New Roots (Fate's Intent Book 8)

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New Roots (Fate's Intent Book 8) Page 22

by Bowles, April

  “How exactly did you foresee that ending?”

  Kathryn looked away, setting her sights back on Adele and Jaylyn. “She’s waiting to greet you. Come—alone.”

  “For good reason.” Ryon whispered in an obvious loud voice.

  “Sustain him then.”

  “I’ll try to.”

  Adele and Jaylyn were now overly curious about who it was and got up to leave with Kathryn.

  Ryon watched them walk all the way down the hall until he knew they were out of hearing distance and got up, sitting himself where Jaylyn once sat next to me. “So, Troy, how are you?”

  My eyes narrowed, trying to figure out why he just did that and I found the answer quickly, shooting wider eyes towards Izin. It was my mother!

  “Now, son, don’t lose your head over this. She’s more than qualified and someone who knows about the gifts.”

  “And no one thought to ask me?!”

  Ryon laughed. “I didn’t even have to tell you. That’s pretty good.”

  “Think maybe I should get a say in this?!”

  “Nope.” Ryon smiled. “Queen’s choice. No one can overrule her authority. You’re great King wouldn’t even do that. Makes you wonder who’s really in charge around here.”

  “Your mother makes choices based on things of interest and usually I wouldn’t have to object.” Izin said.

  “And now?!” I asked.

  “I already told you. After what happened with Dirk, we needed to find someone that wouldn’t see these gifts as something bad.”

  “Your mother grew close with mine during the crossings.” Ryon explained. “So she witnessed Izin’s bloodthirsty killing spree and nothing would be more shocking to see but that.”

  “Thank you.” Izin sighed. “But he’s right. She even aided Kathryn when I accidentally bit her and the reason she’s alive. She stopped the bleeding and Kathryn survived.”

  “You are all aware that means nothing to me.”

  “Still.” Izin said with a more commanding voice. “But even a woman in perfect health could still die while giving birth.”

  I laughed smugly. “Jaylyn can’t die that way.”

  “Then maybe you’re forgetting that there’s still one more that can.”

  I turned towards Zayden and Adele instantly came to mind like I had forgotten completely. I didn’t hesitate. I got right up to my feet and started to leave.

  “Troy!” Izin bellowed.

  “It’s all right, father. I’ll go with him.” Zayden used his speed to catch up to me. “What exactly are you planning to do?”


  “I don’t believe you.”

  “Well, I don’t want them to be alone together.”


  I paused at the top of the stairs and turned with and obvious displeasure for the conversation. “You know why, Zayden! I didn’t think I’d have to tell you. That woman ruined my life and I’m not going to let her have a second to inflict any of her non-mothering skills on my wife.”

  I proceeded to my room while Zayden stayed by the stairs. “She didn’t ruin your life.”

  I was stopped in my tracks by my own confusion and turned back. “What? You want to run that by me again.”

  “She. Didn’t. Ruin. Your. Life.”

  “How can you say that?”

  “I’m not trying to convince you of anything, Troy but try thinking about this. If that never happened to you, you’d never find yourself here, we wouldn’t be like brothers and the Great Seni Fighters would not exist. Father created us because he gained two sons that, at the current time, had a reason to hate the world. He wanted to unleash you and who better but to lead than his own son? I know what you went through was rough and I’m sorry for it but I don’t regret it and I don’t hate her for it. We gained you and I would never take that back just to have a happy childhood. Darius as well.”

  “You expect me to thank her?”

  “I expect you to do what’s right. You can go in there but just think about how your life has changed and ask yourself if you would have wanted something different.”

  I turned away with only a little less hate than at the beginning of the conversation and I had my eyes on my door.

  Kathryn, Adele and Jaylyn were a little surprised to see me and I saw the fourth. Julianna was standing behind them almost like she was being shielded.

