The Bartered Bride [Climax, Montana 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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The Bartered Bride [Climax, Montana 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 30

by Reece Butler

  “You were hurting,” she replied softly. “It actually helped, because when I was furious at you, I wasn’t so scared. I should thank you.”

  “God, Janey,” he said, loud enough for his voice to carry. “How can you work so hard to help others, laughing and smiling, after being treated the way you were?”

  She shrugged it off, looking down to avoid his eyes. If the room was brighter he would see her ears and cheeks had turned pink.

  “The answer, Jane, is because that’s who you are, inside. I bet your real father, whoever he is, is a good man.”

  That made her chin wobble. Oh-oh. He had to change back to the main topic, fast. He’d done the groveling, and now came the making up.

  “I’ve been going crazy ever since you left,” he said, leaning closer so no one else could hear. “I stuff food in my mouth but it tastes like sawdust. I can’t sleep. Nothing is right anymore. I want the right to hold you any damn time I like. I want you to jump in my arms and burst into tears because you’re so damn happy to see me. I want…”

  Her chin trembled. She looked up at him, tears forming. All his words vanished. It was now, or never.

  “Marry me, Janey. I don’t want us to be apart ever again.”

  Chapter 38

  “Dang, Rye beat me to it,” said Travis mildly.

  A weight dropped from Riley’s chest at Trav’s acceptance. Jane’s mouth was open, but no words came out. She sniffed, stepped back, and suddenly he was chilled to the bone. Please, God, she’s not going to say no!

  “Riley’s not the only one who wants you, Jane,” said Travis. He stood at Jane’s back, blocking her from retreating. “I was going to wait until this whole thing was over, but for once my big brother got the jump on me.”

  “Got the jump—”

  “I love you, Janey,” said Riley, too impatient to listen.


  Enough talk, time for action. Riley jammed his fingers into his front pocket. He had to wrestle the box from the very bottom where he’d stashed it to keep it safe. He hauled it out and went down on one knee. He’d sworn he’d never do it again, but winning Janey was worth losing a bit of pride. The room went so quiet his ears hurt. Nothing mattered but the stunned woman staring down at him.

  “I bought this for you. It won’t be broken, by anyone.”

  He meant that once she put it on, they were bound to each other. Jane would link the three of them in a triad.

  Riley opened the box and pulled out the sterling silver necklace he’d known on sight was made for Jane. He held it up with both hands. The medallion held a perfect sand dollar. The back was a silver disk, and the front was encased in a blob of glass to protect it.

  Jane might not realize it yet, but this necklace meant much the same as a ring. When Jane put it on she would be saying she had chosen to belong to them. The three of them would have their names inscribed in a triangle on the back when she fully understood and agreed to submit her loving self to them. At the same time they would accept their responsibility to honor, cherish, and guide her.

  “Oh, Riley, a sand dollar! It’s perfect.”

  “So are you, sweetheart. I love you, with all my heart, body, and soul. Will you marry me? Right here, right now?”

  She burst into tears. Oh, shit. He looked down to hide his wince. Okay. Maybe Jane wanted Travis, instead. That was almost as good. All that mattered was to make Jane happy. He pasted a look of acceptance on his face and looked up.

  Jane was smiling at him. Just him. And that smile was one he knew well.

  Oh, yeah, Janey was happy and horny and wanted more than kisses.

  He needed to hold his woman. He stood, reaching for her. She gave a cry, wrapped her arms around him, and hugged back. He groaned as her heat enveloped him. He needed to kiss her, now!

  He lifted her so they were face-to-face. Her legs wrapped around his hips. If they weren’t surrounded by the whole damn town, he’d—

  She nipped his lip, the feisty brat. He growled, and took over the kiss. He was the man in charge, dammit! She tasted so good, and felt even better.

  “Whoa, now.” Someone pulled Jane off his body. He felt empty, and reached for her again. “Nope. No more until after the wedding. Give me that necklace. You can have it back when you face the judge.”

