Stripped Love (Guys Next Door Book 1)

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Stripped Love (Guys Next Door Book 1) Page 7

by Baylin Crow

  I wanted to tell him that the only person I was interested in right then was him, but we were still getting to know each other. I couldn't make promises, and I couldn't ask for any in return. It was too new, but I also couldn’t see myself giving him up anytime soon.

  "I don't have any expectations, Phoenix, and you don't owe me an explanation. But, no, it doesn’t bother me." He nipped my thumb. “I want you, and you seem pretty into me, right? That’s all I care about.”

  "Understatement," I deadpanned and he let out a soft laugh.

  “Well, can’t that be enough?” His brown eyes stared intently into mine—dark orbs I could easily get lost in.

  “More than enough,” I agreed and dropped my hand to my lap. Though my body protested, it felt right to pump the brakes for the night. "I think we should slow down, but I don't want you to leave."

  "A movie then?" he suggested.

  Whatever would keep him here, I thought, and reached for the remote as he inched closer until he pressed against my side. Turning on the TV, we chose a crime drama and settled into a comfortable silence. Halfway through the movie, his head drooped against my chest and a soft snore reached my ears.

  He grumbled as I rearranged our bodies to lie down. Flat on my back, he circled an arm over my middle from where he was halfway draped over me. One-handed, I reached under the couch and pulled out my notebook and pen that was hooked to the front. I pulled the cap off with my teeth, and my gaze traced over his sleeping face. I scribbled a line.

  ‘Peace in your slumber, I watch you sleep.

  Your innocence and fire make me weak.’



  My eyelids drooped from too little sleep as I stood at the entrance to the diner a few blocks from my uncle's house, waiting on the twins to meet me for breakfast. I inhaled the sweet smell of pancakes that drifted through the door each time it was opened, and my stomach rumbled.

  After falling asleep during the movie in the early hours of the morning, I'd woken up sprawled on top of Phoenix who was stretched out on the couch. I wasn't sure how we'd gotten in that position, or why I found it so comfortable, but it definitely wasn't the worst way to wake up.

  He'd grumbled when I got up, and I'd been tempted to stay. After exchanging phone numbers, I forced myself to get moving and stumbled next door for a quick shower. I'd rushed to get ready so I could meet the guys on time. But as it turned out, they were running late.

  I checked my phone. Just before I pressed call to find out if they were close, the twins pulled up in CJ's Jeep, parallel parking along the curb between two compact cars.

  Caleb jumped out first, black hair a mess and clothes wrinkled. "Who the fuck’s idea was it to meet this early? It's summer and I'm still waking up like I've got class."

  CJ rounded the Jeep from the driver's side and stepped up on the sidewalk. The opposite of his twin, his hair was styled and he'd clearly spent time getting ready. "Mine, dick. You may be lazy as fuck but I have a summer job, remember?" He reached back and petted his Jeep. "I found a set of wheels I really want to put on her, and they won't pay for themselves."

  Caleb yawned. "What do I need a job or car for when you just drive me everywhere anyway?"

  Rolling his eyes, CJ passed by me. "Let's grab a table. I'm fucking starving."

  We followed him inside and were greeted by the hostess and given the option to dine inside or outside. Choosing to grab a spot out on the unoccupied fenced-in patio, we were led by a blonde woman in black pants and shirt to a glass top table with an iron base and matching chairs.

  It was early enough that the heat wasn’t overwhelming yet and a cool breeze carried the scent from the flowers hanging from pots along the iron fence. The chair legs scraped the cement as we took our seats and got comfortable.

  "Can I get you fellas started with drinks? Coffee?" she asked with a thick southern accent as she handed out menus.

  "Just a water for me," I answered. "With lemon."

  "Coffee. Lots of coffee," Caleb replied and CJ agreed.

  "Be back in a sec." She flounced off, ponytail swinging behind her.

  "Damn, maybe it was worth waking up this early." Caleb smirked as he watched her go. "Think I can get her number?"

  "Did you miss the ring on her finger?" I asked. The thing had been impossible to ignore when the sunlight hit the diamond as she'd handed me the menu.

