Naughty Neighbors

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Naughty Neighbors Page 2

by Jordan Silver

  I don’t know how it happened; I’ll put my life on that. But between her nipple in my mouth and the feel of her wet heat against the back of my hand, something snapped inside me.

  My cock was out of my jeans and entering her before I had time to think about what the fuck I was doing.

  She wasn’t any help either, as she kept making those noises and grinding herself into my hand and thighs.

  I reared back and pushed into her, coming up short at the tight piece of flesh that met my cock. “Fuck me, you’re cherry?”

  I was about to pull out; some of the red haze was beginning to clear. But, she, either because of the alcohol, or the onslaught of emotion from what had to be her first real sexual encounter, was too far-gone. She used her legs to pull me into her, hard.

  There was no way to salvage the situation; she wasn’t helping, and my dick decided to mutiny.

  I was moving inside her even as I was telling her we should stop. “Babe, I can’t…we can’t, aww fuck.” Her pussy did some kinda clamping shit around my cock; I saw fucking stars.

  “What…the…fuck?” I couldn’t stop moving, my dick never felt this good in my life. She wasn’t saying anything, when I looked down at her she was lost in her own world.

  I decided like a dumb fuck that it was a bright idea to kiss her at that point. Big fucking mistake.

  Kissing for me is very intimate; almost as intimate as the sex act itself. Let’s just say I’m big into kissing and leave it at that.

  She inhaled my fucking tongue while her pussy was doing that clamping shit. I had alarm bells going off in my head but my dick was not to be swayed.

  I dragged my mouth away long enough to ask, “Babe you protected?” Why the fuck was I asking now?

  I knew I wasn’t pulling the fuck out. I was never getting out of her pussy.

  Instead of answering, she just pulled my head back down and pushed her tongue into my mouth. All the while this is going on, she’s still somehow making that sound in the back of her throat, and it’s making me nuts.

  I reached the point of no return and bam. I was shooting into her as she screamed into my mouth. Her body shook with her climax and that pussy snapped shut on my ass. I tried pulling out after the fact, dumb fuck. “NO.”

  Fuck me, she growled that shit, before pulling me back in, with her hands this time. She wasn’t done.

  I looked down in amazement as she rode my still hard cock to another orgasm as that fucking sound intensified. And I’d be fucked if she didn’t scream loud enough for the whole neighborhood to hear. I had to cover her mouth with mine to cut her off.

  Chapter 4

  I was not fucking amused; this shit was all kinds of fucked up. I laid there next to her, both of us breathing like a racehorse coming down the stretch.

  “What the fuck was that?” I knew I was being a dick, but I couldn’t help myself. How the fuck did she sneak that pussy by me?


  “That thing you just did with your pussy. And don’t tell me nothing because I know it was something.” She got up on her elbows and glared down at me like she was pissed. That makes two of us sister.

  “Are you insane?”

  “No I thought you were.” She got all huffy and started to get up and walk away. With my pussy, fuck that.

  Okay so I’d lost my mind, so sue me. I put her in the fireman’s hold and threw her ass over my shoulder.

  She kicked and scratched until I smacked her ass hard, then she quieted down. “That’s not how it works little missy. We’re done when I say we are.”

  And my dick wasn’t going to be done for at least the next six hours. I had to find out what that shit was about.

  Maybe I’d get lucky for once in my fucking life and it would be a fluke. Otherwise I was saddled with crazy lady for the rest of my fucking life, because no way was I letting anyone else near her, or my new pussy.

  I got her in the house and braced her against the wall. She was spitting mad. At what, who the fuck knows? Her weed had probably worn off.

  I pushed my leg between hers, my eyes glued to her chest. She started humping my leg. Unfucking believable.

  I pulled the shirt off over her head, and dropped the bra that was hanging off her shoulder.

  Her skirt was still up around her middle, but that was okay. I had easy access to all the pertinent parts.