  Riley staggered, hauling air into his lungs. Jane’s eyes were glazed. Someone took the necklace. Another handed him a cup. He drank it down, only realizing when it was gone that it was water. He was so high on Jane’s kiss that it had burned like high-octane moonshine.

  “But Jane didn’t say yes!”

  “Mom,” replied Travis, sounding as if he could barely hold back a laugh, “if Jane was going to say no, she wouldn’t have kissed Riley like that.”

  “What the heck?” complained one of his cousins. “Riley and Trav get to spend the winter lying on a beach while we work our butts off. They bring home a beautiful woman, and the only females we see have a tail!”

  “You snooze, you lose!” Travis shot back, grinning.

  “Clear the floor!”

  Riley was pulled back, farther from Jane. The judge already had his robes on. Did he keep them in his truck just in case?

  “Will the woman known as Jane Stark come forward,” said Judge Max Gibson. His voice, deep and strong, filled the room.

  Riley checked to see who held him. Uncle Eric grinned but didn’t let go. He didn’t try to pull away. Few argued with Lila’s father. Travis nudged Jane forward. Catcalls from his male cousins accompanied her steps. He glared at them, pledging vengeance, but they laughed. He’d be having words with them once he got his wife settled.

  Jane smiled brilliantly at them. He bristled. Naw, he was done talking. They’d be seeing his knuckles coming right for their faces.

  “Riley and Travis Adams, step forward.”

  He and Trav stood shoulder to shoulder facing Jane. She blushed, but held her head high.

  “You go, girl!” yelled a female voice from the crowd.

  Was Rikki Langford back in town? She was almost as ornery as Lila. Or Jane, he added.

  “I’ll do this tonight in front of family due to extenuating circumstances. But I expect the paperwork and all to be completed first thing in the morning.”

  Judge Gibson spoke to Travis, which was fine with Riley. He’d rather go back to bed with Jane after breakfast and let Trav do chores. By then Jane would be his wife. His to hold, to protect, and to love. Forever.

  “Penelope Elizabeth Stark,” said Gibson loudly, “are you aware of any reason this wedding should not go forward? No other legal commitments?”

  She shook her head, eyebrows furrowed. “I was told I was engaged, but I never agreed to it.”

  “You signed no papers?”

  “No, sir.”

  “Then will you take Riley Adams as your husband?”

  Her face cleared. She beamed at the judge. “Yes, sir!”

  “Riley Adams will you take Penelope Elizabeth Stark, known as Jane, for your wife?”

  “Yes, sir, I will.”

  “Give her the necklace, son.”

  Someone handed it to him. He went behind Jane, looping the chain around her neck. She lifted her hair out of the way so he could do it up. She shivered when he nipped, then kissed, the nape of her neck. It was a promise of both sides of their lives.

  “This means as much as a ring to me and Trav,” he said as he fumbled with the catch. “You can tuck it under your clothes to work, and be safe. That’s why Mom doesn’t wear a wedding ring.”

  “I understand,” she murmured. “Aggie told me about her collar.”

  “Oh. Good.”

  He hadn’t thought about what Jane would have learned in the time they’d been apart. What else had his mother told her?

  “Do you both agree to repeat this ceremony,” asked Judge Gibson, “having completed all requirements and satisfied all relevant laws and ordinances, following the traditions of this valley?”

  Riley looked at Jan
e. They nodded.

  “Yes, sir,” they said in unison.

  “Then you are, in the eyes of everyone in this town, husband and wife. Jane, you may kiss the grooms.”

  It was done. He was married to Jane! He whooped and scooped her up. He kissed her thoroughly, but quickly, then tossed her to Travis, who carried her off.

  “Hey!” he said, but a hand on his shoulder held him back.

  “Looks like there’ll be guests at the Circle C tonight.”

  Riley was a few inches shorter than his Uncle Eric, so had to twist his head up. “Sir?”

  “Nikki’s invited your parents over for the night. We’ll use the time to talk about that cruise the women are so eager to haul us on.”

  That meant they’d have the house to themselves. “Hadn’t thought that far. Thanks, Uncle Eric.”