  "Well, that sucks." He frowned, but the act vanished when he waggled his brows. "I wasn't exactly looking at her hands."

  CJ and I both groaned, and Caleb shrugged unapologetically.

  Crossing his arms on the table, CJ leaned forward. "So how are things working out at your uncle's?"

  "Good. I like working at the shop so far. Much better than going home." I gnawed on my lip as I debated telling them about Phoenix. I had no idea what their reaction would be and didn't want to end up fielding a mound of invasive questions.

  "Clearly you have something to say, so spill. What's going on?" CJ cocked a brow and I felt like a bug under a microscope the way they both studied me under pale blue eyes.

  I cleared my throat. "Fine, but don't—"

  Two steaming coffees and three glasses of water clattered against the glass top as the waitress set them down. "I didn't mean to interrupt," she apologized. "I can come back if you're not ready to order."

  Grateful for the save, I assured her we were ready though none of us had even cracked open the menus. The reprieve only lasted long enough to order. She'd barely turned toward the door when Caleb knocked his knee into mine.

  "You were saying," he pressed while dumping a gallon of creamer into his coffee.

  I squeezed the lemon into my water and tossed the peel onto a napkin. "I've been hanging out with this neighbor," I hedged. "Sometimes. I mean, only a few times. Once, really." I stopped rambling and closed my eyes as silence met my admission.

  Caleb's slow chuckle started first, followed by a gasp of disbelief from CJ.

  "Holy shit, you're into this guy?" My eyes popped open and I met CJ's inquisitive stare.

  I twisted my lips. "Maybe."

  "Maybe, my ass," Caleb piped up. "You're rambling like a nervous virgin about this neighbor."

  "I am a nervous virgin." I glowered. "Well, not nervous," I corrected, and he flashed a knowing grin. "Shut up, Caleb."

  He barked a laugh, only getting louder and drawing attention when I glared.

  Ignoring him, CJ slapped the top of the table with his palm, reclaiming my attention. "Tell us everything."

  After a short hesitation, I blew out a harsh breath. Better to rip the Band-Aid off, and I needed to talk to someone about it anyway. “So, you know on my birthday, how you guys dragged me to that club?”

  “I remember you falling in love with a tattooed stripper with an obvious big dick. If I was gay, I’d probably try to hit that,” Caleb said before he sipped on his coffee.

  My spine stiffened. Phoenix was more than that, and he was also sort of mine.

  CJ bumped Caleb's shoulder hard just as he was setting down the mug, nearly spilling the scalding liquid all over the place. He fought to keep it steady and then frowned at his twin. "The fuck was that for?"

  "Can you shut up for like two seconds?" CJ snapped back before turning curious blue eyes on me. "What about it?"

  I decided to just spill everything. After taking a sip of the tart water, the words came out in a tumbling mess. "So, the stripper…well, he's my uncle's neighbor." Both jaws dropped and the questions were clearly sitting on the tip of their tongues so I continued. "He was outside and we sort of talked a little. Weird, right? And then he came up to my uncle's shop because Isaac apparently does his ink. Weirder, huh? And then he asked to see my books…"

  "Oh, I bet he did. Is book code for di—" Caleb's remark was cut off by a solid swipe of CJ's elbow to his stomach.

  "Keep going," CJ urged while giving his brother a shut-the-hell-up look.

  I sighed. "You guys, it's not a big deal. I went
to his house and showed him the book. We watched a movie and I fell asleep…and he might have kissed me."

  Caleb jumped up from his chair, rattling the glass table and rocking our drinks. "I knew it." He shot a sharp, smug look at CJ. "I told you Arch was into him."

  "Wait. What?" My eyes flicked between the two of them.

  "Shut up, Caleb, and sit down. We both called it." He rolled his eyes as Caleb plopped back down. "It was obvious you were hot for him, Arch. And he was clearly interested in you too."

  "Really?" I asked with surprise. "He was just doing his job."

  I recalled what Phoenix had said about that night. What he'd wanted to do… but had it been that obvious to them?

  CJ nodded. "There were some definite fuck-me vibes between you two." His nose twitched which meant he wasn't saying something.

