk to you guys later.

  CJ: Later.

  Caleb: You better or we really will come kidnap you. Have fun at work.

  I didn't doubt they would. After locking the screen, I shoved my phone back in my pocket and finished eating. Crumbling the wrapper, I tossed it in the trash and headed back out to the shop.

  "About time," Dylan grunted out and wasted no time logging out of the system, abandoning the customer he'd been helping.

  I gave an apologetic smile to the brunette girl who frowned at his retreating back as he disappeared into the backroom. "Sorry about that. What were you…"

  "Can I see that belly ring?" she interrupted as she pointed to a sparkly butterfly one in the case, leaving a fingerprint on the glass.
/>   "Sure." I pulled out the piece and handed it to her. As she turned it side to side, the bell chimed over the door, and I glanced over her shoulder.

  Phoenix strolled in with a confident stride like he owned the place, and my stomach somersaulted at the sight of him. The calm I'd forced myself to show the night before evaporated, and my entire body buzzed with nervous energy.

  When he spotted me, he slowed and a wicked grin tilted his lips. I held my breath as he approached the counter and slid next to the girl, propping an elbow on the case.

  Phoenix leaned into her space. "You should definitely get that one."

  The silky tone he used bothered me more than it should have. Combined with the flirty grin on his face, I was tempted to walk away, but I couldn't stop watching the interaction even as I tensed.

  She glanced at him, and then did a double take. Her eyes widened, and her jaw loosened. "You think so?"

  I held back a scowl at the pair, especially when he answered, "It's pretty like you."

  Her cheeks flushed and she held the piece back to me. "I'll take it."

  I gritted my teeth as I took it. My eyes found Phoenix's, whose face lit up with amusement as I rang up the jewelry.

  She cast Phoenix a hopeful smile, but he simply stepped aside.

  Once she'd walked away, I folded my arms over my chest.

  He chuckled as he eyed me. The husky sound grated on my frustrated nerves. It also sent blood rushing to places it shouldn’t. Traitorous body.

  "Relax, Arch. I just wanted to get rid of her." His voice lowered, and he leaned in further to me, raking his heated gaze over me. "But jealousy looks good on you."

  I bristled, and the scowl I'd held back slipped free. Something about Phoenix managed to get under my skin in a way that nothing and no one had before. "I wasn't jealous."

  But I had been, which surprised me. I’d never felt that before and couldn’t say I liked it. At all.

  "No?" He looked as if he didn't believe me. "If I saw you flirting with someone, even if it was fake, I'd be jealous as fuck." There was a hint of truth in his teasing tone, and the tension bled from my shoulders.

  "Did you come down here just to mess with me?" I huffed, but was secretly flattered until he answered me.

  He grinned. "Nope, that's just a bonus. I have an appointment with Isaac."

  I pulled up the appointment screen and my brows dipped. "I don't show you scheduled."

  "You can check with him," he calmly suggested, but I could tell he was enjoying ruffling my feathers despite what he'd said. "I called him a few hours ago and he said he'd be able to fit me in."

  My eyes narrowed with suspicion. "You just decided today you needed to get some work done?"

  Phoenix's eyes sparkled. "No, I was scheduled later in the week, but I decided last night today would be better."

  My pulse spiked. No one had ever outright flirted with me, or maybe I hadn't really noticed. "I'm starting to think I've gained a stalker."

  He hummed. "Sounds dangerous. Tell me who it is and I'll make sure they leave you alone." His voice dropped an octave, sending a shiver through my body and goosebumps up my arms. "Unless it's me. I'm telling you right now, Arch, unless you ask me to, I'm not leaving you alone."

  I didn’t know what to say to that. What I was thinking ran along the lines of I have no problem with that.

  I cleared my throat. "I think my uncle is finishing up with someone right now."

  Phoenix shrugged. "I may have stopped in early. I can wait if you entertain me. After all, I did entertain you once."

  My cheeks flushed at his meaning, and I quickly diverted my gaze from his to the jewelry case. "What are you getting done?"

  "Adding more shading on this." His words forced me to look up again. He turned his neck to the side and ran his finger wrapped with a thick silver band over a large rose tattoo that took up the entire side of his neck. “I’d been considering it for a while. What do you think?”

  My tongue darted out to wet my lips as my gaze locked on to his throat that I had a strange urge to lick. He dropped his hand, and his lips kicked up on one side.

  "I wish I could see the thoughts swirling around that brain of yours. You look like you see something you like. Is that true, Arch?" His voice dripped sex and my dick swelled, making my jeans tight.

  "I…" My lips clamped shut, and he grinned before saving me from embarrassing myself.

  "Do you have any ink? A secret tattoo hidden somewhere?" His gaze grew heated.

  I flinched at the thought of a needle slicing through my flesh, repeatedly. "No. I like my art just fine on the pages in my book." I also liked them on his skin. There was so much to study, and I found my gaze once again tracing the designs. The retro style microphone directly over his voice box made me curious, and one day I'd have to ask him what it meant. "They look good on you though."