  “If you’re anything like I was when Matt married Nikki, you’re not thinking at all. In return I expect you to keep an eye on Lila while we’re gone.”

  They both watched Lila and Jane hug. One was tall and blonde, the other shorter and brown. Both had wide smiles, which was all that mattered.

  “We’ll do what we can,” said Riley absently, “but you know Lila.”

  “That I do.” Eric rubbed his jaw. “She needs a man to help her out.” He grimaced. “She’s tried hiring help but no one’s come forward. Don’t know what we’re going to do.”

  “Trust her,” replied Riley.

  “We do. It’s just that there’s too much work for one man, or woman.”

  “You know we’ll all help, even if she tries to stop us.”

  Across the room Travis was introducing Lila to the Elliott brothers. Ben was married, but Sam and Trey were single, and looking. They showed far too much appreciation for Jane.

  “Excuse me, but I need to hold my wife. Too many of my bachelor cousins are eager to welcome her to the Valley.”

  Eric chuckled. “Better get used to it, Rye. She’s a looker, and that draws men like flies to honey.”

  “They can find their own woman. Jane belongs to me and Travis.” He turned to the older man, one who’d put up with a lot of his shenanigans over the years. “Just as we belong to Jane.”

  “Never forget that and you’ll do fine.”

  Chapter 39

  Jane’s heart bubbled with joy. She had no other way to describe the feeling of total wonder, excitement, and happiness that filled her. Riley was her husband. He’d spoken of his love and asked her before Travis. Not that it mattered one way or the other. She loved them both, and was wanted and loved by the men who set her heart and libido soaring.

  “Oh, oh. Look who’s jealous,” said Travis.

  Jane looked away from being kissed on the cheek by one of her many new cousins-by-marriage to see Riley bearing down on her. He had a head of steam that took her breath away. But she was a bride who needed to keep from being overwhelmed by two demanding men. She turned and leaned close to Dare McInnes. Or was it Grant? Whichever twin he was, he saw what was happening and eagerly played along.

  “Do you know what happens to wives who flirt?” he asked, grinning.

  “No, why?”

  “You’re about to find out. Good luck sitting down tomorrow.”

  “Excuse me?”

  A pair of hands caught her around the waist. Riley flipped her around to face him. He shot her That Look. She tried to ignore it as she smiled a welcome.

  “Hi, honey,” she said.

  “Not good enough, Janey.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Riley growled, grabbed her hips and lifted. She squawked, bracing herself against his shoulders to keep her body vertical.

  “What are you doing?” she demanded.

  A low chuckle was the only warning before Riley’s palm hit the back of her jeans. A sharp pain shocked her into releasing a squeal. She fell forward, ending up bent over his back, bottom in the air.

  “Enough flirting, wife. It’s time for the honeymoon!”

  The sting had made her pussy purr. “You cad! I was having fun!”

  “You’re gonna have a lot more than that tonight!”

  She pummeled Riley’s back as he carried her through the laughing crowd. He gave her a few spanks in return. Though she was enjoying herself thoroughly, this was not how she expected to start a marriage. A formal, stiff ceremony was for women named Penelope, not Jane, but she did not appreciate being hauled around like this. She twisted to see forward. Sheriff Gibson stood beside the judge. Father and son, they looked a lot alike, right down to the matching glints in their eyes and grins on their faces. Both of them nodded politely when she caught their eyes.

  “Tell him to put me down!” she demanded.

  “Your wife wants down,” replied the judge mildly.

  Riley grabbed her, flipped, and she found herself right side up, feet on the floor. Riley held one arm around her ribs.

  “Aren’t you going to say anything,” she demanded of the lawmen as she tried to force Riley’s fingers from around her ribs. They were like steel bands that she couldn’t break.

  “About what, Mrs. Adams?” asked Gibson.

  It was the first time she’d been called by that name. It stopped her cold. She looked up at Riley.

  “Mrs. Adams?” she asked.

  Riley nodded. “You’re now Jane Adams. Sounds pretty good to me.” He raised an eyebrow and leaned close. “You got a problem with my name, wife?”

  A few words spoken by a judge in a roadhouse, and her name had been shortened from nine syllables to three. She shook her head.