  "Say whatever's on your mind." I sat back and crossed my arms over my chest.

  He sighed. "It's one hell of a coincidence, and—"

  "We're all for you dating someone," Caleb picked up the conversation as CJ nodded. I wasn't dating Phoenix, but didn't get a chance to correct him. "But a stripper, Arch? Not that there's something wrong with it, but—serious question—are you okay with him dancing damn near naked, grinding all over other dudes?"

  It wasn't something I'd given much, or any, thought too. How did I feel about it? I shook my head.

  "You guys are jumping too far ahead. It was just a kiss," I mumbled the half-truth and was grateful the waitress chose that moment to step in and set down our plates in front of us.

  The minute she was gone, I poured blueberry syrup on my stack of pancakes and dug in. Mostly because I was hungry, but also so I didn't have to answer more questions. I should have known there was no way they'd let it go. I regretted telling them already.

  After he finished chewing a piece of bacon, CJ spoke up. "He's right, Arch. And I know, it was just a kiss." He sounded like he didn't believe me. I didn't even believe me. "But do you like him? If you do, then great…but is his job going to bother you?"

  I shrugged because I didn't know how to answer.

  Phoenix had told me he didn't touch the customers. Not the way he had with me, but I couldn't tell the guys how out of control that private dance had gotten. I had no reason to believe Phoenix lied, but I also didn't know him that well. "I guess I'll have to think about it."

  CJ pointed his fork full of strawberries and cream stuffed waffle toward me. "Good, and be sure before you get serious with the guy." And then he shoved the fork in his mouth.

  Who even mentioned serious? I kept the thought to myself.

  I shoveled more pancakes in my mouth and then forced a change of topic. "How do you like your new job?"

  CJ set down his fork and took a swallow of his coffee. "It's fine, I guess. Just tagging along with my dad to help him repair an old house some lady had willed to her."

  "How come Caleb doesn't have to help?"

  Caleb scoffed with a mouthful of eggs, and I shuddered. "Have you seen me try to use tools?"

  CJ grimaced. "We're kind of glad he doesn't want to, honestly. Better hope the NBA comes calling."

  Caleb scowled and his fork clattered against his plate. "Fuck you, Corey Joe."

  I snorted and we all broke out laughing. We talked about school and what summer plans we all had. The party they were throwing that weekend and me once again declining.

  As we were leaving the diner, CJ paused on the sidewalk and gripped my shoulder. "Be careful, Arch. We'd hate to have to figure out how to hide a body if he hurts you."

  With that parting statement, I watched as they jumped in the Jeep and the engine roared to life.

  Caleb's window rolled down, tilted his head, and shouted, "No glove, no love, Arch!"

  People swiveled their heads in our direction, and an elderly couple walked by with the absolute worst timing and shot me a disapproving look. Mortified, I covered my face and hissed, "I hate you so much, Caleb."

  He howled in laughter, and CJ pretended to beat his head against the steering wheel before shrugging. "He's a lost cause, but we're stuck with him. Text me later."

  The window rolled up, and the Jeep peeled away from the curb, merging into the stream of cars.

  As I stared after them, I realized they had a point. I ran my hands through my hair. The last thing I wanted to think about was Phoenix in a private room with another guy, but I had to. I was dangerously walking a line of feeling too much too soon. And I had no idea where Phoenix's head was at about us. But if I couldn't handle just thinking about it, then I needed to set expectations for myself. Ones where clear, defined lines kept me from getting hurt.

  I had hours before the shop opened and I needed a distraction, so I chose to visit a new stationary store I'd seen a block over on the drive through town. I spent half an hour browsing the shelves, and then armed with new notebooks and ideas, I headed home.



  Covered in a light sheen of sweat, I swiped the scattered pieces of my discarded costume from the darkened stage and left the roaring Saturday night crowd behind. Wearing only my neon green jockstrap—a crowd pleaser that was responsible for many of my paid bills—I made my way to the dressing room.

  Scented oils and sweat hung in the air as I wove around the other dancers in various stages of undress. They were either getting ready for their next set or to circulate the main floor to tempt men—and women—into handing over their hard-earned cash for three minutes of undivided attention.