  Phoenix sank his teeth into his bottom lip and then opened his mouth, most likely to say something that would have my heart racing to the point of needing medical intervention, but my uncle's bellowing voice broke our stare.

  "Nix, I see you've met my nephew." He stepped next to Phoenix and looked at me. "You two get acquainted?"

  My eyes widened, and Phoenix intercepted the question. "Yep, looks like I have a new neighbor."

  I'd noticed he left out the other bits of how we knew each other and I was glad. My uncle's eyes were already narrowed on Phoenix in suspicion. He'd been leaning really close to me, and I could only imagine what that looked like to an outsider.

  "For the summer anyway." My uncle's voice lightened. "Come on back. I'm ready for you."

  He led Phoenix away, but my new stalker tossed a wink over his shoulder that made my knees wobble. I was so screwed.

  As he walked off, my eyes dipped down to his jeans that hugged his body, and my cock took notice of the way his ass filled them. Phoenix Ryan might affect me in a way I didn't have a lot of experience with, but I didn't hate it. In fact, I liked it a lot.

  Soon I was caught up in work. An hour later when I stepped into the back room to grab more supplies, I must have missed Phoenix leaving because my uncle was already talking with his next client.



  My neck was sore where Isaac had added more shading to the rose yesterday. It was nothing compared to the original piece, but the area was still red and felt like a bad sunburn. I inspected the sensitive skin in the bathroom mirror, examining the completed piece beneath the see-through bandage that was like a second skin.

  There was a reason I used Isaac for my ink. His skill was unbelievable.

  Remembering the way Archer's heated gaze had drifted over my throat, blood rushed to my cock, and I groaned. I wanted him bad. He made me want to write and fuck him at the same time.

  I snaked a hand into the boxer briefs I'd stripped down to when I’d gotten home from work and squeezed my shaft.

  "Fuck," I growled, stroking myself as I thought about Archer. His lips, so fucking plump. I imagined what he'd look like if I slid my cock between them. I pictured him staring up at me from his knees, dark eyes wide and eager. The way he'd looked at me yesterday, cheeks flushed and pupils dilated. A moan crept up my throat as I pretended it was his tongue circling my tip where I smeared precome with my thumb.

  My cock was rock hard, and my nuts throbbed for relief. I tightened my fist and thrust into it, fucking my hand as I fantasized about Archer begging to suck it. "Fuck, Arch. Fuck. Fuck."

  Muffled knocking came from the front door, reaching the bathroom, but I ignored it. I was so damn close. Heat rushed through my body and my sac drew tight. A few more minutes…

  More knocking came.

  With a curse, I released my cock and sagged against the counter, hanging my head as I sucked in deep breaths. My dick ached like hell, but the impending orgasm had waned. I met my reflection in the mirror as irritation settled in my chest. Skin flushed and sweat dotting my brow—whoever was at the door deserved to know what they'd interrupt
ed. It was well after midnight, and the only person who ever pulled that shit was Aiden. And he wasn't welcome at my door.

  I quickly washed my hands and glanced down. My underwear had an obvious bulge and wet spot on the front, so I jogged to my room and slipped on a fresh pair and long mesh shorts before heading for the door. I whipped it open, prepared to lay into Aiden, but stopped short when a smaller form had turned to walk away. He startled at the sound, spinning back around.

  My frustration fled, replaced with curiosity. "Arch? Everything okay?"

  His jaw loosened as his gaze dipped to my bare chest and likely the noticeable semi still tenting my shorts. My cock hadn't forgotten how close I'd been to coming and twitched when he lifted his eyes and bit his fucking lip.

  "Arch?" I asked again with a strained voice.

  His cheeks reddened. "Sorry, I just got home and your light was on, so I thought you were up. I didn't know you were…busy."

  "Busy?" I remembered my appearance and attempted to fight back a smile. I failed. "I'm alone, Arch. I was just jerking off." Thinking about you.

  A breath rushed from his lips. "Oh."

  My grin widened, amused by his flustered expression. "Want to come in?"

  "I… Are you sure?" He swallowed audibly. "I brought my book. You said you wanted to see it. I would have brought it over last night, but your car wasn't here when I got home." Archer lifted the book as if it were evidence.

  "Worked late yesterday," I explained while unreasonably bummed I hadn't been home to hang out with him. "Are you going to come inside and show me, or do we have to stay outside?" My brow rose and he cracked a shy smile.

  Without another word, he strolled back toward the house, and I moved aside to let him in. As he passed me, the back of his hand brushed my half-swollen cock, and I held back a growl clawing at my throat. He paused and glanced up at me.

  "Sorry," we both said at the same time and stared at each other. His breathing was shallow, and I found mine syncing with his.

  "Should I come back another time? I don't want to interrupt…that." His gaze traveled back down my front before jerking back to meet my eyes.


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