The Bartered Bride [Climax, Montana 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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The Bartered Bride [Climax, Montana 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 14

by Reece Butler

  Her well-curved ass filled her jeans like heaven. Travis had a good mind to let loose a string of cursing so he could fill her other pocket with his hand. He wanted to tell Rye off, but they’d agreed they’d do whatever they could to encourage Jane to relax. As in make her as horny as possible.

  Riley stopped right behind Jane. An inch separated his jeans buttons from her ass. Maybe.

  “I’m going to hold you in place so I don’t knock you over,” he said.

  Without waiting for a reply he placed his left hand on her belly and pulled her in. He aimed her ass to snuggle her left cheek into his groin, leaving her right cheek free. He slid the folded ten in that pocket so slowly that sweat broke out on Travis’s upper lip. When Rye’s fingers hit the bottom of her pocket, all three of them exhaled. He slowly pulled his hand out, but then placed it on her ass over the pocket.

  “Just making sure it’s in the right place,” he murmured.

  Riley rubbed his hand in a circle, under her cheek, then trailed his fingers over the seam that traced the crack of her ass. She made a noise that Travis couldn’t identify but shot to his cock like a bolt of lightning.

  Riley finished with a kissed to her neck, and then backed away. Jane trembled, panting. Trav was doing some heavy breathing himself. Rye screwed up his face, and Trav knew he wasn’t the only one thinking of riding out on a frigid February morning to calm a raging woody.

  “Oh, my,” whispered Jane.

  “You all right?” asked Travis. His voice sounded like gravel.

  She faced them and gave a tremulous smile. “That was better than this afternoon.”

  “This afternoon?” he asked.

  She slapped her hand over her mouth. A red flush covered her cheeks.

  “Janey, Janey, Janey,” drawled Riley, grinning as he shook his head. “Did you have some fun while we picked up parts?”

  He stuck both hands in his back pockets. Trav figured it was to keep from hauling her into his arms. She chewed on her lip as she looked from one to the other. But she wasn’t frightened. Hell, no! Her eyes were bright, and if she didn’t have on one of those padded bras, her headlights would have pointed the way forward.

  She lifted her head and stuck her chin out. “Is that a problem?”

  “Yeah,” said Travis. He stepped forward, caught her belt loops in his hand, and pulled her close. She gasped, but didn’t try to pull away. There was no way she couldn’t have felt his cock pressing into her belly. “Did you play with your pussy again today?”

  Her breasts rubbed against his chest with every pant. Her changeable eyes were green. He took that to mean “go.”


  “Did you pretend it was my fingers instead of yours?”

  She shook her head. “Your mouth.”

  Riding home in a blizzard. Jumping in the snow naked. Washing in a freezing cold stream. Travis concentrated on anything that would stop him from coming Right. Then.

  “While Riley was kissing me and playing with my nipples.”

  “Oh, God!” moaned Riley.

  Travis dropped his forehead on hers, chuckling. It was either that or haul her into bed.

  “Jane, do you have any idea what that does to me and Rye?”

  “Um, considering what’s poking me in the belly, that would be a yes.” She cleared her throat. “Can we go to the bar now?”

  “Good idea.” Riley hauled on Travis’s shoulder.

  “Jane, I don’t think you did that to tease us, but it’s very painful for a man to have an erection that lasts a long time.”

  “Especially in jeans,” added Riley.

  She crossed her arms, set her feet apart, and glared at them. “And who, pray tell, started it, hmm?” She looked from Travis to Riley. “I wasn’t the one who slid a ten dollar bill in my back pocket with his fingers, and then stroked my posterior!”

  “Ouch,” muttered Rye, accepting the blame.

  “So don’t blame me for the state of your…” She pointed.

  “Our cocks,” said Travis. She flushed a bit more. “Hard cocks that prove how much we want to kiss and lick and touch you. But we’ll continue to wait, because Janey isn’t ready yet. Shall we go?” He waved his hand to encourage her forward. “Buster, guard!”