  I tossed my outfit in the laundry bin and then threw open my locker. Grabbing my water bottle, I chugged it down to ease my parched throat. The stage lights were no joke, and by the end of a single song, I was ready for a damn ice bath.

  The echoing sound of the guys fucking around and the rustle of clothing were a welcome reprieve from the hammer of pounding music that played through the main room. I loved my music loud, but hours of nonstop bass left a dull ringing in my ears.

  Unfortunately, I would only be afforded a short break before my rotation around the main floor would begin. It was better than private room dances, so I couldn't complain.

  Pulling the cash from underneath my matching neon armband, I counted out enough to pay the nightly house fee and set it aside before discretely shoving the rest into an empty cigarette pack and hiding it under my folded jeans.

  I didn’t bother to count the rest. I already knew I made enough to pay half my monthly rent. Friday and Saturday nights were my bread and butter.

  While I was rifling through my outfits, the locker next to mine clanged shut, and Damon leaned against it. Wearing a loose pair of unbuttoned camo pants, he invaded my space. “You interested in hitting up a party tonight after we get out of here?”

  “What kind of party?” I asked as I slipped out of the jockstrap and traded it for skin-tight black shorts that hugged my ass like a second skin.

  “Just a small get together at my house." When I glanced at him, he brushed his dark hair away from his forehead and then loosely crossed his arms over his tanned chest. "Just some drinking, poker, and maybe some pool with a few hot guys I met last weekend. Some girls too. Not my thing, but whatever floats your boat tonight."

  Even though my first reaction was to turn down the invite, my thoughts turned to Archer as they often did.

  Over the last week, we'd spent many nights hanging out at my house. Sometimes he'd work on his book, and I'd discreetly watch him as a movie played. Sometimes I'd end up fucking his mouth with my tongue for hours. But since the day after he'd fallen asleep on my couch and then rushed off to meet up with his friends, he'd been different. It felt like he'd distanced himself from me mentally.

  Archer was so unpredictable, a wanton creature one moment and adorably shy others—though the nervous energy that had rolled off him in spades before was waning as he got more and more comfortable around me. The shift seemed small and was possibly just another side of him. One I didn't particularly care for since it made me unsure about
where he stood on us. Without a fucking Archer-handbook handy, I was left guessing. It also held me back from taking things further in bed. That was an area he definitely hadn't pulled back from. His needy little moans played on repeat in my head, tempting me nightly. So did the way he dragged his fingers around my tattoos he seemed addicted to. But…that wasn't enough. Not for me. And I hadn't let myself consider why it mattered to me so much.

  Maybe I did need the time away, to spend a night in my pre-Archer life. After considering it, I gave a stiff nod. “Yeah, maybe.”

  “It’ll be fun," Damon promised in an exaggerated whisper. "Remember last time with… what was that girl’s name? Erica, Eva…whatever, Jonah’s friend.”

  Jonah was Damon's roommate. Flamboyant and always down for a good time, he had more friends than I could keep track of. But it wasn't like I hooked up with all of them, so I thought I knew who he was talking about. A hazy memory surfaced of a night heavy with too much liquor and bad decisions.

  "The one with longish brown hair and too much time in the tanning bed?" Damon nodded and I shut my locker and leaned against the cold metal. "Emma, I think. What about her?"

  “Yeah." Damon snapped his fingers. "Anyway, I’m pretty sure she’s going to be there too. Jonah said she's been asking about you.”

  I automatically shook my head. "Nah, I'm good."

  Even before Archer, I hadn't made a habit of repeats. You could say I'd learned my lesson the hard way.

  "Well, Aiden won't be there, so there's that." Damon shot a look across the room and grimaced.

  Though I didn't need to, I glanced in the same direction and found Aiden staring back. He was pretending to listen to one of the new guys who was talking to him and doing a shit job of it. His dark brown hair was cut short and his eyes were light green. Tall and built with lean muscle, I'd found him attractive at one point. Now, he was nothing more than a pain in my ass. I tore my gaze away.


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