  I went back on the tit as I ground my already hardening cock against her. There she goes with that fucking noise again.

  I lifted her a little and eased up into her, dropping her weight onto my cock. She screeched, and bucked and dug her nails into me.

  Something fell off the wall to our left when I started pounding into her, but I wasn’t interested. It wasn’t a fucking fluke. Her pussy was at it again.

  We ended up on the floor somehow with me drilling into her. No matter what I threw at her she stayed right there with me.

  I needed a change up. If I was going to fuck my freedom away, then I needed to be sure about this shit.

  I pulled out and almost lost my life when she growled again and tried to suck my dick back in. I turned her over roughly onto her hands and knees and drove back into her.

  “Fuck, shit, damn…” She arched her back instinctively and pushed her ass back harder. I couldn’t do anything; her pussy was doing all the work.

  It was almost like it was regurgitating my dick. Sucking it in, pushing it out and back in again. I was damn near speechless when my toes started to tingle and my spine spazzed like I’d been electrocuted.

  All I could do was grab two fistfuls of her beautiful ass and go along for the ride.

  I ended up biting her all over her neck and back; never bit a woman during sex before, but for some reason I wanted to fucking devour her.

  We sounded like two animals too; between her fuck hot noises and my grunts and ‘oh fucks’ it was a regular rodeo on my living room floor.

  “I’m pulling out.”

  “Don’t you dare!” She locked down on my shit again and worked her magic, until we were both cumming.

  She screamed again and I pulled her head back and stuck my tongue down her throat before someone thought I was killing her and called the cops.

  I didn’t want to pull out of her but I figured she must be sore after that.

  I eased out of her as gently as I could and pulled her down into my arms on the hard ass floor. How come when I was fucking this shit didn’t seem so hard?

  I tried to keep my dickishness to myself this time, but she was still pissy. Seems the only time she wasn’t is when she was using my dick. “What’s wrong with you now?”


  “That nothing why your face looks like a thundercloud?”

  “Why did you stop?” Say what now?

  “Excuse me?” She blushed and pulled her hair over her face. If she told me she wanted to fucking keep going, I’ll know this is a cosmic joke.

  There is no such thing as the perfect woman. I can fuck for hours, some sort of metabolism thing or some fuck, the fuck I know. I have yet to find a female that can keep up.

  “Are you saying you didn’t want to stop?”

  “No, I didn’t, am I supposed to?” I threw my hand over my eyes and kissed my sanity goodbye.

  Chapter 5

  I studied her to make sure that she wasn’t fucking with me. If it turned out that it was the weed that made her this way, I’d supply the shit myself. In fact I’d set up a grow.

  She was eyeing my dick and biting her lip. “Go ahead and touch him, he won’t bite.” I flexed him when she reached out to touch and she hooted with laughter. Big fucking mistake.

  She tormented my poor dick for the next twenty minutes until I was ready to gnaw through wood.

  “May I?” Before I could answer her she licked the little pearl of pre-cum from my cockhead. She seemed to become fascinated by the little ridge that runs around the underside of my cock and proceeded to tease the fuck outta me.

  I made the mistake of
sitting her on my cock. Big mistake. She’d found her new calling.

  “Ooh, this is so…oh I like this one.” She experimented with her ass movements. Up, down, back, forth and start the whole cycle all over again.

  I wondered if she remembered that I was still attached to my dick, because she started up a running commentary with it.

  “Oh you’re a big boy aren’t you? Oh yeah you feel so good in there. Do your thing big boy…” Then she got to hooting and hollering as she tried to break my dick off with her super human pussy.

  We switched positions I don’t know how many times, but she seemed to get a real kick out of riding my cock so I let her take the lead, until I had that burning need to pound the shit out of her pussy, then I’d flip her to her back or her knees and go to town.

  Her pussy seemed hungrier as the night went on and I couldn’t believe I’d actually found someone to take me all night the way I like.