  All their faces were as if they were waiting for me to lash out with disapproval and I met Jaylyn’s eyes. Zayden’s words were dancing inside my head and I began to realize one important thing. I wouldn’t have had her. If Zayden’s words were true then it would be. I would never have met Jaylyn and I would have never been standing there with her now, watching as she carried our child. Maybe I was being too harsh on the matter. I didn’t want a different life. I wanted this one where I’d have Jaylyn but I still knew that it would take longer for me to accept it completely. This was just the first step, the only one that I have taken since my move into the palace.

  “Since when has my room ever been a place for social gatherings? I don’t think I authorized that.”


  Jaylyn’s voice was nervous as she took a step forward but I just smiled, trying my hand at firstly ignoring Julianna so I wouldn’t become angry. “I’m just kidding. Could be worse—I guess.” I walked passed them towards my closet.

  “Are you okay?”

  I turned to her, slipping on a jacket over my clothes. “Yeah. Why do you ask?”

  “No reason. I just thought you’d have something to say.”

  “Not my choice to say anything.”

  “Troy, I don’t want you to be mad.”

  “I’m not mad.”

  “You’re pretending not to be but I know you are.”

  I let out a long breath and step towards her with a hand reaching up to her face. “Don’t spend your time worrying about it. This is what needs to be done for you. It’s hard to trust people with the secrets of this family but Kathryn trusts her, that’s enough.”

  “You trust her?”

  “I trust that she knows what she’s doing. She’s been doing it before she even had me.”

  “I know you’re still not okay with this but I like the way you’re handling it.”

  “Like many things I do, I’m not doing this for me.”

  Jaylyn smiled and put her arms around me. “You give too much.”

  “No but I probably do care too much.”

  Jaylyn laughed.

  “Come on.” I pulled away and started walking out. “We don’t need to hang out in the closet.”

  Jaylyn happily came with me and took my hand so I could lead her.

  “I don’t even want to know what you just did in there.” Zayden smiled.

  I narrowed my eyes and sighed. “Nothing.”

  “I was just fooling with you but didn’t really want to interrupt either—just in case.”

  “Well, we’re fine. You can leave.”

  “You sure?”


  “Love, let’s go. You’re due for a nice relaxing massage before lunch and then I’m sure Julianna will be in to check up on you.”

  “Of course, your majesty.”

  “Juli—” Zayden smiled.

  “Ah, I’m sorry. Zayden.”

  “Better. Come on.” Zayden took Adele’s arm and escorted her out.

  “Well.” Jaylyn started to break the awkward silence. “A massage does sound nice.”

  “If that is what you require I could surely arrange it.” Julianna replied.

  “I don’t think it’s required but I could go for one.”

  Julianna nodded, ready to turn.

  “Wait.” My voice halted her and she met my eyes. “She’ll require her scent of choice. Pear is her favorite. Nothing but the best. Juli.”

  “Of course. I’ll be sure to find some. Troy.”

  She left and Jaylyn had her eyes up on me while I was still looking towards the door. “Thank you
. You’re doing well to keep whatever it is you’re feeling under control.”

  “Like I said before, this isn’t for me.”

  “I know.” Jaylyn smiled, bouncing up to kiss my cheek. “But I still appreciate it.”

  The days were passing.

  I put up with seeing my mother everyday but it was only for one thing; Jaylyn. She was growing beautifully and obviously locked in perfect health. The day was getting close and her excitement for it only raised.

  Adele was showing the changes of her own and everyone was becoming anxious for the births but that wasn’t the only change. Baby Dirk was getting bigger every day. He could already roll from his back to his belly and back again, keeping his head up well with his strong neck. Ruby hated it of course but the rest of us enjoyed watching him grow.

  It was morning and spring was almost to an end in Randal. Everything was in bloom and its parks and palace gardens where flourishing in all the shades of green. The family was just waking up and beginning to show themselves in the dining hall for another breakfast.

  “And how is everyone doing this morning?” Izin asked, specifically looking towards Adele.

  “We’re well.” She smiled. “The walk seems to get longer though.”