  Five minutes later they were heading into town. By silent consent no one talked about the nuclear explosion that had almost taken place. At least, that was what it felt like to Travis, since he’d almost had a meltdown. Again. The woman was a walking wet dream, and she didn’t have to do anything but stand there!

  “This place is supposed to be Mustang Island’s oldest and friendliest bar,” said Riley. “It’s survived a couple of hurricanes, and so did the people inside. One time the hurricane shoved it down the block.”

  “They stayed during a hurricane? They could be killed!”

  Travis wasn’t surprised at Jane’s reaction. She’d been sheltered all her life. Tonight she’d discover how the other half lived.

  “They were likely so drunk they didn’t care,” he said.

  “Oh.” She sat back. “I guess if they lived here they’d learn to live with it.”

  “There’s advantages and disadvantages to living anywhere,” he continued. “We get a winter that can freeze cattle, or people who’re not prepared. But it kills some of the poisonous stuff that lives down here, like cottonmouths, coral snakes, and scorpions.”

  Jane shuddered, her usual reaction to the mention of snakes.

  He turned right on Cotter, then an immediate hard left on Tarpon. At the end was a small white building with light blue trim. There were a couple of other vehicles parked in front, including three white pickups and a brace of motorcycles. Two flags, one American and one Texan, flew proudly from the front porch. It wrapped around to the right, where a bunch of picnic tables waited for those who wanted fresh air.

  “It can’t be too tough if it has roses on the signs,” said Jane. “I like it.”

  He waited for Riley to hand Jane down, then he led the way. The door was open wide, so they stepped inside. To the right was a long bar of polished wood. A short man with a long beard and ball cap tended bar at the far end. Round tables with armchairs made cozy seating on the left. Behind the tables, narrow shelves held a collection of…ceramic pigs? No, it was certainly not a tough biker joint.

  The back opened up past the bar, wide enough to hold a couple of pool tables. It made him think of teaching Jane to play, having her bend over in those tight jeans, and…Nope. Not until he could look at her without getting a hard-on the size of Texas.

  “Is that why you brought your ball cap?” asked Jane, pointing up.

  “Yep,” said Riley.

  Trav followed her finger. Hundreds of hats, many of them signed, hung from the ceiling.

  “Where would you like to sit?” he asked Jane. “At a table, or—”

  “Could I sit at the bar?” Her eyes gleamed. “Please?”

  A big, hairy dude hunched over the third barstool. Travis wanted Jane to be near the door so she’d feel less constricted, but they wouldn’t be able to sit together unless the dude moved.

  “Shove down, Bart,” said the bartender before he could ask. “The lady wants to sit with her friends.”

  Bart looked at them, checked Jane out with enough respect that Travis didn’t have to hit him, then grunted. He heaved himself up and over one.

  “What are you having,” asked Travis, as a thank-you.


  “Not too many people drink whiskey from a can of Bud.”

  Bart shrugged. “Can’t punch a man for tryin’.” He still had most of his teeth, though flossing wasn’t likely a daily chore for him. Or perhaps brushing his teeth, either.

  “My friend here would like a whiskey,” said Travis to the bartender.

  “Much obliged.” The man finished his beer, crushed the can, and tossed it into the trash. Since he barely glanced in that direction, and scored a rim shot, Travis figured he’d dunked his fair share and the
n some.

  “Jane? Would you like wine, beer, or soda?” asked Travis. “Or should I say Henrietta? Isabella? How about Jessamina?”

  He hadn’t played with her name in a long time. That involved flirting, and he knew his limits. Tonight was different. Jane sparkled and he was sure her brushing against him was not an accident. Something had changed since supper. He’d never seen her like this. He wanted more.

  She rolled her eyes at him. “Excuse me, sir,” she said to the bartender.

  “Name’s Mike, ma’am.”

  She gave him a million-watt smile that lit up the whole bar. “Hello, Mike. Would you have any cranberry juice and something like Sprite? I like them mixed.”

  “I would indeed. Ice?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Travis rested his hand on her shoulder and gave a brief squeeze. “Give her three choices, and she takes a fourth. That’s my woman.”