  We ended with her on top my dick buried in her belly under her navel, her tit in my mouth and a finger in her ass. When I came that time I didn’t even slow down, just let my little cowgirl enjoy her ride to the last drop.

  When she’d finally tired herself out, I picked her up and took her into the bathroom to give her a bath. I don’t know how she wasn’t sore, because my dick was raw.

  “He’s just so cute.” I just rolled my eyes and added some bath salts to the water while she swung my dick with her finger like a pendulum.

  “Hey, you, up here.” I was starting to get offended; she liked my dick more than me. The fuck was I saying? Too much exposure to her crazy ass.

  She pouted up at me, and like an ass I leaned over to take her lips. Shit! She started pumping my cock, trying to put some life in him.

  “Get your ass in the tub and stop being greedy.” She grinned and climbed in. I was going to join her but thought better of it. I wasn’t getting anywhere near her pussy until my boy got some air to cool him down.

  I washed her up good, making sure to take special care of her pussy, before heading for the shower stall a few feet away. I let the water soothe my sore dick and tried to get my head straight.

  Somehow I ended up grinning like an ass with my head under the water. When I pulled it out, my drunk was singing.

  I flicked off the water and went to grab a towel. “Alright you, out.” I held up a towel to wrap her in. Her eyes gravitated to my dick, which was now making a comeback and tenting the towel I had wrapped around my hips.

  He wasn’t at full mast, but he wouldn’t complain if he got a little action. Though I think he was off his fucking nut. She’d put him through his paces that’s for sure.

  “Ooh goodie more.” She rubbed my dick before making a beeline for the bedroom. I found her sitting on the edge of the bed looking lost. “What’s wrong now?”

  “Was that woman in this bed?” What the fuck was she talking about now?

  “A while ago yeah, I did date before we met.” She didn’t seem too pleased by that but I can’t change my past. However I tried to diffuse the situation.

  “I wouldn’t worry too much about that anymore if I were you. If it bothers you that much we’ll go find a new bed tomorrow.” That seemed to appease her and off came the towel.

  I was on her before she could blink. I had to go on a discovery mission. Needed to see what the hell she had in there.

  I opened her pussy up with my fingers and studied her. I didn’t see anything different. It must be deeper. I pushed my tongue past her swollen folds and…big fucking mistake.

  She went fucking nuts. I thought she was gonna smother my ass. She clamped her legs around my head and started fucking my face.

  “Oh this is the best.” The hooting and hollering started again and my tongue got a workout.

  Chapter 6

  In the morning I decided to head her off. I’d come to the conclusion that the only time we got along is when I was fucking her.

  Since I can’t fuck her twenty-four seven, no matter how much I might want to, we had to come up with a plan.

  There’s no way I’m jeopardizing the pussy. I know it’s a fucked up way to think, but that pussy will not be more than ten feet away from me except for the hours I’m at work.

  The only thing to get out of the way as far as I could see was her attitude, she was fucking ornery and that’s on a good day. But I can deal with that as long as I have access to the pussy.

  Before her eyes were fully open I was on her and in her. “Hmmm.” She opened her legs wider and let me dig in.

  “Here’s the deal, no matter how much you piss me off or I you, we table that shit when it comes to fucking. That means no matter how pissed you might be at me for some stupid shit that you’ve made up in your head, if I wanna fuck we fuck.”

  Big mistake. She set her pussy on me. By that I mean she locked down like a vise on my dick while she bit a hole in my chest.

  “Ouch, what the fuck nut?” She glared up at me even as she fucked me, her hips moving in time with mine.

  “Why don’t you just keep your trap shut and get on with it?”

  “I see a good overdose of dick didn’t do anything for your disposition.” What the fuck kinda conversation were we having here anyway? She got pissy and tried to break my dick in half.

  “Cut that shit out.” When she didn’t listen I pulled out and forced her onto her knees with her head shoved into the pillow. Good, keep her ass quiet. I slammed back into her and proceeded to fuck the piss outta her ass.