  He laughed. “It won’t seem so soon.”

  “Morning.” Jaylyn reached the table with me and stood behind one of the chairs while she greeted everyone for a short rest.

  “And you?” Izin asked. “I trust you’re doing well also.”

  She smiled ready to reply but it faded when she brought her hand towards her stomach and sighed. “Uh oh.”

  “What?!” I asked anxiously.

  “Well, it seems I’m about to do a little worse. I think my water just broke.”

  Everyone jumped from their seats.

  “Now?!” Izin asked. “Kathryn! It’s time! Tell Julianna!”

  She nodded and hurried off.

  “Come on.” I picked her up. “We’ll get you upstairs.”

  “It’s okay. I feel fine.”

  “You should be lying in bed.”

  I took her upstairs to our room and Julianna was already waiting inside. “How are you feeling?”

  “That was the weirdest thing I’ve ever felt in my entire life.”

  “I suppose I could imagine. Troy, lay her down.”

  I walked over to the bed and carefully put her down, making her the pillows were behind her for some support.

  “How’s the pain for you?”

  Jaylyn shrugged. “What pain? I’ve only felt a light tickle and then it will go away.”

  “A tickle? Well, your healing abilities are sure going to work in your favor. You think you’d still prefer some sedatives in case it does turn into pain?”

  Jaylyn paused for a moment and looked up at me who stood silent and stiff. “Ah, no. I’ll be okay. Save those for Adele. She’s been having those fake contractions for the last week. It should be soon for her and I know she’ll need them more if she starts and I happen to be still laid up in bed.”

  “Okay, then just go ahead and get out of the bottom half of your clothes and I’ll be in again in a minute to see where you’re at.”

  Jaylyn nodded as Julianna left the room and she started to slowly move herself to the edge of the bed.

  “Let me help.” I took her hand and helped her up to her feet so she could get undressed. “Thanks. Are you going to stay with me? I need you to.”

  “Of course I’m staying. I want to help you.”

  “Then you have to be positive about this. I don’t want anything to go wrong. So, don’t show worry or you’ll make me worry.”

  I leaned into her and kissed her forehead. “All right. I promise. I don’t want to make things worse for you.”

  “You won’t have to say a word. Just stay with me and give me what I need.”

  I nodded and rubbed her back for a moment. “Anything for you. You know that. I want you to be ready.”

  Jaylyn turned her head to me and kissed my lips. “Thank you.”

  Her wet clothes were set aside and I helped her back in bed, comfortably propped up with pillows with the blanket over her where she waited for Julianna to come back.

  She walked through the door with a small metal laundry tub filled with steaming water and a sponge floating around in it.

  I walked over to the nearby table and cleared some things off it so she could set it down. “Thank you.”

  I didn’t reply. I walked back over to Jaylyn and sat with her for support.

  Julianna approached the bed and washed her hands in the small bowl of water and reached up under the blanket towards Jaylyn. “This was quite sudden for you, wasn’t it?”

  “Is that good?”

  “Well, sometimes. Sometimes it could have been caused something you’ve done. Have you had sex recently?”

  Jaylyn turned her head up and looked at me who sat with her almost in dismay from the question, probably turning a rosy color.

  “I understand the awkwardness in my asking but if you weren’t due for a few more days, sex could be what triggered your labor. A man’s semen has certain properties that help ripen the cervix to get it ready to open.”

  Jaylyn and I looked at each other again and my facial expression made it obvious that I wasn’t going to be the one to respond.

  “Ah—yeah. Recently as in yesterday.”

  “Nothing to be ashamed about. You made everything jump-start in the right direction. You’ll be able to start pushing soon which you’ll find to be good. A lot of women are in labor for hours on end before they get to this stage and are already tired out.”

  “Well, great. The contractions don’t seem to be too bad.”

  “Your gift to heal may be getting more used to how they run and have started keeping you from thinking them as pain. Every woman in the world would love to have your luck. Childbirth has a lot of great joys in the end but most would say the process relates to death.”