  “I’m not your woman.”

  “Not yet,” he whispered.

  He was sure she blushed, but the bar was too dim to tell. Jane’s eager eyes were all over the place. She downed her juice fast, and accepted another.

  “How do I get my hat up there with the others?” asked Riley. He pulled it out of his back pocket and set it on the bar. Mike picked it up.

  “Climax Fire Volunteer,” said Mike, reading the front. “You a volunteer firefighter?” Riley nodded. “That the town name?” Another nod. “It’s different enough. Be up there tomorrow.”

  “Excuse me,” said Jane, “where’s the ladies’ room?”

  As soon as Jane disappeared into the back, Mike grabbed a cloth and polished the dry bar in front of them.

  “How’d the town get its name?” he asked. “Or does that lead to a fight?”

  “Sometimes,” said Riley with his usual cocky grin. “It was about forty years ago, so we weren’t around. The highway came through and bypassed the original town by about a mile. The council decided to make a new one. Some idiot decided to let the women vote on the name. The ladies jumped all over the idea like a hungry dog with a bone. So the men put together a list of ten names. The women could choose whatever they wanted, as long as it was on the list.”

  Mike went to the far end of the bar to pour a couple of drafts. He put the money in the till, then leaned on an elbow.

  “Let me guess,” he said. “The other names were along the lines of Dog’s Breath and Skunk Juice?”

  Riley tipped his beer in congratulations. “Bingo.”

  “How’d the women take it?”

  Travis had to add his two cents. “They said the men better live up to the name.”

  Mike grinned through his beard. “And?”

  “Word spread, and we’re popular guys,” said Riley smugly.

  “Why are you so popular?” asked Jane, sliding onto her stool.

  Mike turned his back, grinning, and loaded beer into the fridge below the bar. Travis sat back and gave Riley enough rope to hang himself.

  “You know the name of the town we’re from?” asked Rye.

  “Climax,” replied Jane.

  “Can you guess why it’s called that?”

  “Because it’s near the top, or climax, of a mountain?”

  Riley suddenly found turning his beer can in circles on the bar was exactly what he needed to do. Travis waited him out.

  “What else does the word mean?” asked Riley finally.

  She nibbled on her lip. Travis had to look away before he took over the job.

  “It’s the height of tension in a play or movie,” she said slowly, as if thinking. “What everything else leads to. When everything comes together, and—”

  “Bingo!” said Riley.

  She looked from Riley, to Travis. His turn. He cleared his throat. “Remember what we were talking about before we got in the truck?”

  “Yes, but I don’t…” A flush rose over her cheeks, one so bright the front porch lit it up. She looked down. “Oh. That.”

  “Don’t say it like that, Janey,” scolded Riley. He leaned close to her ear. “Say, ooooh, yeah. That’s what I want, Rye. Do me, baby.”

  “Oh, shush, you ratfink!” She slapped his hand away, but Travis saw a smile behind her pursed lips.

  Chapter 17

  Jane hurried to the ladies’ room again before they left the bar. She had a major decision to make, and needed privacy. She was hot and wet, eager for their touch. No more holding back. They wanted her. She wanted them. Could they pleasure her without entering her? She wasn’t sure she was ready for that, but she could give them an orgasm in return.

  Her first, and only, experience with sex had been far from pleasant. Tonight she would banish it by creating new memories. Riley’s dark laugh as his lips skimmed her breasts. Travis’s determined mouth on her pussy, refusing to give up until she came so hard she almost passed out.

  She’d never touched a cock before. Had never taken ownership of a man with her hands and mouth to bring him pleasure. The thought of that power made her tingle from her pussy to her breasts.

  Tonight was the night!

  * * * *

  “What do you think is up with Jane?” asked Riley. He took a moment to admire the way her ass moved as she walked between the chairs. “She had a couple glasses of juice, but does she really need to take another leak?”

  He shifted on the damn uncomfortable stool. No matter how he sat, or even if he stood, he was so hard it hurt. Travis set his beer on the bar with a heavy clunk. He looked toward the back, where Jane had disappeared.