  “I like being Jane Adams.”

  “Good.” His free hand strayed to the part of her anatomy he’d just made sting. He patted her. “Now that we’ve got that straightened out, there’s a bed waiting to be warmed up.”


  Riley pressed his lips together, raised both eyebrows, and waited. She knew his patience would not last long.

  “Sheriff, please tell my new husband not to spank my posterior in public.”

  The judge and the sheriff exchanged looks. It was the older man who replied.

  “I can’t rightly do that, ma’am. A husband is allowed to correct his wife in public. It’s a long-standing tradition in Tanner’s Ford. Beth, the very first woman to arrive on the bride train, was spanked by Trace Elliott right on Main Street in the Rocking E’s wagon. She lived to be a hundred, God bless her.”

  “So was Amelia MacDougal,” said the sheriff. “And Jessie Langford was always getting—”

  “That was a long time ago,” she said, interrupting what might be a long list. “Things have changed.”

  “Not in Tanner’s Ford,” replied the judge. He winked at her. “We like our traditions just the way they are. Spanking ornery women is one of them.”

  “Get the paperwork done first thing,” said the sheriff. “But don’t expect to get out of a proper Tanner’s Ford wedding. You’d best take care of that before spring roundup.”

  “It’ll be done before we go on our cruise, that’s for sure,” called Aggie.

  Cheers and whistles erupted.

  “Too much talk and not enough action,” sang Travis. Jane recognized it from one of the songs he liked to play in the truck. “I’ll give you a one-hour start with Jane, then I’m heading home.”

  “One hour?”

  Travis tapped his watch. “Clock’s ticking, big brother!”

  Riley scooped her into his arms. She bounced as he barreled through the crowd toward the back door. She waited, laughing as he dumped the fast food boxes from the truck’s passenger seat into a garbage bag. Then they were racing home. The J Bar C wasn’t far. In minutes they turned off the highway and onto the long unpaved ranch road.

  “What’s the rush?” she asked. She pulled her T-shirt from her jeans.

  “I’ve been without you for days,” said Riley with a growl. “I’m not sharing you with Trav until you’ve screamed at least three times.” He grimaced. “God, I have been so hard for so l

  The T-shirt went over her head, followed by her bra. She grabbed the side bar as the truck headed toward the ditch. Riley overcorrected, then aimed for the middle of the road.

  “What are you doing, Jane?” he demanded.

  “Saving time. Can’t you tell?”

  He took his foot off the accelerator to watch the show. She kicked off her shoes. She unzipped then wiggled as she shimmied out of her jeans. Her thong came off a second later.

  “Stop the truck,” she demanded.

  He pulled to the side of the road and put it in Park. She cleared her throat pointedly. The key clicked and the engine died. Riley turned in the seat to face her.

  “What’s on your deviant little mind, Mrs. Adams?”

  “I haven’t tasted you in days.”

  “Oh, shit, Janey, I haven’t had a shower since I left Port A. You don’t want to—”

  “Haul it out, mister, or I’ll do it myself.”

  He shoved his seat back and attacked his belt. He had his cock out by the time she crawled over the center console.

  “I’m not going to last long,” he warned.

  “Good. Then you’ll last longer after you carry me into our bed. Now put your fingers to good use.”

  She moved her knees apart and bent her head. She kissed the wet head, tasting his musky salt. His right hand slid down her back, over the curve of her bottom, and into her pussy. She took him in her mouth and hummed her appreciation. She pumped him three times while flicking her tongue over and around him. He swore, then exploded. She swallowed, pleased with the power she had over him.

  He slumped, groaning. She sat up, smiling. He looked at her, rolled his eyes, and snorted a laugh.

  “I gotta be the luckiest man in the whole damn world.”

  She kissed his cheek. He flicked her nipple, making her gasp. She wanted more, but not here, so she moved back to her side of the truck. She sat on her shirt and did up her seatbelt.

  “How fast can you safely get us home?”

  The G-force of his acceleration jammed her against the seat. She laughed, long and hard and free.


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