  Jaylyn groaned sadly and looked over at me. “Oh, I’m starting to feel bad for Adele now.”

  “Don’t worry about her. I’ll give her some of the sedatives so she won’t feel them as much when she needs them. It’s different for everyone. They have to get with just a few minutes apart before we could start anything.”

  “The same day.” Jaylyn smiled, looking at me. “Wouldn’t that be perfect?”

  “Except for Ruby.” I smiled back.

  “Well, yeah but it will still make it easier to celebrate.”

  “All right.” Julianna said, spreading out some blankets on the bed and placing anything she needed within reach. “You ready for this?”

  “None the slightest.” Jaylyn answered with a smile. “But I want it.”

  “Okay, you’re the one that can feel your contractions so rotate your hips out and bring your knees as close to your head as possible and give me one good push when you feel one.”

  Jaylyn nodded and lifted up both her legs towards her head. She held just behind her knee to keep them there and started breathing slowly.

  I remained at her side and massaged her shoulders. “You can do this.”

  Jaylyn nodded with another breath. “I feel one.”

  “Then push now.” Jaylyn did and held it for a few seconds like she was told. “Good. Your education has paid off. Just a few more and we should be able to see some crowning.”

  It continued and Jaylyn pushed for every contraction she had and held it there until she was told to relax.

  The tension from holding them was beginning to get her to feel tired and I was there whispering words of encouragement in her ear as I sat close next to her. “You’re doing great, Jaylyn. Just a little further and soon you can hold him.”

  It kept Jaylyn wanting to continue and even though she was tired, she wasn’t going to give up and it was one of the many things I loved about her. She’s waited too long to want to hold our little son in her arms and was ready.

  “We’re starting to see something.” J
ulianna smiled. “Just a couple more hard ones and his head will be out.”

  Jaylyn nodded and her determination was elevated. At another contraction, she pushed as hard as she could and held it even longer than before.

  “Good. One more good one like that and his head should be out. You ready?”

  Jaylyn nodded, too exhausted to use her words.

  “You can do this.” I whispered. “One good one and you’re almost done.”

  Jaylyn’s next contraction was coming and she gave this one her all and held it, trying to keep in her scream.

  I stayed right next to her and held her close to me. “Fight passed it.”

  She held it for another second until Julianna gave her some good news. “All right. His head is out. One more good one ought to end this.”

  Jaylyn took a breath to hear it and started to prepare herself.

  “Troy.” I looked up and Julianna was looking directly at me. “You should have the honor of delivering him yourself.”

  My eyes flickered to Jaylyn beside me for a moment but I wasted no time to get up. “Then move.”

  Julianna got up and let me take her place. I looked down and my eyes just widened a little bit. The sight was indescribable.

  “Don’t be afraid to get your hands right in there. All you really have to do is catch. I’ve already cleared his airways.”

  I nodded and looked up at Jaylyn. “You ready?”

  She nodded as well and waited for her next contraction. She pushed hard to finish it and I caught my son in my hands as he was being born. I held the tiny baby and the reality of it was hitting me. This small fragile thing was my son and I fell into a silent state of wonderment as the room echoed with the sound of his cries.

  “Is he all right?” Jaylyn asked, raising her head to try and see what was going on. “I want to see him.”

  “Yes.” I let Julianna get close enough for the cutting of the umbilical cord before I moved with him. “He’s fine. Just rest. He needs to get cleaned up.”

  Jaylyn nodded and dropped her head back on the pillow.

  “Clean him while I take care of the afterbirth.”

  I took my son in the towel and brought him over to the metal tub without even thinking twice to what she said. I used the sponge like I did with Dirk those months ago and gently washed his delicate skin clean. I was still in wonderment as I looked down on him and almost couldn’t believe that it was real. I heard Jaylyn back behind me eager to see him too and I wrapped him snugly in a clean towel, turning with him.


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