  “I think she needs to think,” he said.

  “About what?”

  Trav shot him a look. “The kind of ice cream she’s going to eat when we get back? Or what we’ve been wanting to do with her?”

  Jane was thinking about whether they would get it on? He met Trav’s smirk with a scowl. “I didn’t think I could get any harder but that almost put me over the edge!”

  Mike came over to take their empty cans. “There’s a wide beach by the ocean. Be a pretty sight with this moon.”

  Riley met his brother’s eye. They both turned to the bartender for directions.

  “I like this place,” said Jane when she returned a few minutes later. She had her arms crossed. The bar was cool, but they’d be in the warm truck soon. “Can we come back again?”

  “Sure,” said Riley. “Mike told us how to get to the beach. You want to see the ocean under a full moon?”

  She didn’t answer, but almost danced out of the bar with that million-watt smile. They followed her saucy ass, Mike’s chuckle drifting after them.

  Jane, arms still crossed, chattered about what she saw out the window as they drove. Something was up with her, and he sure as hell hoped it was a decision to go full speed ahead. The beach was a state highway, with a marker every tenth of a mile. Trav drove past marker 30, where no one would interrupt. He parked nose in so they could see the waves.

  As Riley helped Jane down his hand brushed her chest. A bump hit his knuckle. He looked closer. His heart jumped into overdrive.

  “Holy sh-ugar! You took your bra off!”

  She chewed her lip for a second before meeting his gaze. She nodded solemnly. “Is that a problem?”

  He stuck his hands in his back pockets.

  “Jane,” he said, near growling as he fought to hold himself back, “if you don’t want to end up naked tonight with me and Trav worshipping that gorgeous body of yours, you’d best get in the truck.” He blew out his breath. “We don’t have to take any of our clothes off, but unless you want to come a couple times tonight, then—”

  “Yes, please.”

  He blinked like an idiot as his brain processed what she might have said. Surely had not said. “What?”

  “I would like you to worship my naked body tonight.” She smiled up at him. “In my fantasy you’re kissing my breasts while Trav’s tongue—”

  “Trav! Get in the truck!” he yelled. “Jane wants to go home.” He urged her in the door. Jane hopped
up and squeezed across the bench seat.

  “But we just got here,” said Travis, scowling. “Look,” he pointed to the ocean, “it’s beautiful.”

  “Get. In. The. Truck!”

  “Why the hell should I?”

  “Because Jane wants to get naked with us and I sure as hell would rather do it in bed!”

  * * * *

  She couldn’t stop giggling. The look on Travis’s face when he realized what Riley was saying, was priceless. So much for Mr. Tall, Dark, and Dangerous. His jaw had dropped about a mile before he’d grinned from ear to ear, jumped in, and started the truck. Riley had her right hand in a death grip. He stared out the front window, gritting his teeth. Travis kept both hands on the wheel. He gripped it so hard she wondered which would crack first, his bones or the plastic.

  They wanted her so much they had to force themselves not to touch her! She could be terribly naughty and touch them, but the truck might go off the road. Another few minutes and they’d be home.

  Yes, stuffing her bra in her back pocket was one of the best decisions she’d made in a long time. Travis slowed at their parking spot, but didn’t stop.

  “What the heck are you doing?” demanded Riley.

  “We have to talk.”


  He looked past Jane to Riley. “If I stop this truck there won’t be any talking. So let’s set some ground rules. Jane, what do you want tonight?”

  “Weren’t you listening? When I said about my fantasy?”

  He snorted a laugh. “Jane, it’s very difficult for a man to hear anything when his cock is jumping out of his pants. And even if he does hear it, he won’t remember. So, you want to get naked, and…?”

  “I want to…um, do things while you watch.”

  “Don’t do a slow strip tease,” begged Riley. “I won’t be able to take it.”

  “It’s just that I have to be in control.”

  “Gotcha,” said Riley, quickly agreeing. “You’re the one in charge of what happens, or doesn’t. Me and Trav will make sure we do only what you want. So, you get naked, and then?”


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