  With her cute little ass in my view in the morning light, I got ideas. When my finger touched her ass her pussy went nuts. She screamed or growled, one or the other, into the pillow and pounded her fist into the bed.

  “Okay, fine, deal. But the same goes, if you piss me off you gotta gimme if I want it too.”

  “Fair enough.” I was grinning like a loon behind her. I had no idea what I’d just let my ass in for.

  I had to go to work and she had to get into her house. Brady dropped her bag off just as I was heading out. She stood in her doorway as I was leaving, giving me some kinda look that I didn’t quite get, but that was nothing new.

  “So…” Here we go, she’s about to piss me off again. It wasn’t too hard to draw that conclusion. Anytime she opened her mouth and my dick wasn’t in it, there was a sure bet she was gonna piss me the fuck off.


  “Does this mean that we are boyfriend and girlfriend now?” she was rummaging through her bag as she asked. What the fuck is this, middle school? Better not say that shit out loud, it might only set her off.

  “What the fuck do you think?” okay I can’t help it, she makes me crazy. But what the fuck did she think I was spending all that time putting my brand on her for? So she could run off with the next guy that came along?

  “You know, if you smoked some pot it might improve your disposition some. Grouchy much?” I finally saw what it was that she’d been looking for.

  She came out with a roach or whatever you call those little ends of a joint. She lit it up and I jumped back. Fuck if she didn’t make one of those noises, not quite the fuck me one, but close enough. I wasn’t too pleased by that shit, but figured I’d let it go for now.

  “You can’t smoke that shit around me just when I’m about to go to work, it’ll stink up my clothes and hair. I don’t want people thinking I’m a pothead.”

  “Are you calling me a pothead?” Crazy lady had fire in her eyes.

  “Doesn’t take much to set you off does it? I thought that shit was supposed to mellow you out?”

  “I haven’t had a good enough hit yet, besides, there ain’t enough weed in the world to combat your brand of asshole.”

  “I’ma pop you one you keep mouthing off at me.”

  “Why don’t you roll your ass on outta here officer and stop annoying people?”


  “Uh uh uh uh, that’s illegal.” She wiggled her finger at me when I was about to grab her.

  What the fuck was I
getting myself into? This girl has no fucking etiquette whatsoever, literally.

  “Don’t you know it’s impolite to be obnoxious to the man who’s given you multiple orgasms?” I smirked at her.

  “That shit wore off already see me when you get back. And by the way if I see that hag over here to your place again there’s gonna be trouble.”

  I still didn’t know who she was talking about, but chose to leave it alone for now. Probably one of her weed induced hallucinations. I turned to leave because she was about to make me late.

  “Hey aren’t you forgetting something?” she pouted her lips out for a kiss.

  “You want me to kiss you after you were a bitch to me?” Big mistake.

  I went back and kissed the shit out of her, things were going good, until the end when she tried to take a chunk outta my fucking lip. A hard slap to the ass was the only way to get her off me.

  “You’re demented; see ya when I get back.”

  “Don’t forget we have to go bed shopping tonight. I have to go fumigate lest I got cooties in your bed last night.” She slammed the door and went inside. Fucking nut.

  Chapter 7

  All day I thought about her crazy ass until I got back home. It looked like she was waiting for me because as soon as I pulled in she came running over.

  “Let’s go lieutenant.”

  “Where’re we going?” she was looking hot in a halter dress that fell five inches above her knees and left her back and shoulders bare.

  I could see my mark of ownership all over her neck and back and my dick got hard. Which meant that other men might most definitely have the same reaction.

  “Bed shopping, remember?”

  Damn, I’d forgotten all about that. “Look, I’ve had kind of a long day can’t we put this off for the weekend or some shit?”

  “I guess, if you don’t want to have sex tonight.”

  “What the fuck is wrong with my bed? No one’s been in it for a few months at least.”


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